Marketing Research 55460 1656942626
Marketing Research 55460 1656942626
Marketing Research 55460 1656942626
Marketing Research
Student Name: Esha Mehboob -BBA -2
Student Number: 220652993
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Table of Contents
Data Collection:.....................................................................................................................................4
Data Analysis:........................................................................................................................................4
Value for Money: A Primary Motivator for Brand Switching...........................................................5
Quality and Innovation: Propelling Brand Switching........................................................................5
Customer Service Impact: A Decisive Factor......................................................................................5
Influence of social media and Reviews: A Mixed Impact...................................................................6
Challenges in Research.........................................................................................................................7
Suggested Questions for Next Questionnaire.......................................................................................8
Appendix A: Interview Guide.................................................................................................................11
Appendix B: Transcript..........................................................................................................................12
Appendix C: Consent Form....................................................................................................................17
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The aim of this research is to determine the determinants that make consumers change brands.
This information is important in developing appropriate marketing actions that can suit changes
of consumer prejudges and practices (Jiang, Zhan and Rucker, 2014).
As far as this study is concerned, it focuses on the intricacy of consumer behavior and
particularly brand loyalty. The aim is to determine the reasons that lead consumers transforming
brand loyalty. This observation is essential since, for firms pursuing customer retention strategies
it could be less expensive to retain loyal customers (Hung, 2017).
This study has twofold objectives. To begin with, it seeks to establish why people change brands.
This involves the study of various aspects including product quality, customer satisfaction and
service delivery; prices charged by different brands among other factors that can result into
switching. Second, the results of this study will also be used to suggest some questions that
would have been included in a later consumer behavior questionnaire development. In this way,
these questions allow learning more about the consumer decision-making process to facilitate
companies in knowing what they need when sharpening their marketing and product offerings
strategies. This method ensures that findings from a study are not theoretical but practical where
design tools can capture various consumer behaviours and preferences (Osama , 2014).
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Data Collection:
The data collection process was planned carefully to get a complete picture of consumer
behavior in brand turnover. During this stage, four in-depth and semi-structured interviews were
done. The participants were handpicked to represent a variety of demographics regarding the
consumers, promoting as much insight as possible. These semi-structured interviews, lasting
from 30 to 45 minutes each, were intended as a compromise between guiding questions and the
possibility for participants to state their thoughts. This method made possible a detailed and
multi-layered collection of qualitative data, providing rich insights into personal experiences as
consumers in relation to brand loyalty & switching (Kit, 2018).
Data Analysis:
After data collection, the research entered its critical part of data analysis where emphasis was
made on detection patterns and themes across those varied answers. For this purpose, thematic
analysis was used as the primary method. This encompassed a careful analysis of the interview
transcripts to identify common themes and sentiments expressed by participants. The analysis
was conducted systematically, in which an initial read through of each transcript provided a
general overview and segments were then codified to reflect what stood out. These codes were
further grouped under broad themes that captured the crux of participants’ perceptions. Through
this analysis, several consumer decision-making processes were revealed (Hui, 2018). It shed
light on major elements such as perceived value, product quality, customer service enactments
and the power of social media and word of mouth in establishing loyalty for a brand. In addition
to this, by virtue of the rigorous analysis implied in it, more clarity was shed on some major
reasons behind brand switching besides showing consumer variance and variety of preference.
This insight is critical to the development of more market-sensitive and impactful marketing
strategies (Elahe Kordi Ghasrodashti, 2017).
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Value for Money: A Primary Motivator for Brand Switching
‘Value for Money’ was a driving force behind the decisions of consumers to switch brands. The
consumer sensitivity on the balance between what they are paying and value received became
heightened as a result of these interviews. Time and time again participants mentioned that their
brand loyalty is heavily dependent on whether they believe in getting value for money. A
common theme was willingness to change brands when the value lived up in increased price
without any discernable improvement of product quality. This pattern indicates that the
consumer is not just price driven but considering overall value proposition by a brand. When a
brand did not justify the hike in price with improved quality, customers were pushed to switch
brands and hence ensuring that value for money remains consistent and justified is important.
This finding suggests that firms need to review their pricing strategies critically and ensure every
increase in prices is matched with commensurate changes in the quality or value.
Quality and Innovation: Propelling Brand Switching
The quality issue clearly presented as a major factor influencing the brand loyalty. Study
participants demonstrated a preference for quality products and were ready to change brands in
exchange of better quality, even at additional cost. This trend highlights the notion that quality is
a long-term investment, and consumers are willing to pay more for products whose standards
meet or exceed their expectations. Additionally, innovation emerged as a major driver of brand
switching. Not only are the consumers attracted to, but they actively search for brands that
illustrate a dedication towards innovation which may be through features or new products lines.
This tendency was especially strong in terms of products that were technology related where the
charm to try new innovations or features usually leads people into changing brands. This picture
suggests an evolving consumer market in which brand loyalty may quickly be overshadowed by
technological advances and new products. For brands, this implies a constant investment in R&D
coupled with the ability to track consumer needs and insights about technology.
Customer Service Impact: A Decisive Factor
Customer service emerges as a central element within the sphere of brand loyalty. The
experiences consumers have with customer service departments are found to drive emotions and
attitudes toward brands as evidenced from the interviews. The consequences of negative
experiences are the loss of trust and a poor brand reputation, causing consumers to choose other
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options. For example, informants narrated cases of unanswered complaints or ineffective service
providers that made them change brands. This switch is often fuelled by a sense of feeling
unacknowledged or ignored in the brand. The impact of customer service is more than just a
problem solving; it constitutes the whole range of interaction that consumers have with a brand.
Positive events, like when service representatives do more than is asked of them can greatly
increase loyalty towards any particular brand. The participants highlighted cases where fast,
friendly, and timely service changed one’s perception of the brand from negative to positive
turning into a fan. This observation highlights the two-sided impact of customer service;
although bad services could lose customers, unique ones have become a basis for loyalty and
positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Therefore, the importance of customer service as a
strategy cannot be overemphasized. It is not just a support function but an integral part of the
brand experience. This element requires brands to spend in training, resources and policies that
focus on customer satisfaction.
Influence of social media and Reviews: A Mixed Impact
The impact that social media, and online reviews in particular have with regards to consumer
brand perception as well as decision making is diverse. It was found that, although this consumer
group heavily relies on these digital platforms for making informed purchase decisions others
still prefer traditional word of mouth. This divergence reflects the differences in how consumers
engage with and trust various sources of information. Those participants who valued online
reviews and social media influencers tended to characterize these venues as convenient and all-
encompassing sources of information. They liked how people were able to offer a wide variety of
opinions and experiences which made it easy for them to make better decisions. For instance,
reviews on e-commerce sites and social media testimonials created a feeling of reassurance and
validation especially on trying out new brands. On the contrary, other respondents were skeptical
about online reviews and influencer endorsements due to their doubts concerning authenticity as
well as possible impartiality. They opted to receive personal recommendations from friends and
relatives, who hold trust and first-hand accounts dear. Several of such consumers saw personal
recommendations as more reliable and suitable to their needs. This dichotomy in consumer
behavior highlights the need for brand to employ a multi-faceted digital and word of mouth
strategy on one hand. The understanding of the audience source of information is very important
in regards to delivering marketing efforts that fit their needs. As brands need to not only have a
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legitimate reputation online but also ensure people can talk positively about it and recommend
their experience with others.
Challenges in Research
The research process was challenging. The first major challenge that needed to be solved was
heterogeneity of the participants in order for a broad perspective range to be guaranteed.
Participant recruitment was, unfortunately, more difficult than expected and seemed to affect
significantly the depths of insights gathered. Additionally, the interpretation of subjective
experiences by participants was one more challenge. In contrast, qualitative research relies on an
understanding these personal experiences and uniformity of interpretation requires careful
consideration. These obstacles exposed the intricacy of qualitative research that demanded
suitable design and usage to ensure accuracy with regard s results.
Next, based on the findings of consumer behavior and brand switching studies, a comprehensive
list of recommendations that should increase customer retention strategies is formed. The
targeted feature that these proposals outline is a customer support. The study found that customer
service experiences help to shape the level of brand loyalty. Hence, organizations are encouraged
to spend more on their customer service areas. This should include training of representatives to
handle queries and complaints effectively, with all necessary response systems in place as well
being customer focused throughout (Wirtz et al., 2014). Personalized and understanding
customer service can make an unsatisfactory business experience a positive one – customers are
retained as they would have otherwise switched to another brand. Another important point is the
focus on quality and innovation. The results seemed to emphasize that consistently high quality
products are critical in retaining customer loyalty. Companies, therefore, need to invest
consistently into research and development making sure that their products do not only satisfy
but exceed customer expectations. Being at the forefront of fashion can bring in new clients and
keep old ones tied to you if they are on a search for what is hottest out there (Naser, 2017).
Value for money also became an important consideration. Balancing both quality and price is
crucial for brands. The ability to attract price-sensitive consumers without compromising quality
is a strategic asset. This balance can be achieved by offering strategic pricing, combined offers or
loyalty mechanisms that bring more value to regular customers. The world of digital influence
found the role of social media and online reviews to be a bit ambiguous. As a result, brands are
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advised to create an effective digital strategy (Li, 2018). This approach should also encompass a
genuine online image and promoting happy customers to talk about their good experiences.
Interaction with customers on social media platforms is essential, but brands should not use these
only. There is also a need to pay attention to promotion of personal, word-of mouth
recommendations. Finally, the ability to understand and satisfy a range of consumer preferences
is essential. The findings of the study showed different rationales to brand switching, aimed
away by tailored marketing programs. Such approaches need to take into account different
consumer segments, which would closely correspond with their specific preferences and needs.
On the whole, these recommendations outline a multi-prong strategy of enhancing customer
retention. By putting more emphasis on customer service, quality and innovation, value for
money as well as smart use of digital platforms with good attention to catering diverse consumer
tastes brands can establish powerful mechanisms that minimize brand switching while
developing the loyalty (Lee and Park, 2016).
Finally, the present research has shed light on some crucial determinants of brand switching
behavior among consumers. The results stress the importance of customer care, quality products,
value for money and digital platforms aspect in determining brand loyalty. These insights are
critical for companies wishing to enhance customer retention and address the evolving needs of
their consumer base. The recommendations and suggestions questionnaire questions arising from
this study provide a strategic guide for businesses to improve their Marketing approaches,
respond efficiently on customer choices.
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Elahe Kordi Ghasrodashti (2017). Explaining brand switching behavior using pull–push–
mooring theory and the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Brand Management, [online] 25(4),
pp.293–304. doi:
Hui (2018). What Happens When Satisfied Customers Need Variety? –Effects Of Purchase
Decision Involvement and Product Category on Chinese Consumers’ Brand-Switching Behavior.
[online] Journal of International Consumer Marketing. Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2024].
Hung (2017). What drives green brand switching behavior? | Emerald Insight. Marketing
Intelligence & Planning, [online] 36(6), pp.694–708. doi:
Jiang, Y., Zhan, L. and Rucker, D.D. (2014). Power and Action Orientation: Power as a Catalyst
for Consumer Switching Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, [online] 41(1), pp.183–196.
Kit (2018). The effects of consumption values and relational benefits on smartphone brand
switching behavior | Emerald Insight. Information Technology & People, [online] 32(1), pp.217–
243. doi:
Lee, W. and Park, J.-H. (2016). The Roles of Brand Loyalty and Switching Costs in the Purchase
of a New Smartphone. Jeongbo si’seu’tem yeon’gu, [online] 25(1), pp.183–200.
Naser, N. (2017). Does Brand Personality and Perceived Product Quality Play a Major Role in
Mobile Phone Consumers’ Switching Behaviour? - S. R. Nikhashemi, Naser Valaei, Arun Kumar
Tarofder, 2017. [online] Global Business Review. Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2024].
Osama (2014). An intellectual journey into the historical evolution of marketing research in
brand switching behavior – past, present and future | Emerald Insight. Journal of Management
History, [online] 21(2), pp.172–193. doi:
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Wirtz, J., Xiao, P., Chiang, J. and Malhotra, N.K. (2014). Contrasting the Drivers of Switching
Intent and Switching Behavior in Contractual Service Settings. Journal of Retailing, [online]
90(4), pp.463–480. doi:
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Appendix B: Transcript
Interview 1:
Interviewer: “Thanks for lending your time in this interview. We’re discussing issues of brand
loyalty and switching today-the first question is: can you describe the main motivator which
makes one to change from a regular use brand to another?”
Participant 1: Well, for me it’s mostly about quality and value compared to price. When, for
instance I see that the quality of a product i regularly use falls down or when I feel unsatisfied
with my price-value exchange ratio,I start searching new options. For example, I recently
changed my usual coffee brand as the taste is not what it used to be.
Interviewer: That is quite insightful, can you please elaborate on an instance when you decided
to change brands and what exactly led up to the decision?
Participant 1: "Sure. As I stated regarding the coffee brand – I’ve stuck with this particular one
for years. However, over the last few months I felt that the flavor had changed. At first, I thought
it was just a bad batch; however, this persisted in several orders. At that point I began
experimenting with other brands and eventually found one which matched my taste
Interviewer: “Intriguing. How exactly does price, quality and customer service affect your
decision whether you should stay with a brand or opt for change?”
Participant 1: Quality comes first. I don’t mind paying a little more for something that is up to
the quality standards of my liking. But if prices remain steep and the quality goes down, there
would be no reason left for me to stay loyal anymore.” Customer service is also essential and
more importantly for higher priced items. I will change brands when feeling wronged by the
company, hence unresponsive or non- helpful to my problem."
Interviewer: Do your decisions to switch brands depend on social media and online reviews?
Participant 1: Oh, yes for sure. I always look at online reviews when trying a different brand
particularly if it’s an expensive purchase Social media is also relevant, as I follow several
influencers who often review products. Their suggestions have sometimes pushed me to test new
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Interviewer: Lastly, what could other brands do to keep customers like you?
Participant 1: Consistency is important. I also like brands that interact with their customers,
which could be through customer service or social media presence etc.” It makes me feel
appreciated as a consumer."
Interview 2
Interviewer: Thanks for joining us today and we are exploring as to what force persuades
consumers to move from the brand that they use regularly.
Participant 2: For me, this is mostly about finding better value. I am always searching for
products that give me more bang for my buck; like recently when switched to a new laundry
detergent brand which was just as good and cheaper, but also environmentally friendly!
Interviewer: That’s interesting, how did it reflect on this switching brands and what determined
your decision?
Participant 2: "Sure. I have been a user of one particular brand detergent for years until l saw an
advert concerning this new eco-friendly laundry agent. It was claimed to be just as good but
cheaper and environmentally friendly. I tried, and it was not bad. Therefore, it was a piece of
cake to switch.
Interviewer: What role does the price, quality and customer service play in your brand loyalty?
Participant 2: As for me, price is very important. I don’t like paying too much money for a brand
when there are quality but more affordable alternatives of the same product available in the
market today. But if some product is outstanding, I would prefer to buy a brand despite the
higher price. Customer support rarely plays a significant role except when I face an extreme
problem with the product.
Interviewer: Does social media and online reviews help you make decisions?
Participant 2: Yes. I frequently take a glance at the reviews before purchasing something new,
although some bloggers interested in budget-friendly items also point out interesting deals that
have made me change brands for several products.
Interviewer: Lastly, what would you say brands should do to keep your loyalty?
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Participant 2: "Competitive pricing is key. Second, I prefer brands that have a loyalty reward or
discount program. It makes me feel that my loyalty is appreciated."
Interview 3
Interviewer: "Thank you for participating in our study. We're looking into consumer decisions
around brand loyalty. What are the main reasons you might switch from a brand you regularly
Participant 3: "Well, my decisions to switch brands usually come from recommendations I get
from my close circle – friends, family, or colleagues. I value personal experiences more than any
advertisement. For instance, I was using this one smartphone brand for years, believing it to be
the best in the market. However, during a family gathering, my cousin showed me his new phone
from a different brand. He demonstrated some unique features that were absent in my phone, like
advanced security features and an exceptional camera. I was quite intrigued."
Interviewer: "That sounds like a significant experience. Could you detail more about this brand-
switching incident?"
Participant 3: "Of course. My cousin's recommendation came at a time when I was
contemplating an upgrade. I had always been loyal to my old brand, but the new phone’s
features, combined with the firsthand account of its performance, made me curious. I started
researching, comparing specifications, and reading user reviews. It became clear that this new
brand offered more value, especially in terms of technology and user experience. So, after much
deliberation, I decided to switch. The decision wasn't easy, given my previous brand loyalty, but
the technological advancement was too appealing to ignore."
Interviewer: "How do you weigh factors like quality, price, and customer service in your
decision-making process?"
Participant 3: "Quality, for me, tops everything. I'm willing to pay a premium for a product that
promises and delivers high quality. However, customer service is a close second. I've had
experiences where poor customer service turned me off a brand completely. There was a time
when I had an issue with a product, and the brand's response was lackluster. It made me feel
unvalued as a customer, and I decided not to patronize that brand anymore. Good customer
service can truly make or break my loyalty to a brand."
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Interviewer: Is social media and online reviews taken into consideration while changing brands?
Participant 3: Social media not that much but I do use online reviews. Reviews allow me to have
an understanding of what real users think about a product. Nevertheless, I am prudent and try to
distinguish between honest reviews and promotional material. I also prefer recommendations
from my family and friends to online reviews. This feeling of trust is one that I don’t always feel
when searching online.
Interviewer: Lastly, in your view how could brands keep customers like you?
Participant 3: Brands should be aware that customers value experiences as much as they value
products. However, interacting with customers; assuaging their fears and appreciating the
importance of their feedback makes a huge difference. Additionally, continuous innovation is
important. In the modern world of change, freeze is kill for a brand. Brands that change in time,
know the market trends and adjust to changing customer needs have a better chance of keeping
customers like me."
Interview 4
Interviewer: It is much appreciated that you have agreed to share your view on this interview as
we focus on reasons behind brand switching. Please, what do largely motivate you into changing
from a loyal brand?”
Participant 4: Innovation and functionality is what it’s all about for me. I’m always looking for
products that offer something fresh – whether it is a revolutionary technology, superior design or
additional functionality. For instance, I was using a specific brand of fitness tracker for some
time. It was average, but then another brand came out with a new model that changed the game.
It had better health monitoring functionality, more stylish look and was compatible with other
devices. It immediately caught my attention."
Interviewer: That’s quite a particular case. Would you specify more on the issue of changing
over to this new brand?
Participant 4: "Certainly. The decision to change was not impulsive. I conducted a thorough
research, went through technical reviews and even tried the product out in one of retail stores.
When I select a product, what catches my eye is an ability for the particular item to improve our
life and give me something that was not there before. The new fitness tracker offered exactly
that. It wasn’t only about steps/sleep tracking; it was all about getting a proper overview of my
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health – HRV, SpO2, even stress monitoring. The level of detail was staggering. Not only was it
perfectly in sync with my desire of not just tracking fitness but health at a deeper level. This cost
was higher than my previous tracker, but its value compensated for the price.
Interviewer: “What is the correlation between your brand loyalty and price quality?”
Participant 4: "Quality is paramount. There is nothing wrong for me to spend more on a product
that promises better quality and features. This is especially true in the tech industry. A higher
price usually implies better quality, more options and superior customer satisfaction. To me, it is
an investment. Nevertheless, the cost is reasonable only in case of better quality or functionality
above alternatives."
Interviewer: “Do social media and online ratings help in the decision-making process of yours?”
Participant 4: Not that much. My needs, especially in terms of technology, are quite specialized.
Therefore, I prefer the technical reviews of experts rather than consumer assessments. For the
broad view of things, social media may be a good starting point but for in-depth understanding I
prefer expert opinions, technical blogs and real hands on experience.
Interviewer: Finally, what do you think brands should be doing to keep a customer like yourself?
Participant 4: Brands have to be innovative all the time so as not to become obsolete. I am
attracted to brands that lead in their field, which is not afraid of breakthrough innovations and
new technologies. It’s not just about improving the existing product; it is revolutionizing how we
think and function with products. Also, in the after-sales service and customer support. This begs
me to question whether investing in a top-quality product means that the brand will stand with
me on any problems I face. It is a marriage between state-of-the art innovation and solid
customer service that makes me loyal to the brand."
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Section 1
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