Tesfaye Dima Research
Tesfaye Dima Research
Tesfaye Dima Research
AUGUST, 2024
These is certify this senior essay ‘on problems of Human resource management practice in
Abbafransua secondary school in Gubre subcity, Central Ethiopia regional state(CERS) is
submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education planning and
management and complies with regulation of the university and meet the accepted standards with
respect to originality and quality.
First of all I would like to thanks the almighty God forgive me strength and pertinence.
Second, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to My advisor Mr, Cheramlak Fekadu
{MA} who has devoted much of his time and knowledge besides his busy schedule in consulting
me and for his great treatment on my continuous errors. He provided me with basic ideas and
constrictive comment which actually enabled me to complete this study in its present.
Next, I would like to send my gratitude to those personal in Gubre subcity education office
Abafransua secondary school ‘principals and teachers for their cooperative participation and
provision of the required data for the study.
Finally, I would like to profound my family for their genuine supporting financial while I was
studied and encourage me for the success of my dreams. I really thank them.
This study was mainly aimed at the assessing the problems of human resources management
practice in secondary school of Gubre subcity CER Accordingly this Abfransoa secondary
school was selected. Principal and vice principals were selected through available of those
school, as well, from those school, 20 teachers were selected as by simple random sampling
technique and woreda education officers were selected purposively. Descriptive survey method
was used. Type of data collection tool, names questionnaire and interview was used to obtain
the necessary information for the study. Based on the data analyzed and interpreted, it was found
that at the time of selection of principals for different school, woreda education office never give
weight age to the experience of the candidates and their maturity. In addition to this almost
principals in s secondary school of Gubre subcity were not trained in management course. As the
result of this the principals lack managerial skills such as checking upon the interests of the
newly employed teacher, organizing and managing socialization and induction programs, to
discuss any comments raised from school teachers, and so on. To solve the problem, the woreda
education office should design training problems on the management course for the principals
and should take into consideration the experience and maturity at the time of selection of
principals for different school.
Acronyms and abbreviations...................................................................................................II
CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………….......................................
1. The problem and its approach...........................................................................................1
1.1. Background of study.........................................................................................................2
1.2. Statement of the probl......................................................................................................4
1.3 .Basic questions.................................................................................................................5
1.4 .Objective of the study.......................................................................................................6
1.4.1. General objective...........................................................................................................7
1.4.2 .Specific objective...........................................................................................................8
1.5 .Significance of the study.................................................................................................9
1.6 .Delimitation of the study................................................................................................10
1.7. Limitation of study…………………………………………................................
1.8 .Operational definitions...................................................................................................12
1.9. Organization of the study...............................................................................................13
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................14
2. Review literatures..........................................................................................................14
2.1. Human resource management
2.1.1. The concept of human resource management……………...........
2.1.2. Human resource management define…………………………………..................
2.1.3. The steps of human resource
2.1.4. Factor affecting of human resource management…………………........
3. Research design and methodology..............................................................................20
3.1. Discretion of the study area...........................................................................................21
3.2. Research design..............................................................................................................22
3.3. Research method............................................................................................................23
3.4. Sources of data...............................................................................................................24
3.5 Population , sample Size and Sampling Technique.......................................................22
3.6 .Data gathering tools........................................................................................................23
3.7 .Procedure of data collection..........................................................................................24
3.8 Ethical consideration........................................................................................................25
4. Representation, Analysis and interpretation data………………………...............
4.1. Data presentation and analysis
4.2. The practice of socialization, induction and placement of the newly recruited staff
the secondary school of Gubre subcity......…………………………………...........…26
4.3. The ability of school principal in the measurement of the school personal performance
4.4. School principals capacity in developing and performing different actives to upgrade school
person perform..............
4.4. Factors that affect they implementation of human resource ……………………...
5. Summary of the major, finding, conclusion and recommendation…………………....
5.1. Summary of the major finding…………………….......................
5.2. Conclusions…………………………………………………………….............................
Questionnaires and interview ............................................................................................ 31
List Page T
Table 1; The total population and sample size of the study……………………………….....…31
Table 2: General characteristics of respondents…………………………………………………32
Table3: The practice of socialization, Induction and placement of the newly Recruited staff in the
secondary schools of Gubre subcity……………………………………………………...…….33
Table 4:-The Ability of school principals in the measurement of school personal performanc…34
Table5:-Schools principal’s capacity in Developing and performing different Activities to
upgrade school personnel performance……………………………………...……………35
Table 6:- Factors that affect the implementation of human resource management……………...36
Education is the process by which man transmits his experiences, new findings and value
accumulated over the years in his struggle for survival and development, through organizations.
In this process, human resource management plays its own role (Korntze and Weirich, 1998:99).
Human resource of an organization consists of all individuals engaged in any organizations
activities regardless of level. Human resources were the most important resources of an
organization. They are critical in that they significantly influence organizational productivity.
Since people are necessary ingredients in any organization, human resource management was
inherent in all organizations. Human resource management is the performance of all managerial
functions involved in planning, recruiting, selecting, developing, utilizing, rewarding and
maximizing the potential of human resources to the best achievement of the objective of an
organization. Abroad objective of human resource management is to optimize the usefulness (i.e.
the productivity) of all workers in an organization. The above statements emphasis that, the
function of human resource management is to ensure that productive effort of the individual
employee is harnessed in such a way that he/she gives of his/her best towards the achievements
of the goals of the organization. The human resource managers a unique position in that he
interacts with all heads of departments, so that he/she offers the necessary leadership, which is
vital in the Achievement of organizational goals (Steers, 1985).
In order to deal effectively with other specialists, the human resource manager himself/herself
must have high degree of educational attainment. The human resource manager is expected to
introduce and facilitate collective bargaining procedures and submit collective agreement
proposal to the organization for an approval and negotiate such details on behalf of the
organization. The human resource manager coordinates and controls the implementation of the
organizations human resource policies and practices to ensure uniformity, justice and fairness.
School leaders are expected to mobilize the abilities and efforts of the teachers to provide
effective education program. To this end, instructional leader should be highly visible in the
school, and stay close to the instructional process. Effective leadership of principals is an
important aspect on their managerial activity to have good educational planning and to
implement the plan properly. Therefore, this study attempts to make survey on recent issue as to
why there is low practice of HRM in Abafransoa secondary school.
The ministry of Education (2008) has developed a general education quality improvement
program/package (GEQIP). Among these package one is school leadership (HRM) of
school),which was designed to improve the quality and capacity of school principals, to increase
the performance of teachers and student achievement and coordination, motivation, initiation,
influencing and improving teachers job performance. Good leadership practices increases the
motivation of the followers to achieve the organizational objective, the maintenance of
cooperative, relationships and teamwork and mobilization of support and cooperation from
people outside the group or organization (Yolk, 1998).This tells the quality of HRM practice in
the school is the main determinants for teachers’ job performance as well as students’ academic
As the Ministry of Education MoE(2002) noted that principals, as instructional leader, focus on
helping teachers to improve their classroom performance and make academic instruction as their
schools top priority. In one way (MoE ,2010) argued that principals need to have the theoretical
knowledge, skill and adequate experiences in school leadership and management and/or should
have a profile of possession of various trainings on school leadership and management so as to
play active and effective leadership practice in school improvement programs.
Therefore this study was analyzing problems related to human resource management (HRM)
practice in the Abafransoa secondary school in Gubre subcity. And study was intended to the
effect of appropriate human resource management (HRM) practice on teacher’s job performance
in Abafransoa secondary school in Gubre subcity. The study was attempt to answer the following
basic research questions.
1.4. Objectives of the study
These studies have general and specific objectives
It may suggest different solutions to reduce human resource management problem
related to school
Secondary school; Is covers two phases on the International standard classification of
education scale .less 2 or lower secondary education (less common junior secondary
education ) is considered the second and final phase of basic education ,and level
3(upper) secondary education is the stage before tertiary education.
The human resources are multidimensional in nature. Widely, human resources may be defined
as the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, and aptitudes obtained in the population;
whereas from the viewpoint of the individual enterprise, the talents and aptitudes of its
employees (Gupta,R.S, 2003).
2.1.2 Human resource management; defined
Human resource management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management,
which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the maintenance
of better human relations in the organization by the development, application and evaluation of
policies, procedures and programs relating to human resources to optimize their contribution
towards the realization of organizational objectives. In other words, HRM is concerned with
getting better results with the contribution of people. It is an integral but distinctive part of
management, concerned with people at work and their relationships within the enterprise. HRM
helps in attaining maximum individual development, desirable working relationship between
employees and employers, employees and employees, and effective modeling of human
resources as contrasted with physical resources. It is the recruitment, selection, development,
utilization, compensation and motivation of human resources by the organization. To our
research the definition, it is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation
and motivation of human resource by the organization is appropriate. Em,(2005) Is the
employing people, training them compensating them and developing strategies to retain them.
As a HRM has undergone many change over the last twenty years, giving it an even more
important role in today organizations.
2. Demand Forecasting
3. Supply Forecasting
5. Action Plan
2.1.3. Factors Affecting of Human resource management
Human Resource Management is the most significant of any enterprise because it involves effective
management of the employees in the organization. However, Human Resource Management is more
complex than one can imagine, because of the large diversity of the employees that results in people
from different backgrounds working together.lt will be because of the complexity of human resource
Management that the HR department is one of the key departments in any organization .so it will be
make one wonder about what exactly makes Human Resource Management successful .Let us take a
closer look.
1) Implementation of Technology
Implementation of HR Technology is one of the biggest factors affecting human resource
management in an organization. This is because to day you have advanced HR soft ware plat
forms that are designed to automate every aspect of HR functions. This results in a boost in HR
productivity and efficiency along with more effective employee management.
From total population of principals and vice principal and teachers in this secondary school, the
total population number of principals and vice principals are 3 from this 3 was selected as
Available sample technique and the total number populations of teachers are 92 from this 20
teachers was selected as simple random technique. And from the total number population of
woreda education officers 25 from this 7 was selected purposive.
B. Sample technique
Sample selection method was basic for the quality of research. Sample can be makes consider the
nature and scope the subject matter to study the population. In this study the researchers uses
three type of sampling techniques. The first technique was simple random sampling technique
for the purpose of gathering primary data. This simple technique was use for selecting the sample
teachers among the total teachers. Second availability sampling technique was used to select
principals and v/principals, which were in the selected schools and use purposive technique for
woreda education office.
Table 1;The tolal population and sampling size of the study
No Respondents Total population Simple size Sampling Appropriate data
technique gathering tools
No %
research writer personally visit selected school, met the principals, explained the purpose of the
research, and took permission from them. After obtaining permission, the research writer met the
selected teachers and explained the purpose of research, and the method to fill up the
questionnaire. Then the questionnaires were being distributed to the teachers, principals and
v/principals of the school. After questionnaire was filled, it collected back by the writer.
This chapter deals with presentation and analysis of data obtained through questionnaire. Closed
ended and open ended questionnaire were set for teachers, principals, vice principals and woreda
education office officers. The questionnaire were distributed to 20 teachers, 3 principals, and
vice principals and 7 woreda education office officers. Among the distributed questionnaires all
(100%) were filled and returned by the respondents. In data collecting process, some general
demographic characteristics such as sex, age, academic qualification and field of study of the
respondents in each category were collected. Finally the responses were arranged in table forms
and analyzed as follows
No Items Respondents
Teacher Principal and vice principal Woreda education
No % No % No %
1 Gender Male 14 70 2 66.6 4 57.1
Female 6 30 1 33.3 3 42.8
Total 20 100 3 100 7 100
2 Age 21-30 10 50 - - 1 14.2
31-40 6 30 1 33.3 2 28.5
41-50 year 2 10 2 66.6 2 28.5
Above 51 year 2 10 - - 2 28.5
As shown in items characteristics of table 4.1 above the number of teacher 14(70%) and
2(66.6%) the number principal and vice principal, 4(57.1%), of woreda educational office were
male respondent. On the other hand among respondent groups 6(30%) of teacher 1(33.3%) of
principal of view principals and 3(42.8%) officials were female population. This show that,
were imbalance between male and females population participation except in the case of vice
principal. This implies the majority of the respondents of this, study were male population than
female population. Therefore most data that required to this study were collected from male
Regarding age group of the respondents most were found in the age between 21-30
years, 10(50%) Of teachers and 1(14.2%) of officials were found in the age group of
years. This data indicated that most of our respondents found in different sample school were
young adults. That is they are at productive age.
As to their education background none of teachers was at certificate level. And it also none Of
principals and vice principals at diploma level.5 (25%) of teachers were diploma holders.
In the case of field of study’s 5(25%) and of teachers were language natural science and social
science respectively. 3(100) of principals has language, social science respectively. And
2(28.5%), 5(71.4%) of woreda education officials has, natural science, and social science
respectively. From this we can say that more should be invested in principals and woreda
education officials to be EDPM graduates.
Regarding their service years11 (30%) of teachers and 2(66.6%) of principals were served for
11-15years.And 4(20%) of teachers 1(33.3%) of principals, and 2(28.5%) of woreda education
officers served between 16-20 years. From this one can understand that most teachers, principals
and also woreda education officers have no adequate experiences.
Table-3:- The practice of socialization, Induction and placement of the newly Recruited
staff in the secondary schools of Gubre subcity
Responde Standards
S/ Items V/High High Medium Low V/Low Total
N % N % No % No % N % No %
o o o
7 Addressing materials 3 10 6 20 12 40 8 26.67 1 3.33 30 100
which are important to
perform their task Teachers
effectively and showing
the way to get the material.
In terms of Item 1 of table 5(16.67%), 3(10%), 10(33.33%), 7(23.33%) and 5(16.67%) of the
respondents responded that arranging a shelter when the new teachers come to school is v/high,
high, medium, low and v/low respectively. This shows that the activity is at the medium level.
In terms of Item 2 of table 7(23.33%), 4(13.33%), 11(36.67%), 4(13.33%) and 4(13.33%) of the
respondents responded that socializing the newly employed teachers with school administrative,
teachers, students and school community is v/high, high, medium, low and v/low respectively.
Regarding to this item also the Woreda education officers on their interview replied that the
activity of socializing newly recruited staff members is at good condition. This shows that the
activity is at the medium level.
In terms of Item 3 of table 3(10%), 5(16.67%), 15(50%), 2(6.67%) and 5(16.66%) of the
respondents responded that Showing school library, learning class, toilet, staff and other
buildings is v/high, high, medium, low and v/low respectively. But regarding to this item the
Woreda education officers from their interview replied that this activity is not in good condition
most of the schools. This shows that there is some contradiction in the responses on this activity.
In terms of Item 4 of table 3(10%), 3(10%), 16(53.33%), 7(23.33%) and 1(3.33% )of the
respondents responded that Showing basic materials and utensils available areas in the school is
v/high, high, medium, low and v/low respectively. This shows that the activity is at the medium
In terms of Item 5 of table 2(6.67%), 6(20%), 7(23.33%), 13(43.33%) and 2(6.67%) of the
respondents responded that directing and explaining for the newly employed teachers on general
procedure and nature of work in their school is v/high, high, medium, low and v/low
respectively. This shows that the activity is at the low level.
In terms of Item 6 of table 3(10%), 5(16.67%), 9(30%), 10(33.33%) and 3(10%) of the
respondents responded that checking up the interest of the newly employed teachers before
assigning to specific job is v/high, high, medium, low and v/low respectively. This shows that
the activity tends to the low level.
In terms of Item 7 of table 3(10%), 6(20%), 12(40%), 8(26.67%) and 1(3.33%) of the
respondents responded that the activity of addressing materials which are important to perform
their task effectively and showing the way to get the material is v/high, high, medium, low and
v/low respectively. This shows that the activity is at the medium level.
In terms of Item 8 of table 1(3.33%), 9(30%), 14(46.67%), 3(10%) and 3(10% )of the
respondents responded that the activity of advising the newly employed teachers when they face
problem or morale crisis is v/high, high, medium, low and v/low respectively. This shows that
the activity tends to the medium level.
So, the major activities carried out by the newly employed teachers were not based on their
interest. Due to this, the management could not use their actual potential in effective way.
Table 4:-The Ability of school principals in the measurement of school personal
Principals Teachers
No % No %
I am not sure - 2 10
school supervisor - - 2 10
peers - - -
4 Monthly 5 25
Quarterly 3 100 9 45
semi-annually 4 20
Annually 1 5
not at all - - 2 10
not good - - 16 80
Not good - - 3 15
In Item1,of table6 3(100%) of principals and only 8(40%) of teachers responded about the
presence of clearly established criteria’s for personnel performance appraisal in their school.
Regarding Item2, of table 6, 10(50%) of teachers and 3(100%) of principals (vice principals)
responded that both behavior oriented and result oriented rating method is implemented in their
schools for teacher performance appraisal. 8(40%) of teachers and the principals were no
answered result oriented as a rating method. The principals were not give answer for this
question and 2(10%) of teachers answered behavior oriented as a rating method. This shows that
weight is given to both behavior and result in appraising personnel performance.
In Item 3 of table 6, 2(66.6%) of principals and 9(45%) of teachers answered that principals are
the most influential one in appraising teacher's performance. Only 2(10%) of teachers answered
school supervisors are influential one in appraising teacher's performance and 1(66.6) of the
principal and 4(20%) were responded woreda supervisor.
Regarding Item 4 of table 6, most of respond dents, 3(100%) of principals and 9(45%) of
teachers responded that teacher's performance appraisal has been done quarterly.
In Item 5 of table 6, 2(10%) of teachers responded that school principals informing performance
appraisal result to school teachers at any time based on their interest. 3 (100%) principals,
2(10%)responded to support three week after evaluation. But according to woreda education
officials, school principals informed performance appraisal results to their school teachers twice
in a year i.e. January and July. In this item different respondent groups gave different answers.
So this showed that, there was no formal or fixed time to tell performance appraisal result to
teacher in the woreda.
In Item 6 of table 6, regarding principal interest to discuss any comments arising from school
teachers performance appraisal result, 16(80%) of teachers and concludes as not good, but
3(100%) of principals and vice principals responded as good.
In Item 7 of table 6, only 14(70%) of teachers, 2(66.6%) of principals and vice principals, totally
16(136.6%) respondents indicated that the flexibility of school principals to correct teachers
evaluation results after some forms of comments was good.
In Item 8 of table 6, 2(66.6%) of principals and vice principals as well as 5(25%) of teachers
respondents showed about the presence of woreda education official’s interference of change
teachers performance appraisals results that developed by school administrative groups. But
14(70%) of teachers and 1(33.3%) of principals and vice principals answered there is no
presence of worda education official’s interference of change teachers performance appraisals
results that developed by school administrative groups. In additional to this woreda education
officials also expressed about the rejection of high performance appraisal results that developed
by school management groups by woreda officials. Thus, school administrative group were not
free from the control of woreda education officials. Therefore, they could not decide teacher’s
performance appraisal results independently; by this each school teacher could not get their
actual performance results.
Good 3 100 13 65
not good - - 1 5
No - Princ Tea 20
ipals cher
I am not sure - No % No %
If your answer for question number two is Result of performance appraisal 1 33.3 3 15
yes, what are the selection criteria for
3 teachers training and development? Training needs assessment 2 66.6 16 80
Individual interest - - 1 5
Woreda education office agents 1 33.3 4 20
school supervisors - - 2 10
5 Which training method is applied for school on the job training 3 100 11 55
teachers dominantly?
off the job training - - 9 45
As show in table 7, item 1, 13(65%) of teachers and 3(100%) of principals and vice principals
responded as the presence of a good condition in their schools about of planning, training and
developing programs to upgrade school personnel performances. In the support of this, woreda
education officials Said that the following program are available for the improvement of teachers
and schools. Some of the programs are: - 1. Continuous profession development programs
(CPD), 2. School improvement programs (SIP), 3. BPR implementation method, 4.continuous
assessment designing and implementing 5.Training and developing programs to upgrade school
personal performance.
Items 2 of the table 7for the question of the clear selection criteria ion for training and
development of the teachers? 3(100%) of the principal and 15(75%)were answered there is
criteria for the training and development program.
Item 3 of table 7, regarding to selection criteria’s for teachers training and development
programs 1(33.3%) of principals and vice principals as well as 16(80%) teachers respond that
were results of performance appraisal was used as criteria for teachers training and development
And 2 (66.6%) of principals and 3(15%) of teachers respond that training needs assessments was
used for teachers training and development programs. Only 1(5%) of teacher select individual
interest was used for teachers training and development programs.
In items 4 of the table 7for the question the responsibility person to decide teachers training
issue? Their 2(66.6%) of the principal and 14(70%) were responded school principal.
In item5 of table 7, most respondents 3(100%) of principals and vice principals and 11(55%) of
teachers select that on the job training method is applied for schoolteachers dominantly. 9(45%)
of teachers select that off the job training method is applied for schoolteachers.
In item 6 of table 7, 17(85%) of teachers and 2(66.6%) of principals and vice principals showed
that teacher performance on work activities of teaching and learning process was the main
evaluating criteria for the effectiveness of teachers training program. 3(15%) of teachers and
1(33.3%) of principals and vice principals answered teachers activities on areas of teaching and
learning process and out of these are evaluating criteria’s for the effectiveness of teachers
training program.
Item 7 of table 7, 3(100%) of principal and vice principals and 15(75%) of teachers respond that
there is counseling program to support school personal that were face job related problems. But
5(25%) of teachers responds that no.
Regarding to preparing and providing different capacity building programs the Woreda
education officers say that, even if the programs are available, they are not well organized so
they cannot assure the desired change.
Table 6:- Factors that affect the implementation of human resource management
No % No %
I am not sure - 2 10
Disagree 2 66.6 12 60
strongly - - 5 25
no opinion - - - -
laissez -fair - 13 65
Low - - 5 25
Low 1 33.3 3 15
community towards the school improvement
Medium 3 100 15 75
Low - - 2 10
Low - - 6 30
According to item 1 in table 8, 13(65%) of teachers and 2(66.6%) of principals and vice
principals expressed about the shortage of well experienced administrative personal in the
selected schools of Gubre subcity. Also the Woreda officers accept this idea on their opinion
expressing on the interview.
In item 2 of table 8, majority 12(60%) and 2(66.6%) of teachers and principals (vice principals)
respectively answered about the absence of administrative personnel who, specialized in the
management profession. This showed that, there was a shortage of administrative personals in
the sample schools who qualified in management profession. Following this there was no
satisfactory managerial activities in these schools.
Item 4 of table 8, 2(10%) teachers, have high capacity to provide decision on time. 3(100%)
principals and vice principals, 13(65%) of teachers respondents responded that the principals
have medium capacity to provide decision on time. 5(25%) of teachers, respondents responded
that the principals have low capacity to provide decision on time. Regarding to this item the
Woreda education officers replied that the capacity of principals to provide decision on time is
Regarding item 5 of table 8, only 4(20%) teacher respondents responded that principals have
high commitment to achieve school goals. 2(66.6%) principals and 13(65%) teachers,
respondents responded that principals have medium commitment to achieve school goals.
1(33.3%) principals and vice principals, 3(15%) teachers, respondents responded that principals
have low commitment to achieve school goals.
Item 6 of table 8, 3(15%) of teachers, totally of respondents responded that principals have high
capacity to coordinate the school community towards the school improvement. 3(100%)of
principals and vice principals, 15(75%) teachers, of respondents responded that principals have
medium capacity to coordinate the school community towards the school improvement. 2(10%)
teachers, of respondents responded that principals have low capacity to coordinate the school
community towards the school improvement.
Regarding item 7 of table 8, 1(33.3%) of principals and vice principals, 3(15%) of teachers,
respondents responded that principals have high capacity to create a favorable working
environment and working condition for teaching and learning process. 2(66.6%) of principals
and vice principals, 11(55%) of teachers, respondents responded that principals have medium
capacity to create a favorable working environment and working condition for teaching and
learning process. 6(30%) of teachers, respondents responded that principals have low capacity to
create a favorable working environment and working condition for teaching and learning
process. From the above data analysis, we can say that most of the principals have sufficient
capacity to create a favorable working environment and working condition for teaching and
learning process.
1. What were the factors affecting the implementation of effective human resource
management in the school.
2. How was the practice of socialization, induction and placement of newly recruited
staff in the secondary schools of Gubre subcity looks like?
3. To what extent was the staff capacity building (i.e. training development and
Motivation) functional of human resource management are performed in the
secondary schools of Cheha woreda?
4. How were the activities related to staff performance appraisal were carried out in
the secondary Schools of Gubre subcity?
To find the appropriate answers to the above questions descriptive research method was used.
Abfransoa secondary schools were selected, in this school 3 principals, v/principals and teachers
were selected from the population of 61, 20 selected through simple random technique.
Questionnaire was used as a tool to gather the necessary data from the respondents. And then, the
data was collected and analyzed to get appropriate answer for the above questions.
It was found from the study that major factors that affecting the implementation of effective
human resource management were the following:-
Low commitment of principals to achieve the school goals.
Most administrative personnel did not have management qualification. Lack of principal’s
experience and maturity.
It was founded that the practice of socialization, induction and placement of newly recruited staff
in second schools of Gubre subcity looks like:
Checking up of the interest of the newly employed staff before assigning to new job was low.
Directing and explaining for newly recruited staff members on the general procedure and nature
of work is low.
It was founded that, even though, there was amiability of different capacity building programs
there, they were not well organized and they cannot bring the necessary changes.
It was founded that the activities related to staff performance appraisal were carried out as
There was no clearly established criterion for staff performance appraisal in the school.
The interest of principals to discuss any comment arising from school staff members following
performance appraisal result was not good.
The flexibility of school principals to correct the staff member’s evaluation result after some
forms of comments was not good.
There was the Woreda education office interference in the practice of staff member’s
performance appraisal.
5.2. Conclusion
1. Checking and fulfilling the need/expectations of the newly employed workers may help them
to use their actual potential in work activities. Different professional’s advice the practice of this
before assigning workers to specific jobs. In the case of the study schools, checking upon the
interest of the newly employed staff members by schools principals was low. This hinders the
staff members exerting their actual potential in the work. Similarly, the practice of socialization
and induction programs can make teachers more familiar to school environment. By this they
can participate in every activity within a short period of time in the school. But the practice of
these programs in the study schools was medium way. This reduces the participation of newly
recruited staff members in some extent.
2. One of the most comment that brought by school staff members to principal is about their
performance appraisal result that made by school management groups. When school staff
members brought this, the principals’ interest to discuss any comments arising from school staff
members following performance appraisal result in the study school was not good.
3.. This is .associated with the presence of woreda education officials’ interference on the
management work of school administrative groups i.e. wereda education officials rejected high
staff members performance appraisal result. This highly demoralizes the staff members and it is
one of the major causes of staff turnover.
4. Most of the principals are lacking managerial skills and leadership qualities. Principal’s
commitment to achieve the school goals was low. This causes the inability of the principals to
coordinate and implement different school programs.
5.3. Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study and the conclusions, the following recommendations are
1. Listening the interest of any individual before assigning to any work may help to carry out
effective activities. So school principals have to listen the opinion of the newly employed
teachers before leading them to specific job.
2. Principals should create a free discussion when school teachers come up with some sort of
comments following performance appraisal results. After a discussion they should show some
forms of flexibility to correct the previous result if they reach to some forms of agreements.
3. Any external interference may discourage the worker force of a given institution. This may
become an obstacle to achieve any stated goals. So woreda education officials make free to the
school communities to carry out different activities according to their rules and regulations.
One important criterion for selection of principals is experience. Experienced principal can
manage his school better than in experienced one due to his past accumulated knowledge. The
study woreda should use this criteria as vital one when nominate the school principals.
4.Any profession has its own objectives. Because of this, the replacement of one profession by
another may not help to achieve the objective of that profession. Currently woreda education
office that found in Gubre subcity uses any profession to nominate school principals. So to carry
out a good management activities in different schools, management qualification should be a
criterion to select school principals.
Accomplishing any objectives without strong commitment is impossible. Most principals of the
study woreda lacked high commitment. Therefore, to bring a fruitful result in their school they
should change their attitudes to be committed.
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Questionnaire to be filled by school teachers
The purpose of this questionnaire was to investigate practice and challenge of human resource
management in selected Abafransua secondary school in Gubre subcity. So, you were kindly
requested to give genuine responses in order to make this study successful. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation in filling out this questionnaire. It is not necessary to write your
.Part l: - Respondent's background information
Instruction: - please answer the following questions and put ( ) mark in box provided
Name of cluster center…………………..
1.1 Sex A. Male B. Female
1.2 Age: A. 21-30 B. 31-40 C.41-50 D. 51andabove
1.3 Level of education: A. certificate B. Diploma C. Degree D. MA/MSC
1.4 Field of study: A. Language B. Natural Science C. Social science D Management
1.5 Service year in current position: A. under 5years B.6-10 C. 11-15
D. I6-2O E.2land above
1.6 Your current position (Responsibility) A. Unit Leader B. Teacher
C. Head of department
Part IIq
The ability of schools principal in appraising the schools personnel's performance.
Instruction:-Please circle the choice you thought to be answer or write the brief answer on the
space provided where ever necessary.
1. Is there a clearly established criterion for teacher's performance appraisal?
a. Yes B. No C. I am not sure
3. Who is the most influential one in appraising teacher's performance?
a. Principal b. Students c. Woreda supervisor d. school supervisor e. peers
f. Zone education office agents
4. How frequently the teacher's performance appraisal has been done?
a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. quarterly e. semi-annually f. annually
4. Teachers are informed about the results in
a. One week after evaluation b. Two weeks after evaluation
c. three weeks after evaluation d. at any time based on principal’s interest e. not at all
5.. How is principal's interest to discuss any comments following evaluation results?
a. Very good b. good c. not good
6. The flexibility of school principal to change evaluation results after some forms of comments?
a. Very good b. good c. not good
7. Is there any interference from woreda education office agents to change teachers evaluation
results that made by school administrative group?
a. Yes b. No c. don’t know
7. Principal capacity to create a favorable working environment and working condition for
teaching and learning process
a. High b. Medium c. low
a. under five years b .6- 10 years c. 11-15 years d.16-20years
e.21 and above years
1.7 Your current position and responsibility
a. principal b. vice principal
Part II
The ability of school principal in appraising the schools personnel's performance.
Instruction:-please circle the choice you thought to be the answer or write the brief answer on
the spaces provided where ever necessary.
1. Is there a clearly established criterion for teacher's performance appraisal?
a. Yes b. No c. I am not sure
2.If your answer to question number one is yes, which rating methods of teacher appraisal
is under implementation in the school?
a. Behavior oriented rating method
b. Result oriented rating method
c. Both Behavior oriented and result oriented rating method
d. Others,
3. Who is the most influential one in appraising teacher's performance?
a. Principal b. Students c. Woreda supervisor d. school supervisor e. peers
f. Zone education office agents
4. How frequently the teacher's performance appraisal has been done?
a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. quarterly e. semi-annually f. annually
5.Teachers are informed about the results in
a. One week after evaluation b. Two weeks after evaluation c. three weeks after evaluation
d. at any time based on principal interest e, not determined
6. How is principal interest to discuss any comments following evaluation results?
a. Very good b. good c. not good
7. The flexibility of school principal to change evaluation results after some forms of comments?
a. Very good b. good c. not good
8. Is there any interference from woreda education office agents to change teachers evaluation
results that made by school administrative group
a.Yes b. No c. not sure
Part III
4 The quality of principals to provide
decision on time?
A=very agree D=disagree
B =agree E=strongly disagree
C=i decide
1.5 Service year a. 1-5 year’s b. 6- 10 years c. 11_I5 years d. 16-20 years
e. 21&above years
1.6 Your current position and responsibility
a. Head of education office
b. Education officer
c. Human resource manager
Part II
Factors that affect the implementation of human resource management
1. Which criteria's are used by woreda education office to select school principals?
2. Explain the management technique that school directors use to administer the school
3. How is principal commitment to achieve the schools goals?
4. Explain the capacity of school principals to coordinate the school community towards the
school improvement program
5. What s your role to support the school community in general to achieve every stated
objectives in the school?