Assignment Soc. Stud 111 (Curriculum)
Assignment Soc. Stud 111 (Curriculum)
Assignment Soc. Stud 111 (Curriculum)
This course uses insights from Anthropology, This course makes senior high school students
Political Science, and Sociology to develop aware of the developmental stage that they are
students’ awareness of cultural, social and in, for them to better understand themselves
political dynamics, and sensitivity and the significant people
to cultural diversity; provide them with an around them as they make important career
understanding of how culture, human agency, decisions as adolescents. The course consists of
society and politics work; and engage them in the modules, each of which addresses a key concern in
examination of the personal development.
country’s current human development goals. At the Using the experiential learning approach, each
end of the course, students should acquire ideas module invites students to explore specific themes
about human cultures, human agency, society and in their development. Personal reflections, sharing,
politics; and lectures help
recognize cultural relativism and social reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories,
inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop and tools in different areas in psychology.
social and cultural competence to guide their
interactions with groups,
communities, networks, and institutions.
Based on the chosen curriculum guide of social studies subjects in the elementary, secondary, and social
science subjects at the tertiary level that illustrates the different levels of difficulty of lessons or topics
discussed. For example, the subject of kindergarten to grade 3 is all about understanding and knowing the
importance of taking care of their selves, family and the community while the senior high school curriculum is
still the same but it is more complex because this is where a student tries to know deeper of his/herself based on
the experiences s/he have gone through. Lastly, the understanding of the self subject of tertiary level has a more
broaden explanation to know ourselves better and gain realizations, reflections, and other factors that will help
us grow individually and improve ourselves to become a better person and surpass the obstacles in our life.