Zeng Et Al 2011 Graphene Based Spin Caloritronics
Zeng Et Al 2011 Graphene Based Spin Caloritronics
Zeng Et Al 2011 Graphene Based Spin Caloritronics
tween the source and the drain of a M-ZGNR device, spin-up and
spin-down currents flowing in opposite directions can be induced.
This spin Seebeck effect in M-ZGNRs can be attributed to the
asymmetric electron-hole transmission spectra of spin-up and
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r 2011 American Chemical Society 1369 dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl2000049 | Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 1369–1373
Nano Letters LETTER
Figure 1. (a) The schematic illustration of M-ZGNRs based thermal Figure 2. (a) The Fermi distribution of the source (the left panel-higher
spin devices. A M-ZGNRs, with spin-up polarization, is placed on a temperature) and the drain (the right panel-lower temperature). The
substrate. TSD represent the temperature difference between the source electron current (Ie) and the hole current (Ih) are created due to the
(TS) and the drain (TD), i.e., TD - TS. A back-gate voltage is used to difference of carrier concentration at the two terminals. (b) The spin
control the thermal spin polarized currents. (b) The spin dependent dependent transmission spectrum and the bandstructure of M-ZGNR.
currents versus TS for different TSD. The spin-up current and the spin- (c) The spin-down current spectra for different TS (TSD = 60 K). (d)
down current flow in opposite directions (spin Seebeck effects). (c) The width dependence of spin currents for different TS (TSD = 60 K).
lg(ISD) - TS curve for the spin-up current and the spin down current
with TSD = 60 K. by the Fermi distribution (fS(E,TS) - fD(E,TD)), which is
intimately related to the electron temperature at the two
where fS(D)(ε) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the source terminals as shown in Figure 2a. Because of difference in the
(drain), and Tv(V)(ε) is the spin-resolved transmission of spin-up Fermi distribution, carriers with energy higher than the Fermi
(down) electrons calculated by the number of transport modes energy flow from the source (higher temperature) to the drain
from the bandstructure mentioned above. (lower temperature), resulting in electron current Ie. Conversely,
A schematic illustration of the proposed ZGNRs-based device carriers with energy lower than the Fermi energy flow in the
is shown in Figure 1a. The magnetic state of ZGNRs can be opposite direction, resulting in hole current Ih. If the transmis-
controlled by an external magnetic field.23 Except in special sion is energy independent, Ie and Ih will cancel out each other,
notes, the width of the ZGNR in our discussion is 1.36 nm, that is, leading to a zero net thermal current.
6ZGNR with six carbon dimers.28 In this work, we focus on However, as shown in the left panel of Figure 2b, the spin-
currents driven by temperature difference (TSD), the difference dependent transmission spectrum for M-ZGNR has a peak in the
between the source temperature (TS) and the drain temperature energy range -0.323 eV < E - EF < -0.213 eV and 0.156 eV <
(TD), that is, TS - TD. E - EF < 0.168 eV for the spin-up electrons and the spin-down
Results and Discussion. In Figure 1b, we plot the spin electrons, respectively. The origin of this transmission peak can
dependent currents versus TS with different TSD. It is clearly be attributed to the unique bandstructure of M-ZGNR.23,29,30
seen that there is a threshold temperature Tth,v(∼250 K) and As shown in the right panel of Figure 2b, the bandstructure of
Tth,V(∼200 K) for the spin-up current and the spin-down current, the spin-up electrons displays a double degenerate band tail
respectively. When TS < Tth,v (Tth,V), the spin-up (down) current near the x-point. As a result, the number of transport channels
is approximately zero. When TS > Tth,v (Tth,V), the spin-up for the spin-up electrons in the energy range -0.323 eV < E -
(down) current increases with increasing TS. Similarly, as TSD EF < -0.213 eV is three. On the other hand, the π and π* band
increases, ISD increases, cf., Figure 1c, and the ratio of Ion/Ioff for of spin-down electrons intersect each other within a narrow
spin-up (down) current can be as high as 108 (105) with a TSD of energy range (0.156 eV < E - EF < 0.168 eV) near the x-point,
60 K. Furthermore, it is worthy to note that the spin-up current leading to a transmission fluctuation in this energy region. The
and the spin-down current flow in opposite directions, indicating band tail and intersection near the x-point for the spin electrons
spin Seebeck effect11-13 in M-ZGNRs.27 However, graphene may be caused by the interaction between the strongly spin
may not be a good thermal electric conversion material due to its polarized edge states.23,29,30 As a result, these transmission peaks
low figure of merit (ZT),32,33 therefore, instead of evaluating the break the electron-hole symmetry in the transmission spectrum,
Seebeck coefficient, we focus on the mechanism to create spin leading to the nonzero net thermal spin currents. To further
polarized currents in magnetized ZGNRs and their possible illustrate this point, the transmission peak of spin-down electrons
applications. occurs at energies above Fermi level, and hence, Ie dominates Ih
To understand the fundamental mechanism of these interest- for the spin-down electrons, resulting in the negative spin-down
ing characteristics, we first consider the electron distribution at current (from the drain to the source). On the other hand, the
the source and the drain. Since the contacts are the same material behavior of the spin-up electrons is opposite to that of the spin-
and possess the same density of states, the difference in carrier down electrons, and the positive spin-up current is generated
concentrations between the source and the drain is determined from the source to the drain, exhibiting the spin Seebeck effect in
1370 dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl2000049 |Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 1369–1373
Nano Letters LETTER