As NZ 3191-2008
As NZ 3191-2008
As NZ 3191-2008
AS/NZS 3191:2008
© Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written
permission of the publisher.
Jointly published by Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001 and Standards
New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020
ISBN 0 7337 8592 1
AS/NZS 3191:2008 2
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee EL-003, Electric Wires and Cables to supersede AS/NZS 3191:2003.
The objective of the Standard is to specify construction, dimensions and tests for flexible
cords insulated with thermoplastic or cross-linked PVC, cross-linked elastomers or
cross-linked polyolefin which, dependent on cord type, are designed for working voltages
up to and including 250/250 V, 250/440 V or 0.6/1 kV.
The nominal cross-sectional areas of the conductors specified in this Standard are identical
with the values recommended in IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables.
Where the equivalent cords exist in IEC Standards, the dimensions for insulation and sheath
thicknesses have been adopted in this Standard. This is the case for thermoplastic PVC and
cross-linked elastomer insulated flexible cords, where these dimensions are identical with
the values for the corresponding cords in IEC 60227, Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of
rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V and IEC 60245, Rubber insulated cables—
Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V respectively. The temperature ratings and
hence properties of insulation and sheath materials for these dimensionally equivalent
cords, however, are quite different.
There are no current equivalent IEC Standards for flexible cords insulated with cross-linked
PVC or cross-linked polyolefin.
This Standard differs from the 2003 edition as follows:
(a) Glass fibre insulated flexible cords have been deleted as they are now included in
AS/NZS 3158.
(b) Thermoplastic elastomer insulated flexible cords have been deleted.
(c) Both duty rating and voltage designation have been provided for all constructions.
(d) The Tables of insulation and sheathing thicknesses for the various flexible cord types
have been removed from the construction Clauses and consolidated into four Tables.
(e) The recommended neutral core colour has been changed from ‘blue’ to ‘light blue’ to
align with IEC Standards.
(f) Superfluous wording has been deleted from the Clauses covering construction
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2.1 CONDUCTORS .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 INSULATION ............................................................................................................. 7
2.3 LAY-UP OF CORES................................................................................................. 11
2.4 FILLERS AND BINDERS ........................................................................................ 11
2.5 SCREENS ................................................................................................................. 12
2.6 SHEATH ................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 NON-METALLIC BRAID ........................................................................................ 13
2.8 MARKING ................................................................................................................ 13
2.9 TESTS ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.10 CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................... 16
A PURCHASING GUIDELINES.................................................................................. 19
B AS/NZS 3191 REPLACEMENT CORDS FOR IEC CORDS.................................... 20
C TEST FOR RESISTANCE TO HEAT OF TEXTILE BRAIDS................................. 21
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.
AS/NZS 3191:2008 4
This Standard specifies construction, dimensions and tests for flexible cords insulated with
thermoplastic or cross-linked PVC, cross-linked elastomers, or cross-linked polyolefin
which, dependent on cord type, are designed for working voltages up to and including
250/250 V, 250/440 V or 0.6/1 kV. Compliance with this Standard does not necessarily
imply suitability for end use. End applications need to be considered to ensure appropriate
cord selection.
1 This Standard is intended to apply only to flexible cords of the types and sizes which are
included. It is not intended, however, that other types or sizes of flexible cord should be
precluded from use, and regulatory authorities will consider the issue of a Certificate of
Suitability for connection to the supply mains under the non-declared scheme for other types
and sizes as they are developed. Any application for such certification should be accompanied
by a description of the flexible cord.
2 Purchasing guidelines are contained in Appendix A.
3 The AS/NZS 3350 and AS/NZS 60335 series of appliance Standards, nominate flexible cords
to IEC 60227 and IEC 60245. Appendix B will facilitate the selection of cords to this
Standard, which should replace the designated IEC cords.
4 AS/NZS 3008.1 should be referenced to ensure correct flexible cord selection for the intended
application in respect of current ratings.
1125 Conductors in insulated electric cables and flexible cords
1660 Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors
1660.1 Method 1: Conductors and metallic components
1660.2.1 Method 2.1: Insulation, extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic
sheaths—Methods for general application
1660.2.2 Method 2.2: Insulation, extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic
sheaths—Methods specific to elastomeric, XLPE and XLPVC
1660.2.3 Method 2.3: Insulation, extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic
sheaths—Methods specific to PVC and halogen free thermoplastic
1660.3 Method 3: Electrical tests
1660.4 Method 4: Complete cable and flexible cord
AS/NZS 3191:2008 Electric flexible cords
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.
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