I. Rome's Government: A. Patricians
I. Rome's Government: A. Patricians
I. Rome's Government: A. Patricians
Caligula commit
Nero capable
The first fire brigade, or fire department, was
created by Augustus.
I. The Emperor Augustus (pages 445–446)
A. The Pax Romana is the long era of peace
that began with Augustus.
B. Augustus built a permanent, professional
army and created a special unit, called
the Praetorian Guard, which guarded him.
C. Augustus restored Rome’s splendor and
fed the hungry poor of Rome with
imported grain.
I. The Emperor Augustus (pages 445–446)
D. Augustus appointed a proconsul, or
governor, for each province.
E. Augustus reformed the tax system by
making tax collectors permanent workers,
and he reformed the legal system by
creating a set of laws for people who were
not citizens.
F. The Julio-Claudian emperors were the rulers
who followed Augustus: Tiberius, Caligula,
Claudius, and Nero. Caligula and Nero were
cruel leaders, and Tiberius and Claudius
were competent rulers.
I. The Emperor Augustus (pages 445–446)