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Ministry of Power


Posted On: 01 AUG 2024 2:06PM by PIB Delhi

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Ratle Hydro Electric Power Corporation Limited
(RHPCL) and Rajasthan Urja Vikas, IT Services Limited has been signed on 03.01.2024 for purchase
of power from Ratle Hydroelectric Project for a period of 40 years at a tariff to be determined by the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC).

The Government of India has taken following initiatives to harness the hydro potential including the
hydro pumped storage potential:

i. Declaring large hydropower projects (capacity above 25 MW) as renewable energy

ii. Hydro Purchase Obligation (HPO) as a separate entity within Non-solar Renewable
Purchase Obligation (RPO).
iii. Tariff rationalization measures for bringing down hydropower tariff.
iv. Budgetary support for Flood Moderation/Storage hydroelectric projects.
v. Budgetary support towards cost of enabling infrastructure, i.e. roads/bridges.
vi. Guidelines to promote development of Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs) in the country
was issued on 10th April, 2023.
vii. Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges for hydroelectric projects and
viii. Reduction of timeline by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for concurrence of
Detailed Project Report (DPR).

As per the reassessment study carried out by CEA during the period 2017-2023, the exploitable large
hydro potential in the country is 1,33,410 MW. Further, the identified pumped storage potential is
1,76,280 MW. The State/UT-wise details are attached at Annexure-I.

CEA has concurred 24 hydroelectric schemes including PSPs with an aggregate installed capacity of
15,569 MW during the last ten years. Further, 17 hydroelectric projects aggregating to 11,376 MW
and 38 PSPs aggregating to 55,330 MW are under Survey & Investigation (S&I) for preparation of
DPR. The State/UT-wise details are attached at Annexure-II.


State/UT-wise details of Hydro Potential including Pumped Storage Potential

(Installed capacity - above 25 MW)

As on 30.06.2024

Region/ State/ UT Exploitable Potential (MW) Exploitable Potential*(MW)


Jammu & Kashmir 12264

Ladakh 707

Himachal Pradesh 18305 7260

Punjab 1301


Rajasthan 411 9200

Uttarakhand 13481 1000

Uttar Pradesh 502 13440

Sub Total (NR) 46971 30900


Madhya Pradesh 2819 8560

Chhattisgarh 1311 8925

Gujarat 550 6140

Maharashtra 3144 42955


Sub Total (WR) 7824 66580


Andhra Pradesh 2596 26420

Telangana 1302 8755

Karnataka 4414 7600

Kerala 2473 1200

Tamil Nadu 1785 16500

Sub Total (SR) 12570 60475


Jharkhand 300 1500

Bihar 130

Odisha 2825 4795

West Bengal 809 5500

Sikkim 6051

Sub Total (ER) 10115 11795


Meghalaya 2026


Manipur 615

Assam 643 320

Nagaland 325

Arunachal Pradesh 50394 660

Mizoram 1927 5550

Sub Total (NER) 55930 6530

ALL INDIA 133410 176280

* Exploitable Potential is subject to change due to addition/deletion of project and change in Installed
capacity of Projects.


State/UT-wise number of Hydro Schemes including Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs) concurred
by CEA during last ten years along with number of Projects under Survey & Investigation
(S&I) for preparation of DPR

Sl. State/ UT Number of Hydro Number of Nos. of PSPs under

No. Electric Schemes Hydro Projects S&I for preparation
including PSPs under S&I for of DPR
concurred by CEA preparation of
during last ten DPR

1 Andhra Pradesh 2 - 16

2 Arunachal Pradesh 5 8 -

3 Assam 1 - -

4 Himachal Pradesh 5 4 -

5 Jammu & Kashmir 6 1 -

6 Manipur 1 - -

7 Meghalaya 2 1 -

8 West Bengal 1 1 -

9 Odisha 1 - -

10 Uttarakhand - 1 -

11 Kerala - 1 -

12 Rajasthan - - 3
13 Uttar Pradesh - - 4

14 Madhya Pradesh - - 2

15 Maharashtra - - 10

16 Karnataka - - 3

Total 24 17 38

This information was given by the Minister of State for Power, Shri Shripad Naik, in a written reply
in the Lok Sabha today.



(Release ID: 2040094) Visitor Counter : 1836

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