" Wireless Infrastructure Components ": Government Polytechnic Awasari (Khurd)

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Tal: Ambegaon, Pune - 412 405

Micro Project Report
“ Wireless Infrastructure Components ”
Submitted in fulfillment for ‘I’ Scheme Fourth semester
of Diploma in

Submitted By:

Sr No Roll No Name Of Student Enrollment No

1 23CO267 Inamdar Parvej Ashpak 2210510404
2 23CO268 Lohakare Sakshi Sharad 2210510004
3 23CO269 Khandagale Pallavi Shamrav 2210510042

Under the Guidance of


Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

This is to certify that the following students of semester 4th of diploma in Computer
engineering of institute, Government Polytechnic Awasari (KH) (INST.Code-1051) have
completed the microproject “ Wireless Infrastructure Components ” satisfactorily in
course of Data Communication and Computer Network (22414) for the academic year
2023-24 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Sr No Roll No Name Of Student Enrollment No

1 23CO267 Inamdar Parvej Ashpak 2210510404
2 23CO268 Lohakare Sakshi Sharad 2210510004
3 23CO269 Khandagale Pallavi Shamrav 2210510042

Place : Awasari(KH)

Date :

Guide HOD Principal

(Mrs.S.S.Phatang (Mr.S.D.Muley) (Dr.Y.V.Chavan)

We have great pleasure and sense of satisfaction in presenting this micro-

project report on “Wireless Infrastructure Components ” as part of the
curriculum of Diploma in Computer Engineering. Being notice in the field of
designing and structuring in this micro-project, it could have been extremely
difficult for us to complete this micro-project on our own. We are very fortunate to
be guided by people with vast and resourceful experience in their respective field
of work.

We express our sincere gratitude to our guide Mrs. S.S.Phatangare

(Lecturer, Computer Engg. Dept.). For her timely guidance, support and
suggestions. We are also thankful for her sincere help and for making us available
all the facilities of the department. Without her efforts and constant monitoring the
micro-project and documentation would not have been duly completed. Also, we
express our sincere thanks to Mr. S.D.Muley (HOD Computer Department),
besides, we take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the Principal
Dr. Y.V.Chavan, G.P.Awasari for providing a good environment and facilities to
complete this micro-project. We would also like to thank all my colleagues who
have directly or indirectly guided and helped us in the preparation of this micro-

Inamdar Parvej Ashpak

Lohakare Sakshi Sharad
Khandagale Pallavi

Sr.No. Contents

Aim/Benefits Of

Course Outcome

3 Proposed Methodology

4 Action Plan

5 Resources Required

Name of team members

with enrollment
PART A :Micro-Project Proposal
Wireless Infrasructure Components

1.0 Aim/Objectives of the Micro-Project:-

The detailed aim of wireless infrastructure is to provide reliable, high-speed, and

seamless connectivity for various wireless devices and systems. This includes enabling
communication between mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, IoT (Internet of
Things) devices, laptops, and other wireless-enabled gadgets. The infrastructure
encompasses various technologies like Wi-Fi, cellular networks (3G, 4G, 5G), Bluetooth,
Zigbee, and more, all working together to ensure efficient data transmission and reception.
Key objectives include extending coverage, increasing capacity, improving reliability,
enhancing security, and supporting emerging applications and services.re

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:-

 Develop java programs using GUI Framework (AWT and Swing).
 Handle events of AWT and Swing components.
 Develop programs to handle events in java programming.
 Develop programs using database connectivity.

3.0 Proposed Methodology:-

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis:

Identify the specific requirements and objectives of the wireless infrastructure project,
including coverage area, number of users, types of devices, expected network traffic, and
security considerations.
Analyze existing network infrastructure, including wired networks, internet connectivity,
and power sources, to ensure compatibility and integration with wireless components.

2. Technology Selection:
Evaluate various wireless technologies and standards (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee,
LoRaWAN) based on the project requirements, such as range, data rate, power
consumption, and frequency band availability.
Select appropriate wireless components, including access points (APs), antennas,
controllers, routers, switches, and IoT devices, considering factors like performance,
scalability, interoperability, and cost-effectiveness.
4.0 Action plan:-

Name of
Sr. Planned Planned responsible
Details of activity
No starts date finish date Team

1 Formation of project group.

Allocation of project title by Baban
subject teacher.

Conduct the information search

3 about the project for requirement Ghadge
analysis of the project. Siddhesh

Procurement/Arrangement of
4 components and material requiredfor

5 Actual projector assembling work

Testing calibration and prototype

7 Report preparation. Dilip

8 Submission of project.
5.0 Required Resources:-

Sr.no Name of Specification Qty Remarks

1 Operating system Windows 11 1 -
4 Laptop HP 1 -
5 Processor I5 11th Generation 1 -
6 RAM 8 GB 1 -

6.0 Name of Team Members with Enroll No:-

Sr No Roll No Name Of Student Enrollment

1 23CO267 Inamdar Parvej Ashpak 2210510404
2 23CO268 Lohakare Sakshi Sharad 2210510004
3 23CO269 Khandagale Pallavi Shamrav 2210510042

Part – B Micro-Project Report
Wireless Infrastructure Components

1.0 Rationale:

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) consist of various components that work
together to provide wireless connectivity. The rationale behind these components is
to create a flexible and efficient network that allows users to connect to the internet
or an intranet without the need for physical cables. Here are the key components of
a typical WLAN and their rationales:

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project :

This application college management system based on aims to all the levels
of management providing information within an organization. This system
can be used as an information management system for the college.For a
given student/staff ( Technical or Non-Technical ) the Administrator creates
a login id & password, using these students / staff can access the system to
either search information or to download result from database . Not only this
added user will also get to know about the events and extra curriculum
activities which will hold into the college campus.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

 Develop java programs using GUI Framework (AWT and Swing).
 Handle events of AWT and Swing components.
 Develop programs to handle events in java programming.
 Develop programs using database connectivity.
4.0 Literature Review :

1) IJARSCT Paper3687 Volume 2, Issue 2 :-

This process is based on COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. College

management system is helpful for students as well as the colleges. In the existing
system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming. It manage
the college information , student information, Admission management ,
Attendance management and various different types of event going on in our
college. In our proposed system, The data will be stored in the college server. To
store the data SQL server will be used. The Admin, Faculty or the student should
be a register user.

2) Problem Statement :-

In case of manual system they need a lot of time, manpower etc. Here almost all
work is computerized. So the accuracy is maintained. College Management
System mainly deals with Employee Profile, Payroll Management and Fee
collection which can be managed by the Admin.

3) Disadvantages in Existing System :-

 Lot of paper Work

 More time is required
 More Manpower is required
 Human Errors are common

4) Benefits of proposed system :-

 This management system will be very simple and it will also simplify the
and speed up the result preparation and management process.
 Students do not need to check the notice board every day and every one will
stay updated.
 This project will cater facilities to all the existing versions of the system.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

In college Management System in java we developed an application

which will help the college administration and students to to do their
work related to the college.
In this application we used Java swing components to develop the GUI
based application also we used HeideSQL Database for storing the data
In this application we have made modules like Administrator , Student,
Teachers will able to store and access and upload the students data like
marks and result and student can check their result in the in the students
module also they can store the result in the text file format.
Students can also get information related to the scholarship and other
information related to the college in this application.

6.0 Actual Resources Used:

Sr.No. Name of resource/ Specifications Qty Remarks

1. Word Designing the 1
project information
and typing
2. Computer System Hp Laptop Intel 1
Core 15
Ram: 8GB
SSD:512 GB
6. Printer Hp 1
 Introduction:-

 Wireless Infrastructure Components :

 Components :-
1. Acess points
2. Routers
3. Repeaters
4. Antennas
5. User devices
6. Radio NICs
 Access Point(A.P.):-
 An access point contains a radio card that communicates with individual user devices
on the wireless LAN, as well as a wired NIC that interfaces to a distribution system,
such as Ethernet.
 System software within the access point bridges together the wireless LAN and
distribution sides of the access point.
 The system software differentiates access points by providing varying degrees of
management, installation, and security functions.
 Figure shows an example of access-point hardware.

Figure . Wireless LAN Access Points Connect Wireless LANs to Wired Networks
(Photo Courtesy of Linksys)

 Figure:-

 In most cases, the access point provides an http interface that enables configuration
changes to the access point through an end-user device that is equipped with a
network interface and a web browser.

 Some access points also have a serial RS-232 interface for configuring the access
point through a serial cable as well as a user device running terminal emulation
and Telnet software, such as hyper terminal.
 Routers:-
 By definition, a router transfers packets between networks.
 The router chooses the next best link to send packets on to get closer to the destination.
 Routers use Internet Protocol (IP) packet headers and routing tables, as well as internal
protocols, to determine the best path for each packet.
 A wireless LAN router adds a built-in access point function to a multiport Ethernet
 This combines multiple Ethernet networks with wireless connections.
 A typical wireless LAN router includes four Ethernet ports, an 802.11 access point,
and sometimes a parallel port so it can be a print server.
 This gives wireless users the same ability as wired users to send and receive packets
over multiple networks.
 Routers implement the Network Address Translation (NAT) protocol that enables
multiple network devices to share a single IP address provided by an Internet service
provider (ISP).

Figure 5.1 illustrates this concept. Routers also implement Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) services for all devices. DHCP assigns private IP addresses to devices.
Together, NAT and DHCP make it possible for several network devices, such as PCs,
laptops, and printers to share a common Internet IP address.

 Figure:-
 Reapeters:-
 Access points, which require interconnecting cabling, generally play a dominant role
for providing coverage in most wireless LAN deployments.
 Wireless repeaters, however, are a way to extend the range of an existing wireless
LAN instead of adding more access points.
 There are few standalone wireless LAN repeaters on the market, but some access
points have a built-in repeater mode.
 A repeater simply regenerates a network signal to extend the range of the existing
network infrastructure.
 (See Figure 5-3.) A wireless LAN repeater does not physically connect by wire to any
part of the network.
 Instead, it receives radio signals from an access point, end-user device, or another
repeater; it retransmits the frames. This makes it possible for a repeater located between
an access point and distant user to act as a relay for frames traveling back and forth
between the user and the access point.

 Figure:-

Figure 5-3. Wireless LAN Repeaters Are Simple Devices

That Require No Cabling.

 In home and small office setup,the ISP provides a single IP address through DHCP to
wireless routers and it then provides IP addresses through DHCP to clients on local
 Antennas:-
 Most antennae for wireless LANs are omnidirectional and have low gain.
 Nearly all access points, routers, and repeaters come standard with omnidirectional
 Omnidirectional antennae satisfy most coverage requirements; however, consider the
use of optional directive antennae to cover a long, narrow area.
 In some cases, the antenna is integrated within a radio card or access point and there is
no choice to make.
 If a need exists to use a directive antenna (higher gain), ensure that the radio card or
access point has an external antenna connector.
 Figure:-
 User Devices:-
 Users of wireless LANs operate a multitude of devices, such as PCs, laptops.
 The use of wireless LANs to network stationary PCs is beneficial because of limited
needs for wiring.
 Laptops and PDAs, however, are commonly equipped with wireless LAN
connectivity because of their portable nature.
 User devices might consist of specialized hardware as well. For example, bar code
scanners and patient monitoring devices often have wireless LAN connectivity.

 Radio NICs:-
 A major part of a wireless LAN includes a radio NIC that operates within the
computer device and provides wireless connectivity.
 A wireless LAN radio NIC, sometimes referred to as a radio card, often implements
the 802.11 standard.
 The cards generally implement one particular physical layer, such as 802.11a or
 As a result, the radio card must utilize a version of the standard that is compatible
with the wireless LAN.
 Radio cards come in a variety of form factors, including: ISA, PCI, PC card, mini-
PCI, and CF.
 PCs generally utilize ISA and PCI cards; but PDAs and laptops use PC cards, mini-
PCI, and CF adapters.
 User Devic
Skill Developed / Learning outcome of this Micro-Project
 In this project of Advance Java Programming Language , We learned how to manage the
College Management Work digitally.
 We understood the work of College management system .
 By this project we learn how to work in team, how to make co-ordination between a team
8.0 Applications of this Micro-Project:
 Wireless infrastructure components like antennas,bus stations and towers are crucial
for mobile network operators to provide cellular coverage and data services.
 Wireless infrastructure is essential for emergency services to communicate effectively
during crises.
 Wireless infrastructure plays a vital role in transportation systems, enabling vehicle-
to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication for safer roads,
traffic management, and autonomous vehicle operation.

9.0 Conclusion :-
 Wireless infrastructure components are integral to a wide range of applications
across various industries. From telecommunications and IoT to public safety
and transportation, these components enable seamless communication, connectivity, and
data transfer. They play a crucial role in modernizing infrastructure, improving
efficiency, and enhancing user experiences. As technology continues to evolve,
the importance of wireless infrastructure will only grow, powering the
interconnected world of tomorrow.

10.0 Reference:
1) Website :-
2) Books :-
 Wireless Communications and Networks , Willium Stallings
 Wireless Communications:Principles and Practice , Theodore S.Rappaport
3) Journal Papers:-
 Monika Jatiwal, Chetna Arora, Charu Arora, ADVANCE COMPUTER
ARCHITECTURE , IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering: Vol. 1 No. 1
(2015): IJRDO - Journal of Computer Science Engineering

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