AJP Golya 1
AJP Golya 1
AJP Golya 1
2024 - 2025
Sr. No. Topic Page No.
01 Certificate 03
02 Submission 04
03 Acknowledgement 05
Part – A
1. Aim
2. Course Out Come
04 3. Proposed Methodology
4. Report of the Micro Project 06- 07
5. Action Plan
4 Resource Required
Part – B
1. Rationale
2. Aim of micro project
3. Course outcome Addressed
4. Literature Review
5. Actual methodology Followed
05 6. Actual resourced used 08 - 14
7. Outputs of Micro project
8. Skilled Developed outcome of the
Micro project
Government Polytechnic, Gadchiroli
This is to certify that the following students of this institute have carried
out this micro-project work on “Health data information management system”
under the guidance of Mr. Amol Gaikwad Lecture in Computer during the
session 2024-25. This work has been done in the partial fulfilment of the
award for in Computer Engineering from Maharashtra State Board of
Technical Education, Mumbai.
Dr. A. B. Borade
Govt. Poly. Gadchiroli.
Govt. Polytechnic, Gadchiroli
We, the students of year Final of Department of Computer Engineering,
humbly completed this Micro-project work on “Health data information
management system” for time to time as described in This report by our own
skill and study between the periods from 2024-2025 .
As per instruction and guidance of Mr. Amol Gaikwad Sir and following
students were associated with us for this work. However, quantum of our
contribution has been approved by the guide.
Govt. Polytechnic, Gadchiroli
At the most we express our deep sense of gratitude and respect to our Guide
Mr. Amol Gaikwad , lecturer in Computer Engineering Department, Government
Polytechnic, Gadchiroli. We are very much grateful to him for the expertise
and guidance we have received from him while working on this Microproject.
We would like to extend our thanks to Mr. J. M. Meshram , Head of the
Department for his encouragement, support and guidance. We are also
grateful to our Principal, Dr. A. B. Borade for encouraging us from time to time.
We also extend our thanks to all lecturer & other staff of department for
their co-operation and kind help throughout the Micro-project. Last but not
the least, we are thankful to all those who have directly or indirectly help us in
completion of these project work.
Part – A Micro-Project Proposal
The aim of health information systems is to inform and intervene. The information
should focus on assisting decision-making in health care settings. The information
system not only generates a multitude of data, but is also able to provide the right
information to the right person in a timely manner.
• First all team members discussed about the topic and select the topic.
• All team members will search on internet to get more
information about the topic and to know resources.
The micro-project report has two parts (format is attached as Annexure I). First
part is 'Project Proposal' about two pages in 12-point Calibri font of 1.2 spacing
with margins of 2.5 centimeters, top, bottom, right and left in the format given
in the Annexure- I. This is related to the planning, which should be submitted by
the end of fourth week of the semester. The purpose of this part is to teach the
student to plan and also to ensure that students finalize their title and start
working by the fourth week.The second part is the micro-project report (Annexure
II) which is to be submitted after the completion of the project prepared in black
and white (no color printing) of 8 to 15of A4 size pages depending upon nature of
the project (excluding the cover page and initial pages) written in preferably in 12
point Calibri font of 1.2 spacing with margins of
2.5 centimeters, top, bottom, right and left of each page.
5.0 Action Plan
Sr. Detail of activity Planned Planned Names of responsible team
No. Start Finish Members
date date
1 Collecting data
15/08/2024 26/08/2024
Arpit N. Wadhankar
2 Discussion on project
/discussion with 03/08/2024 15/09/2024 Arpit N. Wadhankar
3 Working on project
andfinalizing the 25/09/2024 09/10/2024
project Arpit N. Wadhankar
4 Working On Draft
(Typing, Prints ET) 29/10/2024 30/10/2024 Arpit N. Wadhankar
Reference book AJP Book 1
Software JDK 1
Part – B Micro-Project Report
1.0 Rationale
Java technology is widely used for web applications development. Based on the object-
oriented concepts and core Java concepts, this course will equip the students with the
required knowledge and skill of object-oriented programming approach needed for the
development of robust, powerful web applications. Through this course students will get
hands-on experience on GUI Technologies viz. AWT and Swings, event handling mechanisms
and network programming. The course also gives coverage to various web applications
aspects like Database Interaction, server side components and servlets.
4.0 Literature Review
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public HealthDataManagementSystem() {
setTitle("Health Data Information Management System");
setSize(400, 200);
setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 2));
add(new JLabel("Age:"));
ageField = new JTextField();
add(new JLabel("Disease:"));
diseaseField = new JTextField();
// Validate input
if (!name.isEmpty() && !age.isEmpty() && !disease.isEmpty()) {
// Open new window to display data
showOutputWindow(name, age, disease);
// Clear input fields
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please fill in all fields.", "Input Error",
5.0 Resources required
Sr. Name of
No. Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
6.0 Actual Methodology Followed
Write step wise the work was done, including which team member did what work
and how data was analyzed (if any).
We all discuss on our micro project. After selecting the topic of our micro project we
all discuss on our micro project. About which members are gathered the information
about micro project. Which students are working on micro project and last is printing
and typing the micro project. We all distributed works in group and go for next
process. All of group members are do all work very well. Some students are gathered
the information about computer software and hardware. Some work on the gather
information. Last process was some members are took typing and printing. After all
that process our micro project was completed.