C.P Core Values
C.P Core Values
C.P Core Values
Julian Jyrwa
Values - what are they?
• Values shape our priorities and agenda for community work
• They are deeply held ideals about what is moral, right, or good
• For example:
• Hence this needs to be balanced out with social justice, respect for
diversity and sense of community
Application to community psychology
• Empowerment emphasises
- the importance of promoting people’s strenghts, resources and
- rather than focusing only on the problems or deficits
• Eg:
- Brining community members together to idenitfy common
- Taking collective action to promote positive change
- this increases the sense of control over their lives
- This also creates a more just and equitable society
• Citizen Participation
- Participatoty budgeting
- Community members are involved in process of public budget
- Increases transparency and accountability
- Empower members to advocate for their own priorities
• Another eg
- Including:
1. Identifying the research question
2. Designing interventions
3. Collecting the data/evidence
4. Analysing the data/ Evaluating outcomes
5. Disseminating the findings
• - Allows members to become active members of process rather
passive recievers
• This type of research can also produce work that is more relevant and
responsive to community needs
• Eg: mental health consumers/survivors must play a central role in any efforts
to create transformative change
• Collaboration is a means of realizing empowerment, focusing on
strengths, and advancing social justice
• Application to Homelessness
- the public often blame the victim, the homeless person, for his
or her problems
• Shinn & Gillespie, 1993
- explanations for homelessness are twofold—that is,
person-centered and environmental