Exam - Form - and - Regs IMIS

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The following regulations apply to all IMIS Examinations. It is the responsibility of students wishing to sit an
IMIS Examination to read and comply with these regulations. Please refer any questions to the IMIS Secretariat
before completing the Examination Application Form.

1. Registration for Examinations:

(a) Member in good standing:
A candidate must be a fully registered member of IMIS from the date their application form is
received by the Secretariat. Application forms from candidates whose membership is not paid-up
will not be accepted, and IMIS reserves the right to withhold results from any candidate whose
membership is allowed to lapse prior to result release.

(b) Examination Centres:

A complete list of examination centres within a candidate's area can be obtained on request from
the Secretariat. A selection is available on the IMIS website.

(c) Closing Dates:

Examinations for all levels of the IMIS Syllabus are held in June and December of each year. The
following are the latest dates for receipt of applications for all syllabuses:

Closing Date

June session 1st April

December session 1st October

There will be no exceptions to these closing dates.

We do not operate a late entry facility.

(d) Progression:
Candidates will not be allowed to progress to a new course until the previous level is completed.
Notwithstanding, the Institute may allow a candidate to begin a higher level if not more than one
module of the previous level is outstanding, or on receipt of a letter of attestment from their college
of study.

Registered Charity No 291495. Registered in England No 1160852. VAT No 480 783814

Registered office: 5 Kingfisher House, New Mill Road, Orpington, Kent BR5 3QG

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Each re-sit of a failed examination will be subject to the same examination fees and regulations.

All pass marks are final. A candidate who has received a pass mark will not be allowed to re-sit
the examination at a future date in order to improve a mark.

(e) Withdrawal or Transfer of Entry

A candidate may withdraw prior to commencement of the examination, and will receive a full
refund. Withdrawal after the examination, unless substantiated with a medical certificate, will
result in a forfeit of the full examination fees.

A candidate may elect to transfer an entry to the subsequent examination session free of charge if
the request is received before the first examination date. If such a request is received during the
examination period a payment of £10.00 will be required to process this request. The number of
transfers for any subject is limited to two consecutive examinations sessions.

2. Assessment and Examinations

(a) Identification
Candidates may be asked for proof of identity by the invigilator before the examination is timed to
commence. Identification documents may include candidate's name and a recent photograph.
Candidates should contact their local examination centre before the date of the examination to
verify that their identification documents will be acceptable.

Candidates who are unable to produce acceptable identification documents for inspection at the
examination centre may not be permitted to sit the examination and will not be entitled to a refund
of the examination fee.

(b) Absence
A candidate who fails to appear at an examination will be marked as absent and will forfeit the
examination entry fee unless a medical certificate covering examination dates is received at the
IMIS Secretariat before release of results.

(c) Permitted Examination Materials

Candidates should bring their own pens/pencils, erasers, rulers, protractors, compasses and
sharpeners to the examination. Graph paper is incorporated into the examination answer booklet
supplied by the Institute. Each candidate is permitted to bring one non-programmable calculator,
the make and model number of which must be written on the Examination Answer Booklet.

All other briefcases, bags, books, revision notes, paper, mobile phones and other personal
belongings must be left in a cloakroom or other area specified by the invigilator. The Institute
accepts no responsibility for the loss of any valuables.

(d) Examination Offences

Students found to have breached any of the following examination regulations regarding cheating,
infringement of copyright, plagiarism or unprofessional conduct will have the results of their
examination withheld, will be excluded from any further IMIS examinations, and will be
disqualified as a member of IMIS:

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It is an examination offence to introduce into, or use in the examination room, any
unauthorised materials or aids for the purpose of gaining an advantage in the examination.
Any unauthorised materials found by the invigilator will be confiscated and the candidate
will be asked to leave the examination immediately.

Candidates must not communicate with other candidates at any time during the examination
session, either by voice, sign or written message. Any attempt at such communication
without the express permission of the invigilator will be deemed a breach of the
examination regulations and result in the immediate removal of the candidate from the
examination room.

Candidates must refrain from copying the work of other candidates in the room, and make
every effort to ensure that their own work is not visible to or copied by others.

All work submitted as part of the requirements for any IMIS examination must be
expressed in the student's own words and incorporate his or her own ideas and judgements.
Unless expressly permitted in the examination regulations for a specific module, no
collaboration or assistance is permitted on any written work submitted for appraisal.

Direct quotations from the published or unpublished work of another person must always
be clearly identified as such and a full reference to the source must be provided in the
proper form. Equally, if another person's ideas or judgements are summarised, the student
must refer to that person in the text and give details of the work to which reference is made.

Candidates must not attempt to copy or remove any examination papers from the
examination room, and are expressly prohibited from disclosing any part of the content of
the examination to any person either verbally, in writing or by electronic or other means of
communication before said examination is posted on the IMIS website.

(e) Entering and Leaving the Examination Session

Candidates must be seated in the examination centre no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled
start of the examination. Once the examination papers have been distributed, no candidate will be
permitted to leave the room until the examination has been completed and handed in to the
invigilator, without the express permission of the invigilator. At the end of the examination,
candidates must remain seated at their desks until all answer sheets, question papers and any other
materials provided have been collected by the examination invigilator.

3. Candidates with Particular Assessment Requirements

It is the policy of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems to ensure that there are no
unnecessary barriers to assessment that prevent candidates from effectively demonstrating their
competence. At the same time, the Institute has to ensure that candidates requiring special examination
arrangements are not given any unfair advantages over other candidates.

Any candidate requiring special examination arrangements or assistance is advised to contact the IMIS
Secretariat prior to application to discuss their assessment requirements.

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4. Examination Results and Appeals
(a) Examination results will be published as follows:

Publication Date

December session end of February

June session end of August

These publication dates apply to all results, except where the examination papers have been
delayed in transit. Results will be available on the website. IMIS reserves the right to release
results to the candidate's place of study without prior permission.

(b) Marking
Papers will be marked with one of the following four levels of assessment:

(c) Appeals
An appeal facility is available should a candidate consider a result given to be incorrect. Appeals
must be made in writing to the Institute no later than SIX weeks from despatch of examination
results, and must be accompanied by the relevant fee.

Should a candidate have been disadvantaged on the day of the examination as a consequence of
illness, accident or recent bereavement, full written details, supported by relevant evidence, must
be submitted to the Secretariat before release of results.

5. Examination and Invigilation Fees

(a) Examination fees
The following examination fees should accompany each application:
Foundation Diploma £11.00 per module
Diploma £23.00 per module
Higher Diploma £30.00 per module

(b) Invigilation fees

Invigilation fees for students sitting in Kenya, Zambia and Trinidad & Tobago must be collected
by IMIS. Students from these countries should submit an additional fee of £21.00 with the regular
examination fees. Failure to do so will result in them not sitting the examinations.

Examination centres in other countries may also charge additional fees to cover invigilation costs;
please contact your local centre prior to the examination for further information.

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(c) Appeal fees
Af eeof£100. 00i sleviedf ora p pe als.Thi sfe emus tacc ompa
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for each appeal lodged with IMIS. In the event that the examination result is amended following
assessment of the application, a full refund will be given.

Please refer to the IMIS privacy policy documented in our Membership Pack.

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Please refer to the IMIS privacy policy documented in our Membership Pack.Please
refer to the IMIS privacy policy documented in our Membership Pack.

D21 Information Systems Practice

D22 Business Fundamentals

D23 Communications & Business Technology

D24 Programming & Web Applications

D25 Business Information Systems

D26 Information Systems Building

Higher Diploma

H31 Management Information Systems

H32 Information Systems Strategy

H33 Contemporary IS Development

H34 Database Development

H35 Project Management

H36 Business IS Project

The closing dates for receipt of applications are as
June Session = 1st April
December Session = 1st October

Please also remember if you are taking your

Valid From Date ___________________________________ examinations in Kenya, Zambia or Trinidad &
Tobago you must submit the invigilation fee of
Please refer to the IMIS privacy policy documented in our Membership Pack. £21.00 with this application.

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