Surveying Practice
B.E - III Semester
Laboratory Manual 2021-22
Name: ____________________________________
USN: ____________________________________
Batch: ________________ Section: ____________
Semester: III
Course Title: Surveying Practice
Course Code: 18CVL37 Evaluation Procedure:
Credits: 01 CIE + Record+ SEE Marks = 20 + 30 + 50 = 100
Teaching Hours: 39 Hrs (L:T:P:0:0:3) SEE Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Learning Objectives:
1 To use different survey equipment’s for linear and angular measurements.
2 To determine elevation, area enclosed and alignment of civil engineering structures.
3 To calculate distance between inaccessible objects.
4 To expose to the state of the art equipment’s like Total Station.
Exercise – 1 06 Hrs
Setting out of rectangle, hexagon using tape/chain, compass and other accessories.
Measurement of bearing of the sides of a closed traverse & adjustment of closing error
by Bowdich method and Transit method.
Exercise – 2
To determine the distance between two inaccessible points using compass.
Exercise – 3 09 Hrs
To determine difference in elevation between two points using fly levelling technique
& to conduct fly back levelling. Recording of levels using both HI and Rise & Fall
Exercise – 4
To determine difference in elevation between two points using reciprocal levelling
and to determine the collimation error.
Exercise – 5
To conduct profile levelling for water supply /sewage line and to draw the longitudinal
section to determine the depth of cut and depth of filling for a given formation level.
Exercise – 6
Interpolation of contours by block levelling.
UNIT – III (Blended Learning)
Exercise – 7 06 Hrs
Total Station: Introduction, Exposure to use of total station: traversing,
longitudinal section, block levelling, Distance between two in-accessible points, data
processing usage of relevant software’s for preparation of contour drawings.
Exercise – 8
Measurement of horizontal angles by the method of repetition and reiteration using
theodolite, Measurement of vertical angles using theodolite.
Exercise – 9 08 Hrs
To determine the elevation of an object by single plane method, when base is
accessible and inaccessible.
Exercise – 10
To determine the distance and difference in elevation between two inaccessible points
by double plane method.
Exercise – 11
To determine the tacheometric constants using horizontal and inclined line of sight.
To Determine the gradients between the two points by Tachometric method.
Exercise – 12 10 Hrs
To set out simple curves using linear methods – perpendicular offsets from long chord
and offsets from chords produced.
Exercise – 13
To set out simple curves using Rankine’s deflection angles method.
Exercise – 14
To set out compound curve with angular methods using theodolite only.
Text Books:
1 Surveying Vol–I and II–B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
2 Surveying Vol. I and II, S.K. Duggal, Tata McGraw Hill - Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
3 Surveying and Levelling –R Subramanian. Oxford University Press (2007)
Reference Books:
1 Fundamentals of Surveying - Milton O. Schimidt–Wong, Thomson Learning.
2 Text Book of Surveying – C. Venkataramiah. Universities Press.(2009 Reprint)
3 Maps by Survey of India.
CO-PO Mapping
CO/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
‘Instructions to the Candidates’
(1) Method 1 (3-4-5 Method)
1) Let AB be the chain line and let C be the point from where the perpendicular is
required to be erected.
2) Mark a point E on the chain line such that its distance from C is 3 m.
3) Hold the 0 end of the tape at C and the 10m end at E. make a loop of 5m & 6m
& extend the tape to mark the point D.
4) CD is the required perpendicular.
2) Method 2
1) Let AB be the chain line and let C be the point from where the perpendicular is to
be erected.
2) Select a points D and E equidistant from C.
3) Hold the zero end of the tape at D and 10m end at E. Tide up 5m mark stretch the
tape tight and establish the point F.
4) Join CF which is the required perpendicular.
Method 3:
1) Let D be the point from where the perpendicular is to be erected to the chain line AB.
2) Select any point E on the chain line. With E as the center and ED as radius, draw an arc to
cut the chain line at F.
3) Measure FD and FE and obtain point C on the chain line as FC= FD 2/ 2FE.
4) Join C and D, CD is the required perpendicular.
The cross-staff is a simple instrument for setting out right angles. There are 3 types of cross-staffs.
1. Open
2. French
3. Adjustable
In which cross-staff is commonly used in field.
Open cross-staff: The open cross-staff consists of four metal arms with vertical slits. The two
pairs of arms (AB and BC) are at right angles to each other. The vertical slits are ment for sighting
the object and the ranging rods. The cross-staff is mounted on a wooden pole of length 1.5 m and
diameter 2.5 cm. the pole is fitted with an iron shoe. (Fig.b)
• For setting out a perpendicular on a chain line, the cross-staff is held vertically at the
approximate position.
• Suppose slits A and B are directed to the ranging rods (R, R 1) fixed at the end stations. Slits
C and D are directed to the object (O).
An optical square is also used for setting out right angle. It consists of a small circular metal box
of diameter 5cm and depth 1.25 cm. It has a metal cover which slides round the box to cover the
slits. The following are the internal arrangements of the optical square.
1. A horizon glass H is fixed at the bottom of the metal box. The lower half of the glass is
unsilvered and the upper half is silvered.
2. An index glass I is also fixed at the bottom of the box which is completely silvered.
3. The angle between the index glass and horizon glass is maintained at 45 0.
4. The opening ‘e’ is pinhole for eye E, ‘b’ is a small rectangular hole for ranging rod B, ‘P’
is a large rectangular hole for object P.
5. The line EB is known as horizon sight and IP as index sight.
6. The horizon glass is placed at an angle of 120 0 with the horizon sight. The index glass is
placed at an angle of 105 0 with the index sight.
7. The ray of light from P is first reflected from I, then is further reflected from H, after which
it ultimately reaches the eye E.
Principle: According to the principle of reflecting surfaces, the angle between the first incident
ray and the last reflected ray is twice the angle between the mirrors. In this case, the angle
between the mirrors is fixed at 45 0. So, the angle between the horizon sight and index sight
will be 90 0.
θ = [2n-4]*90 o/n
Where n = Number of sides.
θ = Included angle.
Method 1
1) Draw a line AB=12M. Find the length of the diagonals with A as centre and AC as
radius draw an arc with B as center and radius of 6M draw an arc to cut the previous
arc at C.
2) Repeat the same to get the point D. Join BC, AD and DC; it should be equal to 12M.
Method 1: % of error in rectangle = ------%
Method 2; % of error in rectangle = ------%
Method 1
Aim: To construct a regular pentagon of given side 5m using tape & chain
APPARATUS: Chain, tape, ranging rod, arrows.
THEORY: Using tape & chain any regular figure can be constructed. The included angle of the
given regular figure can be calculated using,
θ= [2n-4]*90 o/n or θ= (n-2)*180/ (n)
n- No of sides.
θ- Included angle.
1 st Method
2 nd Method
1. Erect a perpendicular at B by (3-4-5) method and mark Bl for a distance of 5m, on that
perpendicular line.
2. Bisect AB & mark point (1) on AB extend the bisection line to a convenient distance and
mark point (2).
3. Join A&Bl to get point 4. B as centre, BA as radius cut an arc on line (1)-(2) to get the
point 5.
4. Measure the distance between (4) & (5) and bisect it to get (6).
Method 1:
θ = [2n-4]*90 o/n
n- No of sides
θ- Included angle
θ =108 o
θ = 180-(108/2) = 36 o
1 st method
1. To construct regular hexagon of side 5m.
2. Draw a circle of 5m radius by using tape and arrow.
3. With radius equal to length of side, cut the circle at six points and join them which is the
required hexagon.
2 nd method
1. Draw a line AB=5m on the ground from point B cut an arc of length 5m, with A as
centre and radius as calculated values using Sine rule.
2. Draw an arc to cut the previous arc and get point C join BC. AC=8.66m.
3. Repeat the same on other side to get F, similarly other 2 points E and D can be plotted
join FE, ED and BC.
1 ST Method: ABCDEFA is a Hexagon of side AB, BC, CD, DE, EF and FA.
2 nd Method: ABCDEFA is Hexagon of side AB, BC, CD, DE, EF and FA.
% of error in the side FA = --------%
Method 1
r = Radius of the circle for regular hexagon for the known length of side.
L= Length of side.
Method 2:
θ = [2n-4]*90 o/n
n- No of sides
θ- Included angle
θ =120 o
θ = (180-120)/2 = 30 o
AIM: To set out a regular rectangle of side AB=20m and BC=15m using compass and chain given
the bearing of AB is S30 oE
RESULT: A rectangle of sides 15m & 20m is constructed by using a prismatic compass.
• THE LINEAR ERROR IS -----------M &
• ANGULAR ERROR IS -------------
We have,
a) Bearing of BC= BB of AB+ Included angle.
Bearing of BC = -----------
Theoretical Parameters:
Sides AB+BC+CD+DA = ------m
Practical Parameters:
Sides AB+BC+CD+DA =-------m
% of error in DC= Theoretical value –Practical value X100
Theoretical value
PROBLEM: To construct a regular pentagon ABCDE taking the length of side as 6m & bearing
AB as 30 o30’.
THEORY: The included angle of any geometrical figure is given by
θ = [2n-4]*90 o/n
Where n = No of sides.
θ = Included angle.
θ = [2*5-4]*90o/5
θ = 108 o
1) Set out the compass at station A & make temporary adjustments. The line of sight is turned
to set the bearing as 30 o.30’ long, this line of sight mark a point B at a distance of 6m.
2) Shift the compass to point B and make the temporary adjustments. The back bearing of AB
is noted as a check the line of sight is turned to set the bearing of line BC along the line of
sight mark a point C along a distance of 6m.
3) Now the compass is shifted to point c to set the bearing of line as 174 o 30’along this line of
sight mark a point D at a distance of 6m.
4) Now the compass is shifted to point C, to set the bearing of line as 174 o30’along this line
of sight mark a point D at a distance of 6m.
5) The same procedure is repeated at a corresponding points D&E & corresponding bearings
are locked and the points are marked as check, measure the distance of EA.
We have,
a) FB of line AB= ----------
B.B of line AB = -----------
f) FB of line AB = BB of line EA – Interior angle.
AIM: Construct a regular hexagon of side AB=6m with the FB of AB is N30 oE.
APPARATUS: The instruments required are prismatic compass, ranging rod, arrows, tape etc.,
THEORY: The included angle of any geometrical figure is give by
θ = [2n-4]*90 o/n
Where n = no of sides,
θ = included angle
θ = [2*6-4]*90o/6
θ = 120 o
Exterior angle =360-120=240o
Included angle=120 o.
1) Set out the compass at station A & make temporary adjustments. The line of sight is turned
to set the bearing as 30 o along this line of sight mark a point B at a distance of 6m.
2) Shift the compass to point B and make the temporary adjustments. The back bearing of AB
is noted as a check, the line of sight is turned, to set the bearing of line BC along the line
of sight mark a point C at a distance of 6m.
3) Now the compass is shifted to point C, to set the bearing of line as 150 o, along this line of
sight mark a point D at a distance of 6m.
4) The same procedure is repeated at a corresponding points D, E&F, corresponding bearings
are located and the points are marked, as a check measure the distance of FA.
We have,
1. FB of line AB= ----------
B.B of line AB = -----------
1. Let A and B be the two inaccessible points between which the distance is to be determined.
2. Select two points C and D at a known distance from each other
3. Now take the instrument at station C and take the bearings to the points A, B, and D.
4. Shift the instrument to point D and take the bearing of points A, B, C.
5. The angles 1, 2, 3, 4 and α and β are calculated as shown in calculation part and the
distance between A and B is calculated.
Angle 1 = Fore bearing of CB - Fore bearing of CA
Angle 2 = Fore Bearing of CD - Fore Bearing of CB
Similarly Calculate
3 = Fore bearing of DA - Fore bearing of DC
4 = Fore bearing of DB - Fore bearing of DA
AIM: To determine the elevation between two distant points by Fly leveling.
THEORY: When differential leveling is done in order to connect a bench -mark to the starting
point of the alignment of any project, it is called fly leveling. Fly leveling is also done to connect
the BM to any intermediate point of the alignment for checking the accuracy of the work. In such
leveling, only the back-sight and fore-sight readings are taken at every set up of the level and no
distances are measured along the direction of leveling. The level should be set up just midway
between the BS and the FS.
1) Using dumpy level after centering it on the bench mark, back sight (B.S) reading is taken with
leveling staff.
2) Leveling staff is placed at some distance where the readings on leveling staff are visible and the
reading is taken down (F.S).
3) Dumpy level shifted to the next commanding point. After preliminary adjustments, back sight
reading is taken towards the leveling staff, were the leveling staff is held at previous station and
force sight of leveling staff is seen and value of the reading is taken down.
4) The above procedure is repeated till the starting point of alignment is reached.
5) Leveling staff is now placed at the final point and using the auto level or dumpy level from the
same place fore sight reading is taken
Point of
AIM: To find the difference in elevation between any two points which are situated at some
distance apart by collimation system or H.I method.
OBJECTIVE: The main object of differential leveling to determine the elevation between the
points when,
1. The points are a great distance apart.
2. The difference of elevation between the points is large.
3. There are obstacles between the points.
This method in also known as compound leveling or continuous leveling. In the method,
the level in setup at several suitable positions and staff reading are taken at all of these.
In this method the height of the instrument is found out by adding the back sight reading
to the R.L of the B.M on which the B.S is taken. Then the R.L of the intermediate points and the
change point are obtained by subtracting the respective staff reading from the H.I.
1. Let A & B be the two points whose difference of level is required to find.
2. Set up the instrument at point ’O 1’ and after doing proper temporary adjustments take
back sight reading on a bench mark.
3. Find the height of instrument by adding B.S reading to the bench mark.
4. Take staff reading on the intermediate point like C D E & F etc.,
∑BS-∑FS = Last RL – First RL.
AIM: To find the difference in elevation between any two points which are situated apart by
rise and fall method
INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED: Dumpy level with tripod, & leveling staff etc.,
THEORY: In this method the difference of level between two consecutive points in determined
by comparing each forward staff reading with the staff reading at the immediately preceding point.
The R.L of each point is then found by adding rise or subtracting fall from R.L of pro ceeding point.
The staff readings are taken exactly in the same manner for H.I method here only rise and fall are
PROCEDURE: Here height of the instrument is not at all calculated. Rest of procedure remains
same as that of collimation method.
∑BS-∑FS =∑Rise-∑Fall= Last RL – First RL.
AIM: To determine the difference in elevation between two points using Reciprocal Leveling and
determination of Collimation Error.
APPARATUS: Auto set Level with stand, Leveling Staff, Arrow's and Ranging rods.
THEORY: When it is necessary to carry leveling across a river, ravine or any Obstacle requiring
a long sight distance between two points so situated that no place for level can be found from
which the length of foresight and back sight will be even approximately equal, special method i.e.,
reciprocal leveling is used to obtain accuracy and to eliminate the following. (1) Error in
instrument adjustment; (2) Combined effect of earth's curvature and refraction of the atmosphere
and (3) Variation in the average refraction.
i. Let A and B be the two points on opposite banks of the river whose difference in
elevation is to be determined,
ii. Set up the instrument very near to A and with the bubble central take readings on the
staff held at A and B, say a1 and b1 respectively.
iii. Transfer the instrument to B and set it up very near to B.
D = (b 1-e)-a1-— (1)
D= (b 2-a2) f e------- (2)
Adding (1) and (2)
D = (1/2 ) {(b 1 – a1) + (b 2 – a2)}
D is the difference in Elevation
Equating (1) and (2)
e= (1/2) {(b 1 - a1) - (b 2 - a2)} e is the collimation error
Instrument Staff reading at A Staff Reading at B
A a1 = b1 =
B a2 = b2 =
AIM: To conduct profile leveling for water supply / sewage line and to draw the longitudinal
section to determine the depth of cut and depth of filling for a given formation level.
(i) Dumpy level with tripod,
(ii) Prismatic compass,
(iii) Chain,
(iv) Tape,
(v) Ranging rods,
(vi) Arrow pins,
(vii) Leveling staff.
THEORY: Profile leveling is the process of determining the elevations of points along a fixed
line such as center line of a railway, highway, canal, water supply and sewer. The fixed line may
be a single straight line or a series of straight lines connected by cu rves. It is also known as
longitudinal sectioning. By means of such sections it is possible to study the relationship between
the existing ground surface and the levels of the proposed construction in the direction of its length.
The profile is usually plotted on specially prepared profile paper, on which the vertical scale is
much larger than the horizontal, and on this profile, various studies relating to the fixing of grades
or formation lines and the estimation of depths, volume of earthwork and estimating of costs are
PLOTTING OF PROFILE: The horizontal distances are plotted along the horizontal axis to
some convenient scale (1 cm = 10 m) and mark the distances. The elevations are plotted along the
vertical axis (1 cm = 1 m). The two coordinates (i.e. horizontal distances and vertical elevation)
thus plot each ground point. Join the various points so obtained by straight lines.
On the profile plot draw the formation line at a required gradient. Calculate the R.L.'s of formation
line at each of the marked intervals. Then,
If R.L. of ground point is greater than R.L. of formation point, it is depth of cut else depth of f ill.
Calculate the depth of cut / fill at each of the marked intervals and tabulate the results as shown.
Depth of cut
Depth of fill
Inst. St.
B.M. R.L.
Aim: To conduct block leveling, preparation of contour plan using excels. Use of planimeter/graph
and computations of Areas and volumes.
Theory: CONTOURING: The elevation and depression the undulations of the surface of the
are shown as map by interaction of level surface with by means of contour line. a contour may be
defined as the line of intersection of a level surface with the surface of the ground.
1. Lay the chain on the ground and stretch it.
2. Locate the points on the chain line at equal distance in the longitudinal direction and transfers
3. Setup the tripod at the convenient plane surface & fix the dumpy level on it.
4. Temporary adjustments are done and the instrument is leveled by using the bobble tube.
5. After leveling the instrument, the leveling staff held on the given bench mark.
6. Divide the total area into number of blocks having equal area.
7. The corners of the blocks are marked with arrows.
8. The elevations of the ground at the corners of squares are taken and enter in to tabular columns
9. The systems of squares are potted on the drawing sheet. The respective RL shell be entered
near each respective corners.
10. The contour of required RL.s are plotted.
This method is commonly used in rough survey, cross sections are run traverse to the contour line
of road, and railway as canal and the point of change of slope (representations) are located. The
It is the axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a horizontal plane.
It is the axis about which the telescope can be rotated in a vertical plane.
It is the imaginary line joining the intersection of the cross hairs of the diaphragm to the optical
center of the object glass and its continuation.
The process of setting the theodolite exactly over the station mark is known as centering.
It consists of eye-piece , object glass and focusing screw and it is used to sight
the object.
It is used to measure vertical angles.
It consists of two parallel triangular plates called tribrach plates.
Its uses are
1. To support the main part of the instrument.
2. To attach the theodolite to the tripod.
It consists of lower clamp screw and tangent screw.
The upper plate is attached to the inner axis and it carries two verniers. It consists an upper
clamp screw and tangent screws. These screws are used to fix upper plate with lower plate
These are used to level the instrument
It is used to center theodolite exactly over the ground station mark.
If face of the vertical circle is to the left side of the observer, then the observation of the
angles taken is known as face left observation.
If the face of the vertical circle is to the right side of the observation, then the observation
of the angles taken is known as face right observation.
It is an operation of bringing the face of the telescope from left to right and vice -versa.
It includes two operations
1. Centering a theodolite over a station: Done by means of plumb bob.
2. Approximately leveling it by tripod legs only: Done by moving tripod legs radially or
Having centered and approximately leveled the instrument, accurate leveling is done with the help
of foot screws with reference to the plate levels, so that the vertical axis shall be truly vertical.
To level the instrument the following operations have to be done.
1. Turn the upper plate until the longitudinal axis of the plate level is roughly parallel to a line
joining any two of the leveling screws (A & B).
2. Hold these two leveling screws between the thumb and first finger of each hand uniformly so that
the thumb moves either towards each other or away from each other until the bubble comes to the
3. Turn the upper plate through 90º i.e until the axes of the level passes over the position of the third
leveling screw ‘C’.
4. Turn this leveling screw until the bubble comes to the center.
5. Rotate the upper plate through 90º to its original position fig(a) and repeat step(2) till the
bubble comes to the center.
6. Turn back again through 90º and repeat step 4 .
7. Repeat the steps 2 and 4 till the bubble is central in both the positions.
8. Now rotate the instrument through 180º. The bubble should be remaining in the center of its run,
provided it is in correct adjustment. The vertical axis will then be truly vertical.
Parallax is a condition arising when the image formed by the objective is not in the plane of the
cross hairs. Unless parallax is eliminated, accurate sighting is not possible. Parallax can be
eliminated in two steps.
Point the telescope to the sky or hold a piece of white paper in front of the telescope. Move the
eyepiece in and out until a distant and sharp black image of the cross-hairs is seen.
In this method the angle is measured two or more times by allowing the vernier to remain clamped
each time at the end of each measurement instead of setting it back at zero when sighting at the
previous station. Thus on angle is mechanically added several times depending up on the No' of
Repetitions' The average horizontal angle is then obtained by dividing the final reading by the No.
of repetitions.
• To measure the angle PQR set the Instrument at Q level it. with the help of upper clamp and
tangent screw set 0 degree reading on vernier A.
• Note the reading on vernier B. Loose the lower clamp and direct the telescope towards the point
P. clamp the lower clamp and bisect point p accurately by lower tangential screw.
• Unclamp the upper clamp and turn the instrument clockwise towards R.
• clamp the upper clamp and bisect R accurately with the upper tangent screw. Note the reading on
vernier A and B.
• unclamps the lower clamp and turn the telescope clockwise to sight P again Bisect P accurately by
using lower tangential screw unclamp the upper clamp turn the telescope clockwise and sight R.
Bisect R accurately by upper tangent screw. Repeat the process until the angle is repeated 3 times.
• Set up the instrument at O and level it correctly.
• Set the vernier A to zero & direct the telescope to some well-defined object P or say the station
point A, which is known as the "referring object". and bisect it accurately by using the lower clamp
and lower tangent screw. Note the vernier readings.
• Loosen the upper plate and turn the telescope clockwise until the point B is exactly bisected by
turning the upper tangent screw. Read both vernier. The mean of the two Vernier readings will
give the value of the angle AOB.
• Similarly bisect C and D successively, read both vernier at each bisections.
• Finally close the horizon by sighting the referring object P or station point A.
• 'l'he Vernier A should read 360, if not note the reading and find the error due to slip etc..
• If the error is small it is equally distributed among the several angles. If large, the reading should
be discarded and a new set is taken.
• Level the instrument with reference to the plate level.
• Keep the altitude level parallel to any two foot screw and bring the bubble central in position.
Rotate the telescope through 90 degrees till the altitude level is on the third screw. Bring the
bubble central in position with the third foot screw. Repeat the procedure till is the bubble
central in both the positions.
• Loose the vertical circle clamp and rotate the telescope in vertical plane to sight the object. Use
vertical circle tangent screw for accurate bisection.
• Read both the verniers C and D of vertical circle. The mean of the two gives vertical angle.
• Similar observation may be made with another face. Average of the two will give the required
vertical angle.
AIM: To determine the Reduced level of the top of the object whose base is accessible using
single plane method.
• Set up the Theodolite at P and level it accurately with respect to the altitude bubble.
• Direct the telescope towards Q . note down angle
• Repeat the above step for both face observations, mean values should be adopted.
• Measure the horizontal distance between the instrument station and the base of the object.
• With the vertical vernier set to zero reading, and the altitude bubble in the center of its run, take
the reading on the staff kept nearby Bench mark .
• RL of top of the building is determined by using appropriate formula.
• Set up the Theodolite at B and level it accurately with respect to the attitude
• Direct the telescope towards P and bisect it accurately. clamp both the plates. Read the vertical
• Transit the telescope so that the line of sight is reserved mark the second instrument station A
on the ground & measure the distance AB accurately.
• with the vertical vernier set to zero reading and the altitude bubble in the center of the run, take
the reading on the staff kept at nearby BM.
• shift the instrument to A and setup the theodolite to measure the vertical angle with both face
• with the vertical vernier set to zero reading and the altitude bubble in the center of its run take
the reading on the staff kept at the nearby BM.
AIM:- To determine the distance and difference in elevation between two inaccessible
points using double plane method.
• Set the instrument at A and level it accurately with respect to altitude bubble & measure the
distance d accurately to mark B.
• Measure the angle BAP (β).
• Sight the point P’ with reading on horizontal circle as zero and measure the angle PAP’ i.e. the
horizontal angle θ1 at A.
• Take a back sight Sl on the staff kept at bench mark.
• Now shift the instrument to B and measure the horizontal angle PBA (α).
• Sight P’ & measure the vertical angle θ2.
• Now take a back sight S2 on the staff kept at bench mark.
• Measure a line about 200m long a fairly level ground and drive peg at some intervals say 50m.
• Keep the staff on the pegs and observe the corresponding readings with horizontal sights.
• Knowing the values of D and S for the different points and number of simultaneous equation
can be formed by substituting the value of D and S in the equation D=KS+c. simultaneous
solution of successive pair of equation will give the value of K and C and average of this can
be found.
• If S1 is staff intercept corresponding to Dl and S2 to be that of D2 and so on we have,
DI : KSI +C…………..l
D2: KS2 +C………….2
D3 = KS3 +C………...3
Subtracting I from 2
K = (D2-D l)/(S2- S1) Substituting K in (l)
C=D 1 -{(D2-D l)/ (S2-S l)}*S1
Similarly eq 2 and 3 can be solved
From the solutions average of K and C is determined.
• Measure total distance of 80m on the ground & put pegs at 20m interval.
• Set the instrument & do the temporary adjustments.
• Fix the telescope to some angle & take the stadia readings keeping levelling staff at 20m, 40m,
60m & 80m.
The tacheometric constants are determined to be
K………….. & C…………………
• Let AV & VB be the two tangents meeting at a point V with deflection angle.
• Tangent length is calculated from the usual formula and points T1 &T2 are marked on the
ground with pegs.
• Length of long chord Tl &T2 is calculated from the usual formula, the long chord is bisected
at point D, the curve will be symmetrical on both the sides of D.
• The ordinates are calculated for the self of chord at some regular intervals, points 1,2,3 etc are
marked with pegs along the long chord as shown in fig.
• Ordinates O1,O2,O3 etc are calculated from the usual formula.
• Perpendicular are set out at points 1,2,3 etc and points P1,P2,P3 are marked with pegs.
• To the right of chord points 1,2,3 etc are marked with pegs and corresponding points are set
out to mark P1,P2,P3 etc .
• All these points are on the curve, the points are joined by the thread or a rope, to show the
shape of the curve along the alignment of the project.
Curve are used in Railways highways alignment where there is sudden change in alignment
direction. lt provides comfort to the vehicle driven and also for passenger.
Problem: two straigh ts intersect at a chainage of 1192.8m deflectio n angle being 1.396 radian s.
Calcu late the necessary data for settin g out the simple curve by method of offsets from chord s
produced. Take length of tangen t = 50m , peg interval = 10m.
• Construct a tangent line in field to locate the point of intersection & point of curve on
tangent line.
• Length of Initial sub chord, Final sub chord and No of Normal chords are determined.
• Offsets for initial sub chord, normal chord & final sub chord are calculated.
• The distance T1C1 is marked along the tangent so that T1C1 is equal to the initial sub
• The zero end of tape is held at T1 & is of radius T1C1 drawn on this arc & distance C 1P1
is cut off as the first off set for the point P1 on the curve.
• The line T1P1 is now extended by a distance P1C2 equal to length of second chord by
spreading a chain along T1P1 & produce it to C2 such that P1C2 length of normal chord.
• With P1 as centre & P1C2 as radius draw the arc by keeping C 2 as centre & radius equal
to 2 nd offset length, cut the previous arc at P2 the point is on the curve.
• Spread the chain along P1P2 & repeat the steps till tangent point T2 is reached.
Chainage of point of intersection is l92m
Deflection angle is 50" 30'
Radius of curve is 30m
Peg interval is 5m
INSTRUMENTS USED: Chain, tape, Theodolite, ranging rods. arrows
Formula used:
δn = {360*Cn / 4πR} degree
Δn = Δn-l + δn
• Set the theodolite at the point of curve T1 with both the plates are clamped to zero,
direct the theodolite to bisect the point of intersection V. the line of sight is thus in
the direction of rear tangent.
• Release the Vernier plate & set angle Δ1 on the Vernier. The line of sight is thus
directed along the chord T1A.
• With the zero end of the tape pinned at T1 & arrow held at a distance T1A = C1
along it. Swing the tape around T1 till the arrow is bisected by cross hairs, thus the
first point A is bisected & fixed.
• Set the second deflection angle Δ2 on the Vernier so that the line of sight is
directed along T1B.
• With the zero end of the tape pinned at A & an arrow held at a distance AB = C2
along it. Swing the tape around T2 till the arrow is bisected by cross hairs, thus the
next point is bisected & fixed.
• Repeat the above steps till the last point is reached.
The required curve is set on the field.
1) To understand the various accessories and its purpose in plane table surveying.
2) To understand the temporary adjustments of plane table survey.
3) Field work preparation of small scale map in the field.
AIM: To locate points using radiation and intersection method of plane tabling.
THEORY: In this method, the accessible point is located on plan by drawing a ray from the
plane table station to the point, and plotting to scale along the ray, the distance measured from
the station to the point. The method is suitable for the survey of the small area which can be
commanded from a single station. It is briefly used for locating the detail from stations, which
have established by other methods of surveying. The method has wider scope if the distances
are obtained tacheometrically.
1. To plot the points A, B, C, D, E on the ground to the sheet, set the table at point O, such
that all points are visible from it. ,
2. Level the table and clamp it. Now transfer the point O on the sheet by plumbing fork.
3. Pivoting the alidade about O and sight the point A, draw a ray along the straight edge
of the alidade.
4. Measure the distance between O and A in ground; reduce it to a suitable scale.
5. Follow the same procedure for all the points and then join the points A, B, C, D, E to
form a closed area. Fig.a
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Intersection Method:
Intersection is resorted to when the distance between the point and the instrument station
is either too large or cannot be measured accurately due to some field conditions. The location of
the object is determined by sighting at the object from two plane table stations (previously plotted)
and drawing the rays. The intersection of these rays will give the position of the objects. It is
therefore very essential to have at least two instrument stations to locate any point. The line joining
two stations is known as base line. No linear measurements other than that of base line are made.
The point of intersection of two rays forms the vertex of a triangle having the two rays as two sides
and the base line as third line of triangle. Due to this reason, intersection is also sometimes known
as graphic triangulation.
Let C, D, E etc., are the points to be located
Select two station points A and B at a known distance apart.
1) Select two points A and B at a known distance apart in a commanding position
on ground, so that the points to be located by intersection are visible clearly. Set
up the table at A and preliminarily adjustments properly. Mark the magnetic
2) With the alidade pivoted on A, sight the station B and draw a ray along the edge.
Measure the distance AB on ground (already known) and set it off to scale
chosen, and then fix the position of B on the sheet, so that ‘ab’ will be the base
3) Pivoting the alidade about A sight the points C and D etc., and draw the rays.
4) Shift the plane table at B/set it exactly over the point B and keeping the alidade
along ba, orient the table by back sighting and clamp it.
5) Pivoting the alidade about B, sight the points C and D etc., and draw the rays.
6) The intersection of the two rays drawn from two instrument stations represents
the location of the objects C and D etc., fig.b. Join CD and measure the length
‘cd’ on sheet to get the distance between two inaccessible points CD.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
AIM: To solve Three point Problem using Bessel's Solution.
APPARATUS: Plane Table with Accessories, Ranging rod, Arrows tape etc.
Statement: Location of the position, on the plan, of the station occupied by the plane table
by means of observations to three well defined points whose positions have been previously
plotted on the plan. Let a, b, c be the plotted positions of the ground points A, B, C.
1. Set the plane table at a commanding station point T.
2. Unclamp table, Keep the alidade along 'ba 'sight A and clamp the table
3. Pivoting alidade about 'b' sight C and draw "XY" line through 'b'.fig.(a)
4. Keep alidade along 'ab' rotate the table until point B is bisected and clamp the table.
5. Pivoting the alidade about 'a', sight the object C and draw a ray CC' to intersecting
"XY" line at C. fig.(b)
6. Join CC'. Unclamp the table. Keep the alidades along C'C, sight C and clamp the
7. Pivoting the alidade about a, b, draw bisectors to intersect at point p which is the
plotted position of the instrument station.fig. (c)
Hand level is a small compact leveling instrument which can be held in hand and leveling work
carried on. It is used for
(i) Reconnaissance and preliminary survey
(ii) Locating contours, and
(iii) Taking short cross-section
It consists of a rectangular tube 100 mm to 150 mm long. There is a small opening at the top
of the tube and a level tube is fitted exactly above this. The level tube is transparent both at
top and below.
Below this, in half the width of tube a mirror is fixed at 45 0. The other half width is clear.
At one end of the tube there is eye peep hole and at other end there is objective. When the staff
is sighted through the eye peep hole in half the portion staff is seen directly while in other half,
level bubble is seen. When in perfect adjustment, if hand level is held horizontal, the middle of
bubble and cross hair coincide and the reading is the correct staff reading in the horizontal
sight. Hence, it can be used as a leveling instrument. It is usually held in hand at eye levels and
observations are made. It may be suspended from a raging rod for greater stability.
The box sextant is small pocket instrument used for measuring used for measuring horizontal
and vernier angles, measuring chain angles and locating inaccessible points. By setting the
vernier 90 0 it may be used as an optical square. Fig shows a box sextant.
Indian pattern clinometer is used for determining difference in elevation between points and is
specially adopted to plane tabling. The clinometer is placed on the plane table, which is leveled
by estimation. The clinometer is composed of the following:
1. Set the plane table over the station and keep the Indian pattern clinometer on it.
2. Level the clinometer with the help of leveling screw.
3. Looking through the peephole, move the slide of the object vane till it bisects the signal
at the other point to be sighted. It is preferable to use a signal of the same height as that
of the peephole above the level of the plane table station.
4. Note the reading, i.e. tangent of the angle, against the wire. Thus, the difference in
elevation between the eye and the object distance X tangent of vertical angle d tan a.
The distance d between the plane table station and the object can be found from the plan.
The reduced level of the object can
thus be calculated if the reduced level of the plane table station is known.
This instrument illustrated in fig is used for setting out a grade contour, i.e. locating points on
a given gradient in the preliminary survey of a hill road, and also for measuring the angles of
It consist of (I) a hollow brass sighting tube suspended from a bracket and having a very
small hole (eye hole) at one extremity to which the eye is applied, and a larger opening with
cross-wires at the other the tube pivots round the point P and is held suspended from an
upright staff,
(ii) A horizontal racked bar the bar is parallel and rigidly and attached to the tube at a
distance of about 2.5 cms from it
(iii) A weight the upper part of which forms the reading index the weight can be moved
along the rack by means of a million-head screw actuating a pinion on the rack.
The line of sight is defined by the line joining the centre of the eye hole to the intersection of
the cross-wires. The sighting tube and along with it the line of sight can be set to any desired
gradient by moving the weight along the rack to the required reading on the scale.
3. Send an assistant with a sight vane (a T-shaped staff on which is marked the
height of the axis of the sighting tube above the foot of the suspending staff) to
a convenient distance, say 50 m or more along the hill slope.
4. Look through the sighting tube and direct the assistant to move up or down hill
until the cross-wires bisect the centre of the sight vane.
The foot of the sight vane is then the required point and the line from the
instrument station to this line is parallel to the line of sight is on a gradient of 1
in 30.As peg is driven at the point so obtained which serves as the instrument
station for locating the next point.
5. Proceed to the point so established and repeat the operation to locate the next
To measure a slope,
1. Hold the instrument at one end of the slope and a sight vane at the other.
2. Move the weight along the rack by turning the middle head screw until the
centre of the sight vane is bisected by the cross-wires.
3. Note the reading at the index edge of the weight, which gives the amount of
slope observed
A Planimeter is an instrument, which measures the area of plan of any shape very
accurately. There are two types of planimeters: (1) Amsler polar Planimeter, and (2) Roller
The polar Planimeter is most commonly used and is; therefore discussed here. It
consists of two arms hinged at a point known as the pivot point. One of the two arms carries
an anchor at its end, and is known as the anchor arm. The length of anchor arm is generally
fixed, but in some of the planimeters, a variable length of anchor arm is also provided. The
other aim carries the tracing point at its end, and is known as the tracing arm. 1 ho length of
the tracing arm can be varied by the means of a fixed screw and a corresponding slow motion
screw. The tracing point is moved along the boundary of the plan the area of which is to be
determined. The normal displacement of the tracing arm is measured by the means of a
wheelhouse axis is kept parallel to the tracing arm. The wheel may either be placed between
the hinge and the tracing point or is placed beyond the pivot point away from the tracing point.
The wheel carries a concentric drum, which is divided into 100 divisions small vernier attached
near the drum, reads one-tenth of the drum division. The complete revolutions of the wheel are
read on the disc actuated by a suitable gearing to the wheel. Thus, each is reading is of four
digits-the units being read on the disc, the tenths and hundreds on the drum, and the thousands
on the venire. In addition to this, a fixed index near the disc can be utilized to know the number
of the times the zero of the disc has crossed the index.
It is clear that the planimeter rests on three points-the wheel, the anchor point and the
tracing point. Out of these three, the anchor point remains fixed in position while the wheel
partly rolls and partly slides as the tracing point is moved along the boundary. Since the plane
(B) Pantagraph: -
Ans. In surveying, the measurements are taken in the horizontal plane, but in levelling they are
taken in the vertical plane.
Q2. What is the fundamental difference between plane surveying and geodetic surveying?
Ans. In plane surveying, the curvature of the earth is not considered. But in geodetic surveying,
the curvature of the earth is considered.
Q3. What do you mean by the terms ‘topographical map’ and ‘cadastral map’?
Ans. A map which shows the natural features of a country such as rivers, hills, roads, railways,
villages, towns etc., is known as a topographical map and one which shows the bounda ries of
estates, fields, houses etc., is known as a cadastral map.
Ans. In order to fold the chain, a chainman moves forward by pulling the chain at the middle so
that two halves come side by side. Then he places the pair of links on his left hand with his right
hand until the two brass handles appear at the top.
To unfold the chain, a chainman holds the two brass handles in his left band and throws the
bunch with his right hand. Then one chainman stands at a station holding one handle and another
chainman moves forward by holding the other handle.
Q6. In a chaining operation, who is the leader and who the follower?
Ans. The chainman at the forward end of the chain who drags the chain is known as the leader
and the one at the rear end of the chain is known as the follower.
Q7. While chaining a line, you have to measure through a steep sloping ground. What method
should you apply?
Q8. Two stations are not intervisible due to intervening high ground. How will you range the line?
Ans. The tension at which the measured distance is equal to the correct distance (i.e. when sag
correction is neutralized by pull correction) is known as normal tension.
Ans. The ratio of the distance on the drawing to the corresponding actual length of the object is
known as RF.
Ans. When one chain length is measured on sloping ground, then it shows a shorter distance on
the horizontal plane. The difference between the sloping distance and horizontal distance is known
as the hypotenusal allowance.
Q13. How many ranging rods are required to range a line?
Ans. At least three ranging rods are required for direct ranging, and at least four for indirect
Ans. The 20 m chain is divided into 100 links. So, one link is 0.2 m, i.e. 20 cm long.
Q1. What is the principle of chain surveying?
Ans. The method of dividing an area into a number of triangles is known as triangulation.
Q3. Why is the triangle preferred to the quadrilateral?
Ans. The triangle is preferred just it is a simple figure which can be drawn by just knowing the
lengths of its sides.
Ans. The apex points of an ill-conditioned triangle are not well defined and sharp. This may cause
some confusion while marking the actual point correctly on the map.
Ans. The preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed is known as reconnaissance survey.
Q6. What is an index sketch?
Ans. During reconnaissance survey, a neat hand sketch is prepared showing the framework of the
survey. This sketch is known as index sketch.
Ans. The base line is the backbone of the survey. The framework of the survey is prepared on this
Q8. How is the north line of the chain survey map fixed?
Ans. The north line of the chain survey map is fixed by taking the magnetic bearings of the base
line by prismatic compass.
Q9. Suppose you are asked to conduct a chain survey in a crowded town. What would you say?
Ans. In chain survey, the whole area is to be divided into a number of triangles. But the formation
of triangles is not possible in a crowded town. So, I would reject the proposal.
Ans. The maximum length of offset should be within the length of the tape used. Generally, it
should not be more than 15m.
Ans. The station is marked on the ground by a wooden peg, and with a cross on th e station point.
Q12. What is the need of a reference sketch?
Ans. If the station removed by someone, the station can be located accurately with the help of the
measurements shown in the reference sketch.
Q13. How will you set up a perpendicular with the help of only a chain and a tape?
Ans. By forming a triangle in the ration 3:4:5 using the chain and tape.
Q14. Who are the ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ when a line is being chained?
Ans. The chain man at the forward end of the chain who drags the chain is known as the ‘leader’.
The one at the rear end of the chain who holds the ‘zero’ end at the station is known as the
Ans. The paper on which the map is drawn may shrink or expand due to various reasons. If the
scale is plotted on the map, then it is also reduced or enlarged proportionately. So, the distances on
the map measured by this scale remain unaltered.
Q17. What is it necessary to provide tallies in a chain?
Ans. Tallies are provided in a chain for the facility of counting some fractional length of the chain,
when the full chain length is not required.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Q18. What do you mean by the term ‘ideal triangle’?
Ans. The principle of compass surveying is traversing, which means that the area is enclosed by
series of connected lines. The magnetic bearings of these lines are taken with the compass and the
distances of sides are measured by chain.
Ans. Triangulation involves dividing an area into a number of well conditioned triangles. But
travelling involves the consideration of a series of connected lines.
Ans. When the angle between any two adjacent sides is fixed by chain and tape only by taking tie
line, the angle is said to be the chain angle.
Ans. When the FB and BB of a line differ by exactly 180o, then the line is free from local attraction.
The presence of local attraction is established when the FB and BB do not dif fer by 180o.
Q7. The FB of a line is 96 o30’ and 276 o0’. How will you adjust the bearings?
Ans. The line passing through points of equal declination is known as the isogonic line, and the
one passing through points of zero declination is called the agonic line.
Q14. What are the precautions to be taken while shifting a prismatic compass from one station to
Ans. The sum of the interior angles should be equal to (2N-4) X90 0, where N is the number of
sides of traverse.
Ans. The accuracy of open traverse is checked by taking cut-off lines or an auxiliary point.
Ans. The principle of plane tabling is parallelism, meaning that the plane table is always placed in
every station parallel to the position it occupied at the first station.
Ans. The method of keeping the table in successive stations parallel to the position it occupied at
the starting station is known as orientation. Orientation is done to maintain, perfectly the relative
positions of different objects on the map.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Q3. How are centering and leveling done in plane tabling?
Ans. The centering is done by U-fork and plumb bob. The upper pointed end of the u-fork is kept
in contact with the station-pin when the plumb bob is just over the station peg.
Leveling is done by spirit level. The spirit level is placed at the different corners and at various
positions on the table. By adjusting the legs of the table, the bubble is brought to the centre.
Ans. To establish a new station with the help of two points or stations.
Q7. When would you apply the two-point and three-point problem?
Ans. If it is found after completion of the plane table survey that an important object has not been
plotted, then the two-point or three points problem is applied to locate a new station. These
problems can be applied even if all the station pegs have been removed.
Q8. What do the terms ‘great triangle’ and ‘great circle’ mean?
Ans. In the three-point problem, the triangle formed by joining three well-defined points is known
as the great triangle and the circle passing through them is called the great circle.
Q9. One month after the completion of a plane table survey, it is detected that one important object
was not plotted. How will you plot the object on going to the field?
Ans. A new station has to be established with the help of the two -point or three-point problem.
The object can then be located with reference to that new station.
Ans. Orientation by back sighting is always preferred, because it is more reliable than the magnetic
needle method. In this method, magnetic substances do not affect the work.
Q11. What method would you apply for locating inaccessible points?
Ans. The method of intersection should be applied in order to locate inaccessible points.
Ans. The working beveled edge of the alidade is known as the fiducial edge.
Ans. In the three-point problem, the relative positions of A, B, C and the required point P should
be such that the required point can be located very quickly and accurately. The accuracy with which
the point can be fixed is termed the strength of fix.
Q15. What are the precautions you have to take while centering the alidade with the station pin?
Ans. The alidade should be centered on the same side of the station pin throughout the traverse.
Keeping the alidade on the left of station pin is ideal.
Q1. What is a datum surface?
Ans. A datum surface is an arbitrarily assumed level surface from which the vertical distances of
various objects are measured.
Ans. The mean sea level at Karachi is adopted as the datum for GTS bench -marks. It is considered
as ‘zero’.
Ans. Four types – (a) GTS BM, (b) permanent BM (c) the temporary BM And (d) the arbitrary
Q6. For any engineering work, how will you get the RL of the starting point?
Ans. The starting point is connected to the GTS or permanent BM by fly leveling. Then the RL of
the starting point is calculated by the usual method.
Q7. What is the difference between a level surface and a horizontal surface?
Ans. A surface parallel to the mean spherical surface of the earth is known as a level surfa ce. But
a horizontal surface is tangential to the level surface at any point. The surface of a still lake is
considered to be level.
The surface perpendicular to the direction of gravity (indicated by the plumb line) is considered to
be horizontal.
Ans. The line of collimation is the line joining the point of intersection of the cross-hairs to the
optical centre of the object glass.
The axis of the telescope is the line joining the optical centre of the object glass to that of the eye-
Q9. What is the relation between the line of collimation and the axis of a telescope?
Ans. Both these lines should coincide.
Q10. In a particular set up of the level, suppose four readings are taken. How should they be entered
in the level book?
Ans. The first reading should be entered in the BS column, the last reading in the FS column, and
the other two readings in the IS column.
Ans. Such a point indicates shifting of the instrument. At this point, a foresight reading is taken
from one setting and a back sight reading from the next setting.
Q12. The staff readings on A and B are 1.735 and 0.965 respectively. Which point is higher?
Ans. The telescope is first placed parallel to any pair of foot screws and th e bubble is brought to
the center by turning the foot screws equally either inward or outward. Then the telescope is turned
through 90 o and the bubble is brought to the center by turning the third foot screw. This process is
repeated several times.
Q15. Suppose a level is given to you whose line of collimation is not in adjustment, what is the
procedure that you would follow in order to work with this instrument?
Ans. The principle of equalizing back sight and foresight distances should be followed. This means
that the level should always be placed exactly midway between BS and FS.
Ans. We know that the water surface of a lake or pond is level. So two pegs are fixed on opposite
banks flush with the water surface. Then an FS reading is taken on one peg and the RL is calculated.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
After this, a BS reading is taken on the other peg. As the water surface is level, the RL of the
second peg is assumed to be equal to that of the first peg, and the leveling operation is continued.
Q18. What are the arithmetical cheeks for the HI method and the rise and fall method?
The arithmetical check for the rise and fall method is:
Ans. In case of longitudinal leveling, at the end of days work, a bench mark is kept at some suitable
point. This bench mark is called a temporary bench mark.
Ans. The RL of any point cannot be plotted to the full scale showing its full elevation. So, a datum
(a reference line of assumed RL) is suitably assumed to show only the undulation of the ground
Ans. Temporary adjustment is done at every set up of the instrument before taking staff readings.
Permanent adjustment is done in order to rectify any disturbed relationships between the
fundamental lines.
Ans. The vertical distance of a point above the datum surface is known as the positive RL, and
the vertical distance of a point below the datum surface is said to be the negative RL.