Scoring Rubric

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GROUP NUMBER: ____________




This rubric can be used to assess students' understanding and execution of the water filtration process through practical experiments or demonstrations.

Criteria 4 - Exemplary 3 - Proficient 2 - Basic 1 - Needs Improvement SCORE

Demonstrates a deep Demonstrates clear Demonstrates limited

understanding of the water understanding of the water understanding of the water
Demonstrates some
Understanding of Concepts filtration process, including filtration process and basic filtration process and
understanding of the water
all steps and scientific principles. Able to explain concepts. Struggles to explain
filtration process, but may
principles involved. Explains most of the materials used. the process.
have misconceptions or
the importance of each
missing information.
material used in the filtration
Selects and uses the Selects the appropriate Selects inappropriate
appropriate materials materials and conducts the materials or conducts the
Selects appropriate materials
Materials and Procedure thoughtfully. Organizes and filtration process with filtration process in a
but may make mistakes in the
conducts the filtration process minimal errors. Follows most haphazard manner. Safety
process. Some safety
with excellent attention to safety procedures. procedures are not followed.
procedures are not followed.
detail. Follows safety
procedures carefully.
Execution of Filtration Successfully filters water, Filters water with mostly Attempts the filtration Struggles to filter the water
achieving clear results that successful results. process with partial success. effectively. Results are
demonstrate complete Demonstrates good Results may be unclear or unclear, or the process fails
understanding of the filtration understanding of the process incomplete. due to misunderstanding.
process. Effectively handles with few errors.
challenges during the
Reflection and Analysis Analyzes results with depth Provides little to no analysis
and insight. Clearly Analyzes results with a clear Provides a basic analysis of of the results. Does not offer
articulates the effectiveness explanation of the filtration results, but lacks detail or useful suggestions for
of the filtration system and process. Offers some depth. Suggestions for improvement.
suggests improvements. suggestions for improvement are limited or
Demonstrates critical improvements. unclear.
Collaboration and Actively engages in group Participates actively in group Shows little or no
Participation discussions, collaborates discussions and contributes to Participates but with limited engagement in group work.
effectively, and contributes the process. Collaborates well engagement. May need Rarely contributes to the
valuable ideas to the process. with peers. guidance or encouragement to process or discussions.
Shows leadership in guiding contribute to the process.

Total Score: ___ / 20

Scoring Guide:

• 16-20 points: Excellent understanding and execution of the process, demonstrates mastery.
• 11-15 points: Good understanding and execution, with minor errors or areas for improvement.
• 6-10 points: Basic understanding and execution, but significant room for improvement.
• 1-5 points: Needs improvement, lacks understanding or significant mistakes in execution.

This rubric emphasizes not only the scientific knowledge behind water filtration but also the practical skills and collaborative efforts required to complete the process successfully. It encourages
both critical thinking and teamwork, key elements in scientific investigations.

Prepared by:

Arlan N. Daylig
BEEd- 4C
Field Study Student

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