DR R Ramesh Babu

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Updated on 02.02.


Brief CV of Dr. R. RAMESH BABU

Professor (Academic Level – 14)
❖ Head, Department of Physics BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY,
❖ Coordinator – Central Workshop TIRUCHIRAPPALLI-24, TAMIL NADU.
rampap2k@yahoo.co.in, rameshbabu.r@bdu.ac.in
❖ Deputy Coordinator – RUSA Schemes Mobile: +91-9942060925
❖ Examination Incharge – Physics Dept. Off:+91-0431-2407057 -442 (intercom)

Google Scholar id : YflJdjoAAAAJ (as on date 02nd Feb. 2024) : Citations : 4453 h-index : 39 i10 –index - 102
Scopus id : 57130630800 (as on 02nd Feb. 2024) : Citations : 3664 h-index : 35 ; ORCID ID : 0000-0003-3007-8047
Ph.D. (Physics) ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI (Crystal Growth)
Awards/Fellowships ▪ Certificate of Appreciation presented by Bharathidasan University, Trichy, for High H-index in Web
received of Science and Scopus during Teacher’s Day Celebration – 2022.
▪ Tamil Nadu Young Scientist Award – 2018, Govt. of Tamil Nadu- Science City, Chennai
▪ Fellow, Academy of Sciences, Chennai (2018)
▪ Postdoctoral Fellowship (Oct. 2010-Sep.2011), Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan.
▪ Young Scientist Fellowship (2008-2011), DST FAST Track, Government of India.
▪ Tamil Nadu Young Scientist Fellowship Award (2008-2009)
▪ CSIR – Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Government of India.

Field of Expertise • VDGF/Bridgman Methods (Organic/Inorganic Crystal growth)

• Czochralski Method (Inorganic single crystals)/Low-Temperature Solution Growth
• Thin film deposition – Transparent Conducting Oxides
• Nanomaterials & Nanocrystals, Organic polymers /perovskite solar cells

Completed Research Projects Funding Agency Amount Received Tenure

UGC Rs. 10.68 Lakhs (PI) 2008-2011
CSIR Rs. 11.00 Lakhs (PI) 2008-2011
DST FAST TRACK Rs .17.80 Lakhs (PI) 2009-2012
DST Rs. 19.43 Lakhs (Co-PI) 2009-2012
DST Special Rs. 29.40 Lakhs (PI) 2010-2015
SERB Rs. 41.56 Lakhs (PI) 2013-2017
MHRD-RUSA (RUSA 1.0) Rs. 150* Lakhs (*One of the PIs ) 2017-2019

Ongoing Research Projects SERB Rs. 35 Lakhs (PI) 2020-2023

MHRD-RUSA (RUSA 2.0) Rs.~16 Lakhs (PI) 2021-2023
UGC-DAE-CSR Rs. 4.86 Lakhs (PI) (1st & 2nd year grant released) 2022-2025

Developed Research • Low-Temperature Solution Growth & Unidirectional Solution growth setups
facilities • Vertical Dynamic Gradient Freeze unit/Bridgman setups (Organic Crystal growth)
• Czochralski unit (Inorganic single crystals)
• Top-seeded solution growth setup (High-temperature solution growth)
• Spray pyrolysis setup & Spin coating unit/Organic molecular evaporation unit

Characterization facilities Hall measurement setup/Dielectric setup

Guidance PhD M.Phil. Project M.Sc. Project PDF

*Co-guidance -3 Thesis
Awarded Pursuing Completed Pursuing Completed Pursuing
13* 0 4 12 0 57 1
Research Papers published in International Journals (162) / International Proceedings (26) National
Peer-reviewed Journals / Book Chapters (4) Journals
195 192 3
Books written 1 (பள்ளியில் படிகம் வளர்ப்பபோம் (in Tamil - State Language)– KRU Publications, TN (2005))
Authors : R. Ramesh Babu, R. Gopalakrishnan & P. Ramasamy (201 Pages)
Paper presented in Seminar/ Invited Talk /Special
117 118
Conferences/ Symposium Lectures Presented
Programme Organized Orientation
Conference/Workshop Refresher Course
International – 2 National – 2 Attended - 2 Organized – 4 Attended - 1
Membership in Professional ❖ Life Member of the Indian Association for Crystal Growth, India & Japan Society for Applied Physics, Japan
Bodies ❖ CARE Committee, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
❖ Advisory Committee Member, Science and Technology Journal, Elavenil Pubs., Chennai


Professor & Head

Department of Physics
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli – 620 024
Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Professor (Academic Level 14)
ID No. BDU1760793
Address : Dr. R. Ramesh Babu
Professor and Head
Department of Physics
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli – 620 024
Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Employee Number : BDU1760793

Date of Birth : 20-04-1976
Contact Phone (Office) : +91 431 2407057- 442 (extn.)
Contact Phone (Mobile) : +91 9942060925
Contact e-mail(s) : rameshbabu.r@bdu.ac.in, rampap2k@yahoo.co.in

Orcid ID : 0000-0003-3007-8047 Vidwan-ID : 81161

Google Scholar id : YflJdjoAAAAJ Scopus id : 57130630800

Academic Qualifications : M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. (Physics)

Teaching Experience : 17 Years

Research Experience : 22 Years

Academic/Additional Responsibilities

1. Head, Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620

024. (02.02.2024 to till date)
2. Coordinator – Central Workshop, Bharathidasan University (05.09.2022 – till

3. Deputy Coordinator, RUSA Schemes, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.

(13.04.2022 to till date)

4. Examination in-charge – Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University

(2014-till date)

5. Mentor, M.Sc. Physics (II Year) – 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020,

2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Batch

Areas of Research

• Crystal Growth (Nonlinear Optical materials & Scintillators)

• Thin films (Solar Cells & Gas Sensors)
• Nanomaterials (Multiferroic)

Research Supervision / Guidance

Program of Study Completed Ongoing

Research Ph.D. 10 + 3* 04
M.Phil. 12 -
PDF - 01
Project PG 57 -


Total International National Others

Journals Journals (162)/

Papers Conference Proceedings (26)/ Journals Conferences -
Books Chapters (4)
195 192 03 - -

*Google Scholar id : YflJdjoAAAAJ

h-index : 39
i10 index : 102
Total Citations : 4453

Scopus id : 57130630800 :
h-index : 35
Citations : 3664

Funded Research Projects

Completed Projects

Period Budget
Agency Project Title (Rs. In
No From To lakhs)
Unidirectional growth of pure and doped L-
1 2008 2011 arginine family single crystals by Novel solution 10.68
growth method and their characterization
Growth, Structural, Spectral, Thermal, Mechanical
2 2008 2011 and Optical studies on semi-organic L-Lysine 11.00
single crystals for NLO applications
Fabrication of energy efficient hybrid organic
3 2009 2011 light emitting device (OLED) on nanostructure 19.43
templates for white lighting applications
Growth of Unidirectional single crystals of 4-
aminobeznzophenone by vertical dynamic
4 2009 2014 gradient freeze and unidirectional solution 17.78
growth techniques for nonlinear optical

DST Top seeded solution growth of KNbO3 single

5 2011 2015 29.40
(Co-PI) crystals for nonlinear optical applications

Fabrication and performance study of spray

6 2013 2017 deposited low bandgap organic polymers and 41.56
fullerene blend based solar cell devices
RUSA 1.0
Sustainable Energy Technologies - Investigation
(R &I) 150*
7 2017 2019 on the advanced functional materials for the next
PI* *One of the PIs
generation solar cell applications
*One of the PIs

Ongoing Projects

S. Period Budget
No Agency Project Title (Rs. In
From To lakhs)
Hole Transport Materials-Free Fully Inorganic 35.0
1 2020 2023 Mixed Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Via Cost-
Effective Spray Method
Fabrication of highly efficient organic-inorganic ~16.0
2 RUSA 2.0 2021 2023 hybrid mixed halide perovskite thin film solar cell
(Research) devices by spray technique

Optimization and fabrication of Lead-free Stable ~4.87

3 CSR 2022 2025 bi-metallic based organic-inorganic halide
perovskite solar cell devices

Distinctive Achievements / Awards

1. Certificate of Appreciation presented by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

during Teacher Day Celebration 2022 (5th Sep. 2022) for High H-index in Web of
Science and Scopus

2. Tamil Nadu Young Scientist – 2018 (Physical Sciences) – Science City-

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

3. Fellow, Chennai Academy of Sciences, Chennai (FASCh)

4. Outstanding Paper presentation, International Conference on Advanced

Electromaterials, November 7-10, 2011, Jeju, Korea.

5. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION presented by ACS Publications during

December 2011 for valuable contribution and dedicated service in the peer review
of manuscripts

6. Postdoctoral Fellowship (Oct. 2010-Sep.2011), Department of Electrical

Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan.

7. Young Scientist Fellowship (2008-2011), DST FAST Track, Government of India.

8. Tamil Nadu Young Scientist Fellowship Award (2008-2009), Tamil Nadu State
council for Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.

9. Best Paper Presentation Award- Dec. 2005, Indian Science Congress Association,
Tenth National Seminar on Crystal Growth, Kongu Engineering College, Erode.

10. Best Paper Published – 2005 Award, Indian Science Congress Association, Crystal
Growth of Laser related materials, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Tamil
Nadu. India.
11. Senior Research Fellowship (Dec.2003-Dec.2005), Prof. P. Ramasamy -CSIR
Emeritus Scientistship Scheme” Growth and Characterization of organic Molecular
crystals for Radiation Detection”, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Government of India.

12. Senior Research Fellowship (Nov. 2002-Oct. 2003), Defence Research

Development Organization, Government of India.

13. Junior Research Fellowship (Nov. 2000-Oct. 2003), Defence Research

Development Organization, Government of India.

Events organized in leading roles

1. Convener, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2014)

organized by School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024
during February 3-4, 2014.

2. Coordinator for the UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Physics conducted by UGC
Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, from 17-02-2016
to 08-03-2016.

3. Coordinator for the UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Nanosciences

(Interdisciplinary) conducted by UGC Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli, from 20-12-2017 to 09-01-2018.

4. Co-Convener, International conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (i-

SET 2018), by School of Physics and School of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli-620 024 during June27-28, 2018.

5. Coordinator for the UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Physics conducted by UGC
Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, from 23-10-2019
to 05-11-2019.

6. Convener, 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Science and

Technology (ICRTAST-2020), Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli, from 26-12-2020 to 29-12-2020.

7. Convener, SERB-SSR sponsored “Two days workshop on Perovskite Solar Cells”,

organized by Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620
024 during 15-16 December 2023.

Events Participated

Conferences / Seminars / Workshops:

1. Awareness Programme on Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation
Technology for societal development (ARRTS-2004) held at Anna University,
Chennai, during July 13-14, 2004.

2. School on Ion Beams in Materials science, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

during October 4-10, 2004.

3. Indo-Japan Workshop on Crystal Growth and Applications of Advanced

Materials for Optoelectronics, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University during
December 7-10,2004.

4. International workshop on Advances in Material Science and Technology , SSN

college of Engineering, Kalavakkam – 603 110 during Jan 31, 2005.

5. International Workshop on Nanoscience and Technology, Organized jointly by

Anna University & ICTP Italy during 13-17, Feb. 2006.

6. UGC Refresher Course on Physical Sciences held at UGC-Academic Staff College,

Khajamalai Campus, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 during 1 –
21 February 2007.

7. Workshop on homemade Physics experiments, Inter-University Accelerator

Centre, New Delhi during 29 Sep- 04 October 2008.

8. Accelerator User Workshop held on December 17-18, 2008, Inter-University

Accelerators Centre, New Delhi.

9. Awareness Programme on Nano Technology (APNT), during Feb. 27-28, 2010

held at the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, School of Physics,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024. India.

10. International symposium on Green Energy Research held on December 3, 2010

at Department of Electrical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan.

11. UGC Orientation Program held at UGC-Academic Staff College, Khajamalai Campus,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 during 1 – 28 February 2012.

12. National Seminar on Positron Annihilation held at Department of Nuclear

Physics, University of Madras, Chennai-25 on September 3, 2013

13. Technical seminar by m/s. Keithley & Tektronix on "from nanovolts to

gigahertz" on 05.09.2013 held at Hotel Park Plaza, Madurai
14. Two-day Lecture workshop on Recent Advances in Materials Chemistry held at
Department of Chemistry, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Anna University
(Trichy Campus), Tiruchirappalli-62 024 during March 7-8, 2014.

15. UGC Refresher Course on Physical Sciences held at UGC-Academic Staff College,
Khajamalai Campus, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 during
06.11.2014 – 26.11.2014.

16. International workshop on Strongly correlated Materials (IWSCM’15) held at

Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli -620 024, India. On 20th January 2015.

17. A Two day Awareness Workshop On Advanced Material Characterization &

Synthesis Facilities organized by UGC-DAE CSR, Kalpakkam Node in collaboration
with the Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Madras during June 27-28,

18. Participated International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and

Technology held at Anna University on 8th &9th of September 2017.

19. Participated GIAN course on Complex Systems : Modelling and Analysis

December 11th – 15th 2018 held at the Department of Physics, Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli-24.

20. Participated GIAN course on Physics and Technology of Functional Materials

from 12th – 20th February 2018 held at the Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University,

21. Participated UGC sponsored Two Day Workshop for Academic Administrators on
“Institutional Assessment and Accreditation on 12th & 13th March 2018.

22. Participated Orientation Workshop on Swayam, Jointly Organized by Department

of Library and Information Science and UGC-Human Resource Development Centre,
Bharathidasan University on 03.05.2018.

23. Participated Seminar cum Workshop on “A Primer on Intellectual Property” held

at IPR Cell, Bharathidasan University on 30.07.2018.

24. Participated Faculty Development Programme on Enhancing learning outcomes

through effective teaching jointly organized by the Internal quality Assurance Cell
and UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University on

25. Participated in the Indian Summer School on Crystal Growth (ISSCG-2020)

organized by SSN Research Centre, SSN Institutions, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
during 14-23 May 2020.

26. Participated in the Six days International workshop on “Smart Materials Sensor
and Energy Devices) SMSED -2020)” during 25-30, May 2020 organized by the
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SSN College of
Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai.

27. Participated in the webinar on Emerging Nano-technological Advancement in

Light Emitting Diodes” on 26th May 2020, organized by the Department of
Sciences, Sona College of Technology, Salem.

28. Participated in a Virtual symposium on multifunctional Materials organized by

Department of Physics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram
Campus, Chennai on 17th June 2020.

29. Participated in International Virtual Conference on “Photovoltaics and

Materials Science” organized by Centre for Crystals Growth, Vellore Institute of
Technology, Vellore, held on 23th June, 2020.

30. Participated in a Webinar on “Single Crystal Perovskites: Next Wave of

Photovoltaic Technology” on 14th June 2020 organized by Department of Physics
and IQAC of Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalay, Jath-416404, Sangli, Maharastra.

31. Participated in the American Chemical Society Science Talk (Virtual Lecture
Series) on Engineering Charge Transit in Optically sensitive Two-dimensional
Materials on 3rd July 2020.

32. Participated JOVE Webinar using Jove in Classroom, conducted on 6th September
2021 in collaboration with Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

Overseas Exposure / Visits

1. Japan
Membership in

Professional Bodies

1. Life Member in Indian Association for Crystal Growth

2. Member in Japan Society of Applied Physics (2010-2011)
3. Vice President, Physics Forum, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University,

Advisory Board

1. Advisory Board, அறிவியல் மற்றும் த ொழில்நுடப ஆரொய்ச்சி சஞ்சிகை,

இளவவனில் ப ிப்பைம், தசன்கன.

Academic Bodies (such as Board of Studies etc.,)

1. Member, PG Board of Studies (Physics), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

2. Member, (PG, M.Phil. & Ph.D.) Board of Studies (Physics), Department of Physics,
Bharathidasan University, Trichirappalli-620 024.
3. Subject Expert, PG Board of Studies (Medical Physics), Department of Medical
Physics, Bharathidasan University, Trichirappalli-620 024.
4. University Representative, Board of Studies (Physics), Kunthavai Nachiyaar
Government Arts College for Women (autonomous), Thanjavur-613 007.
5. University Representative, Board of Studies (Physics), Government Arts College
for Women (autonomous), Pudukkottai- 622 001.
6. Subject Expert, PG Board of Studies (Physics), St. Xavier’s College (autonomous),
Palayamkottai-627 002.
7. Subject Expert, M.Phil. Board of Studies (Physics), Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial
College, Sattur, (from January 2019 to December 2021)
8. Subject Expert, PG Board of Studies (Physics), Holy Cross College, Trichy.
9. Member, Publications of Research Papers in Bharathidasan University, from
27.07.2021 – till date.


1. Chaired a scientific session in the 4th International Conference on Perspectives in

Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICOPVS 2013) held at Department of Physics, Bishop
Moore College, Mavelikara, Kerala, India-690110 during 6-9 August 2013.

2. Chaired a scientific session in the “Second International Conference on

Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites (ICNM 2014) 19-21 December 2014
at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India”.

3. Chaired a scientific session in the “2nd National conference on Nanophotonics

(NCNP-2016) held at School of Physics, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli
during 18-19 March 2016.

4. Chaired a scientific session in the International Conference on Recent Trends in

Science and Technology held at Anna University on 8th &9th of September 2017.
5. Chaired a scientific session in the International Conference on Advanced
Nanomaterials (ICAN-2018) held at Department of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi on 26th &27th of February 2018.

6. Chaired a scientific session in the National e-conference on Advanced Research in

Materials Science organized by the Department of Physics, Kamaraj College,
Thoothukudi-628 003 Tamil Nadu during 22 & 23red February 2021.

Resource persons in various capacities

Paper Presented in National/International Seminars

Symposia and Conferences : 117

Invited/Special Lectures Presented : 118


1. No. of Ph.D. Thesis evaluated : 21

2. No. of Ph.D. Public Viva Voce Examination conducted : 11

List of Research Publications

1. K Arjunan, R. Ramesh Babu, Fabrication of samarium doped SnO2 thin films using
facile spray pyrolysis technique for photocatalysis application, Ionics, 30 (1) (2024)
491 – 507.

2. K. Arjunan and R. Ramesh Babu, Facile Homemade Spray Pyrolyzed (SnO2)1‑x(CeO2)x

Composite Thin Films for Visible Light Photocatalysis Application, Ionics 29(11),
(2023) 4797–4816.

3. P Senthilkumar, S Raja, R Ramesh Babu, G Vasuki, Influence of Ru doping on the

structural, morphological, optical, electrical and optoelectronic properties of SnO2
thin films, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 174, (2023) 111177.

4. P Senthilkumar, S Raja, R Ramesh Babu, V Kavinkumar, K Jothivenkatachalam, G

Vasuki Optoelectronic, photocurrent sensitivity and photocatalytic dye degradation
behaviour of spray deposited Cr doped SnO2 thin films, Materials Chemistry and
Physics, 305 (2023) 127988. (IF - 4.778)
5. A. Subashini, K. Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, R. Philip and H. Stoeckli-Evans,
Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of the orthorhombic
polymorph of 4-bromo-N-(4-bromobenzylidene)aniline, Acta Cryst.
E79, (2023). 146-150, https://doi.org/10.1107/S2056989023001111

6. Subashini Ashokkumar, Reji Philip, R Ramesh Babu Ramraj, Ramamurthi

Kandasamy, Two photon absorption properties of CBHB and DEABHB single
crystals for optical limiting applications, Journal of Fluorescence 33, pages1077–
1087 (2023). (IF – 2.525)

7. Velusamy P, Xinghui Liu, R. Ramesh Babu, M. Sathiya, Norah Salem Alsaiari,

Fatimah Mohammed Alzahra, M. Tariq Nazir, Elangovan Elamurugu, Fuchun Zhang
Chemically sprayed CdO: Cr thin films for formaldehyde gas detection and
optoelectronic applications, Chemosphere, 329 (2023), 138535. (IF – 8.943)

8. Sripan Chinnaiyah, Devarajan Alagarasan, Rajamanickam Ganesan, R Ramesh Babu,

Cu-poor chalcostibite CuSbS2 thin films for inverted photovoltaic applications,
Applied Physics A, (2023) 129:238 (IF – 2.983)

9. P. Senthilkumar, S. Raja, R Ramesh Babu, G. Vasuki, Influence of Ru doping on the

structural, morphological, optical, electrical and optoelectronic properties of SnO2
thin films, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 174 (2023) 111177.

10. A. Subashini, Aurelien Crochet, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu and Helen

Stoeckli-Evans, The crystal structure of poly-[tetrakis(4-methylanilinium)
decachloro-tri-cadmium(ii)]: a two-dimensional organic & inorganic hybrid
perovskite, Acta Crystallographica Section E : Crystallographic Communi-cations, 78,
(12) (2022) 1.

11. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, V. Ganesh, R. Ramesh Babu,

K. Sethuraman, Electrochromic properties of hydrothermally grown
microstructured V2O5 and MWCNT/V2O5 composite films, Journal of Materials
Science: Materials in Electronics 33, (2022) 24819–24833.

12. M. Vadivel, S. Gopalakrishnan, R. Ramesh Babu, M. Senthil Pandian, P. Ramasamy,

Influence of Bi doping concentrations on the structural, morphological, dielectric,
optical and magnetic properties of ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Superconductivity
and Novel Magnetism, 35 (12) (2022) 3647-3659.

13. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, Mahakrishnan Sathiya, Alothman Asma, Wabaidur

Saikh, Islam Md Ataul, Elamurugu Elangovan, M. Senthil Pandian, Perumalsamy
Ramasamy, Incorporation of Ti3+ metal ions in chemically spray deposited CdO thin
films for optoelectronic and chem-resistive based formaldehyde gas sensor
applications, New Journal of Chemistry 46 (2022) 22469-22485.

14. Velusamy Periyasamy, R. Ramesh Babu, Awais Ahmad, Munirah D. Albaqami ,

Reham Ghazi Alotabi, Elangovan Elamurugu, Spray-deposited rare earth metal ion
(Sm3+, Ce3+, Pr3+, La3+) doped CdO thin films for enhanced formaldehyde gas sensing
characteristics, ACS Omega, 7 (39) (2022) 35191-35203

15. S.Raja, R. Ramesh Babu, Investigation on the dielectric and magnetic properties of
perovskite-spinel (KNbO3-NiFe2O4) composites, Materials Research Bulletin, Volume
155, November 2022, 111973,

16. M. Vadivel, R. Ramesh Babu, M. Sridharan, Spray-Deposited Rare Earth Metal Ions
(La3+ and Sm3+) Substituted CoFe2O4 Thin Films for NH3 Gas-Sensing Applications,
35 (9) (2022) 2563-2571.

17. M. Vadivel, R Ramesh Babu, M. Sridharan, Room-temperature NH3 gas-sensing

characteristics of spray-deposited transition metal ions substituted CoFe2O4 thin
films, Applied Physics A (2022) 128:522

18. P. Senthilkumar, S. Raja, R Ramesh Babu, G. Vasuki, Enhanced electrical and

optoelectronic properties of W doped SnO2 thin films, Optical Materials, Volume
126, April 2022, 112234.

19. N. Renuka, R Ramesh Babu, N. Vijayan, P. Baskaran, Effect of dyes on the growth,
structural, morphological, optical, mechanical and dielectric properties of Sulphamic
acid single crystal, 2022 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology
International Conferences (ASET), IEEE Xplore Pages 1-6,
10.1109/ASET53988.2022.9735054. (Publication date 21.02.2022)

20. Indira Gandhi Tamizhmani, Raja Sakthivel, Ramesh Babu Ramraj Arivanandhan
Mukannan, Impact of Ni doping on the structural, morphological, electrical and
optical properties of SnO2 thin films by spray pyrolysis technique, Applied Physics
A, 127 (2021) 923

21. P Velusamy, M Sathiya, Yunpeng Liu, Shanhu Liu, R Ramesh Babu, Mohamed Aly
Saad Aly, E Elangovan, Haibo Chang, Liqun Mao, Ruimin Xing, Investigating the effect
of Nd3+ dopant and the formation of g-C3N4/BiOI heterostructure on the
microstructural, optical and photoelectrocatalytic properties of g-C3N4, Applied
Surface Science 561 (2021) 150082.
22. A Subashini, V Veeramani, K Thamaraiselvi, Aurelien Crochet, Priya Rose, Reji Philip,
R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, Synthesis, growth and characterization of
benzylideneaniline compounds: N-(4-bromobenzylidene)-4-fluoroaniline and N-(4-
bromobenzylidene)-4-methoxyaniline, Optical Material, 117 (2021) 111081.

23. S. Raja, K. Arjunan, R. Mahalakshmi, B. Noorul Ayin, and R. Ramesh Babu, Studies
on multiferroic properties of (1-x)BiFeO3-(x)KNbO3 composites, AIP Conference
Proceedings 2265, 030577 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063 /5.0017284

24. R. Ramarajan, K. Thangaraju, D. Paul Joseph, and R. Ramesh Babu, Investigation of

substrate temperature effect on the properties of spray deposited Tadoped SnO2
thin films, AIP Conference Proceedings 2265, 030431 (2020);

25. N. Kumaresan, M. Maria Angelin Sinthiya, M. Praveen Kumar, S. Ravichandran,

R. Ramesh Babu, K. Sethuraman, K. Ramamurthi, Investigation
on the photocatalytic and sono photocatalytic activities of {002} facets of ZnO
nanoparticles synthesized through template/surfactant-free hydrothermal method
at different temperatures and time durations, Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Electronics (2020) 31:13817–13837.

26. N. Kumaresan, M. Maria Angelin Sinthiya, M. Sarathbavan, K. Sethuraman,

R. Ramesh Babu, Synergetic effect of g-C3N4/ZnO binary nanocomposites
heterojunction on improving charge carrier separation through 2D/1D
nanostructures for effective photocatalytic activity under the sunlight irradiation,
Separation and Purification Technology 244 (2020) 116356. (5.107)

27. R. Ramarajan, M Kovendhan, K Thangaraju, D Paul Joseph, R Ramesh Babu,

Viswanathan Elumalai, (2020) Enhanced optical transparency and electrical
conductivity of Ba and Sb co-doped SnO2 thin films, Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, Volume 823, (2020) 153709.

28. P Senthilkumar, G Vasuki, R Ramesh Babu, S Raja, Influence of Cd doping on the

structural, optical and morphological properties of SnO2 thinfilms, AIP Conference
Proceedings, 2220 (2020) 090024.

29. Balaji Srikanth Ragunath, Kumaran Sangeetha, Ramraj Ramesh Babu, Reverse
Saturable Absorption and Optical Limiting Application of Methyl Orange Dye Doped
l‑Arginine Monohydrochloride (LAHCl) Single Crystals, Crystal Research and
Technology 55 (2020) 1900190. (0.58)
30. N Kumaresan, MMA Sinthiya, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, K Sethuraman, Visible
light driven photocatalytic activity of ZnO/CuO nanocomposites coupled with rGO
heterostructures synthesized by solid-state method for RhB dye degradation,
Arabian Journal of Chemistry 13 (2020) 3910-3928 (3.298)

31. N Kumaresan, M Maria Angelin Sinthiya, M Praveen Kumar, S Ravichandran, R

Ramesh Babu, K Sethurman, K Ramamurthi, Investigation on the g-C3N4
encapsulated ZnO nanorods heterojunction coupled with GO for effective
photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation, Arabian Journal of Chemistry
13 (2020) 2826-2843 (3.298)

32. S Raja, R Ramesh Babu, SC Mohan, K Jothivenkatachalam, K Ramamurthi, Visible

light driven photocatalytic activity of palladium nanoparticles assisted potassium
niobate microrods, Applied Surface Science 497, (2019) 143737 (5.155)

33. PA Praveen, R Ramesh Babu, Evaluation of nonlinear optical properties from

molecular descriptors of benzimidazole metal complexes by principal component
analysis, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 93, (2019) 107447 (1.863)

34. R Ramarajan, M Kovendhan, K Thangaraju, DP Joseph, R Ramesh Babu, Facile

deposition and characterization of large area highly conducting and transparent Sb-
doped SnO2 thin film, Applied Surface Science 487, (2019) 1385-1393 (5.155)

35. R Ramarajan, M Kovendhan, R Ramesh Babu, K Thangaraju, DP Joseph, Optimization

and transport properties of ‘Nb’ doped SnO2 thin film as an alternate TCO
application, AIP Conference Proceedings 2115 (1), (2019) 030427

36. P Velusamy, R Xing, R Ramesh Babu, E Elangovan, J Viegas, S Liu, M Sridharan, A

Study on Formaldehyde Gas Sensing and Optoelectronic Properties of Bi-doped CdO
Thin Films Deposited by an Economic Solution Process, Sensors and Actuators B:
Chemical, (2019) 126718 (6.393)

37. A Subashini, P Priyadharsani, K Thamaraiselvi, V Veeramani, Priya Rose, Reji Philip,

Helen Stoeckli-Evans, K. Ramamurthi and R Ramesh Babu, Studies on growth and
characterization of (E)-N′-[4- (dimethylamino) benzylidene]-4-
hydroxybenzohydrazide hemihydrate: a nonlinear optical material , Journal of
Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (3), (2019) 2638-2646 (2.195)

38. PV Bhuvaneswari, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, (2018), Effect of substrate

temperature on the structural, morphological and optical properties of copper
bismuth sulfide thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation method, Journal
of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29 (20) 17201-17208 (2.324)

39. S Raja, M Vadivel, R Ramesh Babu, LS Kumar, K Ramamurthi, (2018), Ferromagnetic

and dielectric properties of lead free KNbO3-CoFe2O4 Composites, Solid State
Sciences 85, 60-69. (1.861)
40. S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, (2018), Effect of Sb incorporation on
the structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of CdSe thin films
deposited by electron beam evaporation technique, Thin Solid Films 660, 23–30.

41. K. Sangeetha, S. Thamotharan, R. Ramesh Babu, S. Madan Kumar, (2018), Linear and
nonlinear optical properties of 4-Nitrobenzoic acid (4-NBA) single crystals, Bulletin
of Materials Science 41:73. (0.925)

42. S Raja, R. Ramesh Babu K Ramamurthi, (2018), Magnetic and photocatalytic

properties of bismuth doped KNbO3 microrods, Materials Research Bulletin, 105,
349–359. (2.873)

43. S Raja, R. Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, K Sethuraman, (2018), Influence of Cr-

doping on structural, morphological, optical, dielectric and magnetic properties of
KNbO3 ceramics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 213, 130-139. (2.21)

44. Maria Angelin Sinthiya M, Kumaresan N, Ramamurthi K, Sethuraman K, Moorthy

Babu S, Ramesh Babu R, Ganesh V, (2018), Influence of heat treatment on the
properties of hydrothermally grown 3D/1D TiO2 hierarchical hybrid
microarchitectures over TiO2 seeded FTO substrates, Applied Surface Science, 449,
122–131. (4.439)

45. Ch Surya Prakasarao, Slavia Deeksha D’souza, Pratim Hazarika, Karthiselvan. S.,
Ramesh Babu R., Kovendhan M., R. Arockia Kumar, and D. Paul Joseph, (2018;
Fabrication and stability investigation of ultra-thin transparent and flexible Cu-Ag-
Au tri-layer film on PET, AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 080010, doi:

46. R. Ramarajan, K. Thangaraju, R. Ramesh Babu, and D. Paul Joseph, (2018),

Electrical transport properties of spray deposited transparent conducting ortho
Zn2SnO4 thin films, AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 110042, doi:

47. S Mathuri, Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, V Ganesh,

(2018), Hydrothermal assisted growth of vertically aligned platelet like structures
of WO3 films on transparent conducting FTO substrate for electrochromic
performance, Applied Surface Science, 449, 77–91. (4.439)

48. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, K

Sethuraman, (2018), Modification on the properties of vanadium oxide films
deposited from NH4F added HNO3 treated ammonium metavanadate precursor
solution by spray pyrolysis technique., Thin Solid Films, 655, 62-69. (1.939)

49. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, V Ganesh,

K Sethuraman, (2018), Hydrothermally Grown Nano and Microstructured V2O5 Thin
Films for Electrochromic Application, Applied Surface Science, 449, 193–202.
50. R Ramarajan, M Kovendhan, Duy-Thach Phan, K Thangaraju, R Ramesh Babu, Ki-
Joon Jeon, D Paul Joseph, (2018), Optimization of Zn2SnO4 thin film by post oxidation
of thermally evaporated alternate Sn and Zn metallic multi-layers, Applied Surface
Science 449, 68–76. (4.439)

51. A Subashini, K Poornima Priyadharsani, K Thamaraiselvi, Helen Stoeckli-Evans, G

Bhagavannarayana, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, (2018), Synthesis, growth and
characterization of dichlorobis (4-chloroaniline-κN) zinc semiorganic crystal
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 4147-4154. (2.195)

52. S. Raja, R. Ramesh Babu, K.Ramamurthi, , S. Moorthy Babu, (2018), Room

temperature ferromagnetic behavior, linear and nonlinear optical properties of
KNbO3 microrods, Ceramic International 44 (3), 3297-3306. (3.057)

53. PA Praveen, R Ramesh Babu, P Balaji, A Murugadas, MA Akbarsha, (2018), Laser

Assisted Anticancer Activity of Benzimidazole Based Metal Organic Nanoparticles,
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 180 218-224. (3.165)

54. P.Velusamy, R Ramesh Babu, K.Ramamurthi, , J.Viegas, M.Sridharan, (2018), Gas

sensing and opto-electronic properties of spray deposited Cobalt doped CdO thin
films, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 255, 871–883 (5.667)

55. P Velusamy, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, E Elangovan, J Viegas, M Sridharan

(2018), Spray deposited ruthenium incorporated CdO thin films for opto-electronic
and gas sensing applications, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 112, 127-
136. (2.207)
56. S. Leela, T. Deepa Rani, A. Subashini, S. Brindha, R Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi
(2017), Studies on growth and characterization of nonlinear optical material 4-
chloro-4’methoxy benzylideneaniline: A Schiff base organic material, Arabian
Journal of Chemistry 10, S3974-S3981. (2.969)

57. M. Vadivel, R Ramesh Babu,, K. Ramamurthi, M. Arivanandhan (2017), Effect of PVP

concentrations on the structural, morphological, dielectric and magnetic properties
of CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 11, 112–123.

58. S Raja, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, N Balamurugan, (2017), Synthesis, Growth

and Characterization of Potassium Niobate (KNbO3) Single Crystal by Top Seeded
Solution Growth Method, Springer Proceedings in Physics book series (SPPHY-
Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 189, 467-474.

59. M Vadivel, R Ramesh Babu, P Selvakumar, M Arivanandhan, K Ramamurthi, (2017),

Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of La Substituted CoFe 2O4
Nanoparticles, Springer Proceedings in Physics book series (SPPHY- Recent Trends
in Materials Science and Applications, 189, 179-193.

60. P Velusamy, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, N Balamurugan, (2017), The Effect of

Solvent on the Structural, Morphological, Optical and Electrical Properties of Spray
Pyrolysed Boron Doped CdO Thin Films, Springer Proceedings in Physics book
series (SPPHY- Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications, 189, 367-381.

61. N Renuka, R Ramesh Babu, N Vijayan, B Rathi, K Thukral, (2017), Effect of Oxygen
Ion Irradiation on the Structural and Optical Properties of L-Arginine Acetate Single
Crystals, Springer Proceedings in Physics book series (SPPHY- Recent Trends in
Materials Science and Applications, 189, 511-519.

62. S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, (2017), Influence of deposition distance

and substrate temperature on the CdSe thin films deposited by electron beam
evaporation technique, Thin Solid Films 625, 138-147. (1.939)

63. L Jothi, G Anuradha, G Vasuki, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, (2017), Crystal

structure of N-(p-methylbenzylidene)-p-bromoaniline, Journal of Structural
Chemistry 58 (2), 370-372. (0.521)

64. PA Praveen, R Ramesh Babu, (2017), Theoretical and experimental evaluation of

structural and optical properties of novel zinc-benzimidazole metal complex doped
in polystyrene matrices, AIP Conference Proceedings 1832 (1), 140038.

65. P Velusamy, R Ramesh Babu, KT Aparna ((2017), Effect of Sm doping on the physical
properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1832 (1) , 080085

66. S Raja, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, (2017), Structural and ferromagnetic

properties of KNbO3 microrods, AIP Conference Proceedings 1832 (1), 140045.

67. P.V. Bhuvaneswari, K. RamamurthiI, R Ramesh Babu, (2017), Influence of

substrate temperature on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical
properties of copper telluride thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation
method, Thin Solid Films, 632, 44-49. (1.939)

68. MM Margoni, S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, K Sethuraman, (2017),

Sprayed vanadium pentoxide thin films: Influence of substrate temperature and role
of HNO3 on the structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties,
Applied Surface Science, 418, 280–290. (4.439)

69. N. Kumaresan, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Sethuraman, S. Moorthy Babu,

(2017), Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanoparticles for Effective Photocatalytic
Activity, Applied Surface Science 418, 138-146. (4.439)

70. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu , K. Ramamurthib, E. Elangovan c, J. Viegas, (2017),

Effect of La doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of spray
pyrolytically deposited CdO thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 708 804-
812. (3.779)
71. P A Praveen, R Ramesh Babu and K Ramamurthi, (2017), Theoretical and
experimental investigations on linear and nonlinear optical response of metal
complexes doped PMMA films, Mater. Res. Express 4, 025024. (1.449)

72. MASM John, K Ramamurthi, K Sethuraman, R Ramesh Babu, (2017),

Morphologically tuned 3D/1D rutile TiO 2 hierarchical hybrid micro-architectures
engineered by one-step surfactant free hydrothermal method, Applied Surface
Science 405, 195–204. (4.439)

73. Vadivel M, Ramesh Babu R, Arivanandhan M, Ramamurthi K. (2017), Structural,

Spectral, Morphological, Dielectric, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of La-Ni ions
co-substituted CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel
Magnetism, 30(2), 441-453. (1.142)

74. M. Sukumar M, R. Ramesh Babu K. Ramamurthi, (2017), Etching, dielectric and third
order nonlinear optical studies on Czochralski growth Bi2ZnB2O7 single crystals,
Materials Research Innovations 21(2), 79-85. (0.35)

75. Vadivel M, Ramesh Babu R., Ramamurthi K. Arivanandhan M, (2017), Enhanced

dielectric and magnetic properties of polystyrene added CoFe2O4 magnetic
nanoparticles, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 102, 1-11. (2.207)

76. M. Sukumar M, R. Ramesh Babu K. Ramamurthi, (2017), Growth, dielectric and

nonlinear optical properties of Li3Cs2B5O10 single crystals, Applied Physics B 123
(1), 24. (1.31)

77. P. A. Praveen, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2017), Role of Annealing on the

Structural and Optical Properties of Nanostructured diaceto bis-benzimidazole
Mn(II) Complex Thin films Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 173, 800-808. (2.88)

78. M Vadivel, R Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, M Arivanandhan, (2016), CTAB cationic

surfactant assisted synthesis of CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles, Ceramics
International 42 (16), 19320-19328 (2.986)

79. MM Margoni, S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, K Sethuraman (2016),

Investigation on the pure and fluorine doped vanadium oxide thin films deposited
by spray pyrolysis method Thin Solid Films 606, 51-56. (1.879)

80. PA Praveen, R. Ramesh Babu, (2016), Effect of substituents on polarizability and

hyperpolarizability values of benzimidazole metal complexes, AIP Conf. Proc. 1731,
81. P Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, (2016), Structural, morphological,
optical and electrical properties of spray deposited lithium doped CdO thin films,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1731, 080022.

82. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, K

Sethuraman, (2016), Investigation on vanadium oxide thin films deposited by spray
pyrolysis technique AIP Conf. Proc. 1728, 020272.
83. M Sarathbavan, MM Margoni, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, (2016) Structural and
Optical Properties of Nickel Ferrite Thin Film Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis
Technique, Advanced Science Letters 22 (11), 3844-3846.

84. S Mathuri, K Ramamurthi, R Ramesh Babu, (2016) Influence of Deposition Distance

on the Properties of CdSe Thin Films by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique,
Advanced Science Letters 22 (11), 3886-3888.

85. P Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, K Ramamurthi, E Elangovan, J. Viegas, MS Dahlem, M.

Arivanandhan, (2016), Characterization of spray pyrolytically deposited high
mobility praseodymium doped CdO thin films, Ceramics International, 42, 12675–
12685. (2.986)

86. S. Raja, P. V. Bhuvaneswari, R. Ramesh Babu, V. Gokulakrishnan, K. Ramamurthi,

(2016). Studies on the structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of
(CdO)x(ZnO)1-x thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method, J Mater Sci: Mater
Electron 27, 8111–8117. (2.019)

87. S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu (2016). Effect of substrate temperature

on the structural and optical properties of CdSe thin film deposited by electron
beam evaporation technique J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 27, 7582-7588. (2.019)

88. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, K.

Sethuraman (2016), Investigation on the pure and fluorine doped vanadium oxide
thin film deposited by spray pyrolysis method, Thin Solid Films 606, 51 –56. (1.879)

89. N Renuka, R Ramesh Babu, N Vijayan, G Bhagavannarayana, Kanika Thukral(2016)

Crystalline perfection, thermal, optical and dielectric studies on organic L-alanine L-
alaninium picrate monohydrate single crystals, Materials Research Innovations, 20,
138-144. (0.27)

90. T. Indira Gandhi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi and M. Arivanandhan, (2016),

Effect of Mn doping on the electrical and optical properties of SnO2 thin films
deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis technique, Thin Solid Films 598, 195–203.

91. M. Sukumar M, R. Ramesh Babu K. Ramamurthi, (2016), Linear and Third order
nonlinear optical properties of LiRbB4O7 single crystal, Solid State Sciences 51, 8–
12. (1.811)

92. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2016), Linear optical properties of

L-arginine monohydrobromide monohydrate (LAHBr) single crystals, Optik -
International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 127, 331–335. (0.835)

93. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, M. S. Dahlem, E. Elangovan, (2015),

High transparent conducting cerium incorporated CdO thin films deposited by spray
pyrolytic technique RSC Advances, 5 102741-102749. (3.289)
94. T. Indira Gandhi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi and M. Arivanandhan(2015)
Electrical and optical properties of Co2+:SnO2 thin films deposited by spray
pyrolysis technique, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27, 1662-
1669. (1.798)

95. M. Sukumar M, R. Ramesh Babu K. Ramamurthi (2015), Linear and third-order

nonlinear optical properties of LiKB4O7 single crystals, Applied Optics B : Lasers and
Optics, 121, 369–373. (1.785)

96. R. Santhakumari, K. Ramamurthi and R. Ramesh Babu, (2015),Synthesis, growth and

characterization of dibromo thiosemicarbazide cadmium (II) chloride monohydrate-
A semiorganic nonlinear optical single crystal, Advances in Applied Science
Research, 6(7):191-198. (0.29)

97. P. A. Praveen, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi, (2015) Validation of PM6 & PM7
semiempirical methods on polarizability calculations, AIP Conference Proceedings
1665, 090011

98. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, and K. Ramamurthi, (2015), Effect of transition metal
ion (Ni) doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of CdO thin films
by spray pyrolytic technique, AIP Conference Proceedings 1665, 080028

99. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurth, (2015), Effect of pH on the

morphology, mechanical and optical properties of L-arginine monohydrobromide
monohydrate (LAHBr) single crystals, Bull. Mater. Sci., 38, 5, 1419–1422. (0.944)

100. P.V. Bhuvaneswari, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, S. Moorthy Babu, M.

Arivanandhan, (2015), Structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of
Cu0.87Se thin films coated by electron beam evaporation method, Applied Physics A
120 (3), 1113-1120. (1.444)

101. P. A. Praveen, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Jothivenkatachalam, K. Ramamurthi, (2015),

Spectral, morphological, linear and nonlinear optical properties of nanostructured
Benzimidazole metal complex thinfilms, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy 1350 280-289. (2.653)

102. P. A. Praveen, S. P. Prabhakaran, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Sethuraman, K. Ramamurthi,

(2015), Low Power Optical limiting studies on Nanocrystalline Benzimidazole thin
films Prepared by Modified Liquid Phase Growth Technique, Bulletin of Materials
Science 38 (3), 645-651. (0.944)

103. M. Sukumar, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana, (2015),

Structural and optical properties of LiKB4O7 single crystals grown by Czochralski
technique, Materials Chemistry and Physic, 160, 369-374. (2.101)

104. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, J. Viegas, Elangovan, (2015),

Structural, microstructural, optical and electrical properties of spray deposited rare-
earth metal (Sm) ions doped CdO thin film, Journal of Materials Science: Materials
in Electronics 26 (2015) 4152–4164. (1.798)
105. M. Vadivel, R. Ramesh Babu, M. Arivanandhan, K. Ramamurthi and Y. Hayakawa
(2015), Role of SDS surfactant concentrations on the structural, morphological,
dielectric and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, RSC Advances, 5,
27060–27068. (3.289)

106. N Kumaresan, K Ramamurthi, S Mathuri, M Maria Angelin Sinthiya, T Manimozhi,

Mahesh Mudaliar Margoni, R Ramesh Babu, (2015), Solid State Synthesis Of Cuo
Nanoparticles For Photo Catalytic Application, International Journal of ChemTech
Research 7, No.3, 1598-1602.

107. Mudaliar Mahesh Margoni, Ramamurthi K, Mathuri S, Manimozhi T, Ramesh Babu R,

Sethuraman K (2015), Studies on Pure and Fluorine doped Vanadium Pentoxide
Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique, International Journal of
ChemTech Research 7, No.3, 1072-1078.

108. T. Manimozhi, K. Ramamurthi, M. Maria Angelin Sinthiya, A. Karthigeyan, P. V.

Bhuvanaswari, R. Ramesh Babu, (2015), Effect of Substrate Temperature on the
Properties of Nanocrystalline CdTe Thin Films Coated by Electron Beam
Evaporation Method, International Journal of ChemTech Research 7, No.2, pp 950-

109. S. Mathuri, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, (2015), Investigation on CdSe Thin Film
deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique, International Journal of
ChemTech Research 7, No.2, pp 967-973

110. M. Vadivel, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2015) Studies on the Structural,

Optical and Magnetic Properties of Al doped ZnO Nanoparticles, International
Journal of ChemTech Research 7, No.3, pp 1206-1211, 2015

111. V. Vasudevan, N. Renuka, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2015), Growth, spectral,

thermal, optical, mechanical and etching studies of L-lysine semi-maleate (L-LSM)
single crystals, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy, 136, 1850-1856. (2.653)

112. N. Renuka, R. Ramesh Babu, N. Vijayan, Feetha Vasanthakumar, Anuj Krishna, K.

Ramamurthi, (2015), Structural, Optical, Mechanical and Dielectric Studies of Pure
and doped L-Prolonium Trichloroacetate Single Crystals, Spectrochimica Acta Part
A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 137, 601-606. (2.653)

113. A. Subashini, Priya Rose, Reji Philip, Helen Stoeckli-Evans, K. Ramamurthi R. Ramesh
Babu, (2015), Spectral, thermal and optical properties of N, N’-bis (4-
chlorobenzylidene)-3, 3’-dimethoxybipheyl-4, 4’-diamine, Optics and Laser
Technology 66, (2015) 22-27. (1.879)
114. S. Mathuri, M. Kayalvizhi, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, A. Crochet, K.
M. Fromm, (2014), Investigation on the Growth and Characterization of Novel
Creatininium malate Single Crystal, Chem Sci Rev Lett 2014, 3(12), 1208-1218.

115. J. Rajeev Gandhi, M. Rathnakumari, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, D. Sastikumar,

P. Sureshkumar, (2014), Measurement of nonlinear refractive index of pure and
doped KTP crystals by Z-scan technique using cw He–Ne Laser, Optik - International
Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 125 (2014) 6462–6465. (0.677)

116. L. Jothi, G. Anuradha, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2014), 4-

Fluoro-N-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)aniline, Acta Cryst. (2014). E70, o860. (0.347)

117. L. Jothi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2014), Synthesis, Growth and

Characterization of Organic Nonlinear Optical Single Crystals of 4-Bromo-4’-Methyl
Benzylidene Aniline, Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and
Engineering, 2, 308-318. (1.53)

118. K. Sankarasubramanian, P. Soundarrajan, T. Logu, S. Kiruthika, K. Sethuraman, R.

Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi,(2014), Influence of Mn doping on structural, optical
and electrical properties of CdO thin films prepared by cost effective spray pyrolysis
method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 26 (2014) 346–353.

119.N. Rajamanickam, S. Rajashabala, R. Ramesh Babu, Nandakishor Meshram, and K.

Ramachandran (2014), Electrical studies on perovskite BaSnO 3 nanostructures
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1591, 251.

120.P. A. Praveen, R. Ramesh Babu, S. P. Prabhakaran, K. Ramamurthi, ((2014), Linear

and nonlinear optical properties of Mn doped Benzimidazole thin films, AIP
Conference Proceedings, 1591, 991.

121. P. Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2014), Influence of Boron doping on

the structural, optical and electrical properties of CdO thin films by spray pyrolysis
technique, AIP Conference Proceedings 1591, 994.

122. SP. Prabhakaran, R. Ramesh Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana, K. Ramamurthi

(2014), Studies on Bulk growth, Structural and Microstructural Characterization of
4-Aminobenzophenone single crystal grown from vertical Bridgman technique,
Bulletin of Materials Science 37, 151–156. (0.87)

123. L. Jothi, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2014), Synthesis, crystal

growth and characterization of organic NLO material: 4-Bromo-4-
hydroxybenzylidene aniline, Optik 125, 2017–2021. (0.677)

124. K. Sankarasubramanian, P. Soundarrajan, K. Sethuraman, R. Ramesh Babu,

K.Ramamurthi, (2014), Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Transparent
Conducting Hydrophobic Cadmium Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis
technique, Superlattices and Microstructures 69 (2014) 29-37. (2.097)
125. M. Vadivel, R. Ramesh Babu, K Sethuraman, K. Ramamurthi, M. Arivanandhan,
(2014), Synthesis, structural, dielectric, magnetic and optical properties of Cr
substituted CoFe2O4 nanoparticles by co-precipitation method, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 362, 122–129. (1.97)

126. SP. Prabhakaran, R. Ramesh Babu, M. Sukumar, G. Bhagavannarayana, K.

Ramamurthi, (2014), Investigation on the growth and characterization of 4-
aminobenzophenone single crystal by vertical dynamic gradient freeze technique
Journal of Crystal Growth, 390, 18-23. (1.698)

127. K. Sankarasubramanian, K. Sethuraman, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2013),

Preparation and Characterization of Spray Deposited Cd1-xZnxS thin films on
activated substrate, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, 64 (2013)
10303 -10308. (0.789)

128. P. Prabhakaran, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2013), Design and fabrication of

eight zone vertical dynamic gradient freeze system for organic single crystal growth
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 083907. (1.584)

129. P.V. Bhuvaneswari, P.Velusamy, R. Ramesh Babu, S. Moorthy Babu, K. Ramamurthi,

M. Arivanandhan, (2013), Effect of fluorine doping on the structural, optical and
electrical properties of spray deposited cadmium stannate thin films, Materials
Science in Semiconductor Processing, 16, 1964–1970. (1.761)

130. K. Sankarasubramanian, R. Solaichamy, K. Sethuraman, R. Ramesh Babu, K.

Ramamurthi, (2013), Structural, Optical and Electrical Studies on CdO thin films
using spray pyrolysis technique, American Institute of Physics Conf. Procs.1512,

131. Mohd. Shakir, V. Ganesh, B. Riscob, N. Vijayan, Devendra Kumar Rana, Anoop Kumar,
R. Ramesh Babu and G. Bhagavannarayana, (2013), Analysis on structural, SHG
efficiency, optical and mechanical properties of KDP single crystals influenced by
Glycine doping, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy 103, 199-204. (2.129)

132. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, Fouran Singh, K. , (2013), Studies on

Ag8+ and Li4+ ions irradiated LAHCl single crystals, (2013), Materials Chemistry and
Physics, 137, 937-940. (2.129)

133. T. Indira Gandhi, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2013), Structural,

morphological, electrical and optical studies of Cr doped SnO2 thin films deposited
by spray pyrolysis technique, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 16 (2) ,
472-479. (1.761)

134. V. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2012), Synthesis, growth and

characterization of L-lysinium(+)...L-lysinium(2+) dichloride perchlorate (LLDP)
single crystals by Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy Method, Spectochimica Acta Part A
: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 99, 259-265. (1.977)
135. L. Jothi, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2012), 4-Bromo-N-(4-
hydroxybenzylidene)aniline, Acta Cryst. E68, o772. (0.347)

136. L. Jothi, G. Vasuki, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2012), 4-[(E )-(4-
Methylphenyl)iminomethyl]phenol, Acta Cryst. (2012). E68, o897. (0.347)

137. Leona Saitoh, R. Ramesh Babu, Santhakumar Kannappan, Kenzo Kojima, Teruyoshi
Mizutani and Shizuyasu Ochiai, (2012), Performance of spray deposited poly [N-9”-
hepta-decanyl-2,7- carbazole-alt-5,5-(4’,7’-di-2-thienyl-2’,1’,3’-benzothiadiazole)]
/[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester blend active layer based Bulk
heterojunction organic solar cell devices, Thin Solid Films 520, (2012) 3111-3117.

138. V. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2012), Surface topography and

optical studies on polystyrene (PS) coated l-Lysine monohydrochloride dihydrate
(L-LMHCl) single crystals, Materials Letters 68 (2012) 277–279. (2.224)

139. N. Renuka, N. Vijayan, Brijesh Rathi, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Nagarajan, D. Haranath, G.

Bhagavannarayana (2012), Synthesis, growth and optical properties of semi organic
non linear optical single crystal: L-Arginine acetate, Optik - International Journal for
Light and Electron Optics, 123, 3, (2012) 189-282. (0.524)

140. Santhakumari, K. Ramamurthi, R. Ramesh Babu, Helen Stoeckli Evans, G.

Bhagavannarayana, R. Hema, (2011), Growth and characterization of
thiosemicarbazide hydrochloride: a semiorganic NLO material, Spectochimica Acta
Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy A 82, 102-107. (2.098)

141. SP. Prabhakaran, R. Ramesh Babu, P. Velusamy, K. Ramamurthi (2011), Studies on

the growth, structural, optical, mechanical properties of 8-Hydroxyquinoline single
crystal by vertical Bridgman technique, Materials Research Bulletin 46 (2011) 1781-
1785. (2.105)

142. V. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2011), Refractive index,

birefringence, third order nonlinearity and piezoelectric resonance studies of L-
Lysine monohydrochloride dihydrate single crystals, Physica B : Condensed Matter
406, (2011) 4100-4104. (1.063)

143. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana, K. Ramamurthi (2011),

Unidirectional growth and characterization of l-arginine monohydrochloride
monohydrate single crystals, Materials Chemistry and Physics 130, (2011) 487-492.

144. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana, K. Ramamurthi, (2011),

Structural, spectral, optical and dielectric properties of copper and glycine doped
LAHCl single crystals, Spectochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular
spectroscopy, 79(5), 1017-1023. (2.098)
145. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, Jai Prakash, S. A. Khan, (2011),
Spectral studies on Ag8+ ions irradiated LAHCl.H2O and LAHBr.H2O single crystal,
Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy 79(5), 884-
888. (2.098)

146. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, Praveen Kumar, G. Bhagvannarayana, K.

Ramamurthi, (2011), Effect of H+ ion implantation on structural, morphological,
optical and dielectric properties of L-Arginine monohydrochloride monohydrate
single crystals, Applied Surface Science 257, 17, 7573-7578. (2.103)

147. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu, A. Reicher Nelcy, G. Bhagavannarayana, K.

Ramamurthi, (2011), Synthesis, growth, optical, mechanical and electrical
properties of L-Lysine L-lysinium dichloride nitrate (L-LLDN) single crystal, Bulletin
of Materials Science, 34,469–475. (0.88)

148. V. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2011), Unidirectional growth of

L-Lysine L-Lysinium dichloride nitrate (L-LLDN) single crystals by SR method
Physica B : Condensed Matter, 406, 936–940. (1.063)

149. K. Sangeetha, R. Ramesh Babu, Praveen Kumar, G. Bhagavannarayana, K.

Ramamurthi,(2011), H+ ion implantation on L-arginine monohydrobromide
monohydrate single crystal for tuning electro-optical properties, Radiation Effects
and Defects in Solids, 166, (3), 215-222. (0.404)

150. V. Vasudevan, R. Ramesh Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana and K. Ramamurthi, (2010),

Effect of metal and aminoacid dopants on the growth and properties of L-Lysine
mono hydrochloride dihydrate single crystal,
Material Chemistry and Physics,124, 681-688. (2.353)

151. R. Ramesh Babu, M.Sukumar, V. Vasudevan, Mohd. Shakir, K. Ramamurthi and G.

Bhagavannarayana, (2010), Growth and properties of benzil doped benzimidazole
(BMZ) single crystals, Materials Research Bulletin 45, 1194-1198. (2.145)

152. R. Ramesh Babu, R. Ramesh, R. Gopalakrishan, K. Ramamurthi and G.

Bhagavannarayana, (2010), Growth, structural, spectral, mechanical and optical
properties of pure and metal ions doped Sulphamic Acid single crystals,
Spectochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy, 76 470–475.

153. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, S. Selvanayagam, Helen Stoeckli-Evans,

K. Ramamurthi (2010), Synthesis, Crystal Growth, Structural, Optical, Thermal and
Mechanical Properties of Semiorganic Nonlinear Optical Material: L-Cystine
Dihydrochloride, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, 9
(2010) 495-507. (0.19)

154. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana

(2010), Structural and Optical Characterization Studies on 2, 4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine Single Crystal, Journal of Minerals & Materials
Characterization & Engineering 9, 321-330. (0.19)
155. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana,
(2009), Structural, Electrical and Optical Characterization Studies on Glycine Picrate
Single Crystal : A Third Order Nonlinear Optical Material, Journal of Minerals &
Materials Characterization & Engineering, 8, 755-763. (0.25)

156. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi and G.

Bhagavannarayana (2009), Studies on L-valinium Picrate Single Crystal: A
Promising NLO Crystal, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization &
Engineering, 8, 393-403. (0.25)

157. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, S. Selvanayagam, Helen Stoeckli-Evans,

K. Ramamurthi, (2009), Characterization of a newly synthesized organic nonlinear
optical crystal: Urea ninhydrin monohydrate, Journal of Crystal Growth, 311, 3485-

158. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana

(2009), Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Growth and Characterization of L-proline
lithium chloride monohydrate :A new semiorganic Nonlinear Optical Material, Cryst.
Growth Des., 9 (3), 1370–1374. (4.162)
159. A. Senthil, R. Ramesh Babu, N. Balamurugan, P. Ramasamy (2009), Unidirectional
Growth of Largest L-LMHCl Dihydrate crystal by SR Method, Journal of Crystal
Growth, 311, (3), 544-547. (1.534)

160. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana,

(2009), Growth of ninhydrin single crystal and its Characterization, Spectrochimica
Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 71, )1667-1672. (1.566)

161. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, G. Bhagavannarayana

(2008), Synthesis, crystal growth, optical, thermal and mechanical properties of
organic nonlinear optical material: bis(glycinium) oxalate single crystal, Material
Science Research India, 5 (2)., 397-402.

162. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu, K. Ramamurthi, (2008), Growth and
characterization of glycine picrate single crystal, Spectochimica Acta Part A :
Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy, 71, 340-343. (1.510)
163. K.Sethuraman, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy (2008),
Synthesis, Growth and Characterization of a New Semiorganic NLO crystal: L-alanine
sodium nitrate (LASN), Crystal Growth and Design, 8, (6), 1863–1869. (4.215)

164. R. Ramesh Babu, K. Sethuraman, N. Vijayan, G. Bhagavannarayana, R.

Gopalakrishnan and P. Ramasamy (2008), Characterization of melt grown phthalic
anhydride single crystal, Cryst. Res. Technol. 43, No. 1, 50 – 54. (0.82)

165. T. Uma Devi, N. Lawrence, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2008), Growth and
characterization of L-prolinium picrate single crystal: A promising NLO crystal
Journal of Crystal Growth, 310, 116–123. (1.757)
166. T. Balakrishnan, R. Ramesh Babu and K. Ramamurthi, (2008), Growth, Structural,
Optical and Thermal properties of γ – Glycine Crystal, Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy A.: 69, 1114-1118. (1.510)

167. J. Vidya, R. Kumaravel, V. Gokulakrishnan, R. Ramesh Babu K. Ramamurthi, (2007),

Structural, Optical and Electrical properties of Spray deposited Fluorine doped Tin
oxide thin films for Solar Cell Applications, BDU. J. Sci. & Tech. 1, 195-200.

168. T. Balakrishnan, R. Ramesh Babu, G. Bhagavannarayana and K. Ramamurthi, (2007),

Growth and High-resolution X-ray Diffractometry studies on Glycine Zinc Chloride
and -Glycine single crystals, BDU. J. Sci. & Tech. 1, 64-68.

169. R. Ramesh Babu, K.Sethuraman, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy , (2007),

Dielectric and Structural studies on Sulphamic Acid Single crystals, Materials Letters
61, 3480-3485. (1.58)

170. K.Sethuraman, R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy,

(2007), Growth and Characterization of Organic Non linear Optical crystal of 1-
Chloro-2,4 -di nitrobenzene (CDNB), Spectochimica Acta : Part A : Molecular and
Biomolecular spectroscopy, 66, 707-711. (1.50)

171. R. Ramesh Babu, K.Sethuraman, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2006),

Growth of L-Lysine monohydrochloride dihydrate bulk single crystal by
Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy (SR) method, Journal of Crystal Growth 297 (2), 356-
360. (1.57)

172. N.Vijayan, S.Rajasekaran, G. Bhagavannarayana, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan,

M.Palanichamy, and P.Ramasamy (2006), Growth and characterization of nonlinear
optical amino acid single crystal: L-alanine, Crystal Growth and Design 6, 11, 2441-
2445. (Most-Accessed Articles: October-December, 2006) (2.09)

173. K.Sethuraman, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy (2006),

Unidirectional growth of <110> Ammonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate single
crystal by Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy Method, Journal of Crystal Growth, 294,
349-352. (1.57)

174. N.Vijayan, G.Bhagavannarayana, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, K.K.Maurya and

P.Ramasamy, (2006), A Comparative study on solution and Bridgman grown single
crystals of benzimidazole by high-resolution XRD, FTIR, microhardness and laser
damage threshold measurements, Crystal Growth and Design, 6, 1542-1546. (2.09)

175. K.Sethuraman, R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy,

(2006), Growth of a new organic single crystals: Semicarbazone of Cyclohexanone
(SCCH) and its Characterization, Crystal Research and Technology. 41, 8, 807 – 811.

176. N.Vijayan., G.Bhagavannarayana, N.Balamurugan., R.Ramesh Babu, K.K.Maurya,

R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2006), Studies on the Growth and
Characterization of benzimidazole single crystals-vertical Bridgman Technique
Journal of Crystal Growth, 293, 318-323. (1.57)

177. R.Ramesh Babu, K.Sethuraman, N.Vijayan, G.Bhagavannarayana, R.Gopalakrishnan

and P.Ramasamy, (2006), Etching and Dielectric studies on L-Lysine
monohydrochloride dihydrate (L-LMHCl) single Crystal, Crystal Research
Technology 41, 9, 906 – 910. (0.85)

178. N.Vijayan, G.Bhagavannarayana, T.Kanagasekaran, R.Ramesh Babu,

R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2006), Crystallization of benzimidazole by
solution growth method and its characterization, Crystal Research and Technology
8, 41, 784-789. (0.85)

179. K.Sethuraman, R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy,

(2006), Synthesis, Growth of Organic nonlinear optical crystal: Semicarbazone of 2-
Amino-5-Chloro-Benzophenone (S2A5CB) and its Characterization, Journal of
Crystal Growth 290, 539–543. (1.57)

180. K. Ramesh Babu, P. Kannan, P. Srinivasan, R.Ramesh Babu, R. Gopalakrishnan and

P. Ramasamy, (2006), Synthesis, Growth and Characterization of 4,4’-dihydroxy--
methylstilbene crystal, Crystal Research and Technology 7, 41 (2006) 718 - 722.

181. R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2006), Growth and
characterization of L-Lysine monohydrochloride (L-LMHCl): a new nonlinear optical
crystal, Crystal Research Technology 4, 41, 405-410. (0.85)

182. R.Ramesh Babu, N.Balamurugan, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan, G.Bhagavannarayana

and P.Ramasamy, (2005), Studies on Acenapthene (C12H10) single crystal grown by
Vertical Bridgman technique, Journal of Crystal Growth 285, 649–660. (1.65)

183. N.Vijayan, N.Balamurugan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, P.Ramasamy, (2005),

Growth and Characterization studies of organic NLO benzimidazole by melt
technique, Journal of Crystal Growth 275, e1895-e1900. (1.65)

184. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2004), Growth and
characterization of hippuric acid single crystals for NLO applications, Journal of
Crystal Growth 273 (3-4) 564-571. (1.70)

185. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2004), Some

studies on the growth and characterization of organic NLO Acetoacetanilide single
Crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 265, 290-295 (1.70)

186. N.Vijayan, N.Balamurugan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, P.Ramasamy and

W.T.A.Harrison, (2004), Bulk growth of Benzimidazole single crystals by Vertical
Bridgman Technique (VBT), Journal of Crystal Growth 267/1-2, 218-222. (1.70)
187. R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, M.Gunasekaran, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy,
(2004), Studies on organic single crystal: 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone (2A-5CB),
Journal of Crystal Growth 265, 290-295 (1.70)

188. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, P.Ramasamy and W.T.A.Harrison,

(2004), Growth and Characterization of Benzimidazole single crystals: a nonlinear
optical material, Journal of Crystal Growth 262 (2004) 490-498. (1.70)

189. R.Ramesh Babu, S.Kumaresan, N.Vijayan, M.Gunasekaran, R.Gopalakrishnan,

P.Kannan and P.Ramasamy, (2003), Growth of 4,4’-dihydroxyazobenzene (DHAB)
and its characterization, Journal of Crystal Growth 256 (3-4), 387-392. (1.33)

190. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, M.Gunasekaran, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy,

(2003), Growth, optical, thermal and mechanical studies of methyl 4-
hydroxybenzoate single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 256(1-2), 174-182.

191. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, M.Gunasekaran, R.Gopalakrishnan, R.Kumaresan,

P.Ramasamy and C.W.Lan, (2003), Studies on the Growth and characterization of p-
hydroxy acetophenone single crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 249(1-2), 240-246.

192. M.Gunasekaran, N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, P.Ramasamy and

C.W.Lan, Growth and characterization of Disodium hydrogen phosphate, (2002),
Journal of Crystal Growth 244(2), 194-199. (1.40)

193. R.Ramesh Babu, N.Vijayan, R.Gopalakrishnan and P.Ramasamy, (2002), Growth and
characterization of Benzaldehyde Semicarbazone (BSC) single crystals, Journal
Crystal Growth 240, 545-548. (1.40)

194. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, S.Dhanuskodi and P.Ramasamy,

(2002), Growth of Semicarbazone of Benzophenone single crystals, Journal Crystal
Growth 236, 407-412. (1.40)

195. N.Vijayan, R.Ramesh Babu, R.Gopalakrishnan, S.Dhanuskodi and P.Ramasamy,

(2001), Growth and Characterization of organic NLO crystals of Semicarbazone of
Acetophenone, Journal Crystal Growth 233, 863-867. (1.22)

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