1 The Electron As A Particle
1 The Electron As A Particle
1 The Electron As A Particle
1.1 Introduction
A solid consists of atoms, and an atom consists of electrons and a nuclei. In discussing electrical properties, we can treat a solid as many positive ions, which are xed, immersed in an electron gas. The electrons follow the same statistical distribution as gas molecules, i.e., Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The average kinetic energy 1 of each degree of freedom is kT . 2 So we may say that the mean thermal velocity of electrons is given by
1 2 3 mvth = kT 2 2
because particles moving in 3D have 3 freedoms.
The scenario, xed positive ions immersed in electron gas, is a very good approximation of electronic structure of solids. The model is depicted in Fig. 1. In this model, positive ions (atoms deprived of electrons) are piled in a 3D periodical arrangement. Free electrons are moving in the interatomic space. They can be accelerated or decelerated by external electric eld, and can be scattered by the ions. The electrons are far away from each other, so the interaction between them can be ignored (characteristic of gas).
Then an electric eld E = U/L exists at every point in the solid, and e a = m E . Thus the electrons will acquire a velocity in the direction of the eld. Note that meanwhile the electrons also have random thermal
causes an acceleration
velocity. Then we assume the directed velocity is lost after every collision, because electron is much lighter than ion. Suppose
is the average time between two successive collisions, the nal velocity
of an electron will be
1 vaverage = a 2
The correct formula is
In fact, this is statistically wrong, because we can not simply use average time .
vaverage = a
(3) The
is the
relation between
vD =
e E m
where the proportional constant is called the mobility , indicating the speed of the device. Assume all electrons drift with their drift velocity density of electrons,
vD ,
by the
Ne .
J = Ne evD
Note: the random velocities (diusion velocity) do not contribute to they average out to zero. They give rise to or device size is small,
(size, frequency, etc.) is limited by noise. Furthermore, the current density and the external electric eld is related by
N e e2 E m
J = E
e Ne e = e Ne e m
Ne e and mobility
must be
e .
Ohm's law implies that
E . In this model, it is reasonable to assume that l, the distance between collisions (usually called the mean free path ), rather than , is independent of external eld. Here l must be related to by
independent of the external eld
is constant independent of
That is,
= l/(vth + vD )
vth =
In a typical metal,
e = 5 103 m2 /(V.s). For an electric eld of 1V/m, the 3 drift velocity is vD = 5 10 m/s. Thus the above inequality vth vD holds, i.e., the conductivity and the mobility e are independent of external eld. In semiconductor, e is much higher than in metal. At very high eld (e.g., in 7 today's transistor, 3 V across a 200 nm channel, the eld is 1.5 10 V/m), the
mobility will be saturated, the so-called
channel eect s.
It is one of the
magnetic eld
in the
e( B) v
ax evB .
upwards, in the
+x direction.
the bottom will be positive due to loss of electrons. An electric eld is thus built between the top (-) and the bottom (+). This internal eld, denoted by
EH , prevents
the electron from moving upwards. The electrons will stop moving upwards when
EH = vB
, RH =
1 Ne e
is the so-called
Hall coecient .
EH , J
B , RH
as well as
can be determined.
upwards and build an electric eld in the x direction. This is opposite to what the above case. Experiment show some conductors (e.g., zinc) and semiconductors have this behavior. So in those materials, the current is conducted by positively charged carriers, called holes . For a typical metal,
vD = 5 103
EH = vB = 5 103 V/m