Vitamins (Top MCQS)

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Vitamins (Top MCQs)

SSC CGL 2023 SPECIAL Most Repeated Ques

Q. The term Vitamin was coined by ?
a) C Alcaraz c) F Hopkins
b) C Funk d) Flemming
Q. “Night blindness” is caused due to deficiency of ?
a) Vitamin A c) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin B d) Vitamin D
About Vitamins

• Vitamin: They are the compounds essential for the

metabolic activities of our body but in very small quantities.
• These do not provide energy but control energy-yielding
reactions of our body.
• Vitamins were first discovered by FG Hopkins.
• The term Vitamin was coined by C Funk.
• There are two types of Vitamins:
• Fat-Soluble- Vitamin A, D, E, and K.
• Water-Soluble – Vitamin B and C.
• Natural sources of Vitamin D are – Sunlight, fish, eggs, and
Deficiency of which vitamin lowers the rate of
calcium absorption from the food?
किस किटाकिन िी ििी से भोजन से िैल्शियि अििोषण िी
दर िि हो जाती है?

a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin A

Option :A
“Night blindness” is caused due to deficiency of
which vitamin?
“रत ौंधी” किस किटाकिन िी ििी िे िारण होती है?

a) Vitamin B
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin C
d) None of the above

Option : B
Which of the following pairs of ‘Vitamin – Deficiency
disease’ is correct?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से ‘किटाकिन-ििी से होने िािा रोग’ िा ि न-
सा युग्म सही है?

a) Vitamin C – Scurvy • Vitamin D acts as a hormone,

produced by the kidneys - it helps to
b) Vitamin D – Beriberi control the concentration of calcium
in the blood and is vital for the
c) None of these development of strong bones.

Option : A
Blood in urine or stool can be caused by the
deficiency of which of the following vitamin?
िूत्र या िि िें रक्त कनम्नकिल्ित िें से किस किटाकिन िी ििी
िे िारण हो सिता है?

a) Vitamin S . Deficiency of vitamin K can cause excessive

bleeding, which may start from the nose or gums,
b) Vitamin B include easy bruising, blood in urine and stools.
. Vitamin K is known as the “blood-clotting
c) Vitamin A vitamin” for its important role in healing wounds.
d) Vitamin K . Vitamin K also plays an important role in bone

Option : D
Match the following – Vitamins and respective
deficiency diseases:
कनम्नकिल्ित िा कििान िरें – किटाकिन और सौंबौंकधत ििी से
होने िािे रोग:

a) Vitamin A – (i) Rickets

b) Vitamin D – (ii) Scurvy
c) Vitamin C – (iii) Anaemia
d) Vitamin B - (iv) Night
Option : B
Deficiency of which vitamin causes Cerebral
hemorrhage ?
किस किटाकिन िी ििी से िल्िष्क रक्तस्राि होता है?

a) Vitamin K
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin A
d) None of the above

Option : A
Which of the following vitamins are normally made
in the kidneys?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से ि न सा किटाकिन सािान्यतः गुदे िें बनता है?

a) Vitamin A • Vitamin D is a hormone produced by the

b) Vitamin D • The liver and kidneys convert vitamin D into
the active hormone, which is called
c) Vitamin C calcitriol.
• It primarily helps in controlling the
d) Vitamin B
concentration of calcium in the blood.
• It is also vital for the development of strong
Option : B bones.
The commonly used Vitamin B Complex is
constituted of how many vitamins?
आित र पर इिेिाि किया जाने िािा किटाकिन बी िॉम्प्लेक्स
कितने किटाकिनोौं से बना होता है?
• B vitamins are a class of water-soluble vitamins.
a) 3 • The commonly used Vitamin B Complex is
constituted of 8 vitamins.
b) 6 • Thiamin (vitamin B-1)
• Riboflavin (vitamin B-2)
c) 7
• Niacin (vitamin B-3)
d) 8 • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)
• Vitamin B-6
• Biotin (vitamin B-7)
Option : D • Folate (vitamin B-9)
• Vitamin B-12
Which organ stores fat soluble vitamins?
ि न सा अौंग िसा िें घुिनिीि किटाकिन िा भौंडारण िरता है?

a) Blood
b) Skin
c) Liver
d) Pancreas

Option : C
Which vitamin is abundant in Citrus fruits?
िट्टे फिोौं िें ि न सा किटाकिन प्रचुर िात्रा िें होता है?

a) Vitamin C • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is a water-

soluble vitamin and is found in
b) Vitamin B variable quantities in citrus fruits,
vegetables and organ meats.
c) Vitamin k
d) None

Option : A
Imp Facts
Which vitamin is also known as anti-sterility vitamin?
किस किटाकिन िो बााँझपन रोधी किटाकिन िे नाि से भी जाना
जाता है?

a) Vitamin k
b) Vitamin E
c) Vitamin B 12
d) None

Option : B
Which of the following vitamin is tocopherol?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से ि न सा किटाकिन टोिोफेरॉि है?

a) Vitamin E • Vitamin E is tocopherol.

• It is a fat-soluble vitamin.
b) Vitamin B • It is a very powerful antioxidant.
• Weak muscles and fertility problems
c) Vitamin A are signs of deficiency of vitamin E.
d) Vitamin c • Its deficiency also causes hair damage
and skin problems.

Option : A
Deficiency of which of the following Vitamins causes
pernicious anaemia?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से किस किटाकिन िी ििी से घाति रक्ताल्पता
होती है?

• The chemical name of Vitamin B12 is

a) Vitamin A CyanoCobalamin.
b) Vitamin k • It is used for the production of RBC as
we know that RBC contains
c) Vitamin B 12 Hemoglobin which contains Iron and
hence the deficiency also results in
d) Vitamin C Anemia.

Option : C
Which of following is a good and rich source of
vitamin ‘c’ ?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से ि न सा किटाकिन ‘सी’ िा अच्छा और सिृद्ध स्रोत है?

a) Milk
b) Radish
c) Mango
d) Lemon juice

Option : D
Vitamin K deficiency in our body leads to:
हिारे िरीर िें किटाकिन K िी ििी से कनम्न पररणाि होते हैं

a) problems in fertilization • The most important of these

compounds appears to be vitamin K1
b) Delayed clotting of blood and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 is
obtained from leafy greens and some
c) Scurvy
other vegetables.
d) None of the above • Vitamin K2 is a group of compounds
largely obtained from meats, cheeses,
and eggs, and synthesized by bacteria.
Option : B • Low levels of vitamin K can raise the
risk of uncontrolled bleeding.
Capsaicinoids, carotenoids, phenolics, and vitamins are
dominant chemicals in which of the following foods?
कनम्नकिल्ित िें से किस िाद्य पदार्थ िें िैप्सैकसनोइडस स,
िैरोटीनॉयडस स, फेनोकिक्स और किटाकिन प्रिुि रसायन हैं?

a) Carrot • Capsaicinoids are a major spice-

producing group of alkaloids present
b) Garlic in chilli peppers.
• Carotenoids are also called
c) Raddish tetraterpenoids.
d) Chilli

Option : D
The chemical name of vitamin B12:
किटाकिन बी12 िा रासायकनि नाि:

a) Folic acid • It has an important role in DNA

b) Thiamine synthesis and amino acid metabolism.

c) Cynocobalamine
d) Acitic acid

Option : C
Saliva helps in the digestion of :
िार पाचन िें सहायता िरती है :

a) Fats
b) Starch
c) Proteins
d) Vitamins

Option : B
Niacin is the chemical name of which Vitamin?
कनयाकसन किस किटाकिन िा रासायकनि नाि है?

a) Vitamin B3
• B1 is Thiamine, B2 is Riboflavin
b) Vitamin B1 and C is Ascorbic acid

c) Vitamin B2
d) Vitamin C

Option : A
Name the Vitamin that protects us from Pellagra
उस किटाकिन िा नाि बताएौं जो हिें पेिाग्रा रोग से बचाता है?

a) Vitamin B5 • Vitamin B3 protects us from

Pellagra disease, Liver damage is
b) Vitamin B7 caused due to the overdose Vitamin
c) Vitamin B3 B3
• B7 from Dermatitis and B5 from
d) None of the above Paresthesia

Option : C
Name the vitamin which are essential for the health of
the brain?
उस किटाकिन िा नाि बताएौं जो िल्िष्क िे स्वास्थ्य िे किए आिश्यि है?

a) Vitamin B6
• Known as Brain Vitamins
b) Vitamin B9
c) Vitamin B12
d) All the above

Option : D

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