ID NO: RU 0783/13
ID NO: RU0783/13
First, of all I would like to thanks give glory and praise the almighty God for let us to stay in this
life to this day and helps us in our academic education and practical attachment.
Next, I would like to thanks Salale University College of Agriculture and Natural Resource
Department of Agricultural Economics to give me this golden opportunity and also I would like
to give respectful thank for our advisor Mr. Habitamu Getachew for his helpful effort during
practical attachment. I would thank for the tellers to work in Commercial bank of Ethiopia in
Liben branch devoted part of their precious time and effort to fill the required information that
has been very vital to this practical attachment.
Finally, I would thank all individuals who put his contribution in our practical attachment.
ATM Automated Teller Machine
CB Central Bank
FT Fund Transfer
NB National bank
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ix
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................- 1 -
1.3. Mission, Vision, Core Value and Objectives of CBE in Liben Branch...........................- 3 -
1.3.1. Vision.........................................................................................................................- 3 -
1.3.2. Mission......................................................................................................................- 3 -
2.3.3. Youth Saving Account...............................................................................................- 8 -
3.1. Lesson.........................................................................................................................- 13 -
4.3. Problems Observed That Affect The Organizational At Current Time And Its Critical
Issues..................................................................................................................................- 15 -
5.2. Recommendation............................................................................................................- 17 -
REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................- 19 -
Table 1: Structure of CBE in Liben Branch.............................................................................................- 2 -
Figure 1: Organization of the charts...........................................................................................- 5 -
In my practical attachment I was learning different activities. Major activities I was learning in
practical attachment is like, support customers to use document that related to transaction
I was learning different transaction process used for to withdrawal of money, deposit of money,
transfer account to account and more other.
I also done different activities related to the course I was learnt in class this including to make
performance evaluation, computer related skills, how to manage activities and employees in the
bank, I gain this like activities. I learn account opening through major transaction processes
and counting money through machines.
In a time of practical attachment different challenges are happened from this; additional
challenges and human relationship among the employees. I recommend a bank to solve problems
related to reward to employees, network, computer shortage, to give free services to students
during attachment, to correct bank rate and in my practical attachment bank shortage of
employees not much with customers.
This chapter deals about background host organization, branch of the organization, structure of
the organization, mission, vision and core values of the organization. (THE BANK YOU CAN
Electronic payment service. (www.combanketh.com)
There is no branch in this organization (bank) and itself a branch of Bahir dar district.
Number Task
Customer service
manager (1)
Secretary (1)
messenger (1)
Clearer (2)
Guard (4)
From the above table the structure of organization is listed. The size organization small
scale in its number employee’s and other criteria. The number of employees that are
worked in the bank is small in number (19) those employees have different role with in
the bank. Such as branch manager, customer service manager, front maker, back ward
maker (auditor, accountant, casher and digital channel), Secretary, messenger and clearer.
In commercial bank of Ethiopia in Liben branch employee’s turnover is unknown thought
out the year. Because the employees inter and exit in to a bank depending on the
situation the business environment. The organization have two main departments this are
front maker and back ward maker departments. The front maker department have directly
contact with the customers in order to give services to the customers. This includes
Withdrawal of Money
Deposit of money
Transfer of money
And register s of VSA, CBE birr, mobile banking, Internet banking etc.
Back ward department that are indirectly contact with customers to give service without cash
money (not related with money. This includes: authorized VSA, account opening, bond service,
cheques service etc.
Therefore, the structure of a bank in Liben branch is simple and small in size.
1.3. Mission, Vision, Core Value and Objectives of CBE in Liben Branch
1.3.1. Vision
To became a world class commercial bank by the year 2025.
1.3.2. Mission
We are committed to realizing the needs of the stake holders through enhanced financial
intermediation globally, and supporting national development priorities by developing
highly motivated, skilled and disciplined employees as strongly believe that winning the
public confidence is the basis of our success.
3) Quality service: we are committed to offering quality service customer and aspire to be
branded as quality service providers in the minds of our customer and the general public.
4) Innovation: we encourage new ideas that can improve customer’s experiences and the
performance of the bank.
5) Team work: we recognize the importance of team work or our success. We respect
diversity of viewpoints.
6) Integrity: we are committed to the highest ideals of honor and integrity.
7) Employees: we recognize our employees as valuable organizational resources.
8) Public confidence: we understand that the sustainability of our business depends on our
ability to maintain and build up public confidence.
Therefore: The missions, vision, core values of the bank are the same. Because
all values, mission, vision are set by the hand of organization so called
commercial bank of Ethiopia.
1.5. Chart of the Organization (Bank)
Branch Manager
Such like:-
I was written deposit, withdrawal and transfer account to account for customers.
I support and encourage customers to use VSA, mobile banking for transferring account
to account and use CBE birr.
I request customers to open CBE account, mobile banking, Internet banking and CBE birr
2.2.2. My Activities with Tellers
To give service for bank customers related to teller activities.
To support teller by counting money during customers are dense.
To counting money by money counting machine.
I also coping papers that available for transaction.
Checking the formats of that customers used for deposit, withdrawal, FT.
TIN no,
ID card or passports
birth registration certificate,
nominee name,
Address and proper signature.
Opening a new account an introducer is needed which is important thing. I had to check whether
the introducer is valid or not. I used to provide seal after checking all of this. Customer need to
sign in front of the manager. Form verified by the officer I used to verify it through software.
After all formalities customer need to deposit a minimum amount of opening is 25 birr and
There are many types of account opening to clients such as;-
5) Education saving account etc.
It provides higher interest rate than ordinary saving account;
It shall be converted to normal/ordinary saving account when the account holder reaches
the age of 25 and;
It can be operated by cash withdrawal slip, debit card, mobile and internet banking.
Every day I needed to check the debit and credit voucher. There were three things; savings, cash
amount and transfer. First I used to collect debit and credit vouchers and organized them by their
serial number. Then I used to check their amount and total numbers of vouchers are available
there or not.
customers need I have also stayed with them so that they can easily deposit their money and
A. Accepting deposits
The most important function of commercial banks is to accept deposits from the public. Various
sections of society, according to their needs and economic condition, deposit their savings with
the banks. For example, fixed and low-income group people deposit their savings in small
amounts from the points of view of security, income and saving promotion. On the other hand,
traders and businessmen deposit their savings in the banks for the convenience of payment.
Therefore, keeping the needs and interests of various sections of society, banks formulate various
deposit schemes. Generally, there are three types of deposits which are as follows:
i. Current Deposits: The depositors of such deposits can withdraw and deposit money
whenever they desire. Since banks have to keep the deposited amount of such accounts in
cash always, they carry either no interest or very low rate of interest. These deposits are
called as Demand Deposits because these can be demanded or withdrawn by the
depositors at any time they want. Such deposit accounts are highly useful for traders and
big business firms because they have to make payments and accept payments many times
in a day.
ii. Fixed Deposits: These are the deposits which are deposited for a definite period of time.
This period is generally not less than one year and, therefore, these are called as long-
term deposits. These deposits cannot be withdrawn before the expiry of the stipulated
time and, therefore, these are also called as time deposits. These deposits generally carry
a higher rate of interest because banks can use these deposits for a definite time without
having the fear of being withdrawn.
iii. Saving Deposits: In such deposits, money up to a certain limit can be deposited and
withdrawn once or twice in a week. On such deposits, the rate of interest is very less. As
is evident from the name of such deposits their main objective is to mobilise small
savings in the form of deposits. These deposits are generally done by salaried people and
the people who have fixed and less income.
B. Giving Loans
The second important function of commercial banks is to advance loans to its customers. Banks
charge interest from the borrowers and this is the main source of their income.
Banks advance loans not only on the basis of the deposits of the public rather they also advance
loans on the basis of depositing the money in the accounts of borrowers. In other words, they
create loans out of deposits and deposits out of loans. This is called as credit creation by
commercial banks.
Modern banks give mostly secured loans for productive purposes. In other words, at the time of
advancing loans, they demand proper security or collateral. Generally, the value of security or
collateral is equal to the amount of loan. This is done mainly with a view to recover the loan
money by selling the security in the event of non-refund of the loan.
At limes, banks give loan on the basis of personal security also. Therefore, such loans are called
as unsecured loan. Banks generally give following types of loans and advances:
Cash Credit: In this type of credit scheme, banks advance loans to its customers on the basis of
bonds, inventories and other approved securities. Under this scheme, banks enter into an
agreement with its customers to which money can be withdrawn many times during a year.
Under this set up banks open accounts of their customers and deposit the loan money. With this
type of loan, credit is created.
Demand loans: These are such loans that can be recalled on demand by the banks. The entire
loan amount is paid in lump sum by crediting it to the loan account of the borrower, and thus
entire loan becomes chargeable to interest with immediate effect.
Short-term loan: These loans may be given as personal loans, loans to finance working capital
or as priority sector advances. These are made against some security and entire loan amount is
transferred to the loan account of the borrower.
C. Investment of Funds
The banks invest their surplus funds in three types of securities—Government securities, other
approved securities and other securities. Government securities include both, central and state
governments, such as treasury bills, national savings certificate etc.
Other securities include securities of state associated bodies like electricity boards, housing
boards, debentures of Land Development Banks units of UTI, shares of Regional Rural banks
D. Agency Functions
Banks function in the form of agents and representatives of their customers. Customers give their
consent for performing such functions. The important functions of these types are as follows:
Banks collect cheques, drafts, bills of exchange and dividends of the shares for their
Banks make payment for their clients and at times accept the bills of exchange: of their
customers for which payment is made at the fixed time.
Banks pay insurance premium of their customers. Besides this, they also deposit loan
installments, income-tax, interest etc. as per directions.
Banks purchase and sell securities, shares and debentures on behalf of their customers.
Banks arrange to send money from one place to another for the convenience of their
3.1. Lesson
When the working environments
When during done of practical attachment adapting to a new team and working environment. I
found that by placing an early emphasis on getting to know my co-workers and understanding
their motivations, I had an easier time identifying the ways I could offer the most support in
achieving the greatest impact. While each team has its own personality, after working with
different teams, I cannot overstate the importance of learning how to work well with everyone.
Figuring out what your team and organization needs and then embodying those skills are keys to
success wherever you go.
During practical attachment you have understand the ability of how accepted the customer
respectable and how to attract the customer to this organization.
Some of the skills and experiences I have gained on this practical attachment program include,
learnt how to upgrade different operating system in different machine with the use of accurate
software. I understood the concept of computer restoration and installation of the operating
system and I understood how to boot machine on safe mode in case of any changes to be made
during booting process and developed my practical and communication skills.
Account open
Collecting cheque from the customer
Writing inward register
Issuing cheque book.
Using of ATM
I have mastered how to use ERP software for Accounts operations of maintaining stock cards,
supplier reconciliation among others.
Suggested solutions:-
4.3. Problems Observed That Affect The Organizational At Current Time And Its
Critical Issues.
System fail or weakness of the system
Lack of real permanent electrical power of that city
Lack of ICT professional man power
The customer are obliged to know the branch his/her customers is delivered money.
The file is corrupted often the document is already saved.
Suggested solutions or measures to be taken to solve or at least minimize the
Core bank system; core bank system is the system of the bank in which all beneficiaries
are acquire time their interest of money delivered through the bank they get simply nearly
in their performance location. This in turn decreases the time spends to find the branch
where the beneficiaries is lived in the temporary places.
Installing antivirus.
The bank gives training opportunity to its employees.
Taking the generator in order to solve the electricity problems to perform their daily
activities (transactions).
Therefor a challenge is difficult for me to do transaction in order to move one account to
another account because I am fresh for the job during the practice.
But, with the help of CBE employees I performed the transaction from one account to the
other account through continues training.
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Recommendation
While doing my practical attachment, I observe some issue in lens of my eyes. Therefore, I
would like to suggest on some issues that I observed during accomplish my practical attachment
in bahir dar district at commercial bank Ethiopia in Liben branch.
Firstly, I would like to suggest on the effort of the office toward promoting development of bank
system study area. Banking system is the process of treating every banking activity and is also
way creating relationship with customer. It is the development issues that recognize the
involvement (participation) of both man and women in development process.
However, the office is lag behind in order to promote growth which is the backbone of
development. This is due to lack of enough information in the organization which play a great
role in order to meet its objective. The organization needs to change this situation by looking for
bank expert which play a great role in order to promote banking system.
Finally, I would like to suggest to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Liben branch have to work
properly to achieve their goals and also to address other problems by working in cooperation
with other organization, especially non-governmental organization.
Asking concerned body to get enough networks that help to provide proper service for
To solve the problems of inefficiency of materials by asking additional budget for the
department and purchasing this materials and make available for the department.
Some misbehavior that disturbing work condition and improperly, must be punished
according to rules and regulation of the organization.
The organization should have to buy additional materials like chair and computers that
help for training
The organization should give the opportunity for students to participate in a given
activities freely in order to improve their knowledge and producing self-confident
The bank should be considered other similar organization payment rate strategies in order
to satisfy employee’s needs and wants otherwise there is no attract key employees.
The bank should be provided enough reward system related with employees living
standard unless the employees unable to work in the organization.
The bank should appreciate their employee for their creativities in order to satisfy their
customer the organization should consider employees creativities unless employees.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia Annual report in (2012/13)
Commercial bank of Ethiopia Liben branch manager (July - August 2015)
Employees that working now Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Liben branch (July-August 2015).