ESET EAV User Guide EN
ESET EAV User Guide EN
ESET EAV User Guide EN
Antivirus 3.0
Integrated components:
ESET NOD32 Antivirus
ESET NOD32 Antispyware
User Guide
2. Installation.............................................5
2.1 Typical installation......................................................... 5
2.2 Custom installation........................................................ 6
2.3 Using original settings.................................................... 7
2.4 Entering Username and password.................................... 7
2.5 On‑demand computer scan............................................. 8
3. Beginner’s guide......................................9
3.1 Introducing user interface design – modes........................ 9
3.1.1 Checking operation of the system............................9
3.1.2 What to do if the program doesn’t work properly.... 10
3.2 Update setup................................................................10
3.3 Proxy server setup.........................................................10
3.4 Settings protection.........................................................11
4.3 Scheduler.....................................................................23
4.3.1 Purpose of scheduling tasks................................... 23
4.3.2 Creating new tasks............................................... 23
4.4 Quarantine...................................................................24
4.4.1 Quarantining files................................................. 24
4.4.2 Restoring from Quarantine................................... 24
4.4.3 Submitting file from Quarantine............................ 24
4.5 Log files........................................................................24
4.5.1 Log maintenance.................................................. 25
4.6 User interface...............................................................25
4.6.1 Alerts and notifications......................................... 26
4.7 ThreatSense.Net.......................................................... 26
4.7.1 Suspicious files..................................................... 26
4.7.2 Statistics.............................................................. 27
4.7.3 Submission........................................................... 27
4.8 Remote administration................................................ 28
4.9 License........................................................................ 28
5. Advanced user...................................... 29
5.1 Proxy server setup........................................................ 29
5.2 Export / import settings................................................ 29
5.2.1 Export settings..................................................... 29
5.2.2 Import settings..................................................... 29
5.3 Command Line............................................................. 30
6. Glossary................................................31
6.1 Types of infiltrations...................................................... 31
6.1.1 Viruses..................................................................31
6.1.2 Worms..................................................................31
6.1.3 Trojan horses.........................................................31
6.1.4 Rootkits................................................................31
6.1.5 Adware................................................................ 32
6.1.6 Spyware............................................................... 32
6.1.7 Potentially unsafe applications.............................. 32
6.1.8 Potentially unwanted applications........................ 32
1. ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0
This module is built upon the ThreatSense® scanning core, which was
used for the first time in the award‑winning NOD 32 Antivirus system.
The ThreatSense® core is optimized and improved with the new ESET
NOD32 Antivirus architecture.
Feature Description
The antivirus system now intelligently cleans
Improved Cleaning and deletes most of the detected infiltrations
without requiring user intervention.
Computer scanning can be launched in
the background without slowing down
Scanning Mode
Core optimization processes keep the size of
update files smaller than in version 2.7. Also,
Smaller Update Files
the protection of update files against damage
has been improved.
It is now possible to scan incoming mail
Popular EMail Client
not only in MS Outlook but also in Outlook
Express and Windows Mail.
– Direct access to file systems for high speed
and throughput.
Variety of Other
– Blocking access to infected files
Minor Improvements
– Optimization for the Windows Security
Center, including Vista.
2. Installation
After purchase, the ESET NOD32 Antivirus installer can be downloaded The next step in the installation is configuration of the ThreatSense.
from ESET’s website as an .msi package. Launch the installer and the Net Early Warning System. The ThreatSense.Net Early Warning
installation wizard will guide you through the basic setup. There are System helps to ensure that ESET is immediately and continuously
two types of installation available with different levels of setup details: informed about new infiltrations in order to quickly protect its
customers. The system allows for submission of new threats to ESET‘s
1. Typical installation virus laboratory, where they are analyzed, processed and added to the
virus signature databases.
2. Custom installation
The first (very important) step is to enter the Username and password These applications are often bundled with other programs and may
for automatic updating of the program. This plays a significant role in be difficult to notice during the installation process. Although these
providing constant protection of the system. applications usually display a notification during installation, they
can easily be installed without your consent.
Enter your Username and Password, i.e. the authentication data you
received after the purchase or registration of the product, into the Select the Enable detection of potentially unwanted applications
corresponding fields. If you do not currently have your Username and option to allow ESET NOD32 Antivirus to detect this type of threat
Password available, select the Set update parameters later option. (recommended).
Authentication data can be inserted at any time later on, directly
from the program.
The last step in the Typical installation mode is confirmation of the
installation by clicking the Install button.
The first step is to select the destination location for the install.
By default, the program installs into C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET
NOD32 Antivirus\. Click Browse… to change this location (not
The next step in the installation is to Enter a password to protect
program parameters. Choose a password you wish to protect the
program with. Retype the password to confirm.
If you reinstall ESET NOD32 Antivirus, the Use current settings option
is displayed. Select this option to transfer setup parameters from
the original installation to the new one.
If you did not enter your Username and password during the
installation, you can do so now. In the main program window, click
Update and then click Username and Password Setup... Enter the
data you received with your product license into the License details
3. Beginner’s guide
The main window of ESET NOD32 Antivirus is divided into two main
sections. The left column provides access to the user‑friendly main
menu. The main program window on the right predominantly serves
to display information corresponding to the option selected in the
main menu.
Computer scan – This option allows the user to configure and launch
the On‑demand computer scan.
Toggling to Advanced mode adds the Tools option to the main menu.
The Tools option allows the user to access Scheduler, Quarantine, or
Update – Select this option to access the update module that
view ESET NOD32 Antivirus log files.
manages updates to the virus signature database.
NOTE: All remaining instructions in this guide will take place in
Setup – Select this option to adjust your computer’s security level.
Advanced mode.
If the Advanced mode is activated, the submenus Antivirus and
antispyware protection module will appear.
3.1.1 Checking operation of the system
Tools – This option is available only in Advanced mode. Provides
To view the Protection status, click this option at the top of the
access to Log files, Quarantine and the Scheduler.
main menu. The Antivirus and antispyware submenu will appear
directly below and a status summary about the operation of ESET
Help and support – Select this option to access help files, the ESET
NOD32 Antivirus will be displayed in the main program window. Click
Knowledgebase, ESET’s web site and access a Customer Care support
Antivirus and antispyware and the main program window ed status
of the individual protection modules
The ESET NOD32 Antivirus user interface allows users to toggle
Standard and Advanced modes. To toggle between modes, see the
Display link located in the bottom left corner of the main ESET NOD32
Antivirus window. Click this button to select the desired display mode.
If ESET NOD32 Antivirus detects a problem in any of its protection copies (ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition), click the Setup...
modules, it is reported in the Protection status window. A potential button.
solution to the problem is also offered here.
NOTE: Proxy server options for various update profiles may differ. If
this is the case, configure the proxy server in the advanced update
The Advanced Setup window (to access, press F5) contains other
detailed update options. The Update server: drop-down menu
should be set to Choose automatically. To configure advanced
update options such as the update mode, proxy server access,
accessing updates on a local server and creating virus signature
3.4 Settings protection
4. Work with ESET NOD32 Antivirus
4.1 Antivirus and antispyware protection Checking of newly created files
Antivirus protection guards against malicious system attacks by The probability of infection in newly‑created files is comparatively
controlling file, email and Internet communication. If a threat with higher than in existing files. This is why the program checks these
malicious code is detected, the Antivirus module can eliminate files with additional scanning parameters. Along with common
it by first blocking it, and then cleaning, deleting or moving it to signature‑based scanning methods, advanced heuristics are used,
quarantine. which greatly improves detection rates. In addition to newly‑created
files, scanning is also performed on self‑extracting files (SFX)
4.1.1 Real‑time file system protection and runtime packers (internally compressed executable files).
Real‑time file system protection controls all antivirus‑related events Advanced setup
in the system. All files are scanned for malicious code at the moment
they are opened, created or run on the computer. Real‑time file To provide the minimum system footprint when using real‑time
system protection is launched at system startup. protection, files which have already been scanned are not scanned
repeatedly (unless they have been modified). Files are scanned again Control setup immediately after each virus signature database update. This behavior
is configured using the Optimized scanning option. If this is disabled,
The real‑time file system protection checks all types of media, all files are scanned each time they are accessed.
and control is triggered by various events. Control utilizes the
ThreatSense technology detection methods (as described in By default, Real‑time protection is launched at operating system
ThreatSense engine parameter setup). The control behavior may vary startup time and provides uninterrupted scanning. In special cases
for newly created files and existing files. For newly created files, it is (e.g., if there is a conflict with another real‑time scanner), the
possible to apply a deeper level of control. real‑time protection can be terminated by disabling the Automatic
real‑time file system protection startup option.
The real‑time protection has three cleaning levels (to access, click the
Setup... button in the Real-time file system protection section and
then click the Cleaning branch).
▪ The first level displays an alert window with available options for
each infiltration found. The user must choose an action for each
infiltration individually. This level is designed for more advanced
user who know what to do with every type of infiltration.
We recommend that you keep the default settings and only modify
them in specific cases, such as when scanning certain media
significantly slows data transfers. Compatibility
With the Maximum compatibility level, the user is warned by an Appending tag messages to email body
alert window which reports the receipt of an infected message.
No information about infected files is added to the subject line or Each email controlled by ESET NOD32 Antivirus can be marked by
to the email body of delivered messages and infiltrations are not appending a tag message to the subject or email body. This feature
automatically removed. Deleting infiltrations must be performed by increases the level of credibility for the addressee and if an infiltration
the user from the email client. is detected, it provides valuable information about the threat level of a
given email/sender. Integration with Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Removing infiltrations
Windows Mail
If an infected email message is received, an alert window is displayed.
Integration of ESET NOD32 Antivirus with email clients increases the The alert window shows the sender name, the email, and name of
level of active protection against malicious code in email messages. the infiltration. In the lower part of the window, the options Clean,
If your email client is supported, this integration can be enabled in Delete or Leave are available for the detected object. In almost all
ESET NOD32 Antivirus. If integration is activated, the ESET NOD32 cases, we recommend that you select either Clean or Delete. In
Antivirus toolbar is inserted directly into the email client, allowing special situations, when you wish to receive the infected file, select
for more efficient email protection. The integration settings are Leave. If Strict cleaning is enabled, an information window with no
available through Setup > Enter entire advanced setup tree… > options available for infected objects is displayed.
Miscellaneous >Email client integration. This dialog window allows
you to activate integration with the supported email clients. Email 4.1.3 Web access protection
clients which are currently supported include Microsoft Outlook,
Outlook Express and Windows Mail. Internet connectivity is a standard feature in a personal computer.
Unfortunately, it has also become the main medium for transferring
Email protection is started by the activation of the Enable email malicious code. Because of this, it is essential that you carefully
protection check box in Advanced Setup (F5) > Antivirus and consider your Web access protection. We strong recommend that
antispyware > Email protection. the Enable web access protection option is activated. This option
is located in Advanced Setup (F5) > Antivirus and antispyware
protection > Web access protection.
14 HTTP Web browsers
Web access protection’s primary function is to monitor the ESET NOD32 Antivirus also contains the Web browsers feature,
communication between Internet browsers and remote servers, which allows the user to define whether the given application is a
according to the rules of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) browser or not. If an application is marked as a browser by the user, all
protocol. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is by default configured to use the communication from this application is monitored regardless of the
HTTP standards of most Internet browsers. However, the HTTP port numbers involved in the communication.
checking setup options can be partially modified in the section Web
access protection > HTTP. In the HTTP filter Setup window, you The Web browsers feature complements the HTTP checking feature,
can enable or disable HTTP checking with the option Enable HTTP as HTTP checking only takes place on predefined ports. However,
checking. You can also define the port numbers which are used by the many Internet services utilize dynamically changing or unknown
system for the HTTP communication. By default, the port numbers 80, port numbers. To account for this, the Web browser feature can
8080 and 3128 are used. HTTP traffic on any port can be automatically establish control of port communications regardless of the connection
detected and scanned, by adding additional port numbers, separated parameters.
by a comma.
provides detection of infiltrations which were not detected by the Scan targets
real‑time scanner at the time they were saved to the disk. This can
happen if the real‑time scanner was disabled at the time of infection, The Scan targets drop-down menu allows you to select files, folders
or if the virus signature database is obsolete. and devices (disks) to be scanned for viruses.
We recommend that you run an On‑demand scan at least once Using the quick scan targets menu option, you can select the
or twice a month. Scanning can be configured as a scheduledtask following targets:
through Tools > Scheduler.
Local drives – controls all system hard drives Type of scan
Removable media – diskettes, USB storage devices, CD/DVD
Two types are available. The Standard scan quickly scans the system
with no need for further configuration of the scan parameters. The Network drives – all mapped drives
Custom scan… allows the user to select any of the predefined scan
profiles, as well as choose scan objects from the tree structure.
To select scan targets, use the drop‑down menu of the quick target
selection feature or select targets from the tree structure listing all
devices available on the computer. Furthermore, you can choose To create a new profile that can be used repeatedly for future scans,
from three cleaning levels by clicking Setup... > Cleaning. If you are navigate to Advanced setup (F5) > On‑demand computer scan.
only interested in scanning the system with no additional actions Click the Profiles... button on the right to display the list of existing
performed, select the Scan without cleaning check box. scan profiles and the option to create a new one. The following
ThreatSense engine parameters setup describe each parameter
Performing computer scans using the Custom scan mode is suitable of the scan setup. This will help you create a scan profile to fit your
for advanced users with previous experience using antivirus programs. needs.
Suppose that you want to create your own scan profile and the
configuration assigned to the profile Smart scan is partially suitable.
But you don’t want to scan runtime packers or potentially unsafe
applications and you also want to apply Strict cleaning. From the Runtime packers – runtime packers (unlike standard archive types)
Configuration profiles window, click the Add... button. Enter the decompress in memory, in addition to standard static packers
name of your new profile in the Profile name field, and select Smart (UPX, yoda, ASPack, FGS, etc.).
scan from the Copy settings from profile: drop‑down menu. Then
adjust the remaining parameters to meet your requirements.
▪ Email protection Cleaning
No cleaning
Infected files are not cleaned automatically. The program will display
a warning window and allow the user to choose an action.
Default level
The program will attempt to automatically clean or delete an infected
file. If it is not possible to select the correct action automatically,
the program will offer a choice of follow‑up actions. The choice of
follow‑up actions will also be displayed if a predefined action could
not be completed. 4.1.6 An infiltration is detected
Strict cleaning Infiltrations can reach the system from various entry points; web
The program will clean or delete all infected files (including archives). pages, shared folders, via email, or from removable computer devices
The only exceptions are system files. If it is not possible to clean them, (USB, external disks, CDs, DVDs, diskettes, etc.).
the user is offered an action to take in a warning window.
If your computer is showing signs of malware infection, e.g. it is
Warning: slower, often freezes, etc., we recommend that you do the following:
In the Default mode, the entire archive file is deleted only if all files in
the archive are infected. If the archive also contains legitimate files, ▪ Open ESET NOD32 Antivirus and click Computer scan
it will not be deleted.If an infected archive file is detected in the Strict
cleaning mode, the entire archive will be deleted, even if clean files are ▪ Click Standard scan
present. (for more information, see Standard scan).
▪ After the scan has finished, review the log for the number
of scanned, infected and cleaned files.
If you only wish to scan a certain part of your disk, click Custom scan
and select targets to be scanned for viruses. Extensions
Excluding files from scanning has its purpose if the scanning of certain
file types prevents the program using the extensions to run properly.
For example, it may be advisable to exclude the .edb, .eml and .tmp
extensions when using the MS Exchange server.
Cleaning and deleting
Apply cleaning if a clean file has been attacked by a virus which has
attached malicious code to the cleaned file. If this is the case, first
attempt to clean the infected file in order to restore it to its original
state. If the file consists exclusively of malicious code, it will be
NOTE: The Username and Password is provided by ESET after Within the profile setup, you can specify the update server to which
purchase of ESET NOD32 Antivirus. the program will connect and download updates; any server from
the list of available servers can be used, or a new server can be added.
4.2.1 Update setup The list of existing update servers is accessible via the Update server:
drop‑down menu. To add a new update server, click Edit… in the
The update setup section specifies the update source information, Update settings for selected profile section and then click the Add
such as the update servers and authentication data for these servers. button.
By default, the Update server: field is set to Choose automatically.
This value ensures that the update files will automatically be Advanced update setup
downloaded from the ESET server with the least network traffic load.
The update setup options are available from the Advanced Setup (F5) To view the Advanced update setup, click the Setup... button.
tree, under Update. Advanced update setup options include configuration of Update
Mode, HTTP Proxy, LAN and Mirror.
19 Update mode component updates within the Update mode tab depends on
each individual workstation, since that is where these settings are
The Update mode tab contains options related to the program to be applied. Please be aware that there are differences between
component update. workstations and servers – e.g. restarting the server automatically
after a program upgrade could cause serious damage.
In the Program component update section, three options are
available: Proxy server
▪ Never update program components To access the proxy server setup options for a given update profile:
Click Update in the Advanced Setup tree (F5) and then click the
▪ Always update program components Setup... button to the right of Advanced update setup. Click the
HTTP Proxy tab and select one of the three following options:
▪ Ask before downloading program components
▪ Use global proxy server settings
Selecting the option Never update program components ensures
that after a new program component update has been issued by ESET, ▪ Do not use proxy server
it will not be downloaded and no program component update will
actually take place on the given workstation. The Always update ▪ Connection through a proxy server (connection defined by the
program components option means that program component connection properties)
updates will be performed each time a new update is available
on ESET‘s update servers, and that program components will be Selecting the Use global proxy server settings option will use the
upgraded to the downloaded version. proxy server configuration options already specified within the
Miscellaneous > Proxy server branch of the Advanced Setup tree.
Select the third option, Ask before downloading program
components to ensure that the program will ask the user to confirm
downloading of program component updates at the moment such
updates are available. In this case, a dialog window containing
information about the available program component updates will
be displayed, with the option to confirm or refuse it. If confirmed,
updates are downloaded and new program components will be
Select the Do not use proxy server option to explicitly define that no
proxy server will be used for updating ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
This option should also be selected if the proxy server settings were
After installation of a program component update, it is necessary to not set globally, but the ESET NOD32 Antivirus will connect to a proxy
restart the system in order to provide full functionality of all modules. server for updates.
The section Restart after program component upgrade allows you
to select one of the following three options: The default setting for the proxy server is Use global proxy server
▪ Never restart computer
20 Connecting to LAN Creating update copies – Mirror
When updating from a local server with an NT‑based operating ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition allows the user to create
system, authentication for each network connection is required by copies of update files which can be used to update other workstations
default. In most cases, a local system account doesn‘t have sufficient located in the network. Updating client workstations from a Mirror
rights to access the Mirror folder (the Mirror folder contains copies of optimizes network load balance and saves Internet connection
update files). If this is the case, enter the Username and password in bandwidth.
the update setup section, or specify an existing account under which
the program will enter the update server (Mirror). Configuration options for the local server Mirror are accessible (after
adding a valid license key in the license manager, located in the ESET
To configure such an account, click the LAN tab. The Connect to NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition Advanced setup section) in the
LAN as section offers the options System account (default), Current Advanced update setup: section (to access this section, press F5 and
user, and Specified user. click Update in the Advanced Setup tree. Click the Setup... button
next to Advanced update setup: and select the Mirror tab).
Select the System account option to use the system account for
authentication. Normally, no authentication process takes place if The first step in configuring the Mirror is to select the Create update
there is no authentication data supplied in the main update setup mirror check box. Selecting this option activates other Mirror
section. configuration options such as the way update files will be accessed
and the update path to the mirrored files.
To ensure that the program authorizes itself using a currently
logged‑in user account, select Current user. The drawback of this The methods of Mirror activation are described in detail in the next
solution is that the program is not able to connect to the update chapter, “Variants of accessing the Mirror”. For now, note that there
server if no user is currently logged in. are two basic variants of accessing the Mirror – the folder with update
files can be presented as a Mirror as a shared network folder, or a
Select Specified user if you want the program to use a specific user Mirror as an HTTP server.
account for authentication.
The folder dedicated to storing update files for the Mirror is defined in
The default option for LAN connection is System account. the Folder to store mirrored files section. Click Folder… to browse
for a desired folder on the local computer or shared network folder.
Warning: If authorization for the specified folder is required, authentication
When either Current user or Specified user is enabled, an error may data must be supplied in the Username and Password fields. The
occur when changing the identity of the program to the desired user. Username and Password should be entered in the format Domain/
This is why we recommend inserting the LAN authentication data User or Workgroup/User. Please remember to supply the corresponding
in the main update setup section. In this update setup section, the passwords.
authentication data should be entered as follows: domain_name\user
(if it is a workgroup, enter workgroup_name\name) and the user’s When specifying detail Mirror configuration, you can also specify the
password. When updating from the HTTP version of the local server, language versions for which you want to download update copies.
no authentication is required. Language version setup is accessible in the section Files - Available
There are two basic methods of configuring the Mirror – the folder
with update files can be presented as the Mirror as a shared network
folder, or the Mirror as an HTTP server.
Accessing the Mirror using an internal HTTP server Setup... button and then click the LAN tab. This setting is the same as
for updating, as described in the chapter “Connecting to LAN”.
This configuration is the default, specified in the predefined program
configuration. In order to allow access to the Mirror using the HTTP After the Mirror configuration is complete, proceed to
server, navigate to Advance update setup (the Mirror tab) and select the workstations and set \\UNC\PATH as the update server.
the Create update mirror option. This operation can be completed using the following steps:
In the Advanced setup section of the Mirror tab you can specify the ▪ Open ESET NOD32 Antivirus Advanced Setup and click Update
Server Port where the HTTP server will listen as well as the type of
Authentication used by the HTTP server. By default, the Server port is ▪ Click Edit... next to the Update server and add a new server using
set to the value 2221. The Authentication option defines the method the \\UNC\PATH format.
of authentication used for accessing the update files. The following
options are available: NONE, Basic, and NTLM. Select Basic to use the ▪ Select this newly‑added server from the list of update servers
base64 encoding with basic Username and password authentication.
The NTLM option provides encoding using a safe encoding method. NOTE: For proper functioning, the path to the Mirror folder must be
For authentication, the user created on the workstation sharing the specified as a UNC path. Updates from mapped drives may not work.
update files is used. The default setting is NONE, which grants access
to the update files with no need for authentication. Troubleshooting Mirror update problems
Warning: Depending on the method used to access the Mirror folder, various
If you want to allow access to the update files via the HTTP server, types of problems may occur. In most cases, problems during
the Mirror folder must be located on the same computer as the ESET an update from a Mirror server are caused by one or more of the
NOD32 Antivirus instance creating it. following: incorrect specification of the Mirror folder options,
incorrect authentication data to the Mirror folder, incorrect
configuration on local workstations attempting to download update
files from the Mirror, or by a combination of the reasons above. Here
we give an overview of the most frequent problems which may occur
during an update from the Mirror:
▪ Click Edit… to the right of the Update server drop-down menu ▪ ESET NOD32 Antivirus reports an error connecting to the
and add a new server using the following format: http://IP_ Mirror server –communication on the port defined for accessing
address_of_your_server:2221 the HTTP version of the Mirror is blocked.
Updates can be triggered manually by clicking Update virus To create a new task in Scheduler, click the Add... button or right-click
signature database in the information window displayed after and select Add... from the context menu. Five types of scheduled
clicking Update from the main menu. tasks are available:
Updates can also be run as scheduled tasks – To configure a scheduled ▪ Run external application
task, click Tools > Scheduler. By default, the following tasks are
activated in ESET NOD32 Antivirus: ▪ Log maintenance
4.3 Scheduler
By default, the following scheduled tasks are displayed in Scheduler: ▪ Wait until the next scheduled time
▪ Automatic update after dial‑up connection ▪ Run task immediately if the time since its last execution exceeds
specified interval (the interval can be defined immediately using
▪ Automatic update after user logon the Task interval scroll box)
▪ Automatic startup file check after user logon In the next step, a summary window with information about the
current scheduled task is displayed; the option Run task with specific
▪ Automatic startup file check after successful update of the parameters should be automatically enabled. Click the Finish button.
virus signature database
A dialog window will appear, allowing you to select profiles to be used
To edit the configuration of an existing scheduled task (both default for the scheduled task. Here you can specify a primary and alternative
and user-defined), right‑click on the task and click Edit... or select the profile, which is used in case the task cannot be completed using the
desired task you wish to modify and click the Edit... button. primary profile. Confirm by clicking OK in the Update profiles window.
The new scheduled task will be added to the list of currently scheduled
4.3.1 Purpose of scheduling tasks tasks.
4.4 Quarantine
The user can choose to quarantine any file he or she wants to. This
is advisable if a file behaves suspiciously but is not detected by the
antivirus scanner. Quarantined files can be submitted for analysis to
ESET’s virus laboratories.
Log files are accessible from the main ESET NOD32 Antivirus window
Files stored in the quarantine folder can be viewed in a table which by clicking Tools > Log files. Select the desired log type using the Log:
displays the date and time of quarantine, the path to the original drop-down menu at the top of the window. The following logs are
location of the infected file, its size in bytes, reason (added by user…), available:
and number of threats (e.g., if it is an archive containing multiple
infiltrations). 1. Detected threats – Use this option to view all information about
events related to the detection of infiltrations.
4.4.1 Quarantining files
The program automatically quarantines deleted files (if you have 2. Events – This option is designed for system administrators and
not cancelled this option in the alert window). If desired, you can users to solve problems. All important actions performed by ESET
quarantine any suspicious file manually by clicking the Add... button. NOD32 Antivirus are recorded in the Event logs.
If this is the case, the original file is not removed from its original
location. The context menu can also be used for this purpose – 3. On‑demand computer scan – Results of all completed scans are
right‑click in the quarantine window and select Add... displayed in this window. Double‑click on any entry to view details
of the respective On‑demand scan.
4.4.2 Restoring from Quarantine
Quarantined files can also be restored to their original location. Use
the Restore feature for this purpose; this is available from the context
menu by right‑clicking on the given file in the quarantine window.
The context menu also offers the option Restore to, which allows
you to restore a file to a location other than the one from which it was
If the program quarantined a harmless file by mistake, please exclude
the file from scanning after restoring and send the file to ESET
Customer Care.
4.5.1 Log maintenance At the top of the ESET NOD32 Antivirus main program window, there
is a Standard menu which can be activated or disabled based on the
The Logging configuration of ESET NOD32 Antivirus is accessible from Use standard menu option.
the main program window. Click Setup > Enter entire advanced
setup tree... > Tools > Log files. You can specify the following options If the Show tooltips option is enabled, a short description of any
for log files: option will be displayed if the cursor is placed over the option. The
Select active control element option will cause the system to
▪ Delete records automatically: Log entries older than the highlight any element which is currently under the active area of the
specified number of days are automatically deleted mouse cursor. The highlighted element will be activated after a mouse
▪ Optimize log files automatically: Enables automatic
defragmentation of log files if the specified percentage of unused To decrease or increase the speed of animated effects, select the Use
records has been exceeded animated controls option and move the Speed slider bar to the left
or right.
▪ Minimum logging verbosity: Specifies the logging verbosity level.
Available options: To enable the use of animated icons to display the progress of various
operations, select the Use animated icons... check box.If you want
– Critical errors – Logs only critical errors (error starting the program to sound a warning if an important event takes place,
Antivirus protection, etc…) select the Use sound signal option.
The User interface elements section gives users the ability to toggle
to Advanced mode if desired. Advanced mode displays more detailed
settings and additional controls to ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
4.6.1 Alerts and notifications ▪ You can configure the Early Warning System to submit anonymous
information about new threats and where the new threatening
The Alerts and notifications setup section under User interface code is contained, in a single file. This file can be sent to ESET for
allows you to configure how threat alert messages and system detailed analysis. Studying these threats will help ESET update
notifications are handled in ESET NOD32 Antivirus. its threat detection capabilities. The ThreatSense.Net Early
Warning System will collect information about your computer
The first item is Display alerts. Disabling this option will cancel all related to newly‑detected threats. This information may include
alert windows and is only suitable for a limited amount of specific a sample or copy of the file in which the threat appeared, the path
situations. For most users, we recommend that this option be left to to that file, the filename, information about the date and time,
its default setting (enabled). the process by which the threat appeared on your computer and
information about your computer‘s operating system. Some of
To close pop‑up windows automatically after a certain period of
this information may include personal information about the user
time, select the option Close messageboxes automatically after
of the computer, such as usernames in a directory path, etc. An
(sec.). If they are not closed manually by the user, alert windows are
example of the file information submitted is available here.
automatically closed after the specified time period has expired.
While there is a chance that this may occasionally disclose some
Notifications on the desktop and balloon tips are informative only,
information about you or your computer to our threat lab at ESET, this
and do not require or offer user interaction. They are displayed in the
information will not be used for ANY purpose other than to help us
notification area at the bottom right corner of the screen. To activate
respond immediately to new threats.
displaying desktop notifications, select the Display notifications on
desktop option. More detailed options – notification display time
By default, ESET NOD32 Antivirus is configured to ask before
and window transparency can be modified by clicking the Configure
submitting suspicious files for detailed analysis to ESET‘s threat lab.
notifications... button. To preview the behavior of notifications, click
It should be noted that files with certain extensions such as .doc or
the Preview button. To configure the duration of the balloon tips
.xls are always excluded from sending, should a threat be detected in
display time, see the option Display balloon tips in taskbar (for sec.).
them. You can also add other extensions if there are particular files
that you or your organization wants to avoid sending.
The On multi-user systems, display notifications on the screen of 4.7.1 Suspicious files
the user: field allows the user to define who will receive important
notifications from ESET NOD32 Antivirus. Normally this would be a The Suspicious files tab allows you to configure the manner in which
system or network administrator. This option is especially useful for threats are submitted to ESET‘s lab for analysis.
terminal servers, provided that all system notifications are sent to the
administrator. If you have found a suspicious file, you can submit it for analysis to our
virus labs. If it turns out to be a malicious application, its detection
4.7 ThreatSense.Net will be added to the next virus signature update.
The ThreatSense.Net Early Warning System is a tool that keeps ESET Submission of files can be set to be performed automatically
immediately and continuously informed about new infiltrations. without asking. If this option is selected, suspicious files are sent
The bidirectional ThreatSense.Net Early Warning System has a single in the background. If you wish to know which files have been sent
purpose – to improve the protection that we can offer you. The best for analysis and confirm the submission, select the Ask before
way to ensure that we see new threats as soon as they appear is to submitting option.
“link“ to as many to as many of our customers as possible and use
them as our Threat Scouts. There are two options:
When to submit
In the When to submit section, you can define when the statistical
info will be submitted. If you choose to submit As soon as possible
statistical information will be sent immediately after it is created. This
setting is suitable if a permanent Internet connection is available. If
During update is selected, statistical information will be kept and
submitted collectively during the next update.
If you don’t want any files to be submitted, select Do not submit for
analysis. Note that not submitting files for analysis does not affect
submission of statistical information to ESET. Statistical information is
configured in its own setup section, described in the next chapter.
When to submit
Suspicious files will be sent to ESET‘s labs for analysis as soon as
possible. This is recommended if a permanent Internet connection is
available and suspicious files can be delivered without delay. The other 4.7.3 Submission
option is to submit suspicious files During update. If this option is
selected, suspicious files will be collected and uploaded to the Early In this section, you can choose whether files and statistical
Warning System servers during an update. information will be submitted by means of ESET Remote
Administrator or directly to ESET. If you want to be sure that
Exclusion filter suspicious files and statistical information are delivered to ESET,
Not all files have to be submitted for analysis. The Exclusion filter select the option By means of Remote Administrator or directly
allows you to exclude certain files/folders from submission. For to ESET. If this option is selected, files and statistics are submitted
example, it may be useful to exclude files which may carry potentially by all available means. Submission of suspicious files by means of
confidential information, such as documents or spreadsheets. The Remote Administrator submits files and statistics to the remote
most common file types are excluded by default (Microsoft Office, administration server, which will ensure their subsequent submission
OpenOffice). The list of excluded files can be expanded if desired. to ESET’s virus labs. If the option Directly to ESET is selected, all
suspicious files and statistical information are sent to ESET’s virus lab
Contact email directly from the program.
The contact email is sent along with suspicious files to ESET and may
be used to contact you if further information about submitted files is
required for analysis. Please note that you will not receive a response
from ESET unless more information is required.
4.7.2 Statistics
# utc_time=2005‑04‑14 07:21:28
# country=“Slovakia“
# language=“ENGLISH“
# osver=5.1.2600 NT
# engine=5417 Where there are files pending submission, the Submit now button
# components=2.50.2 is activated in this setup window. Click this button if you wish to
# moduleid=0x4e4f4d41 immediately submit files and statistical information.
# filesize=28368
# filename=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ Select the Enable logging check box to enable recording of file
Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ and statistical information submission. After each submission of
C14J8NS7\rdgFR1463[1].exe a suspicious file or a piece of statistical information, an entry in the
event log is created.
4.8 Remote administration 4.9 License
Remote administration is a powerful tool for maintaining security The License branch allows you to manage the license keys for ESET
policy and for obtaining an overview of the overall security NOD32 Antivirus and other ESET products. After purchase, license
management within the network. It is especially useful when applied keys are delivered along with your Username and Password. To
to larger networks. Remote Administration not only increases the Add/Remove a license key, click the corresponding button in the
security level, but also provides ease‑of‑use in the administration of license manager window. The license manager is accessible from the
ESET NOD32 Antivirus on client workstations. Advanced Setup tree under Miscellaneous > Licenses.
The license manager window allows the user to upload and view the
content of a license key using the Add… button – the information
The Setup window allows you to activate the remote administration contained is displayed in the manager. To delete license files from the
mode by first selecting the Connect to Remote Administration list, click Remove.
server check. You can then access the other options described below:
If a license key has expired and you are interested in purchasing
▪ Server address – Network address of the server where the remote a renewal, click the Order… button – you will be redirected to our
administration server is installed. online store.
5. Advanced user
To specify proxy server settings for this level, select the Use proxy
server check box and then enter the address of the proxy server into
the Proxy server: field, along with the Port number of the proxy
Both export and import utilize the .xml file type. Export and import
are useful if you need to back up the current configuration of ESET
NOD32 Antivirus in order to be able to use it later (for whatever
reason). The export settings option will also be appreciated by those
who want to use their favorite configuration of ESET NOD32 Antivirus
on multiple systems - they just need to import their .xml file.
The steps for importing a configuration are very similar. Again, select
Import and export settings, and select the Import settings option.
Click the ... button and browse for the configuration file you wish to
5.3 Command Line – quarantine copy infected files to Quarantine
(supplements ACTION)
ESET NOD32 Antivirus’s antivirus module can be launched via the – no‑quarantine do not copy infected files to
command line – manually (with the “ecls” command) or with a batch Quarantine
(“bat”) file.
The following parameters and switches can be used while running – log‑file=FILE log output to FILE
the on‑demand scanner from the command line: – log‑rewrite overwrite output file
(default – append)
General options: – log‑all log also clean files
– help show help and quit – no‑log‑all do not log clean files (default)
– version show version information and quit
– base‑dir = FOLDER load modules from FOLDER The possible exit codes of the scan:
– quar‑dir = FOLDER quarantine FOLDER
– aind show activity indicator 0 – no threat found
-- auto scans all hard drives in the cleaning 1 – threat found but not cleaned
mode 10 – some infected files remained
101 – archive error
Targets: 102 – access error
– files scan files (default) 103 – internal error
– no‑files do not scan files
– boots scan boot sectors (default) NOTE:
– no‑boots do not scan boot sectors Exit codes greater than 100 mean that the file was not scanned and
– arch scan archives (default) thus can be infected.
– no‑arch do not scan archives
– max‑archive‑level = LEVEL maximum archive nesting LEVEL
– scan‑timeout = LIMIT scan archives for LIMIT seconds at
maximum. If the scanning time reaches this limit, the
scanning of the archive is stopped and the scan will
continue with the next file
– max‑arch‑size=SIZE scan only the first SIZE bytes in
archives (default 0 = unlimited)
– mail scan email files
– no‑mail do not scan email files
– sfx scan self‑extracting archives
– no‑sfx do not scan self‑extracting archives
– rtp scan runtime packers
– no‑rtp do not scan runtime packers
– exclude = FOLDER exclude FOLDER from scanning
– subdir scan subfolders (default)
– no‑subdir do not scan subfolders
– max‑subdir‑level = LEVEL maximum subfolder nesting LEVEL
(default 0 = unlimited)
– symlink follow symbolic links (default)
– no‑symlink skip symbolic links
– ext‑remove = EXTENSIONS
– ext‑exclude = EXTENSIONS exclude EXTENSIONS delimited by
colon from scanning
– adware scan for Adware/Spyware/Riskware
– no‑adware do not scan for Adware/Spyware/
– unsafe scan for potentially unsafe
– no‑unsafe do not scan for potentially unsafe
– unwanted scan for potentially unwanted
– no‑unwanted do not scan for potentially unwanted
– pattern use signatures
– no‑pattern do not use signatures
– heur enable heuristics
– no‑heur disable heuristics
– adv‑heur enable Advanced heuristics
– no‑adv‑heur disable Advanced heuristics
– action = ACTION perform ACTION on infected objects.
Available actions:
none, clean, prompt
6. Glossary
6.1 Types of infiltrations If your computer is infected with a computer worm, we recommend
that you delete the infected files, because they likely contain malicious
An Infiltration is a piece of malicious software trying to enter and/or code.
damage user’s computer.
Examples of well‑known worms are: Lovsan/Blaster, Stration/
6.1.1 Viruses Warezov, Bagle, and Netsky.
A computer virus is an infiltration which corrupts existing files on your 6.1.3 Trojan horses
computer. Viruses are named as such after biological viruses, as they
use similar techniques to spread from one computer to another. Historically, computer trojan horses have been defined as a class of
infiltrations which attempt to present themselves as useful programs,
Computer viruses attack mainly executable files and documents. To thus tricking users into letting them run. But it is important to note
replicate, a virus attaches its “body“ to the end of a target file. In short, that this was true for trojan horses in the past–today, there is no
this is how a computer virus works: after execution of the infected longer a need for them to disguise themselves. Their sole purpose
file, the virus activates itself (before the original application) and is to infiltrate as easily as possible and accomplish their malicious
performs its predefined task. Only after that is the original application goals. “Trojan horse” has become a very general term describing any
allowed to run. A virus cannot infect a computer unless a user (either infiltration not falling under any specific class of infiltration.
accidentally or deliberately) runs or opens the malicious program by
him/herself. Since this is a very broad category, it is often divided into many
subcategories. The most widely known are:
Computer viruses can range in activity and severity. Some of them
are extremely dangerous because of their ability to purposely delete ▪ downloader – a malicious program with the ability to download
files from a hard drive. On the other hand, some viruses cause no real other infiltrations from the Internet.
damage – they only serve to annoy the user and demonstrate the
technical skills of their authors. ▪ dropper – a type of trojan horse designed to drop other types
of malware onto compromised computers.
It is important to note that viruses are (when compared to trojans
or spyware) gradually becoming more of a rarity, since they are not ▪ backdoor – an application which communicates with remote
commercially enticing for authors of malicious software. Also, the attackers, allowing them to gain access to a system and to take
term “virus” is often incorrectly used to cover all types of infiltrations. control of it.
At present, this is gradually being overcome and the new, more
accurate term “malware” (malicious software) is used. ▪ keylogger – (keystroke logger) – a program which records each
keystroke that a user types and sends the information to remote
If your computer is infected with a virus, it is necessary to restore attackers.
infected files to their original state – i.e. to clean them by using an
antivirus program. ▪ dialer – dialers are programs designed to connect to premium‑rate
numbers. It is almost impossible for a user to notice that a new
Examples of viruses are: OneHalf, Tenga, and Yankee Doodle. connection was created. Dialers can only cause damage to users
with dial‑up modems, which are no longer regularly used.
6.1.2 Worms
Trojan horses usually take the form of executable files with the
A computer worm is a program containing malicious code that extension .exe. If a file on your computer is detected as a trojan horse,
attacks host computers and spreads via a network. The basic it is advisable to delete it, since it most likely contains malicious code.
difference between a virus and a worm is that worms have the ability
to replicate and travel by themselves. They are not dependent on host Examples of well‑known trojans are: NetBus, Trojandownloader.
files (or boot sectors). Small.ZL, Slapper
6.1.5 Adware 6.1.8 Potentially unwanted applications
Adware is a short for advertising‑supported software. Programs Potentially unwanted applications are not necessarily intended to
displaying advertising material fall under this category. Adware be malicious, but may affect the performance of your computer
applications often automatically open a new pop‑up window in a negative way. Such applications usually require consent for
containing advertisements in an Internet browser, or change installation. If they are present on your computer, your system
the brower’s homepage. Adware is often bundled with freeware behaves differently (compared to the state before their installation).
programs, allowing their creators to cover development costs of their The most significant changes are:
(usually useful) applications.
▪ new windows you haven’t seen previously are opened
Adware itself is not dangerous – users will only be bothered with
advertisements. Its danger lies in the fact that adware may also ▪ activation and running of hidden processes
perform tracking functions (as spyware also does).
▪ increased usage of system resources
If you decide to use a freeware product, please pay particular
attention to the installation program. The installer will most probably ▪ changes in search results
notify you of the installation of an extra adware program. Often you
will be allowed to cancel it and install the program without adware. ▪ application communicates with remote servers
On the other hand, some programs will not install without adware, or
their functionality will be limited. This means that adware may often
access the system in a „legal” way, because users have agreed to it. In
this case, it is better to be safe than sorry.
6.1.6 Spyware
The authors of spyware claim that these techniques aim to find out
more about users’ needs and interests and allow better‑targeted
advertisement. The problem is that there is no clear distinction
between useful and malicious applications and no one can be sure
that the retrieved information will not be misused. The data obtained
by spyware applications may contain security codes, PINs, bank
account numbers, etc. Spyware is often bundled with free versions
of a program by its author in order to generate revenue or to offer an
incentive for purchasing the software. Often, users are informed of
the presence of spyware during a program‘s installation to give them
an incentive to upgrade to a paid version without it.