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Perdev Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas


Teaching Dates and August 27 – August 30, 2024 Quarter FIRST
9:30-10:30 AM HUMSS 1202 HUMSS 1202 HUMSS 1202 HUMSS 1202
12:00- 1:00 PM HUMSS 1201 HUMSS 1201 HUMSS 1201 HUMSS 1201

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the learners The learners demonstrate an understanding of the skills and
Standards demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during middle and tasks appropriate for middle and late adolescence, and
late adolescence preparatory to early.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to conduct self-exploration and simple The learners shall be able to make a list of ways to become
Standards disclosure responsible adolescents prepared for adult life.
C. Learning  Explain that knowing  Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being
Competencies oneself can make a person experienced during adolescence
accept his/her strengths  Evaluate one’s development through the help of
and limitations and dealing significant people around him/her ( peers, parents,
with others better siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
 Share his/her unique
characteristics, habits, and
II. CONTENT Knowing Oneself Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
A. References

1. Teacher’s Curriculum Guide, p. 1, BOW MELCs

Guide Pages
2. Learner’s N/A N/A N/A
Materials Pages
3. Textbook N/A N/A N/A
4. Additional N/A N/A N/A
Materials for
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Module Module
Resource Department of Education – Region IV-A CALABARZON Department of Education – Region IV-A CALABARZON
Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence, First Edition, Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence, First
2020 Edition, 2020

IV. PROCEDURES Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

A. Reviewing of Recall the tasks and challenges What are the rapid changes in Give one of the challenges of Charade
previous lesson or that you experienced during your your physical appearance? adolescence and ways on how The learner guesses the
presenting of new adolescence stage. it can be overcome. significant person being
lesson described through actions.
B. Establish Remember when you started to Adolescence is a stage in a Influential People in My The learners analyze the
purpose for the notice the rapid changes in your young person’s life in which Life diagram below.
lesson body? Mostly resulted to your they move from dependency on The learners tell the influential
being self-consciousness and their parents to independence, people in their lives.
being overly emotional. autonomy, and maturity.

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
C. Presenting Sometimes, you would want to be The young person begins to The learner tells how they The learners explain how
examples/instance accepted and be “in”, but at move from the family as their become influential. explain how the people in
s of the new times, you would want to be just major social system to his/her diagram becomes agent of
lesson left alone. These adjustments are peers as a more appealing socialization.
part of developmental changes social group that might
during adolescence stage -- the influence his/her adulthood and
time when a child transitions in independence.
terms of physiology and cognition
to fulfil a new role as an emerging
D. Discussing new Read and express your thoughts, Processing Questions: Activity: How Do I Define it?
concepts and feelings, and ideas on the Choose the answer from the Define the following terms
practicing new following situations. 1. What were the most difficult pool of words below. Write based on your personal
skills challenges you have your answers on a separate understanding of the
Situation No. 1 encountered? sheet. concept. 1. Socialization
John is an active member of 2. How were you able to 2. Agents of Socialization
school organizations. He has a lot overcome these challenges? 3. Social Interaction
of talents to share and ideas to 3. How did these challenges 4. Self-Realization
help you to be a better person? 5. Peer Feedback
contribute to their club. Aside
How do you think this would 6. Spirit of Volunteerism
from that, he is known for his
good looks, neatness, and prepa re you to your
tidiness. However, these
seemingly likeable characteristics
became the very reasons for
rumors and gossips-- that he is a
member of the LGBTQ+I
community. This hurt him so
much that he almost wanted to
drop from schooling. Give your
E. Practicing Skills Situation No. 2 Discussion of the list of the How significant are you? Activity No. 5
Erica is a Grade 11 student. most common challenges that Below is a sample value chart Expressing My Gratitude
Although she is quite plump, she adolescents experience. to determine how much you Express your appreciation by
is undeniably pretty. Since she is appreciate the significant writing down your thoughts
sociable, she became popular and 1. Biological Challenges people in your life. By coloring in the spaces below.
gained a lot of friends in school. 2. Cognitive Challenges the box with RED, you can
She is just an average student but 3. Psychological show how much they value to
having a crush on her Top one Challenges you.
classmate urged her to spend late
nights studying to keep up with

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
him. However, all her efforts still
fell short and she did not make it
to the cut of students with honors.
Because of this, she developed an
eating disorder that caused her to
lose huge weight. She also started
to have breakouts. With these, the Processing Questions:
then friendly Erica became aloof
1. Who is/are the most
and self-conscious. Give your
reaction. significant person/s in
our life?
2. What made him/her
very important to you?
3. What life lesson/s have
you gained from

F. Developing Processing Questions: Discussion of Health Issues of The learners tell who the The learners present their
Mastery 1. What kind of adolescent did the adolescence: significant people in their lives output in class.
two students portray in the two Eating Disorders are.
situations?  1. Anorexia Nervosa
2. What challenges did John and  2. Bulimia Nervosa
Erica experience?  Mental Health Disorder
3. What challenges do Filipino  Anxiety Disorders
adolescents face most?  Mood Disorder
 Major Depressive
Disorder (MDD):
 Bipolar Disorder
 Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
 School phobia
 Learning disabilities
G. Finding “Who are you?' said the Social Issues: In this activity, allow yourself The learner tells how these
practical Caterpillar. This was not an to proudly describe what you significant people help them
applications of encouraging opening for a  Sexual Abuse have felt from the different in their development
concepts and skills conversation. Alice replied, rather  Substance Abuse situations you shared with socially.
in daily living shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at  Influence of Mass Media them. Use the table below to
present-- at least I know who I  Impact of Social Media indicate your answers.
was when I got up this morning,
but I think I must have been
changed several times since

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
then.' What do you mean by that?'
said the Caterpillar sternly.
`Explain yourself!'

`I can't explain myself, I'm afraid,

sir' said Alice,
`because I'm not myself, you see.'
`I don't see,' said the Caterpillar.

`I'm afraid I can't put it more

clearly,' Alice replied very politely,
`for I can't understand it myself to
begin with; and being so many
different sizes in a day is very

Alice in Wonderland-Lewis Carroll

H. Generalizing Adolescence is defined as the Entering adulthood is My Takeaways The learner tells how
and abstractions period between the normal onset undeniably a big challenge. At The learner tells what they significant people become
about the lesson of puberty and the beginning of this stage of your life, your have learned from today’s agents of socialization.
adulthood. family, your school, and your discussion.
community contribute to
prepare you in this lifechanging

I. Evaluating Activity 1: Actvity1: Read and analyze the Activity No. 5

Learning The following illustrations a boy situations carefully. Expressing My Gratitude
and a girl adolescent. Let one 1. Your friends asked you to try (25 pts.)
represent you and recall the to smoke cigarette. They said
challenges you have experienced that if you don’t try it, you will
during your adolescence stage. be out to their group.
Write your answers inside the box
What is the problem?
What is your responsibility?
What would be the solution?
2. You have always enjoyed
badminton until you found out
that your crush liked it, too.
One time during practice,
though, your crush watched

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
your training and that made
you conscious. This eventually
resulted to errors that your
coach scolded you in front of
the audience. You felt
embarrassed especially to your
crush who happened to be
there in the venue.
What is the problem?
What is your responsibility?
What would be the solution?
What would be the solution?
J. Additional Who are the significant people in your life? Write a short description of their significance
activities for
application or


A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who required
additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up in the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized material
did I used which I
wish to share to
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Teacher I Sub – Group Leader (Social Sciences) Principal IV

Sta. Teresita National High School

Address: Bihis, Sta. Teresita, Batangas
E-mail Add: 301149@deped.gov.ph
Telephone Numbers:(0917)1487 662, (0917)1035 740, (0917)5072 901 or (0917)1897681

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