Chemistry Capsule
Chemistry Capsule
Chemistry Capsule
Weak Acid:
Sources of the acid Name of the acid
Examples are: acetic acid, formic acid, carbonic acid etc.
Vinegar acetic acid
• Acids are generally sour in taste and corrosive.
Citrus fruits citric acid
• Indicators : Test whether a substance is acidic or basic.
Grapes, tamarind, gooseberries. tartaric acid
Eg: Turmeric, litmus, china rose petals (Gudhal), etc.,
are some of the naturally occurring indicators. Sour milk lactic acid
• Litmus is extracted from lichens a plant belonging to Apples malic acid
the division Thallophyta . It has a purple colour in Curd butyric acid
distilled water. When added to an acidic solution, it Tea, tomatoes oxalic acid
turns red and when added to a basic solution, it turns Sting of red ants and bees formic acid
blue. Proteins amino acids
• The solutions which do not change the colour of either Guava, oranges ascorbic acid
red or blue litmus are known as neutral solutions.
These substances are neither acidic nor basic. Note: The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water
• olfactory indicators:There are some substances whose is a highly exothermic one. The acid must always be added
odour changes in acidic or basic media. slowly to water with constant stirring.
12. Mass defect - The mass defect is the difference between Carbon monoxide (CO)
the rest mass of a nucleus and the sum of the rest masses Carbon monoxide (CO) combines with haemoglobin
of its constituent nucleons. to form carboxyhaemoglobin which is not able to
absorb oxygen and as a result of this, suffocation takes
13. Binding Energy place (Asphyxia).
The binding energy of a nucleus is the energy required The death of persons in closed rooms with wood, coal
to separate a nucleus into its constituent parts. or coke fires and in closed bathrooms with gas geyser
For heavier nuclei, energy is released when they break is due to the formation of carbon monoxide.
up (fission).
For lighter nuclei, energy is released when they fuse Carbon dioxide (CO2)
together (fusion). 0.03-0.05 percent in atmosphere.
Nuclear particles are held together by a nuclear strong Solid CO2 is known as dry ice. It is used in
force.A stable nucleus remains forever, but as the ratio refrigerators under the name drikold. It is used in
of N/Z gets larger, the atoms decay. Elements with Z transport of perishable food materials as it provides
> 82 are all unstable. cold as well as the inert atmosphere.
As the heavier atoms become more unstable, particles
and photons are emitted from the nucleus and it is Carbides
said to be radioactive. All elements with A > 82 are They are the compounds of carbon with metals or
radioactive. electronegative elements.
Plaster of Paris is a white powder, which sets into hard Iron (Fe)
mass on wetting with water and it is used in making It is extracted from its haematite ore.
statues, toys, etc., in medical applications of setting
fractured bones in right positions and indentistry. Cast iron It is the most impure form of iron and contains
2.5–4% carbon.
Some Important Metals and their Uses
Wrought iron or Malleable iron is the most purest form of
Boron (B) iron and contains minimum amount of carbon (0.12–0.5%)
It is a semimetal (metalloids). In the nature, it occurs in Iron (II) is present in haemoglobin (blood).
combined state as borax.
Boron and boron carbide rods are used to control the Mild steel contain 0.25%–0.5% carbon while hard steels
nuclear reactions. contains 0.5%–1.5% carbon. Soft steels contain carbon upto
Boron carbide ( ) is hardest, known as an artificial 0.25%.
substance after diamond and is known as Norbia.
Orthoboric acid ( ) is used as an antiseptic and eye Stainless steel is an alloy of iron (Fe), chromium (Cr) and
wash under the name boric lotion. nickel (Ni). Ferric chloride ( ) is used as stypic to stop
bleeding from a cut. Ferrous sulphate ( ) is used in
Aluminium (Al) making blue black ink.
It is a third most abundant element of Earth‘s crust. It is
extracted from bauxite ( ). Aluminium powder Copper, Silver and Gold (Cu, Ag and Au)
is used in fireworks, flash light powder, thermite welding. These are called coinage metals. Silver is used as amalgam
Ammonal (a mixture of aluminium powder and for filling teeth and in silvering mirrors. Silver bromide
ammonium nitrate) is used as an explosive. (AgBr) is used in photography. is called lunar
Ruby and sapphire are essentially Ruby is red due caustic used in preparing marking inks and hair dyes.
to the presence of Cr and sapphire is blue due to Fe and Ti. is called blue vitriol or nila thotha and
Emerald is green, it contains Ca/Cr and aluminium is called fool‘s gold.
silicates ( ).
Mercury (Hg)
Tin (Sn) Mercuric sulphide (HgS) is used as a cosmetic in
Ayurvedic medicine as Makardhwaja.
Franklinite ZnO.
Zinc (Zn) Mercury Cinnabar HgS
It is used in galvanization to prevent rusting of iron. Zinc
Tin Cassiterite
sulphide is used in the preparation of X-ray screens.
Zinc oxide is known as philosopher‘s wool. Zinc sulphate Lead Galena PbS
( ) is white vitriol. Cerrusite
Metallurgy Some Important Alloys and their Uses
The process of extraction of metals from their ores is called Non-Metals
metallurgy. These may be solid, liquid or gas (bromine is the only
liquid non-metal).
Minerals, Ores and Gangue These are soft, non-lustrous, brittle, non-sonorous and
The natural substance in which metals and other non-conductor of heat and electricity. These have low
impurities found in combined state, are called minerals. melting and boiling points. These from oxides with
The minerals from which metal can be extracted oxygen which are generally acidic. Their examples include
conveniently and beneficially, are called ores. Gangue or noble gases, i.e. helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krpton
matrix are the impurities associated with the ore. (Kr), xenon (Xe) and some other p-block elements like
chlorine ( ), bromine ( ) and phosphorus (P) etc.
Metal Ores Chemical
composition Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of metals and cannot be
Sodium Rock salt NaCI separated into their components by physical methods.
Chile salt petre Pure metals have poor mechanical properties. Hence, they
Borax are not used in their pure form in industry. Their
Potassium Carnallita properties are modified by adding other elements.
Sylvine KCI
Characteristics of alloys:
Magnesium Carnallite KCI.
Alloys are harder and tougher than the base metal and are
resistant to corrosion.
They are inert to commonly used chemicals and are
Calcium Lima stone
magnetisable and ductile.
Alloy is considered as a mixture because it shows the
properties of its constituents and can have variable
Aluminium Bauxite
Manganese Pyrolusite Mn
Alloys of mercury with other metals like sodium,
potassium,gold and zinc...etc are called amalgams.
Manganese MnS
Amalgams stored in iron bottles as iron cannot form
amalgam with mercury.
Iron Haematite
Magnetite Rold Gold is a metal, such as brass, coated with a thin
Iron pyrites layer of gold, usually of above 9 carat purity.
Copper Copper glance Brass
Copper pyrites Composition- zinc 30%, copper 70%
Malachite ( )
uses- In making of utensils, pipes and radiator statues etc.
Azurite ( )
Silver Silver glance Yellow Brass
Horn silver AgCI composition - Cu 67%, Zn 33%
Ruby Silver uses - Hardware items
Gold Calverite
Sylvanite Bronze
Zinc Zinc blende ZnS Composition - Copper 90%, Tin 10%
Calamine Zn uses - In making of coins, ornaments, utensils and statues.
Zincite ZnO
Stainless steel uses- soldering joints.
composition - Fe 82%,(Ni + Cr) 18
uses - In making of surgical instruments, watches and CHEMICAL BONDING
utensils etc. Chemical Bonding
Constituents (atoms, molecules or ions) of different
Magnalium elements except noble gases, do not have complete octet so
composition- Al 95% ,Mg 5% they combine with other constituent atoms by chemical
uses - In making light articles and physical balance etc. bonds to achieve complete (stable) octet. The process of
their combination is called chemical bonding. Chemical
Duralumin bonding depends upon the valency of atoms.
composition- Al 95%, Cu 4% ,Mn 0.5%
uses -In making parts of aeroplane and ship etc. Types of Chemical Bond
They are divided in the following types depending upon
Alnico the mode electron transferred or shared electrons or forces
composition - Al 8-12% , Ni 15-26% , Co 5-24% ,Cu 6% of attraction
Remaining: Fe, Tl - Electrovalent or ionic bond - Covalent bond
uses - It is useful in making of magnets. - Coordinate or dative covalent bond - Hydrogen bond
- van der Waals‘ forces
German silver
composition - Cu 60% ,Zn 20%, Ni 20% Electrovalent Bond
uses - It is useful in electroplating and making of utensils. The bond formed by the transfer of electrons from one
atom to another is called electrovalent bond and the
sterling Silver compound is called electrovalent compound or ionic
composition - silver 92.5%, copper 7.5% compound. These bonds are formed between metals and
uses - jewelry, art object non-metals.
These conduct electricity when dissolved in water and also
Gun metal soluble in water. These are insoluble in organic solvents
composition - Cu 88%, Sn 10%,Zn 2% like alcohol etc.
uses - It is useful in making of guns, machine parts and
Solder metal
composition - Pb 50%, Sn 50%
uses - It is mainly useful to join electric wires.
Bell Metal-
composition - copper - 77%, tin - 23%
uses- casting of bells
coin metal -
composition - copper 75%, nickel 25%
uses - U.S coins
wood's metal
composition - Bi 50%, Pb 25%, Sn 12.5%, Cd 12.5%
uses - fuse plugs, automatic sprinklers.