Reviewer Health Spa and Wellness
Reviewer Health Spa and Wellness
Reviewer Health Spa and Wellness
A day spa, the most common kind of spa, is usually a 6. Ayurvedic Spa
clean, safe and nurturing environment offering a menu - based on the ancient Indian practice of traditional folk
of spa treatments administered by highly trained medicine. It includes nutrition, herbal therapy,
professionals. This is for people who want to drop in for aromatherapy, massage and meditation.
one or two treatments.
7. Men-only Spa
Day spas are getting away from long, confusing menus,
and focusing on treatments such as massage, facials, A growing number of men are going to spas these days.
body treatments and other mainstays on a day-use And they are not just signing up for sports massages and
basis. Most offer manicures and pedicures as well. manicure, they are bellying up for cocoa butter rub
downs and seaweed body wraps.
8. Ultra-luxurious Spa Swedish massage, the method most familiar to
Westerners, was reported to be developed in the
The luxury end of the market is becoming even more
nineteenth century.
luxurious. That trend is in two directions: at one end you
have a more exclusive, tasteful experience, such as the Physiotherapy was established with the foundation in
Mandarin Oriental's Asian-inspired spas; on the other 1894 of the Society of Trained Masseurs in Europe.
hand, you have the 'bling' factor, like creams made with
Physiotherapists began favouring electrical instruments
over manual methods of stimulating the tissues.
-Stay tuned for daily private spiritual and wellness
Massage Therapy
counselling, ruby/diamond/emerald/ sapphire massage
oils, four-hour massages, Massage is considered to be a holistic therapy.
BODY MASSAGE Therapeutic massage complements medical treatment
by making people feel less stressed and anxious, relaxed
A massage is the practice of applying pressure or
and yet more alert.
vibration to the soft tissues of the body, including
muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and Massage is now used in intensive care units for children,
joints. elderly people, babies in incubators, and patients with
cancer, AIDS, heart attacks or strokes.
-can be applied to parts of the body, or successively to
the whole body, to heal injury, relieve psychological TYPES OF MASSAGE
stress, manage pain, improve blood circulation, and
relieve tension. 1. SWEDISH MASSAGE
MASSAGE THERAPISTS - assesses clients by conducting is a classic full-body massage employing long, kneading
a range of motion and muscle testing, and proposes strokes that help to promote total relaxation and ease
suitable treatment plans. muscle stress, is referred to almost universally as ‘classic
History of Massage
- Johan Georg Mezger adopted the French terms
Massage is the oldest and simplest form of medical care effleurage, petrissage and tapotement to denote the
and therapy. basic strokes under which he systematised massage as
we know it today.
This can be corroborated by ancient Egyptian tomb
paintings, depicting people being massaged. The Swedish approach classifies five types of strokes:
Effleurage (gliding) - long gliding strokes from the neck
In Eastern cultures, massage is being practised
down to the base of the spine.
continually since ancient times.
Petrissage (kneading)- gently lifting muscles up and
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, a
away from the bones, then rolling and squeezing them
Chinese book from 2700 BC, recommends "breathing
exercises, massage of skin and flesh, and exercises of Tapotement (pounding)- the hands are used alternately
hands and feet as the appropriate treatment for to strike or tap the muscles for an invigorating effect.
"complete paralysis, chills and fever".
Friction (rubbing) This is the most,penetrating of the
Massage was one of the principal methods of relieving strokes, and consists of deep, circular ortransverse
pain for Gr eek and Roman physicians. movements made with the thumb pads or fingertips.
Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, Vibration (shaking) presses his or her hands on the
places great emphasis on the therapeutic benefits of back or limbs.
massage with aromatic oils and spices. It is practised
very widely in India, especially in the state of Kerala.
2. Chinese Massage 5. Shiatsu Massage
- known as Tui Na, can give you welcome relief. - a form of Japanese massage based on acupressure,
- simply the most tried and tested massage therapy in and the same principles as acupuncture.
the world. - Designed to release tension and improve circulation
- combines stretching, long strokes, skin rolling, and and vital organ function, this method has been practised
palm and thumb pressure techniques that promote for centuries in Japan.
relaxation and a sense of harmony. - Shiatsu comes from 'anmo', meaning 'massage'.
- is a form of manual medicine dating back almost three -Shiatsu literally means finger pressure.
thousand years. - Therapists apply pressure using their thumbs, palms,
- Tui Na (pronounced 'tweenah') massage, acupuncture elbows and even knees, as well as fingertips.
and Chinese herbal medicine are the three main -alleviates disorders such as depression, anxiety, nausea,
components of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). stiffness, headaches, arthritis, cramps or pulled muscles.
Basic Techniques of Chinese Massage
a) Qi – basic life energy 6. Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage
b) Jing luo – network of energy pathways - is a massage therapy that has been practised by the
c) Xue – acupoints or locations in the body Hawaiians for many centuries.
d) Jin – soft and connective tissues - Lomilomi involves a holistic approach to the person,
- described as a combination of several traditional and seeks to heal and promote weliness in body, mind
techniques, such as; and spirit.
1. Tui Na (push and pull) -Lomilomi, meaning 'massage' in Hawaiian.
2. Anmo (rub and press) – used for health maintenance -Lomilomi is one of the most profound forms of
3. Dian xue (acupoints) – massage without needles massage.
4. Wai Qi Liao Fa (energy work) -healing technique -It is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient
5. Hybrid Chinese massage - carefully formulated Polynesians, and more specifically the master healers of
combination of techniques integrated into a 60 or 90 Hawaii.
minute session. - usually commences with a stillness between the
TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and the client, often with the practitioner's
hands resting gently on the client's back.
3. Thai Massage
-unique under hands on healing work. 7. Balinese Massage
-believed to have been developed by Jivaka Kumar
- relaxing massage has been handed down through
Bhaccha, physician to Buddha, more than 2,500 years
ago in India.
-originated in the Spice Islands of Indonesia.
Basic Techniques of Thai Massage -helps to clear energy and meridian lines using deep
- is based on an energetic paradigm of the human compression and deep muscular moves.
body/mind. - coconut and ginger oils are used to massage deeper
- are applied very slowly. The slowness of practice into the muscle.
facilitates the tendency towards mindfulness. - the techniques used in Balinese massage include
- No oils or lotions are utilised in Thai massage. percussion, long and firm strokes, stretching,
acupressure (especially on the feet), and the use of
4. Thai Foot Massage aromatic oils such as ylang-ylang, sandalwood, jasmine
-is a massage of the lower legs and feet. and vetiver.
-involves stretching to open 'Sen' (energy) lines, along
with the use of a stick to stimulate the reflex points on
the feet which correspond to the internal organs of the
Other Types of Massages
1. Sports Massage 7. Chinese Paediatric Massage
- Massage has become an integral part of the new - is a form of Tui Na massage adapted to the special
athletic regime from sports medicine clinic to college needs of children up to 12 years of age.
training rooms to Olympic training. - The Chinese believe that a child's energy system is
- growing number of trainers believe that massage can different from an adult's because children have fewer
provide an extra edge to the sportspersons who physical and emotional barriers in place. Their qi is
participate in high performance sports. therefore more accessible to treatment. The acupoints
-This massage is excellent after surgery, and perfect for a and techniques used are different from those used with
very active or athletic individual who seeks a muscle adults.
intensive massage modality. - A massage oil, typically sesame oil, is often used with
children. The sessions are much shorter than those for
2. Watsu adults, usually only 15-20 minutes.
- is performed in one of the heated swimming pools in a
spa. 8. Cross Fibre Massage
- This special water technique of massage is wonderful -Friction techniques are applied in a general manner to -
for full-body relaxation. create a stretching and broadening effect in large
- The client allows his body to surrender to the gentle muscle groups.
motions of water while experiencing profound -On site- specific muscle and connective tissue, deep
relaxation. transverse friction is applied to reduce adhesions, and
to help create strong, flexible repair during the healing
3. Chair Massage powers.
- the most convenient method of massage therapy. It
lasts about 15 minutes.
- the client is seated in a specially designed chair which
allows the therapist to work on the back, neck,
shoulders and arms, addressing the common problem
areas of today's workers.
- No oil is used in this massage, and the client is fully
4. Compression Massage
- is a rhythmic compression into muscles used to create
a deep hyperemia and softening effect in the tissues.
-generally used as a warm-up for deeper, more specific
massage work.
6. Face Massage
- help prevent new tension lines and wrinkles from
appearing. Before starting the massage, the face is
cleansed thoroughly.