CDOT Letter
CDOT Letter
CDOT Letter
November 7, 2024
We write to bring ot your attention a matter of growing concern regarding the Colorado
Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the oversight of federal transportation funds, safety
standards, and project management.
As you know, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) within the U.S. Department of
Transportation (USDOT) oversees the Federal-aid Highway Program (FAHP), which includes
the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). HSIP is a core highway program intended to
address and bolster safety needs. As part of the HSIP program, each state is required to develop
and implement a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) o t address fatalities and serious injuries
on highways and public roads. According to CDOT's website, the 2020-2023 Colorado Strategic
Transportation Safety Plan was approved ni April of 2020 and identified a topline goal of
reducing fatalities and serious injury crashes by 51 percent by 2023. The plan was signed by
CDOT, along with the FHWA Division and Regional offices.
Over the past several years, including through the COVID-19 pandemic, Colorado's population
has experienced significant growth. This growth has compounded stresses on infrastructure and
current projects administered by CDOT. Increased demand on transportation systems may
contribute to more safety concerns for our highway workers. As dollars are already being
stretched thin, it is imperative that safety remain of utmost importance. Ensuring transparency,
accountability, and compliance with safety regulations should be a top priority for CDOT,
especially when such large sums of federal dollars are being provided to protect the lives of
Coloradans. The responsible use of federal funds and prioritization of safety is not just a state
concern, but a national one. We understand numerous concerns have been raised by contractors
working directly with CDOT, including a disregard for state and federal safety guidelines. Below
are several recent examples of devastating accidents n
i construction work zones across Colorado:
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Members of Congress, along with members from Colorado's General Assembly, have met with a
contractor, who shared CDOT's safety plan and documents illustrating that CDOT withheld
traffic flow plans from contractors, started new construction zones without the signature signoff
of the onsite design professional engineers and improperly used safety equipment. Members will
continue ot consider all avenues to shed light on these concerns and conduct oversight. We
respectfully request responses ot the following inquiries by November 22nd",2024:
.1 Please detail how USDOT ensures that federal tax dollars are used properly by state
departments of transportation, including CDOT. Does USDOT and FHWA investigate
state departments when there has been a 60% increase n
i construction work zone
fatalities, as documented by the Colorado State Patrol from 2022 to 2023?
2. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 23, Chapter1, Subchapter G, Part 635.124 (e) on
Construction and Maintenance states, "Federal funds will not participate: (1) If it has
been determined that state DOT employees, officers, or agents acted with gross
negligence, or participated ni intentional acts or omissions, fraud, or other acts not
consistent with usual State practices ni project design, plan preparation, contract
administration, or other activities which gave rise to the claim;.."vii What are the
procedures USDOT takes when safety concerns are brought to light?
3. W
e are pleased that estimates show traffic fatalities decreased ni 2023 from 2022 vi
However, more work can be done, as shown by CDOT's own reports, illustrating that
fatahties in work zones in 2024 in Colorado are on pace to eclipse the prior year. * What
is being done at the federal level to address this disturbing trend?
4. 23 CFR 630 Subpart J "Work Zone Safety and Mobility," outlines procedures ot ensure
the safety of work zones.* What oversight has USDOT conducted to ensure CDOT is
following these safety regulations? Has USDOT taken steps ot ensure future compliance
with these regulations ni states like Colorado? If not, what are hte ramifications until the
USDOT and FHWA are satisfied all safety standards have been met?
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We appreciate your attention o
t this critical matter and look forward ot your response.
Grey tops
Congressman Greg Lopez Congressman Jodey Arrington
Colorado's 4ht Congressional District Chairman House Budget Committee
Texas 19 Congressional District
Congresswoman Lauren Bobert
Colorado's 3rd Congressional District
i Thomas, D
. (2024, August 29). CDOT reports increase of crashes ni Northern Colorado 1-25 Construction Zone.
CBS News.
i Press, M . (2024, June 17). 2 die in U.S. 550 construction zone crash. The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel.
. D
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ir Acosta, V. (2024, August 28). Speed Reduction, new signage among changes CDOT wil implement on 1-70 near
Ward Road after fatal crash. Denver 7 News.
"Butzer, S. (2024a September 4). Driver kills 2 CDOT workers fixing a sign ni Mesa County before crashing, killing
I in the car, officials say. Denver 7 Colorado News (KMGH).
vi Flagler News. (2024, September 26). Three lose lives ni construction zone. Facebook.,
vi 23 C.F.R. 635.124.
vi U.S. DOT, NHTSA, Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities ni 2023, (April 2024), available at
vsi 23 C.F.R. 630.1002.
xi C.D.O.T. (2024, January 29). CDOT, CSP, and DMV announce progress ni reducing traffic deaths ni 2023.
Colorado Department of Transportation.
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