SQL Assessment Test v5
SQL Assessment Test v5
SQL Assessment Test v5
We are HP CRM management team. We have to design a targeted campaign focusing on certain set of
customers. For this, we want to understand past performance and know certain hp KPIs that will help us
in building this campaign. The data provided is transactional data from HP store for 5 years that means
every row is an item in an order placed by a customer. You will have to download the data, upload it in
your local SQL environment and answer the following questions using SQL. Please provide a brief write-
up on the questions along with SQL codes and inline commments that you would have used to respond
to the question. For SQL queries, you can use CTE’s or temp tables as per the need.
Data Repository:
Data.sql (part of zip file) file contains all SQL for table creation and data insertion.
Data Dictionary:
NOTE: One customer can have multiple orders in which case the same email id will have multiple order
numbers associated to it. Similarly, An order can have one or multiple products. In case of multiple
products in the order, the order number will be the same but the product_sku will be different.
order_creation_date - date along with timestamp denoting the date and time on which the order was
customer_segment - If the customer was an individual (consumer) or working for a business (Business)
product_category_id – ID of the Product type (ex. Laptop, desktop, printer, supply, accessory etc.)
Note: As most of the questions are open-ended data exploration, logical approach to the solution and
coding skills will be looked at closely while evaluation. Hence, though the results need to make business
sense, actual 'correctness' of the results bear less importance.
Submission format
2. A brief write-up explaining how you went about the steps and data analysis and observations.
Thank You!!!