Calcutta: University
Calcutta: University
Calcutta: University
No. CE/R&F/24/16 Date:3010712024
l. An admit card is issued provisionally subject to the sanction of registration by University and approval of
candidate's enrolment by the College Authority.
2. The examination will be held according to the programme schedule notified on the Clollege portalAJniversity
3. Candidates, whose photo and signature are not printed on their Admit Card, must report to the Rglls & Fgrrrrs
Section (2"'1 lloor. Darbhanga Building)" Controller's Office immediately with a forwarding letter of the
PrincipalfflCl/OICI of the College ,failing which they will not be allowed into the examination hall.
4. Any kind of correction regarding enrolment of the stuclent is required to be made before the issuance of Admit
Card' Any alteration made in the entries on the admit card without the permission of the University shall render
the candidate to be disqualified to sit for that examination.
5. Candidates are to produce their Admit Cards and registration certificates and to sign their names as and when
directed by the officer-in-charge /invigilator of the Examination centre.
6. The doors of the examination hall will be opened in the morning of the first day of examination before one hour
and in the afternoon and on other days 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Entry to the
examination hall after l5 minutes of the commencement of examination will not be entertained.
7. Candidates are required to reach their respective examination centres atleast 5 minutes before the examination
time to occupy their allotted seats. Candidates cannot leave the examination hall until an hour has elapsed from
the time when the papers are distributed. Except as hereinafter provided no candidate will be allowed to re-enter
the examination hall during the hours of examination after once leaving it, or to leave the examination hall
without his/trer answer paper. A candidate may, with special permission of the officer-in-charge, leave the
examination hall temporarily for a necessary purpose, but only under the surveillance of the trustworthy person to
be deputed by the Officer-in-charge, on his behalf and under proper safeguards to render recourse to unfair
practices impossible.
8. No candidates will be allowed to remain in examination hall afterthe end of the examination, except in case of
his/her answer script is not collected by the invigilator or in case of the candiclate has to avail the invigilator's
signature on his/her answer script.
Smoking in the examination Halt is strictly forbidden.
a. Mobile Phones or any other Communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where University
Examination is being held. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action against the
concerned candidates including ban from future Examinations .
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9. Candidates must have their own pencils, pens and ink. They are to bring their own hand pencils, dividers,
compasses, protractors, set squares and straight ruler showing centimeters and inches or other drawing
implements when necessary for examination in such subjects like Geography Geometry, etc.
10. Candidates must write on the cover'of their answer-book in the appropriate columns only their Roll Numbers and
Registration Numbers. They must not write any objectionable or improper remarks in their answer papers or
attempt in any way to render identification of the answer-papers impossible by giving false Roll Number or
intentional omitting to correct Roll Number. They must not write anything on any question paper or blotting paper
or other paper or carry away any writing scribbling from the examination hall. They must not tear any paper from
the answer-book supplied by the University.
I l. Any material or article besides admit card, registration certificate is strictly forbidden in the examination hall. Any
article carried into the examination hall in contravention of this rule shall be liable to expulsion.
12. Any sort of communication between a candidate'and any person inside or outside the examination hall is strictly
prohibited. A candidate requiring an additional answer-book or blotting paper or desiring permission to leave the
room for necessary purpose, or intending to submit his/her answer paper may call the attention of the invigilator
by rising from his/her seat without any disturbance.
13. Violation of any examination rules and adoption of any unfair means in the examination hall shall render the
candidate liable to be Reported Against (R.A.) by the Officer-in-Charge and to such further penalties as the
Syndicate may determine.
14. If during or after the examination it is found that a candidate does not fulfill all or any of the rules and regulations
governing the examination, hisftrer examination is labeled to be cancelled.
15. Any candidate suffering from an infectious disease should not be allowed to take his/her examination in the
examination centre but rather be advised to get himself/herself admitted to the Govt. I.D. Hospital at Beliaghata,
Kolkata. The University will arange for holding examination for that candidate in the said Hospital.
Administration Section in the office of the Controller of Examinations,2nd floor, Darbhanga Building,College
Street, should be contacted along with a copy of the admit card of the candidate concemed and the I. D Hospital
Admission Ticket as a documentary proof of his/her hospitalization.
ii) Examination centre may allow the candidate suffering from an infectious disease for arranging an isolated sick
room for the benefit of the student for the cases where students are not in position to get admitted in the above
mentioned Hospital in Kolkata.
16. Notwithstanding the issue of the Admit Card, the Syndicates reserves the right, for any reason which may appear
to them sufficient to cancel the admission of any candidate from any examination whether before, during or after
the examination. The Syndicate may also debar a candidate from appearing at any subsequent University
examination(s). The decision of the Syndicate in all such cases shall be final.
17. A physically/visually challenged candidate appearing at an examination may be allowed by the University to take
the help of an amanuensis of his/her choice on the basis of an application in plain paper to be submitted to the
office of the Controller of Examinations (Adnrinistration Section) for the purpose and duly forwarded by the
Principal/Teacher-in-Charge of the college concerned together with necessary physically/visually challenged
certificate in respect of the examinee and three copies of passport size photograph and a declaration in the
prescribed form of one who is willing to act as an amanuensis along with a document showing his/her academic
qualification one stage below that of the examinee. Such candidates (with/or without amanuensis) are entitled to
an extra time of 20 (twenty) minutes per hour on pro-rata basis depending on the full marks in the subjecU paper
of the examination he/she is appearing at.
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Instructions Regarding Answer Book
I Evaluated answer-scripts for all University Examinations shall not be preserved beyond six months from the
respective dates of publication of results ( Vide Notification No. CSR/l1l94,Dated 13.06.94)l
I . Do not write your name or the name of your college anywhere in your answer book. In particular, candidates are
directed to mention their Rolls & Registration Numbers only in the specified boxes on the cover and not
anywhere else in the answer book.
2. Answer-script with incorrect and illegible particulars furnished by any candidate shall be liable for rejection and
such answer-script shall not be evaluated.
3. Answer-scripts with illegible answer shall be liable for rejection and in such cases no marks will be awarded. The
concerned candidate shall also be subject to further disciplinary action.
4. Write on both sides of the answer book and not on one side only.
6. Write answer to two different sections of a particular question in a compact way and not ina segmented way
throughout the answer book.
7. Do all rough work in the answer-book and cross it through. No loose paper will be provided to scribble and no
paper is to be brought for this purpose.
8. Any candidate found in possession of any reading / incriminating material including mobile phone inside the
examination room/hall shall be subject to severe disciplinary action.
9. In no circumstances shall any candidate remove the answer book used or unused, from the examination room/hall
smuggling of answer book and additional sheet is a punishable offence.
10. Use additional page/s, if required, but only after using the answer book is full. Use blue answer book in case of
courses/papers having more than 50 marks full paper and red answer book for courses/papers less than 50 marks
full paper.
I I . Additional sheets, if used, must be tied with the answer book at its end.
12. Submission of answer-scripts to the invigilator at the end of the examination hours is the sole responsibility of the
13. It shall be the duty of the examinee to obtain the signature of the invigilator on submission of the written answer
script to him /her on each daylhalf of the examination on the space earmarked on his/her admit card as a token of
receipt. n ar-
Controller of Examinations
University of Calcutta
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