Chapter 2 - What Is Intercultural Communication Flexibility

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Understanding Intercultural

Communication Second Edition, 2012

Chapter 2

What is Intercultural Communication


Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva C. Chung

Revised by Ron Compton


PowerPoint Slides Designed by Alex Flecky and Noorie Baig 1
Overview - What Is Intercultural
Communication Flexibility?
1. Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
2. Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
3. Developing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
4. Deepening Intercultural Process
Objectives - What Is Intercultural
Communication Flexibility?
1. Deepen Your Understanding of a
“Transactional, Process-Centered”
Approach to Intercultural Commun.
2. Define the Specific Characteristics of
Intercultural Communication
3. Identify the Three Facets of Meaning in
an Intercultural Encounter Process
4. Compare & Contrast Flexible and
Inflexible Intercultural Communication
Objectives - What Is Intercultural
Communication Flexibility?
5. Distinguish the Difference Between an
Ethnocentric Mindset and an
Ethnorelative Mindset
6. Discuss the Components & Criteria of
Intercultural Communication Flexibility
7. Define and Use Examples to Illustrate
the Four Stages of Developing
Intercultural Communication Flexibility

Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
 Description:
Intercultural Communication Occurs
When Cultural Group Membership
Factors Affect Communication

Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
 Class Activity:
Encoding & Decoding
Intercultural Communication
◦ Close Your Eyes
◦ Take a Sheet of Paper Given to You
◦ Listen to Instructions, Follow Them
◦ Open Your Eyes When Told
◦ Compare the Results
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
“Intercultural Communication is Defined As
the Symbolic Exchange Process Whereby
Individuals from Two (or More) Different
Cultural Communities Attempt to
Negotiate Shared Meanings in an Interactive
Situation Within an Embedded Societal
1Understanding Intercultural Communication
Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva Chung
Oxford University Press, 2012
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
Intercultural Communication Characteristics
1. Symbolic Exchange - Verbal & Nonverbal
2. Process – Transactional, Encoding & Decoding
Irreversible – Different Impressions
3. Cultural Communities - Different Ways Life
4. Negotiate Shared Meanings - Message
Meanings: Content, Relational, Identity
5. Interactive Situation – Contexts:
Relational, Psychological, Physical
6. Embedded Societal System - Contexts
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model

Person A’s Person B’s

cultural cultural
frame of frame of
reference reference

Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model

 Example for Analysis: Decode

Intercultural Communication
◦ Mr. Weisheit – Swiss
Student Volunteer Reads
◦ Mr. Patel – Asian Indian
Student Volunteer Reads
◦ Class Discussion - Questions 10
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
 Decoding Analysis Questions
 Do you perceive any communication problems
with the above dialog between Mr. Weisheit and
Mr. Patel?
 What are the specific communication problems?
 Can you infer some cultural assumptions and
expectations that Mr. Weisheit has concerning
 Can you infer some cultural assumptions and
expectations that Mr. Patel has concerning
communication? 11
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model

 Example for Analysis: Decode

Intercultural Communication
◦ Kouadio – Brazilian
Student Volunteer Reads
◦ Maggie – British
Student Volunteer Reads
◦ Class Discussion - Questions 12
Defining Intercultural
Communication: A Process Model
 Decoding Analysis Questions
 Do you perceive any communication problems
with the above dialog between Kouadio and
 What are the specific communication problems?
 Can you infer some cultural assumptions and
expectations that Kouadio has concerning
 Can you infer some cultural assumptions and
expectations that Maggie has concerning
communication? 13
Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

1. Flexible Intercultural Communication

2. Inflexible Intercultural Communication
3. Ethnocentric Mindset
4. Ethnorelative Mindset

Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

1. Flexible Intercultural Communication

Integrate Knowledge, Open-Minded
Attitude, Put into Adaptive Practice
2. Inflexible Intercultural Communication
Use Our Own Cultural Values,
Judgments, Routines

Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
3. Ethnocentric Mindset
 Stuck in Own Cultural Worldviews, Using our Own
Cultural Values to Evaluate Others’ Behaviors

 Viewing Our Cultural Way of Living as “Natural,”

Other Cultures as “Unnatural”

 Evaluating the Communication Norms of Our Own

Cultural Group as More “Proper”

 Acting in a Conscious or Unconscious Manner

in Favor of the Ingroup Standard to the Exclusion
of the Outgroup Standard 16
Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
3. Ethnocentric Mindset

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry,

and narrow-mindedness.
Broad, wholesome, charitable views of
men and things cannot be acquired
by vegetating in one little corner
of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Mark Twain
Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
4. Ethnorelative Mindset

 Understanding Behavior from the Other

Person’s Cultural Frame of Reference

 Suspending Ethnocentric, Reactive Judgments

and Engaging in a Systematic Cross-
Cultural Comparative Analysis

 Promoting a Respectful, Inclusive Climate via

Competent Communication Skills Practice 18
Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

Discussion – Examples, Our Lives

1. Flexible Intercultural Communication
2. Inflexible Intercultural Communication
3. Ethnocentric Mindset
4. Ethnorelative Mindset
Do You Remember a Time When You Observed
“Inflexible” IC? An “Ethnocentric” Mindset? 19
Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

Content Components
1. Knowledge
Formal Studying, Informal Learning
2. Attitude
Cognitive – Open-Minded
Affective – Emotional Commitment
3. Skills – Operational Abilities

Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

Example of Attitude
Empathetic Heart
“Love In Any Language”
 Sungby Sandi Patti
CD: “Morning Like This”
 Words/Music by Jon Mohr, John Mays

Practicing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

Criteria for Flexibility

1. Appropriateness
Behaviors Regarded as Proper
2. Effectiveness
Achievement of Shared Meaning
Goal-Related Outcomes
3. Adaptability
Ability to Change Behaviors, Goals
Developing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility

Developing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
Staircase Model: Four Stages of Flexible
Intercultural Communication
1. Unconscious Incompetence:
Blissfully Ignorant
2. Conscious Incompetence:
3. Conscious Competence:
Full Mindfulness
4. Unconscious Competence:
Mindlessly Mindful
Pretty Woman – In Which Stage are the Women at the Store on
Rodeo Drive? What Lesson did Julia Roberts Teach Them? 25

Film Analysis

DVD Chp. 2:
“Welcome To
Chp. 3:
“You Like India?”26
Developing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
Staircase Model: Four Stages of Flexible
Intercultural Communication
1. Unconscious Incompetence:
Blissfully Ignorant
Discussion –
2. Conscious Incompetence:
Our Lives
3. Conscious Competence:
Full Mindfulness
4. Unconscious Competence:
Mindlessly Mindful
Do You Remember a Time on an “Incompetent” Step?
On a “Competent” Step? How Could or Did You Move Up? 27
Developing Intercultural
Communication Flexibility
Mindful Perspective - Flexible Communicators

• Attune to Their Own Internal Assumptions,

Values, and Expectations
• Attend to Alternative Assumptions,Values, and
Expectations of the Cultural Strangers
• Learn to Understand Unfamiliar Behaviors from
Multiple Cultural Angles
• Are Committed to Shift Communication Styles
When Appropriate to the Persons, Goals, and
Cultural Context
Deepening Intercultural Process Thinking
ICC Often Involves These Principles
1. Mismatched Expectations from Group Differences
2. Involves Degrees of Biased Intergroup Perceptions,
Overgeneralizations, Stereotypes
3. Simultaneous Decoding and Encoding of
Verbal/Nonverbal Messages
4. Multiple Goal Transactions: Content, Relational,
5. Calls for Understanding of Diverse
Communication Approaches and Styles
6. Involves Well-Meaning Culture Bumps or Clashes
7. Always Takes Place in Context, Embedded Systems
Deepening Intercultural Process Thinking



Parting Thoughts…

A traveler without observation

is like a bird without wings…
~ Author unknown

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