Life-Btk Nejmoa2305637
Life-Btk Nejmoa2305637
Life-Btk Nejmoa2305637
journal of medicine
established in 1812 January 4, 2024 vol. 390 no. 1
a bs t r ac t
Among patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) and infrapopliteal The authors’ affiliations are listed in the
Appendix. Dr. Parikh can be contacted at
artery disease, angioplasty has been associated with frequent reintervention and or at Co-
adverse limb outcomes from restenosis. The effect of the use of drug-eluting re- lumbia University Irving Medical Center,
sorbable scaffolds on these outcomes remains unknown. 161 Fort Washington Ave., 6th Fl., New
York, NY 10032.
METHODS *A complete list of the LIFE-BTK Inves-
In this multicenter, randomized, controlled trial, 261 patients with CLTI and infra tigators is provided in the Supplemen-
popliteal artery disease were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive treatment tary Appendix, available at
with an everolimus-eluting resorbable scaffold or angioplasty. The primary effi- Drs. Varcoe, DeRubertis, and Parikh con-
cacy end point was freedom from the following events at 1 year: amputation above tributed equally to this article.
the ankle of the target limb, occlusion of the target vessel, clinically driven revas- This article was published on October
cularization of the target lesion, and binary restenosis of the target lesion. The 25, 2023, at
primary safety end point was freedom from major adverse limb events at 6 months N Engl J Med 2024;390:9-19.
and from perioperative death. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2305637
Copyright © 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The primary efficacy end point was observed (i.e., no events occurred) in 135 of at
173 patients in the scaffold group and 48 of 88 patients in the angioplasty group
(Kaplan–Meier estimate, 74% vs. 44%; absolute difference, 30 percentage points;
95% confidence interval [CI], 15 to 46; one-sided P<0.001 for superiority). The
primary safety end point was observed in 165 of 170 patients in the scaffold group
and 90 of 90 patients in the angioplasty group (absolute difference, −3 percentage
points; 95% CI, −6 to 0; one-sided P<0.001 for noninferiority). Serious adverse
events related to the index procedure occurred in 2% of the patients in the scaffold
group and 3% of those in the angioplasty group.
Among patients with CLTI due to infrapopliteal artery disease, the use of an
everolimus-eluting resorbable scaffold was superior to angioplasty with respect to
the primary efficacy end point. (Funded by Abbott; LIFE-BTK
number, NCT04227899.)
eripheral artery disease is a global tical analysis plan (available with the full text of
health epidemic estimated to affect more this article at was designed by the
than 230 million people, including 7 to 12 sponsor (Abbott) with input from the principal
million people in the United States alone.1,2 The investigators (the first two authors and the last
A Quick Take
most severe manifestation is chronic limb- author). The protocol was then approved by the
is available at threatening ischemia (CLTI), which is character- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the ized by ischemic rest pain and nonhealing ulcer- institutional review board at each site. An inves-
ation or gangrene and is associated with a high tigational device exemption was approved by the
risk of amputation. The adverse limb outcomes FDA. All the patients provided written informed
associated with CLTI affect quality of life and consent. The trial was conducted at 50 sites in
life expectancy; the prognosis is worse than that six countries. The list of clinical trial commit-
for most cancers.3 tees is provided in the Supplementary Appendix
Open surgical revascularization with saphe- (available at, and the full list of inves-
nous-vein bypass has been shown to increase tigators is provided in Table S1 in the Supple-
the likelihood of limb salvage in highly selected mentary Appendix.
patients with CLTI.4 However, for the treatment Data were managed by the sponsor and ana-
of patients with CLTI and infrapopliteal artery lyzed by the principal investigators and the
disease (i.e., arterial disease below the knee), sponsor. An independent data and safety moni-
angioplasty has recently been shown to be supe- toring board oversaw the conduct of the trial,
rior to surgery.5 Infrapopliteal angioplasty has and an independent committee adjudicated all
limitations, such as elastic recoil, dissection, the clinical events. The results of angiography,
and restenosis, that reduce the durability of the intravascular ultrasonography, optical coherence
procedure. Such limitations may be avoided with tomography, duplex ultrasonography, and quan-
mechanical scaffolding. titative wound assessment were adjudicated at
The use of coronary drug-eluting stents has core laboratories by assessors who were unaware
shown promise in below-the-knee interventions,6-9 of the trial-group assignments. The principal
but stents can interfere with future reinterven- investigators wrote the first draft of the manu-
tion. Drug-eluting resorbable scaffolds have po- script, and all the authors reviewed and edited
tential advantages that may make them suitable the manuscript and approved the submitted ver-
for the treatment of infrapopliteal artery disease, sion. The principal investigators vouch for the
and observational studies have shown promising accuracy and completeness of the data and for
results.10-16 Drug-eluting resorbable scaffolds have the fidelity of the trial to the protocol.
unique scaffolding properties that allow them to
overcome mechanical failure while acting as a Patients
delivery platform for an antiproliferative drug Patients 18 years of age or older were eligible for
during the restenotic phase after intervention. inclusion in the trial if they presented with CLTI
These scaffolds also undergo resorption over associated with either ischemic rest pain (Ruther-
time, which facilitates vessel remodeling and ford–Becker class 4) or minor tissue loss (Ruth-
potentially reduces the late complications asso- erford–Becker class 5) and had infrapopliteal
ciated with permanent metal stents. artery stenosis or occlusion. A complete list of
We conducted a single-blind, randomized, clinical and anatomical inclusion and exclusion
controlled trial (LIFE-BTK) to evaluate the safety criteria is provided in Table S2. Randomization
and efficacy of a new everolimus-eluting resorb- was performed after all eligibility criteria had
able scaffold (Esprit BTK, Abbott Vascular) for been met, inf low and nontarget lesions had
the treatment of infrapopliteal artery disease in been treated successfully, and the guidewire
patients with CLTI. had crossed the target lesion.
Trial Procedures
Me thods
Patients who met the eligibility criteria were
Trial Design randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive treat-
The design of the LIFE-BTK trial has been de- ment with either the everolimus-eluting resorb-
scribed previously.17 The protocol with the statis- able scaffold (Fig. S1) or angioplasty. As many as
two target lesions could be treated. Tandem le- nually for 5 years. Details regarding follow-up
sions that were less than 3 cm apart were con- are provided in Table S3.
sidered to be a single target lesion. The lesions
could be de novo (previously untreated) or reste- End Points
notic (previously treated). The lesions had to be The primary efficacy end point was freedom
located in separate arteries in the proximal two from the following events at 1 year: amputation
thirds of the lower leg and to have a runoff vessel above the ankle of the target limb, total (100%)
to the ankle that was free of clinically significant occlusion of the target vessel, clinically driven
disease. revascularization of the target lesion, and binary
Patients received aspirin (at a loading dose of restenosis of the target lesion. The original pri-
≥300 mg) and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor (clopid mary efficacy end point did not include freedom
ogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor) between 24 hours from binary restenosis of the target lesion. Be-
before the index procedure and 1 hour after the fore the completion of enrollment, this compo-
procedure, if they were not already receiving nent was added, and the duration of observation
these medications. Dual antiplatelet therapy was was extended from 6 months to 1 year. This
continued for at least 1 year in the scaffold decision was made after consideration of the
group and for 1 month in the angioplasty group, results of a prespecified interim analysis (de-
and single-agent therapy was provided thereafter. scribed below), as well as consideration of the
Planned minor amputation, such as toe or end points that had been used in recently com-
transmetatarsal amputation, was allowed at the pleted randomized trials that had insufficient
time of the index procedure or within the first power to discern clinically relevant treatment
month after the procedure. In the scaffold effects of the test device as compared with the
group, predilation was a mandatory step; the use standard of care.
of a noncompliant balloon with a 1:1 ratio of Binary restenosis was defined as the presence
balloon size to vessel size was preferred.18 Suc- of restenosis of more than 50% of the vessel
cessful predilation was defined as residual ste- diameter on angiography or a peak systolic veloc-
nosis of less than 30% of the vessel diameter. ity ratio (PSVR) of 2.0 or more on duplex ultra-
The length of the scaffold was selected to cover sonography.19 Each target lesion was interrogated.
a minimum of 2 mm of reference vessel at both If the patient underwent both angiography and
the proximal edge and the distal edge. The duplex ultrasonography at the same time point,
maximum total length of the scaffold allowed the results of angiography were used as the pri-
over all target lesions was 170 mm. In the angio- mary determinant. The following secondary
plasty group, the procedure was performed in criteria were used at the duplex-ultrasonography
accordance with the standard of care and at the core laboratories to confirm any target-lesion
discretion of the proceduralist. stenosis detected: visible stenosis on B-mode
The success of target-lesion treatment was imaging, a focal increase in the absolute peak
assessed by means of angiography performed in velocity, poststenotic turbulence, a change in
magnified orthogonal views. Successful treat- waveform shape, or a reduction in velocity distal
ment immediately after the index procedure was to the stenosis. If the PSVR could not be calcu-
defined as follows: residual stenosis of less than lated, these secondary criteria were used to de-
30% of the vessel diameter, a final number of termine whether stenosis was present. When the
runoff vessels that was equal to or greater than results were indeterminate (discordant), the pa-
the number on initial angiography, the absence tient was excluded from the analysis.
of residual dissection (defined as the absence of The primary safety end point was freedom
a persistent or increased amount of contrast from major adverse limb events at 6 months and
material outside the vessel lumen), and the ab- from perioperative death. Major adverse limb
sence of complications, such as distal emboliza- events were amputation above the ankle of the
tion, perforation, or thrombosis. target limb and major reintervention, which was
Follow-up visits were performed at 30 days, defined as new surgical bypass grafting, interpo-
3 months, 6 months, and 1 year; data from these sition grafting, thrombectomy, or thrombolysis.20
assessments are reported in this article. Addi- Perioperative death was defined as death from any
tional follow-up is planned to be performed an- cause within 30 days after the index procedure.
The trial was powered to assess two second- The primary efficacy end point was evaluated
ary end points, both of which were adjudicated in a superiority analysis performed with the use
at 1 year. The first was the original primary ef- of Pearson’s chi-square test at a one-sided trial-
ficacy end point (freedom from amputation wise alpha level of 0.0249. The primary safety
above the ankle of the target limb, occlusion of end point was evaluated in a noninferiority
the target vessel, and clinically driven revascu- analysis (noninferiority margin, −10 percentage
larization of the target lesion), and the second points) performed with the use of the Farrington–
was binary restenosis of the target lesion. A com- Manning method at a one-sided alpha level of
plete list of end points and their definitions is 0.025. It was assumed that the primary safety
provided in Tables S4 and S5. end point would be observed in 95% of the pa-
tients in each trial group. The two powered
Statistical Analysis secondary end points were evaluated in superior-
A prespecified interim analysis was performed ity analyses performed at a one-sided alpha level
during the enrollment period by an independent of 0.025. Assumptions were based on published
statistician on May 12, 2022. On September 7, data.6,8,9,21,23 For the superiority analyses, a between-
2022, the following components of the adaptive group difference of approximately 15 percentage
trial design were implemented by the principal points was required to show superiority.
investigators and the sponsor, in consultation The primary efficacy end point and the two
with the FDA: the sample size was increased, the powered secondary end points were assessed in
primary efficacy end point was modified to in- the intention-to-treat population, which includ-
clude freedom from binary restenosis of the ed all the patients who underwent randomiza-
target lesion, and the duration of observation tion. The primary safety end point was assessed
was extended from 6 months to 1 year. The in- in the as-treated population, which included all
vestigators and trial statisticians remained un- the patients who received the randomly assigned
aware of the trial-group assignments. For the treatment. For these end points, Kaplan–Meier
analysis of the primary efficacy end point, the estimates are reported. Kaplan–Meier time-to-
alpha level was adjusted by 0.0001 (from 0.025 event analyses for efficacy and safety from base-
to 0.0249). The original primary efficacy end line through the prespecified follow-up time
point was preserved as a powered secondary end point were performed as sensitivity analyses.
point, and binary restenosis of the target lesion Treatment effects were estimated with the use
at 1 year was also added as a powered secondary of Cox proportional-hazards regression and are
end point. The analyses of these powered sec- presented as hazard ratios with 95% confidence
ondary end points were conducted at a one-sided intervals. If the proportional-hazards assump-
alpha level of 0.025 because they were performed tion was violated, the Com–Nougue method was
only after the threshold for significance for the used; this method involves the use of estimates
primary efficacy and safety end points had been from the Kaplan–Meier analyses together with
met. Data were unblinded on July 7, 2023. variance estimated with the Greenwood method.
We estimated that a sample of 261 patients Missing data were handled with multiple im-
would provide the trial with more than 80% putation. The Markov chain Monte Carlo meth-
power to show the superiority of the use of the od was used to impute missing values for the
scaffold to angioplasty with respect to the pri- end points and prespecified baseline variables
mary efficacy end point. The sample size was with an arbitrary missing pattern from data un-
estimated on the basis of a difference between der the assumption of multivariate normal dis-
the scaffold group and the angioplasty group (i.e., tribution. A final assessment of the treatment ef-
treatment effect) of approximately 20 percentage fect was performed by combining the results for
points that was seen in previous data.6,9,21,22 We the treatment assessments across the five im-
initially estimated that a sample of 222 patients puted data sets with Rubin’s combination rules.
(148 in the scaffold group and 74 in the angio- If the threshold for significance for the pri-
plasty group) would provide the trial with more mary efficacy and safety end points was met, the
than 80% power to show a treatment effect of two powered secondary end points were to be
the scaffold; we then adjusted the sample size to tested in a hierarchical fashion until the thresh-
account for 15% attrition at 1 year. old for significance was not met; if an end point
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.
† Race or ethnic group was reported by the patient.
‡ The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
§ Rutherford–Becker class 4 disease is associated with ischemic rest pain, and Rutherford–Becker class 5 disease is associ-
ated with minor tissue loss.
¶ Data for the ankle–brachial index of the target limb are shown for 227 patients (87%). The ankle–brachial index is the
ratio of ankle pressure to arm pressure; a value of 0.9 to 1.4 is considered to be borderline or normal, a value lower
than 0.9 indicates peripheral artery disease, and a value higher than 1.4 suggests a noncompressible artery. When the
ankle–brachial index was higher than 1.4 or could not be measured reliably, a toe-pressure measurement was obtained
and the toe–brachial index was used.
‖ Data for the toe–brachial index of the target limb are shown for 79 patients (30%). The toe–brachial index is the ratio of
toe pressure to arm pressure; a value of 0.7 or higher is considered to be normal, and a value lower than 0.7 indicates
peripheral artery disease.
* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding. CI denotes confidence interval and NA not appli-
† Differences in percentages are shown in percentage points.
‡ No patients had ulceration or aneurysm of the target lesion at baseline.
§ The Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) II classification indicates the anatomical pattern of atherosclerotic disease severity. No
patients had class D.
¶ No patients had residual flow-limiting dissection after the index procedure.
End Point Scaffold Angioplasty (95% CI)* P Value†
Freedom from amputation above ankle of target limb at 1 yr 169/173 98 88/88 100 — —
Freedom from occlusion of target vessel at 1 yr 155/173 87 76/88 83 — —
Freedom from clinically driven revascularization of target lesion at 1 yr 162/173 93 77/88 87 — —
Freedom from binary restenosis of target lesion at 1 yr 138/173 76 53/88 50 — —
Powered secondary end points
Primary safety end point§
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
Freedom from major adverse limb events at 6 mo and perioperative death 165/170 97 90/90 100 −3 (−6 to 0) <0.001
Freedom from major adverse limb events at 6 mo 167/170 98 90/90 100 — —
Freedom from amputation above ankle of target limb 168/170 99 90/90 100 — —
January 4, 2024
Freedom from major reintervention of target limb 169/170 99 90/90 100 — —
* For the primary efficacy end point, the difference in percentages (shown in percentage points) and 95.02% confidence interval are provided. For the original primary efficacy end point
(the first powered secondary end point), the hazard ratio and 95% confidence interval are provided. For binary restenosis of the target lesion at 1 year (the second powered secondary
end point) and for the primary safety end point, differences in percentages (shown in percentage points) and 95% confidence intervals are provided.
† The one-sided P values were calculated on the basis of the Com–Nougue method against a one-sided alpha level of 0.025, except the P value for the primary efficacy end point, which
was calculated against a one-sided alpha level of 0.0249.
‡ Patients were included in the analysis of the primary efficacy end point if they had data from duplex ultrasonography (or data from angiography, if both angiographic and duplex ultraso-
nographic data were available) from a qualified core laboratory at 1 year or had had a clinical event. Clinical events were adjudicated by the clinical events committee through 365 days,
whereas angiographic data through 423 days and duplex ultrasonographic data through 453 days were used to evaluate patency.
§ Major reintervention was defined as new surgical bypass grafting, interposition grafting, thrombectomy, or thrombolysis. Perioperative death was defined as death from any cause
within 30 days after the index procedure.
Downloaded from at UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER AT DALLAS on January 3, 2024. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Drug-Eluting Resorbable Scaffold vs. Angioplasty
Percentage of Patients
short term and the long term.22-26 The challenges a powered secondary end point, and the results
associated with infrapopliteal artery revascular- for that end point were significant, although the
ization include extensive medial calcinosis, long magnitude of the effect was smaller than that
lesion lengths, acute lesion recoil, and a predi- for the primary efficacy end point. Second, the
lection for flow-limiting dissection after angio- trial population was highly selected, with patients
plasty. Various methods have not shown efficacy having shorter lesions than those commonly
with respect to the maintenance of long-term encountered in clinical practice. Nevertheless,
patency and the reduction of undesirable long- patients in the two trial groups had coexisting
term clinical events, such as reintervention and conditions that were evenly matched and were
amputation. The findings suggest that device consistent with those of the population of pa-
success may require both the mechanical prop- tients with CLTI in clinical practice.
erties of a stent and an antiproliferative coating. Third, the prescribed predilation in the scaf-
Drug-eluting devices that inhibit neointimal fold group may have influenced the results to
hyperplasia have not been used routinely for some extent, but this technique is known to be
the treatment of infrapopliteal artery disease. an important consideration in attaining the best
In numerous trials of drug-coated balloons and results with these scaffolds. Fourth, as with most
drug-eluting scaffolds and stents, the treatment clinical trials, participation in the trial conferred
has not resulted in greater patency than angio- close supervision of the patients, and the ex-
plasty or has had practical limitations.22-24,26,27 Of pected incidences of amputation and clinically
all the available approaches, the use of coronary driven revascularization of the target lesion were
drug-eluting stents with sirolimus analogues substantially lower than the incidences that might
in below-the-knee interventions has shown be expected in clinical practice. Fifth, the use of
the most promise for maintaining primary the scaffolds in the trial was restricted to the
patency.6-9,28 However, the permanent nature of proximal two thirds of the infrapopliteal arter-
these metal implants has made some clinicians ies. Caution must be used in extrapolating these
wary of their routine use. findings to other anatomical locations.
This trial had several limitations that should Among patients with CLTI due to infrapop
be considered during the interpretation of the liteal artery disease, the use of an everolimus-
data. First, after the interim analysis was con- eluting resorbable scaffold was superior to an-
ducted, the primary efficacy end point of the gioplasty with respect to the primary efficacy
trial was changed to include freedom from bi- end point. With respect to the primary safety
nary restenosis of the target lesion. However, end point, the use of the scaffold was noninfe-
this change was made during the enrollment rior to angioplasty.
period, and the investigators and other person- Supported by Abbott.
nel conducting the trial remained unaware of Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
the trial-group assignments. In addition, the origi- A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
nal primary efficacy end point was preserved as with the full text of this article at
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Prince of Wales Hospital and University of New South Wales, Randwick, Australia (R.L.V.);
New York Presbyterian–Weill Cornell Medical Center (B.G.D.), Mount Sinai Hospital (P.K.), and Columbia University Irving Medical
Center and Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (D.R.B., S.A.P.), New York, and Catholic Health Services, St. Francis
Hospital and Heart Center, Roslyn (L.A.G.) — all in New York; Syntropic Core Lab and OhioHealth Heart and Vascular, Columbus
(R.K.), and University Hospitals Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute, Cleveland (M.H.S.) — both in Ohio; Ballad Health, Kingsport,
TN (D.C.M.); CPC Clinical Research, Cardiovascular Division, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora (M.P.B.), and Ad-
vanced Heart and Vein Center, Denver (E.A.) — both in Colorado; Auckland Hospital and Auckland University, Grafton, Auckland, New
Zealand (A.H.H.); the Department of Surgery, Changi General Hospital, Singapore (S.W.C.K.); Advanced Interventional and Vascular
Services, Teaneck, NJ (J.R.); National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan (J.-K.L.); First Coast Cardiovascular Institute,
Jacksonville, FL (Y.K.); VasCore, Boston (I.W.); MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC (H.M.G.-G.); and Abbott Vas-
cular, Santa Clara, CA (K.R., N.T.T., Y.Z., J.W., J.M.J.-M.).
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