Applied Physics Unit 3 Notes (Elec & Diele) CS Stream
Applied Physics Unit 3 Notes (Elec & Diele) CS Stream
Applied Physics Unit 3 Notes (Elec & Diele) CS Stream
Engineering Physics
(Theory & Problems)
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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1. A metal is imagined as a structure of 3-dimensional array of ions in between which, there are freely
moving valence electrons confined to the body of the material. Such freely moving electrons cause
electrical conduction under an applied field and hence referred to as conduction electrons.
2. The free electrons are treated as equivalent to gas molecules and thus they are assumed to obey the
laws of kinetic theory of gases. In the absence of the field, the energy associated with each electron at
a temp.T is given by (3/2) kT, where k is Boltzmann constant. It is related to the KE through the
relation (3/2)kT = (1/2)m(vth)2, where vth = thermal velocity.
3. The electric potential due to the ionic cores is taken to be essentially constant throughout the body of
the metal and the effect of repulsion between the electrons is considered insignificant.
4. The electric current in a metal due to an applied field is a consequence of the drift velocity in a
direction opposite to the direction of the field.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Drift velocity:
The disconnection of a valence electron from the parent atom results in a virtual loss of one negative
charge for that atom. Consequently, the electrical neutrality of the atom is lost and it becomes an ion. The
structure formulation due to the array of such fixed ions in 3-dimensions is called lattice.
“The nucleus of an atom together with the electrons in the inner shells is called the ionic core”
A free e- while moving across the metal, knocks against the lattice corners. Its direction of motion will be
continuously changing.
The random motion of the free e- will be retained in the metal even after the
application of an electric field. As the e-s have –ve charge, the net motion or
drift of the e-s will be in a direction opposite to that of the applied electric field.
The velocity of this overall motion of the e-s is called drift velocity. In the
absence of an electric field, the free electrons in a metal will be moving at random in all directions and
will be at thermal equilibrium. Then by the kinetic theory of gases
½ mv2 = 3/2kT
The force acting on an electron under the application of field E will Ee. The resulting acceleration will be
Ee/m. The drift velocity is small compared to the random velocity v. Further, the drift velocity is not
retained after a collision with an atom because of the relatively large mass of the atom. Hence, just after a
collision, the drift velocity is zero. If the mean free path is λ then the time that elapses before the next
collision takes place is λ/v. Hence the drift velocity acquired just before the next collision takes place is
Define the term and Mean free path, Mean collision time and Relaxation time.
The average distance traversed by the free electron between two successive collisions with the
lattice corners is called Mean free path (λ).
The average time interval between two successive collisions of an electron with the lattice corners
is called Mean collision time (τ).
Relaxation time:
In the absence of an external electric field, the free electrons in a metal will be moving at random
in all directions. Hence, the average velocity vav in any particular direction will be zero. When an
external electric field is applied, the electrons will have a net average velocity vnav in a direction
opposite to the direction of the applied field. If the external field is turned off, the average velocity
reduces exponentially from the value vnav to zero.
Vav = 0 (in the absence of the field)
Vav = Vnav (in the presence of the field due to drift velocity)
If the field is turned off suddenly, the average velocity Vav reduces
exponentially to zero from Vnav
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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vav = vnav e − (t r ) ; where r = Re laxation time, t = time counted when the field is turned off
at t = r
vav =
(vnav )
When the external electric field is removed then the time required for the average velocity of the
conduction electrons in a metal to be reduced to (1/e) times its initial value at the time of removal
of the field is called Relaxation time.
Under the influence of electric field E on a conductor, the electrons having charge e will get a force
F = eE ----------- (1)
eE = m(dv/dt) → dv = (Ee/m)dt
Since by definition, the collision time applies to an average value, the corresponding velocity in eqn.(3)
also becomes the average velocity vav.
We know that
σ AE = I ------------- (6)
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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vav = distance/time
Substituting the values of ‘I’ and ‘vav’ from eqns. (4) & (6) we get
σ AE = nA[(Ee/m) τ]e
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Temperature dependence of σ
We know that
1 3
mv 2th = kT
2 2
v th =
v th T
However, mean collision time τ is inversely proportional to vth. Therefore,
1 1
v th T
ne 2
But =
But experimentally it is observed that
We have σ = [ne2/m] τ ⟹ σ α n
According to this dependence σ will be high for the metals having large electron concentration. But some
of the metals having less electron concentration is found to have higher σ and vice versa. These
experimental observations were not explained by classical free electron theory.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Fermi-Dirac statistics:
Particles of half integral spin (1/2, 3/2……..) which obey Pauli’s exclusion principle such as electrons or
nucleons are known as fermions and their distribution function is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. Fermi-
Dirac distribution function is given by
f FD (E) =
e (E -E F ) / kT + 1
General observation is that all of the distribution functions fall to
zero at large values of E
When E >>kT, the occupation probability is very small
fFD never becomes larger than one just as we expect for particles
that obey the Pauli’s exclusion principle.
At T = 0, all energy levels up to EF are occupied (fFD = 1.0 ) and all energy levels above EF are empty
(fFD = 0).
As T increases, some levels above EF are partially
occupied (fFD > 0), while some levels below EF are
partially empty (fFD < 1). At higher temperature, the
“Spread out” of fFD becomes more.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Fermi Energy (EF): The energy of the electron in the highest occupied state is known as Fermi energy of
the metal.
The energy of the electrons which are at the Fermi level is EF. The velocity of the electrons which occupy
Fermi level is known as Fermi velocity
EF = ½ mvF2 or vF = (2EF/m)1/2
Temperature dependence of σ
We know that
1 3
mv 2th = kT
2 2
v th =
v th T
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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We have σ = [ne2/m] τ ⟹ σ α n
According to this dependence σ will be high for the metals having large electron concentration. But some
of the metals having less electron concentration is found to have higher σ and vice versa. These
experimental observations were not explained by classical free electron theory.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Merits of QFET
• Only the electrons whose energies differ from EF by kT can absorb heat and that there are 2kT/ EF
such electrons. These electrons are the one which are very close to the Fermi level. But free
electron theory assumes that all the valence electrons in a metal can absorb thermal energy. For
one kmol of a metal, there will be NA free electrons. The total energy of the electron is given by
U = 3/2 NAkT
When heat is supplied to the material, the free electrons also absorb part of that heat
This calculated value of molar specific heat at constant volume is found to be hundred times
greater than experimentally predicted value.
• In a high quality metal, when the atoms vibrate, the lattice is no longer ideal and presents an
effective cross sectional area of πr2 for scattering, where r is the amplitude of vibration. The
electron mean free path λ is inversely proportional to the scattering cross section
λ = 1/ πr2
∴ λ ~ 1/T but σ α λ
⟹ λ α 1/T or σ α 1/T
• If we compare the cases of Cu & Al, the value of ‘n’ for Al is 2.13 times higher than that of Cu.
But the value of the ratio (λ /vF) for Cu is 3.73 times higher than that of Al. Hence not only σ α λ
but also σ α (λ /vF).
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Dielectric Materials:
A dielectric material (dielectric for short) is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied
electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the
material as they do in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing
dielectric polarization. Because of dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced toward the field
and negative charges shift in the opposite direction. This creates an internal electric field that reduces the
overall field within the dielectric itself
The capacitance of a set of charged parallel plates is increased by the insertion of a dielectric material.
The capacitance is inversely proportional to the electric field between the plates, and the presence of the
dielectric reduces the effective electric field. The dielectric is characterized by a dielectric constant k, and
the capacitance is multiplied by that factor.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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The electric field between the plates due to the charges +q, -q on the
capacitor plates is
From the definition of dielectric constant we can write the resultant field in terms of dielectric constant as
k = C/Co
A pair of equal and opposite charges whose distance of separation is small – electric dipole
Product of the magnitude of one of the charges and the distance of separation between them – dipole
= ql
Where - dipole moment (unit – coulomb-meter)
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Polarization (P):
Polarizability ():
When an atom or molecule is subject to electric field the atom or molecule acquire dipole moment. i.e.
Types of Polarization
There are different mechanisms through which electrical polarization can occur in dielectric materials
they are
1. Electronic polarization
2. Ionic polarization
3. Orientational polarization
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Electronic polarization
The displacement of nucleus and electrons in the atom under the influence of external electric field. As
electrons are very light they have a rapid response to the field changes; they may even follow the field at
optical frequencies. It occurs in monoatomic gases and is independent of temperature.
Ionic polarization
Ionic polarization occurs only in those dielectrics which contains ionic bonds. Example: NaCl
In ionic lattice, the positive ions are displaced in the direction of an applied field while the negative ions
are displaced in the opposite direction, giving a resultant dipole moment to the whole body and is
independent of temperature.
Orientation polarization
Occurs in those dielectrics which possess permanent dipole moment (Polar dielectrics). It is dependent on
Occurs in multiphase dielectric materials or heterogeneous dielectric materials. Space charge polarization
is also called as interfacial polarization or Migrational polarization. The Migrational polarization takes
longer time and is therefore occurs at low frequency
=e + i +o
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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4 − 3Ze
Ze x 3 3
3 4R
Therefore, Coulomb force =
4 0 x 2
− Zex 3
R 3
4 0 x 2
− Z 2e2 x
Therefore, Coulomb force =
4 0 R 3
− Z 2e2 x
- ZeE =
4 0 R 3
4 0 R 3
Therefore x = E
Because of the displacement, dipole moments are produced.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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4 0 R 3
Therefore μ = Z e E = 4 0 R E ----(2)
By definition μ = αe E ----(3)
Comparing equations (1), (2) and (3)
e = 4 0 R 3
This gives the expression for electronic polarizability.
By definition P = N μ = N αe E
But, P = o ( r − 1) E
N αe E = o ( r − 1) E
o ( r − 1)
αe =
The electronic polarizability can also be given by the above expression. Here N is the number of atoms /
unit volume. The Unit of αe is F-m2.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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The internal field is the electric field that acts at the site of any given atom of a solid or liquid dielectric
subject to an external electric field and is the resultant of the applied field and the field due to all the
surrounding dipoles”
In the dielectric, an array of atomic dipoles aligns parallel to the direction of the applied electric field.
E XA1 = − E = 0 (=180 & r=-d)
20 d 3
E = 0
E XA 2 =
20 d 3
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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Similarly, the field E2 at X due to both B1 and B2 dipole which are located at a distance of 2d from X is
given by
E2 = + =
20 (2d) 20 (2d)
3 3
0 (2d) 3
E3 = + =
20 (3d ) 20 (3d )
3 3
0 (3d ) 3
The total field at X due to all the dipoles in the linear array is
ET = E1 + E2 + E3 + .......
ET = + + + .......
0 d 3
0 (2d ) 0 (3d ) 3
1 1
ET = 1 + 23 + 33 + ....
0d 3
ET =
0d 3 n =1 n 3 where n=1,2,3..
But, 1
n =1
= 1 .2
Therefore, E T =
0 d 3
Therefore the total internal field at X is given by E i = E + E T
i.e Ei = E +
0 d 3
If e is the electronic Polarizability for the dipole, then = e Ei
Or 1 .2 e E i
Ei = E +
0 d 3
Ei =
Or 1.2 e is the expression for the internal field
0d 3
But in three dimension al array, the general equation for internal field is expressed as
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka
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= e Ei
P= NeEi
Therefore, P
Ei =
N e
Rearranging we get
Expression for the internal field is given byE i = E + P
+ P or 1 = 1 1 +
Substitute for Ei and E we get, N e 0 ( r − 1) 0
N e 0 ( r − 1)
i.e =1/3
1 1 1 1 1 3 + r − 1 0 ( + 2)
= + = or = r
N e 3( r − 1)
N e 0 ( r − 1) 3 0 3( r − 1)
( r − 1) N e
Rearranging we get = This equation is known as Claussius-Mossotti equation
( r + 2) 3 0
The quantity (ɛr – 1)/ (ɛr +2) is known as Specific Polarization of a dielectric. This is a dimensionless magnitude because ɛ r is
dimensionless. It is also true that the quantity Nα/3ɛo is also unitless.
C-M relation is remarkable for the fact that it shows the connection between macroscopic parameter ɛ r of a dielectric and its
microscopic parameter α.
Dr. K.E.Ganesh, Associate Professor,Department of Physics, BMSCE, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru-19, Karnataka