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Chainage of Tangent Points

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Chainage of tangent points

To Locate T1 and T2

1) Fix the direction of tangents, produce them so as to meet at point B.

2) Set up theodolite at point B and measure T1BT2 (I).

Then deflection angle ∅ = 180˚ – I

3) Calculate tangents lengths by BT1 = BT2 = R tan(∅/2)

4) Locate T1 and T2 points by measuring the tangent lengths backward and

forward along tangent lines AB and BC.

5) The chainage of T1 is obtained by subtracting the tangent length from

the known chainage of the intersection point B. And the chainage of T2 is
found by adding the length of curve to the chainage of T1. 6) Then the pegs
are fixed at equal intervals on the curve.

7) The interval between pegs is usually 30m or one chain length.

8) The pegs along the centre line of the work should be at equal interval
from the beginning of the line up to the end.

9) The first peg on the curve is fixed at such a distance from the first
tangent point (T1) that its chainage becomes the whole number of chains
i.e. the whole number of peg interval.

10) The length of the first sub chord is thus less than the peg interval and it
is called a sub-chord.
Problem 01

Two tangents intersect at chainage of 6 +26.57. It is proposed to insert a

circular curve of radius 1000ft. The deflection angle being 16˚38’.


a) Chainage of tangents points

b) Lengths of long chord

a) Solution:

Tangent length = BT1 = BT2 = R tan(∅/2)

BT1 = BT2 = 1000 x tan(16˚38`/2) = 146.18 ft

Length of curve = L = 𝜋 R ∅/180˚

L = 𝜋 x 1000 x 16 ˚38`/180˚ = 290.31ft

Chainage of point of intersection =6 + 26.56

minus tangent length =-1 + 46.18

chainage of T1 = 4 + 80.39

plus L =2 + 90.31

Chainage of T2 =7 + 70.70

b) Lengths of long chord

Length of chord = l = 2 R sin (∅/2)

l = 2 x 1000 x sin (16˚38`/2) = 289.29 ft

Problem 02

Assignment 01 : Two tangents intersect at chainage of 14 + 87.33, with a

deflection angle of 11˚21’ 35’’. Degree of curve is 6˚. Calculate chainage of
beginning and end of the curve.


The methods for setting out curves may be divided into 2 classes according
to the instrument employed
1) Linear or Chain & Tape Method

2) Angular or Instrumental Method

Linear or Chain & Tape Method

These methods are used for the short curves which doesn’t require high
degree of accuracy.

These methods are used for the clear situations on the road intersections.

a) By offset or ordinate from Long chord

b) By successive bisection of arcs or chord
c) By offset from the Tangents
d) By offset from the Chords produced
e) The Intersection Method

2) Angular or Instrumental Method

i) Rankine’s Method of Tangential Angles

ii) ii) Two Theodolite Method

By offset or ordinate from Long chord

In this method, long chord is divided into an even number of equal parts. Taking centre of long chord as
origin, for various values of x, the perpendicular offsets are calculated to the curve and the curve is set in
the field by driving pegs at those offsets

R – radius of the curve

L – length of long chord

O0 – mid-ordinate

Ox – ordinate at distance x from the mid-point of long chord

Ordinate at distance x = Ox = E'O – DO

Q1.Calculate the ordinate at 7.5 m interval for a circular curve given that l = 60 m and R = 180 m, by
offset or ordinate from long chord.

Q2.Two straights intersect at chainage 2056.44 m and the angle of intersection is 130 0 . If the radius of
the simple curve to be introduced is 50 m, set out the curve by offsets from long chord for 5m interval.
find the following: (i) Chainage of the point of commencement (ii) Chainage at point of tangency (iii)
Length of the long chord.
Q3.Two straights AC and CB intersect at C at a chainage of 86.22 chains at a deflection angle of 620 .
They are to be smoothly connected by a simple curve of radius 12 chains. Find the tangent length, length
of curve and the chainages of the starting and end points of the curve. Find also the length of the long

Q4.Problem: The length of the long chord of a simple curve of radius 400m is 100m. Find the lengths of
the perpendicular offsets from the long chord at 10 m intervals.

The offsets from tangents may be calculated and set to get the required curve. The offsets can be either
radial or perpendicular to tangents.

The offsets from tangents may be calculated and set to get the required curve. The offsets can be either
radial or perpendicular to tangents.

(i) Radial offsets: if the centre of curve O is accessible from the points on tangent, this method of
curve setting is possible.

Let D be a point at distance x from T1. Now it is required to find radial ordinate Ox = DE, so that
the point C on the curve is located. From D OT1D, we get
(ii) Perpendicular offsets: If the centre of a circle is not visible, perpendicular offsets from tangent
can be set to locate the points on the curve.

Problems: Two roads meet at an angle of 1270 30’. Calculate the necessary data for setting out
a curve of 15 chains radius to connect the two straight portions of the road if it is intended to
set out the curve by chain and offsets only. Explain carefully how you would set out the curve in
the field. Assume the length of chain as 20 meters.

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