AP - Educating Filipino Learners
AP - Educating Filipino Learners
AP - Educating Filipino Learners
Integrating Socio-Civic
Competence, Nationalism, and
Global Citizenship through the
Araling Panlipunan Curriculum in
the MATATAG Framework
Mark Kevin A. Vidar
10 Rebus Puzzles
Cross breed
Moral support
See for yourself
For once in my life
Broken promise
You’re under arrest
Robin Hood
Present Araling
Panlipunan's Role and
Evolution within the
Objectiv MATATAG Curriculum.
es Deepen Nationalism
through Immersive
Philippine History
Cultivate Cultural
Awareness and
AP Goals
Research-based Approach
Interdisciplinary and
Multidisciplinary Approach
Deepening 1.Develop Comprehensive Historical Understanding:
Ensure learners acquire a deep and nuanced
understanding of Philippine history, including significant
impact on contemporary Philippine society, fostering a
reflective attitude towards the lessons learned from the
past and how they inform present and future actions for
Philippine nation-building.
3.Enhance Connection and Participation: Facilitate
opportunities for learners to actively engage with and
contribute to their communities through projects or
activities that highlight the relevance of historical
acquire a deep
provide a more rounded understanding of events.
2. Primary Source Analysis: Incorporate primary source documents, artifacts,
and nuanced
and testimonials into the curriculum to allow students to analyze history from
the original sources.
3. Key Figure Case Studies: Conduct in-depth studies on the lives and impacts
of key figures in Philippine history, examining their contributions, motives, and
the contexts in which they lived.
of Philippine 4. Cultural Immersion Projects: Encourage cultural immersion through local
history projects, museum visits, and interactive workshops with historians and
history, cultural practitioners.
5. Multimedia Resources: Leverage documentaries, historical films, and virtual
including reality experiences to enhance engagement with historical content.
6. Reflective Writing and Discussions: Regularly engage students in reflective
significant writing exercises and discussions to help them process historical events and
their significance to present-day Philippines.
events, cultural 7. Comparative Studies: Draw parallels between Philippine history and global
events to highlight the country’s role and influence in the world.
milestones, and 8. Interactive Timelines: Create timelines with students that not only outline
significant events but also include cultural milestones and lesser-known
foster a strong
sense of identity
and pride in
• Debate and Discussion: Create a classroom environment that encourages open debate and
discussion on historical events. Pose challenging questions that require students to consider
different perspectives and their relevance to current societal issues.
learners to • Role-Playing and Simulations: Use role-playing activities or simulations to help students
understand the motivations and consequences of historical figures and events. This can lead to
critically analyze a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in historical developments and their long-
term effects.
historical events
• Case Studies: Present students with case studies that link historical events to contemporary
issues. For example, examine how particular historical policies have shaped current economic,
social, or political climates.
and their impact • Thematic Essays: Assign essays that prompt students to connect themes from Philippine
history to modern-day scenarios, encouraging them to draw conclusions about progress,
on •
recurring challenges, and opportunities for growth.
historical and current events, identifying patterns and divergences, and discussing what lessons
can be learned and applied today.
• Historical Research Projects: Guide students to undertake research projects that explore the
implications of historical events. They can present their findings and discuss how understanding
the past can influence future decision-making.
society, • Socratic Seminars: Conduct Socratic seminars where students engage in a group dialogue
facilitated by questioning, encouraging them to think deeply about historical contexts and their
fostering a
impacts on the present.
• Reflective Journals: Use reflective journals as a tool for students to record their thoughts on
how historical events influence their personal lives and their community. This promotes a
personal connection to the material.
attitude towards
• Multimedia Presentations: Have students create multimedia presentations that explore the
impact of historical events, using modern technology to draw parallels with the present.
• Community Engagement: Connect with local community leaders and historians who can
the lessons provide insight into how historical events have shaped the local community, offering a tangible
link between past and present.
opportunities for •
practices and lessons.
learners to elders, mapping historical sites, or collecting oral histories, which can be compiled into a community
archive. This helps preserve local heritage and fosters respect for the community's past.
actively engage • Civic Engagement Activities: Organize mock elections, legislative sessions, or town hall meetings on
historical anniversaries where students debate current issues using the perspective of historical figures or
events, promoting understanding of civic responsibility.
with and • Historical Reenactments: Stage reenactments of significant local or national events, which can be
shared with the community to raise awareness of the historical roots of contemporary issues.
contribute to their • Public Exhibitions or Performances: Collaborate with local museums or cultural centers to create
exhibitions or performances that explore historical narratives and their connections to current societal
communities •
Interdisciplinary Projects: Develop interdisciplinary projects that incorporate history with art, literature,
through projects or science to address community issues. For example, a project that combines environmental science and
history to study and restore a local natural habitat.
or activities that • Problem-Solving Forums: Hold forums where students use historical analogies to propose solutions to
current problems, encouraging them to think innovatively and historically.
highlight the • Historical Marker Programs: Work with students to research and propose historical markers for
significant yet unrecognized local historical sites or events, fostering community pride and historical
relevance of • Cultural Festivals: Help organize cultural festivals that celebrate historical traditions, involving students
in the planning and execution. This can bridge generational gaps and promote cultural continuity.
historical • Volunteer Initiatives: Set up a volunteer program that relates to the historical context, like restoring
historical landmarks or setting up a museum day for younger children, tying community service with
addressing current
social issues,
Cultivating 1.Promote Intercultural Competence:
Develop learners' abilities to understand,
respect, and interact positively with people
cultural from diverse cultural backgrounds.
2.Integrate Cultural Studies into
Incorporate • Thematic Units on Culture: Design
thematic units that explore various Filipino
comprehensi cultural practices and histories, such as
festivals, traditional arts, crafts, and rituals.
ve studies of • Local History Projects: Have students
various undertake projects that explore the history of
into the
Foster an • Role-Playing Scenarios: Use role-playing
activities to help students understand
environment different cultural viewpoints and the
where learners importance of empathy by putting
themselves in others’ shoes.
are • Diversity and Inclusion Training:
encouraged to Incorporate diversity and inclusion training
empathize into the curriculum, teaching students about
bias, stereotypes, and the importance of
with different diversity.
cultural • Collaborative Group Work: Structure