Distorted Monolayer Res With Low-Magnetic-Field Controlled Magnetoelectricity

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Cite This: ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340 www.acsnano.org

Distorted Monolayer ReS2 with Low-Magnetic-

Field Controlled Magnetoelectricity
Jinlei Zhang,†,⊥ Shuyi Wu,†,⊥ Yun Shan,†,‡,⊥ JunHong Guo,†,§,⊥ Shuo Yan,† Shuyu Xiao,†
Chunbing Yang,† Jiancang Shen,† Jian Chen,∥ Lizhe Liu,*,† and Xinglong Wu*,†

National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China

China Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials of Nanjing, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China
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School of Optoelectronic Engineering and Grüenberg Research Centre, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
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Nanjing 210093, P.R. China

Research Institute of Superconductor Electronics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Two dimensional (2D) materials possessing ferroelectric/ferromag-

netic orders and especially low-magnetic-field controlled magnetoelectricity have
great promise in spintronics and multistate data storage. However, ferroelectric and
magnetoelectric (ME) dipoles in the atom-thick 2D materials are difficult to be
realized due to structural inversion symmetry, thermal actuation, and depolarized
field. To overcome these difficulties, the monolayer structure must possess an in-
plane inversion asymmetry in order to provide out-of-plane ferroelectric
polarization. Herein, crystal chemistry is adopted to engineer specific atomic
displacement in monolayer ReS2 to change the crystal symmetry to induce out-of-
plane ferroelectric polarization at room temperature. The cationic Re vacancy in the
atom-displaced ReS2 monolayer causes spin polarization of two immediate neighbor
sulfur atoms to generate magnetic ordering, and the ferroelectric distortion near the
Re vacancy locally tunes the ferromagnetic order thereby triggering low-magnetic-
field controlled ME polarization at about 28 K. As a result, 2D ME coupling multiferroics is achieved. Our results not only
reveal a design methodology to attain coexistence of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders in 2D materials but also
provide insights into magnetoelectricity in 2D materials.
KEYWORDS: distorted monolayer ReS2, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic, magnetoelectric effect

T wo-dimensional (2D) materials possessing ferroelec-

tric/ferromagnetic orders and especially low-magnetic-
field controlled magnetoelectricity have great promise
in spintronics and multistate data storage.1−6 In ultrathin film
such as perovskite ferroics, spontaneous out-of-plane-electric
In this work, the monolayer ReS2 with a noncentrosymmetric
Td structure (Figure S1) is adopted as a 2D model to investigate
the multiferroics and magnetoelectricity. In the Td structure,
migrations of out-of-plane electric dipoles are severely restricted
by the large barrier energy of about 4.57 eV (Figure S2a,b),
and magnetic orders begin to vanish at the thicknesses of a few which prevents the emergence of ferroelectricity.3 To overcome
unit cells,7−9 and 2D atomic-thick materials have been explored the hurdle, we change the structural environment of the Td
rarely for out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization. The magneto- phase on the sub-angström scale to construct a transitional Tt
electric (ME) dipoles in an atomic-thick 2D material are difficult phase.13,14 The Tt structure is formed by introducing the
to be realized due to structural inversion symmetry, thermal centrosymmetric metallic Tc phase into the pristine Td phase,
actuation, and depolarized field. To overcome these difficulties,
and the barrier energy in the Tt phase can be decreased to
the monolayer structure must possess an in-plane inversion
provide out-of-plane ferroelectricity. The structural transition of
asymmetry in order to provide out-of-plane ferroelectric
polarization. Very recently, it was predicted that breaking of the Td phase is frequently accompanied by formation of cationic
the in-plane symmetry in van der Waals monolayers with a Re vacancies that can produce magnetic orders,15−17 and
special structure can produce an asymmetrical out-of-plane consequently, multiferroic characteristics can be expected from
structural configuration, and 2D ferroelectric polarization can be the monolayer ReS2. More importantly, the magnetic moments
achieved from atomic monolayer.10−12 If magnetic order is
further introduced into such a 2D ferroelectric, a 2D multiferroic Received: November 29, 2018
can be achieved and possibly shows applications in multifunc- Accepted: February 8, 2019
tional nanodevices. Published: February 8, 2019

© 2019 American Chemical Society 2334 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058

ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340
ACS Nano Article

Figure 1. (a) AFM topographical image and height profile of a synthesized monolayer ReS2 on a silicon wafer. The height profile data are
obtained along the red line in the AFM image. (b) Cs-corrected STEM image of a distorted monolayer in which the Td (cyan balls), Tc (orange
balls), and Tt structures as well as Re vacancies (surrounded by pink balls) are observed clearly. The lattice interspacing of the zigzag chain in
the Tt phase shows a noticeable decrease from 0.36 nm of Td phase to 0.27 nm of Tc phase (the bottom with shifty colors). Scale bar: 0.5 nm. (c)
Corresponding lattice distortion and atomic displacement from Td (cyan balls) to Tt/Tc (gray balls) sites acquired from the STEM image. The
gray balls represent Re atoms in Tt and Tc structures displaying the displacement away from their initial positions (cyan balls in Td structures).
(d,e) Charge density distributions of the monolayer structures at the top (d) and bottom (e) surfaces. (f) Kinetic pathways of the polarization
reversal processes of one typical Tt structure. IS, TS, and FS represent initial, transitional, and final states, respectively. (g) XPS spectra of the Re
atoms acquired from the synthesized ReS2 film at 300 K (upper) and 270 K (down), respectively.

are distributed near the ferroelectric dipoles, which can produce to energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) (Figure S5) and
coupling to induce significant ME polarization. The ME electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) (Figure S6). The shift
coupling effect is generally induced below 1 T which is and broadening of the corresponding X-ray diffraction (XRD)
appropriate for practical devices.4,18 peaks confirm that the synthesized ReS2 has good crystallinity
and is produced due to the structural transition from the Td to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tc phases (Figure S7).19
The lattice structure of the transition region acquired from the
Figure 1a shows the atomic force microscopy (AFM) image and STEM image is calculated by DFT (calculation details in
height profile revealing monolayer ReS2 with a fairly flat and 0.91 Supporting Information) to disclose the charge density
nm-thick terrace. Using spherical aberration-corrected scanning distribution difference between the top and bottom surfaces
transmission electron microscopy (Cs-corrected STEM), a (Figure 1d,e). Different from the Tc phase with high symmetry,
series of Tt structures between the Td (turquoise dots) and Tc in-plane symmetry breaking occurs in the Td and Tt structures.
(orange dots) phases are identified (Figure 1b). The typical Hence, the electronic wave functions at the top and bottom
transition region from Td to Tt and finally to Tc with modified surfaces become asymmetrical leading to out-of-plane electric
lattice interspacing is depicted at the bottom of Figure 1b. Figure dipoles. Moreover, the transitional potential barrier from the Tt
1c displays the corresponding lattice distortion and atomic to Tc phases diminishes dramatically compared to that from the
displacement from the Td (cyan balls) to Tt/Tc (gray balls) Td to Tc phases (Figure S2a,b). The most probable kinetic
sites by STEM. Statistical analysis based on the STEM images pathway occurs in the Tt phases with above 30% atomic
shows that the lattice plane distance of the zigzag chain decreases displacement (Figure S2b and Figure S4) and a transitional
slowly from 0.36 (Td) to 0.27 nm (Tc) and the most probable barrier smaller than 0.78 eV (Figure 1f), which are comparable
zigzag chain distance is 0.32 nm (Figures S3 and S4), implying to those in Sn atom reversal of SnPc up−down,20 hydrogen
that the most possible Tt structure has an atomic displacement tautomerization of naphthalocyanine molecule,21 and I-vacancy-
of about 30% at room temperature. Some Re vacancies observed induced electric polarization in the CrI3 monolayer.3 This
from the Tt structure are circled by magenta dots, and the indicates that electric polarization reversal can be achievable by
concentration of Re vacancies is estimated to be 5.5% according lattice distortion.
2335 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058
ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340
ACS Nano Article

Figure 2. (a,b) Ferroelectric domain phase (a) and amplitude (b) mapping images of the lateral PFM overlaid on the 3D topography map of a
synthesized monolayer ReS2 (5 × 5 μm2). The area of the monolayer is marked by the green dashed line. (c,d) Phase-voltage hysteresis loop (c)
and amplitude-voltage butterfly loop (d) of the ReS2 monolayer acquired by PFM. (e) 0.15 × 0.15 μm2 domain reversal (PFM) image of the
ReS2 monolayer after electrical poling with a DC bias applied to the proximal tip (0.3 × 0.3 μm2). (f) Ferroelectric hysteresis loops of a
synthesized ReS2 sample at different temperature.

Figure 3. (a) Calculated magnetic moment (magenta ones) of atoms S1 and S2 and energy difference between the spin polarized and spin
unpolarized states (olive one) versus atomic displacement from the Td to Tc structures (the solid line as a guide to the eye). The inset shows the
spin resolved charge density of the two immediate neighbor atoms S1 and S2 near the Re vacancy (dashed circle). (b) Orientation dependence
of magnetization at 300 K. The magnetic fields are parallel (out-of-plane) and vertical (in-plane) to the c axis. (c) Temperature dependence of
the magnetic susceptibility measured at 200 Oe external magnetic-field cooling (FC) and zero magnetic-field cooling (ZFC). The extrapolated
line at higher temperature intersects the temperature axis at 704 K, indicating the Curie temperature (inset). (d) Temperature dependence of
the magnetic susceptibility measured at the 200 Oe external magnetic field in the out-of-plane and in-plane directions.

To confirm the phase transition, in situ X-ray photoelectron and Tc ones at 40.68 (4f5/2) and 43.08 eV (4f7/2) suggest
spectroscopy (XPS) is performed on the synthesized ReS2 at coexistence of the Td and Tc structures consistent with XRD
different temperature, as shown in Figure 1g. Both the Re 4f5/2 results (Figure S7). The third doublet subpeaks correlate well
and 4f7/2 XPS spectra can be deconvoluted into three doublets. with the Tt structure and show a blue-shift of about 0.12 eV as
The Td doublet subpeaks at 40.46 (4f5/2) and 42.86 eV (4f7/2) the temperature is increased from 270 to 300 K due to lattice
2336 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058
ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340
ACS Nano Article

Figure 4. (a) Phase transition caused by the applied magnetic field which induces ME polarization PH (reversible). (b) Spontaneous polarization
P and pyroelectric current as a function of temperature. The polarization is calculated by integrating the measured pyroelectric current. (c)
Temperature derivative of the magnetic susceptibility (upper panel) and temperature dependence of the specific heat c (lower panel),
confirming the phase transition related to the magnetic ordering. (d) Temperature dependence of the total electric polarization at the four
applied magnetic fields of 0, 0.5, 1.5, and 2 T. (e) ME polarization PH versus applied magnetic field at 28, 30, and 32 K.

distortion. Quantification analysis reveals that about 16.7% of different temperature clearly demonstrate ferroelectricity in the
ReS2 is transformed from the Tt to Tc structures from 270 to synthesized ReS2 (Figure 2f). The P−E hysteresis loops as direct
300 K. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the specific evidence for ferroelectricity shrink as the temperature is
heat c confirms the phase transition from 285 to 305 K (Figure increased from 260 to 300 K. Spontaneous polarization P
S8). decreases from 2.0 to 0.85 μC/cm2 and is almost invisible above
To experimentally characterize the ferroelectricity, piezo- 300 K due to the end of the ferroelectric phase transition. The
response force microscopy (PFM) is conducted to measure the coercive field of 0.65 kV cm−1 is smaller than those in 3D
local piezoelectric response and ferroelectric domains. As shown ferroelectrics such as BTO (10 kV cm−1), PZT (20 to 80 kV
in Figure 2a,b, the room-temperature phase and amplitude cm−1), DIPAC (9 kV cm−1), and DIPAB (5 kV cm−1).23,24
mapping images of vertical PFM are partially overlaid on a three- Owing to the relatively soft covalent bonding in the distorted
dimensional (3D) topography (area by green line), revealing ReS2 structure, Re vacancies can easily form as shown in Figure
that the ferroelectric domains have a belt-like form and no 1b. The ground state is calculated to be magnetic in the case of
crosstalk with topography occurs. Since the domain pattern is Re vacancies in the Td structure except the Tc structure (Figures
closely associated with the distribution of the Tt phase, the S10 and S11).15 The magnetic moments of two immediate
obviously reduced domain content at room temperature should
neighbor sulfur atoms S1 and S2 near the Re vacancy in the Tt
be due to the large drop in the Tt phase content in the
structures with different atomic displacements from the Td to
monolayer ReS2, as shown by XPS (Figure 1g). The piezo-
Tc structure are presented in Figure 3a (calculation details in
response is about 20 pm at only 0.5 V AC in Figure S9, and it is
comparable to those of typical 3D ferroelectrics.22,23 Thus, the Supporting Information). Orbital analysis discloses that the
distorted monolayer ReS2 has excellent piezoelectricity. main contribution to the magnetization density (i.e., Δρ↑,↓ = ρ↑
Switching PFM measurement is carried out with a DC voltage − ρ↓) for the Re vacancy) arises from the electrons in p orbitals
applied to the top surface with an AC voltage to switch of the two S atoms (the inset of Figure 3a and Figure S12). For
polarization. The characteristic hysteresis and butterfly loops of the higher atomic displacements toward the Tc structure
vertical PFM further confirm that the spontaneous polarization (≥40%), both atoms S1 and S2 have negligible magnetic
is switchable under external electric fields (Figure 2c,d). The moments. As for the lower atomic displacements (≤40%) of the
PFM reversal behavior of the ferroelectric domains is evaluated Tt structure, the magnetic moments increase dramatically to
after electrical poling using a DC bias applied to the proximal tip 0.64 and 0.76 μB in the Td structure, respectively. For <30%
and the “up” and “down” c-oriented domains, as shown in atomic displacements, the energy difference between the spin
orange and purple (Figure 2e), respectively. This corroborates polarized and spin unpolarized states is more than 42 meV
migration of the ferroelectric dipoles under an external electric (Figure 3a, right side), indicating stability of the magnetic
field. The typical ferroelectric hysteresis loops at 50 Hz at configuration at a fairly high temperature.
2337 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058
ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340
ACS Nano Article

Based on the theoretical calculations, we determine the Since magnetoelectricity is a kind of spin-charge orbit driven
magnetic characteristics of the synthesized ReS2 using a phase transition in the case without exchange-striction
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and effects,2,27,28 the magnetic-field-dependent ferroelectricity and
vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Figure 3b shows the magnetically induced polarization are measured from the
room-temperature out-of-plane (along the c axis) and in-plane synthesized sample with 5.5% Re vacancy content to further
(perpendicular to the c axis) magnetization loops of the sample determine the intrinsic ME properties.29−31 The magnetic
with 5.5% Re vacancy content. The nonlinear hysteresis loop dependence of the ferroelectric polarization P is obtained by
with nonzero residual magnetization and nonzero coercivity integrating the pyroelectric currents at different applied
indicates the room-temperature ferromagnetic order. The out- magnetic fields, as shown in Figure 4d. Even 0.5 T imposes
of-plane magnetization is saturated at a value 3.4 times larger large effects on P. The magnetically induced polarization PH
than the in-plane one, and the corresponding coercive field is obtained by integrating the ME current as the direct evidence of
also 2 times bigger.25,26 The M−H curves at different a ME coupling multiferroic is shown in Figure 4e. PH flops with a
temperature are shown in Figure S13, and the ferromagnetic nonlinear decrease of 3.7 μC/m2 as the low-magnetic-field H
order occurs at above 350 K. The magnetic susceptibilities M(T) increases from 0 to <1 T at 28 K and then exhibits negligible
in the temperature range of 5−400 K under zero-field-cooling change with higher H. This is in line with the behavior of M(H)
(ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) with a steady external field of 200 which is saturated for H along the in-plane above 0.9 T (Figure
Oe are shown in Figure 3c. The magnetic ordering temperature 3b). This result clearly shows the existence of the H-induced ME
is ∼300 K, and in the temperature range of the phase transition coupling phase transition in the synthesized ReS2. When the
from the Tt to Tc structure (Figure S8), the magnetic moments temperature is above 32 K, ME polarization is reduced largely,
in atoms S1 and S2 begin to disappear. The Curie temperature is meaning the end of the H-induced phase transition. We have
estimated to be above 704 K based on mean field approximation also further calculated the ME effect by obtaining the change of
calculation by extrapolating the M(T) curve acquired from VSM P per magnetic field strength, ΔP = P0 − PT, here P0 and PT are
(the inset of Figure 3c). Figure 3c shows a magnetic anomaly at the ferroelectric polarizations without and with applied
60 K. For confirmation, we obtain the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic field (Figure S20). In Figure S20a, the ME effect
M(T) curves at a 200 Oe external magnetic field as shown in defined as ΔP/P0 × 100% is as high as 28% when H = 2 T,
Figure 3d. The magnetic anomaly associated with the magnetic whereas the ME effect is ∼27% at H = 9 T in the perovskite
transition mainly occurs in the in-plane at 60 K, which clues a DyMnO332 and ∼21% at H = 9 T in the double perovskite
possible ME coupling. Here we would like to mention that our Y2NiMnO6.33 We have also estimated the ME effect by defining
EDS and XPS reveal the absence of magnetic metal impurities/ the ME coefficient α as α = μodPH/dH (here μo is the magnetic
contaminants (Figure S14).26 We also conduct more AFM permeability of vacuum), as shown in Figure S20b. At H = 0.4 T,
observations and find that the number of few nanosheets (such α reaches a maximum (αmax ≈ 8.8 ps/m) at 30 K. It is 2 times
as monolayer and bilayer) obviously increases with Re vacancy larger than the coefficient of a linear ME effect in Cr2O3.2,30
concentration in our ReS2 sample (Figure S15). The saturation When the magnetic field is decreased to ∼0.3 T, α still exceeds 4
magnetization tracks well the change in the Re vacancy ps/m. These results clearly demonstrate that the current ME
concentration, and the sample without Re vacancies has no effect can occur at a low magnetic field. This ME coupling effect
magnetism (Figure S16). Hence, the observed ferromagnetism in 2D layered materials induced by lattice distortion and cationic
is intimately related to the Re vacancies. vacancy can be generated and controlled by an external low
Using a classical illustration of spin−orbital coupling based on magnetic field and is expected to have important applica-
the above DFT calculation, the magnetic moments (Si and Sj) on tions.30,31,34,35
atoms S1 and S2 are canted from each other (Figure 4a), and the
horizontal mirror-plane symmetry is broken due to a different CONCLUSION
electric transfer to the two S atoms in the various distorted Two-dimensional distorted monolayer ReS2 with simultane-
structures (Figure S17), thereby generating individual polar- ously ferroelectric and ferromagnetic orders is synthesized at
izations (Pi and Pj) on the two S atoms. This can be defined as a above room temperature. The ferroelectric distortion of the two
ME monopole that is given by the space integration of the immediate neighbor S atoms near the Re vacancy can be utilized
magnetization density timing position operator.2 Therefore, the to locally tune the ferromagnetism, forming spin-charge orbital
magnetically induced polarization as a function of applied coupling. Under an applied magnetic field, spontaneous
magnetic field can be calculated as shown in Figure S18. By ferroelectric polarization is obviously suppressed due to
measuring the pyroelectric current, the total polarization P versus decreased spin-charge-transfer coupling, and the ferromagnetic
temperature is obtained as shown in Figure 4b, where P = ∑(Pi ferroelectric polarization is realized below 32 K at a low
+ Pj) is calculated by integrating the measured pyroelectric magnetic field. A good understanding of the coupling
current. P increases with decreasing temperature from 65 K, mechanism in 2D materials provides insights into the design
confirming onset of the ferroelectric phase transition. P begins to of ferromagnetic ferroelectrics, and boasting reduced size,
change gently at 18 μC/m 2 below 45 K, indicating weight, and energy consumption, 2D multiferroic materials
disappearance of the ferroelectric effect. The dielectric anomaly have large potentials in ultrasensitive sensors, nanoscale
as an important signature that the ferroelectric phase transition electromechnical systems, as well as next-generation high-
exists also takes place at the same temperature in the dielectric speed and low-power nanoelectronics and nanospintronics.
constant mapping image (Figure S19). The temperature
dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (χ) and specific METHODS
heat c also exhibits signals consistent with the dielectric anomaly All The single-crystal Td-ReS2 was produced by the Br2-assisted
(Figure 4c). Therefore, nontrivial spin-charge orbital coupling chemical vapor transport method described in ref 17. A standard
may exist during the magnetic phase transition below the mechanical exfoliation method was adopted to isolate the monolayer
temperature of the dielectric anomaly. and few-layer ReS2 films. The T@Td-ReS2 nanosheets were prepared

2338 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058

ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340
ACS Nano Article

by ultrasonic chemical exfoliation as shown in the following. Ten mg of magnetic moment of the system with different point
the single crystals of Td-ReS2 was mixed with 5 mL of 9 M nitric acid in defects, energy difference between the antiferromagnetic
a centrifugal tube and sonicated for 1 h (100 W) at room temperature. and ferromagnetic states versus atomic displacement,
The temperature was controlled to be <35 °C using an ice bag. The
resulting mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant was decanted.
magnetic hysteresis loops, XPS spectra, calculated electric
The single-crystal Td-ReS2 was processed 1, 2, 3, and 4 times, transfer of the two immediate neighbor S atoms, AFM
respectively, to obtain T@Td-ReS2 nanosheets with different T-ReS2 images and thickness distributions of the layered ReS2
concentrations. Afterward, the samples were thoroughly washed with with different mean Re vacancy concentrations, calculated
absolute ethanol and water sequentially until neutral and to remove total PH and ME effect as a function of the applied
impurities adsorbed on the T@Td-ReS2 nanosheets. They were then magnetic field, and dielectric constant versus temperature
dried in air at 60 °C for 5 h. The number of layers can be identified by (PDF)
the color interface of a 285 nm-thick SiO2 wafer and confirmed by
measuring the thickness of the flakes using a Bruker Multimode 8
atomic force microscope. AUTHOR INFORMATION
The XPS spectra were collected in situ on a PHI 5000 VersaProbe at Corresponding Authors
different temperature using samples deposited on silicon wafers. The *E-mail: lzliu@nju.edu.cn.
spectra were acquired at 300 K and then 270 K by cooling. The Cs- *E-mail: hkxlwu@nju.edu.cn.
corrected STEM images were obtained on the JEM-200CX and FEI
Titan3 G2 Cube 60−300 kV with double Cs correctors in the TEM and ORCID
STEM modes. AFM and PFM were conducted on a Bruker NanoScope Xinglong Wu: 0000-0002-2787-3069
IV NS4-1 instrument at the same time. Due to the conductive demand Author Contributions
in the PFM measurements, the layered ReS2 samples are deposited ⊥
These authors contributed equally to this work.
consistently on Pt-coated Si wafers for magnetic measurements. Probe-
type Premier II was used to acquire the electric hysteresis loop of the Notes
layered ReS2 at different temperatures. The magnetization of the The authors declare no competing financial interest.
synthesized layered ReS2 sample and applied magnetic field (M−H)
was determined at different temperatures on a superconducting ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
quantum interference device (MPMS SQUID VSM of Quantum This work was supported by National Key R&D Program of
Design). The temperature dependence (M−T) of the magnetic
susceptibility was assessed in the temperature ranges of 5−400 and
China (nos. 2017YFA0303200 and 2018YFA0306004), Na-
400−650 K by SQUID and VSM, respectively. The layered ReS2 is tional Natural Science Foundations of China (nos. 61521001,
deposited on the surface of a Pt-coated silicon for the measurement of 11674163, and 14041621), and Natural Science Foundation of
magnetic anisotropy. The EPR spectra were recorded on an EMX-10/ Jiangsu Province (nos. BK20171332 and BK20161117). This
12 instrument with f = 9.7662 GHz. The synthesized and pure Td work was also supported by the Fundamental Research Funds
structured ReS2 samples were placed in the EPR pressure tube, and EPR for the Central Universities (nos. 0204-14380066 and 0204-
spectra were acquired from the pure Td and ReS2 samples for reaction 14380083) and High Performance Computing Centers of
time durations of 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. Nanjing University and Shenzhen. Partial support is also
The gold electrode was evaporated on the widest side of the pressing supported by program B for Outstanding Ph.D. candidate of
plate. The dependence of the electric polarization on the magnetic field
was determined by measuring the ME current in customized PPMS-9 of
Nanjing University (no. 201701B011).
Quantum Design. Before each measurement, the sample was poled by
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2340 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09058

ACS Nano 2019, 13, 2334−2340

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