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Subject:-Control System and PLC (22531)

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Subject :-Control System and PLC( 22531 )

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 1 of 12

Name of chapter With

1 Basics of control system 16

2 Time domain stability analysis 24

3 Process controllers 21

4 Fundamentals of PLC 18

5 PLC Hardware and Programming 21

Total Marks :- 100

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 2 of 12

Q.1 Attempt any FIVE 5*2=10
a) Draw the block diagram of DC servo system.
b) Give any four applications of PLC.
c) Name any two I/P devices each used with PLC.
d) Draw the block diagram of process control system.
e) Draw block diagram of AC output module.
f) Write any four block diagram reduction rules.
g) Draw the block diagram of PLC.
Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12
For a unity feedback system, the TF is given by: C(s) 25
a) R(s) s2+6s+25
Find (i) rise time (ii) peak time (iii) peak overshoot (iv) settling time.
An unity feedback system has G(S),
G(S) = 10(S+1)
b) S2 (S+2)(S+10)
(i) Type of system(ii) Error coefficient kp, kv&ka.
(iii) Steady state error for I/P,r (t) = 1 + 4t + t2/2.
c) Write function of CPU block in PLC.
Draw ladder diagram for 2 motor operation for following condition :
d) (i) Start push button start motor M1 & M2.
(ii) Stop push button stop motor M1 first & after 10 seconds motor M2.
Q.3 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12
a) Draw block diagram of process control system & describe the need ofcontroller.
b) List any four specification of discrete DC input module.
c) List different output devices used in PLC.
For a control system, characteristics equation is given by:
d) S5 + S4 + 3S3 + 9S2 + 16S + 10 = 0.
Determine stability using Routh criteria.
Q.4 Attempt any FOUR 3*4=12
a) Describe sourcing & sinking concept in DC input module in PLC.
A system has G(S) = K(5 + 13)
b) S(S + 3) (S + 7) where K is positive.
Determine the range of K value for system stability.

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 3 of 12

A unity feedback control system has
c) G(S) = 26
S(S + 5) if step input is given to the system.
Calculate :(i) Rise time (ii) Damping ratio (iii) Peak overshoot (iv) Settling time
d) Compare P control action with PID control action. (any four)
e) State advantages & disadvantages of Routh’s Stability criteria.
Q.5 Attempt any TWO 2*6=12
a) i)Draw block diagram of AC input module.
ii) Develop ladder diagram for 8:1 Mux.
Derive the transfer function of the following block diagram:


c) List the timer instruction of PLC. Explain any one of them in details.
Q.6 Attempt any FOUR 2*6=12
Derive transfer function of given electric network.


b) Explain PI control action. State its equation. State advantages of PIcontrol. (Any two).
c) Explain CPU & Memory related to CPU used in PLC.

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 4 of 12

Unit Course Outcome
Name of the Unit
No. (CO)
1 Basics of control system CO-531.1

2 Time domain stability analysis CO-531.2

3 Process controllers CO-531.3

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) Define close loop control system. CO-329.1
b) Find poles and zeros for T.F. C(s) 10(s+8) CO-329.2
R(s) s(s+4)(s2+5s+6)
c) Classify different modes of process control system. CO-329.2
d) State any two block diagram reduction rules. CO-329.1
e) Define peak time tp and settling time ts. CO-329.3
f) Draw transient response for second order system. CO-329.1
Q.2 Attempt any THREE3*4=12 Marks
a) Derive T.F. of following block diagram. CO-531.1

b) For unity feedback s/m G(s)= 10(s+1)/ s2(s+2)(s+10), find all CO-531.2
error coefficient and steady state response output for
c) For C(s)/R(s)=100/(s2+15s+100), find Tp. Ts, Mp, Tr. CO-531.2
d) Derive transfer function of given electric network. CO-531.1

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 5 of 12

Unit No. Name of the Unit Course Outcome
3 Process controllers CO-531.3

4 Fundamentals of PLC CO-531.4

5 PLC Hardware and Programming CO-531.5

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR 4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) Classify different modes of process control actions. CO-531.3
b) Draw ladder dia. for following expression: Y=A.B(C+D) CO-531.5
c) List various output modules of PLC. CO-531.4
d) Define UP counter instruction with diagram. CO-531.5
e) Define PID controller. CO-531.3
f) Give any four applications of PLC. CO-531.4
Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12 Marks
a) Draw ladder diagram for 2 motor operation for following condition :
(i) Start push button starts motor M1 immediately & M2 after 5sec. CO-531.5
(ii) Stop push button stop motor M1 first & after 10 sec motor M2.
b) Draw block diagram of PLC and explain memory. CO-531.4
c) Draw PI controller and give its equation. CO-531.3
d) Draw ladder diagram for AND, OR, XOR, NOT gates. CO-531.5

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 6 of 12

COURSE:- Control System and PLC ( 22531 ) PROGRAMME: -E&TC

CO.NO Course Outcome

CO-531.1 Identify different types of control systems.
CO-531.2 Determine the stability of the control system.
CO-531.3 Test the performance of various types of controllers.
CO-531.4 Maintain various components of PLC based process control system.
CO-531.5 Maintain PLC based process control systems.

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 7 of 12

Unit No:-01 Basics of control system
1. State principle of DC servo mechanism with neat diagram
2. Define:open loop system and draw block diagram of open loop system
3. State any four block diagram reduction rules
4. Derive transfer function for given closed loop system
5. Compare open loop and closed loop control system
6 .Define: linear, non-linear, time invariant and variant control system
7 .Derive transfer function for following electrical network
8. Derive transfer function for following block diagram
9. Define: control system and explain the part of control system
10. Give classification of control system

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 8 of 12

Unit No:-02 Time domain stability analysis
1. Define poles and zeros
2. Draw time response of second order system
3. What are the different standard test input and give their Laplace transform
4. Define steady state and transient response of system
5. For a system given by C(S) 25
R(S) S 6S+25 find TP,TR,TD,MT,TS

6. A unity feedback control system has G(S) 40(S+2)

Find the type of system and all error coefficient
𝑑2𝑦 dy
7. For a given system + 4 + 8𝑦(t) = 8𝑥(𝑡)
dt2 𝑑𝑡
where y= output & x=input find TP,TR,TD,MT,TS
8. Define TP,TR,TD,MP,TS
9. For a given transfer function T.F= 2
𝑆(𝑆+2)(𝑆+5)(S +7S+12)

Find poles zeros characteristics equation pole zero plot

10. For unity feedback system G(S)= Find ess for R(t)=3t

𝐶(𝑆) 100
11. For a system having transfer function = Find TP,TR,TD,MP,TS
𝑅(𝑆) 𝑆 2 +8S+100

12. Define stability and give type of system

13. Find the stability of system given by S4+2S3+8S2+4S+3=0
14. A unity feedback system given by G(S)= calculate the range of value of
k for system to be stable
15. Define stable unstable critical stable and conditional stable system
16. Determine the stability of system given by S5+S4+2S3+2S2+3S+5=0
17. Give the advantages of route's stability criteria

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 9 of 12

Unit No:-03 Process controllers
1. With neat diagram describe on off controller
2.What is meant by PD controller? Explain
3. Compare proportional and derivative controlling action mode
4. Draw electronic PI controller and write its output equation
5. Draw electronic PID controller and give its output equation
6.Draw neat diagram of process control system and state the function of each element
7. What is control action mode and classify it
8. State the principle of derivative controller action mode and give its mathematical
9. Explain integral controller
10. What is offset and how it eliminated

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 10 of 12

Unit No:-04 Fundamentals of PLC
1. What is programmable logic control? Explain
2. Explain the need of PLC in automation
3. List the advantages and application of PLC
4. List the input devices available for PLC
5. List the output devices available for PLC
6. Draw and explain block diagram of PLC
7. Explain CPU unit of PLC
8. Explain memory unit with respect to PLC
9. Write a short note on power supply of PLC
10. Describe the input and output module of PLC
11. Give the classification of PLC and explain modular PLC
12. What is meant by PLC scan cycle? Explain.

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 11 of 12

Unit No:-05 PLC Hardware and Programming
1. Draw and explain the block discrete AC input module
2. Draw the typical writing of discrete AC input module
3. Draw the block diagram of discrete DC input module and explain
4. State how many timers available PLC and explain on timer
5. Explain instruction counter with respect to PLC
6. Develop ladder diagram for AND, OR, NOT, X-OR, NAND NOR Gates
7. Draw ladder diagram for following Boolean expression
8. Develop a ladder diagram for two motors for following condition
i.Start button starts motor 1 after 10 second
ii. Motor two start stop button stops
9. Draw ladder diagram for 1:8 mux.
10. Draw ladder diagram for following Boolean expression:
Q=A xor B xor C

Prepared By: Prof.N.A. Gade (Department of Electronic & Telecommunication) Page 12 of 12

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