1. What is the function used to load audio files in MATLAB, and what formats are supported?
2. How can you play an audio signal in MATLAB after loading it?
4. How would you record audio in MATLAB? What functions would you use to play
5. What considerations would you take into account for real-time audio processing in MATLAB?
1B) VIVA QUESITONS: Load and play specific range of audio sample using MATLAB
1. How can you specify a specific range of samples to load from an audio file?
2. How do you load an audio file in MATLAB, and what function is commonly used for this
3. After loading a specific range of an audio sample, how would you play it back in MATLAB?
4. Why might you want to load and play only a specific range of an audio sample rather than the
entire file?
5. What potential issues might arise when selecting a specific sample range from an audio file?
1C) VIVA QUESTIONS : Record and play an audio signal using MATLAB programming
1. Which MATLAB function is used to record audio, and how do you specify recording
parameters such as duration and sampling rate?
2. How can you start and stop recording an audio signal in MATLAB?
3. After recording, which function would you use to play back the audio in MATLAB?
5. What are potential issues to consider when recording audio in MATLAB, especially for
speech processing applications?
2A) VIVA QUESTIONS : Classification of Voiced /Unvoiced frame in an audio signal using
MATLAB programming.
1. Which time-domain features can help distinguish between voiced and unvoiced frames?
2. How does Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR) vary between voiced and unvoiced segments?
4. Can you explain how pitch detection aids in determining voiced frames?
2B) VIVA QUESTIONS : Classification of Voiced / Unvoiced segment of speech using various
time domain measures in MATLAB .
1. What are the key characteristics that differentiate voiced and unvoiced segments in speech?
2. Which time-domain features are commonly used to classify voiced and unvoiced speech
3. How would you calculate the Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR) in MATLAB, and why is it useful for
4. Why is short-time energy an effective measure for distinguishing voiced and unvoiced speech?
5. How would you implement a voiced/unvoiced decision rule using time-domain measures in
3) VIVA QUESTIONS : Speech distortion measures
1. How would you add noise to an audio signal in MATLAB, and why is this done in speech
2. What is the Log Spectral Distance, and why is it important in speech quality assessment?
3. Explain the concept of Cepstral Distance and its relevance to speech distortion.
5. What types of noise are commonly added to test speech processing algorithms?
4) A) VIVA QUESTIONS : Add noise to original signal and simulated it using MATLAB.
1. How can you confirm that the noise addition achieved the desired SNR in MATLAB?
3. What is Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and how can you set a specific SNR when adding noise
to a signal?
4. What types of noise are commonly used in audio signal simulations, and how do they differ?
5. How can you generate and add white Gaussian noise to an audio signal in MATLAB?
4B) VIVA QUESTIONS : Log Spectral Distance (LSD)
1. What is the Log Spectral Distance (LSD), and why is it used in speech processing?
4. What are the main factors that can influence the LSD value?
5. How can you interpret the resulting LSD value, and what does it tell about speech quality?
4C) VIVA QUESTIONS : Cepstral Distance
1. What is the Cepstral Distance, and how does it relate to speech distortion?
3. What are the advantages of using cepstral features for measuring speech distortion compared
to spectral features?
4. Can you explain the difference between the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and
traditional cepstral coefficients?
5. What interpretation can be made from the computed Cepstral Distance value regarding speech
5) VIVA QUESTIONS : Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)
1. What are MFCCs, and why are they used in speech and audio processing?
4. How does the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) contribute to MFCC extraction?
6) VIVA QUESTIONS : Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
1. What is Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), and how is it used in speech processing?
2. Can you describe a scenario where DTW is useful in comparing audio signals?
3. What is the main goal of DTW when aligning two audio sequences?
4. How does DTW handle differences in speaking rates between two audio samples?
7 ) VIVA QUESTIONS : ITU-T G.722 standard
1. What is the ITU-T G.722 standard, and what are its key features?
2. Can you explain the process of encoding a speech signal using the G.722 standard in
3. What are the advantages of using G.722 over other speech encoding methods?
5. What role do linear predictive coding (LPC) coefficients play in the G.722 encoder?
8 ) VIVA QUESTIONS : Wiener Filters for Noise Reduction
1. What is a Wiener filter, and how does it function in noise reduction applications?
3. How do you estimate the power spectral density (PSD) for both the signal and noise when
designing a Wiener filter?
4. What are the main assumptions made when using Wiener filters for noise reduction?
5. What are some advantages and limitations of using Wiener filters for noise reduction?
9) VIVA QUESTIONS : Conversion of written text into spoken audio using TTS (Text-to-
Speech Synthesis) System
3. What are the differences between concatenative and parametric TTS synthesis methods?
4. How does prosody affect the quality of synthesized speech in TTS systems?
5. What are some applications of TTS technology, and what are the challenges faced in its
10) VIVA QUESTIONS : Speech emotion recognition system using DCT and WPT in
1. How do Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT)
contribute to feature extraction in emotion recognition systems?
2. Can you explain the steps involved in implementing an emotion recognition system using
3. What types of emotions can be recognized using speech emotion recognition systems, and
how are they typically categorized?
4. What are the challenges faced in speech emotion recognition systems, and how can they be
11) VIVA QUESTIONS : Perform Simulation in MATLAB for Viterbi coding in Speech
1. What is Viterbi coding, and what role does it play in speech processing?
5. What are some limitations of the Viterbi algorithm, and how can they be addressed?
12 ) VIVA QUESTIONS : Perform Linear predictive Coding in MATLAB for speech
1. What is Linear Predictive Coding (LPC), and how is it used in speech processing?
2. Explain the process of determining LPC coefficients from a speech signal in MATLAB?
3. What are the key advantages of using LPC for speech compression and synthesis?
4. How can LPC coefficients be used for feature extraction in speech recognition systems?
5. What are some limitations of LPC, and how might these limitations be addressed in
13 ) VIVA QUESTIONS : Compute Weighted Cepstral Distance measure for real time speech
1. What is Weighted Cepstral Distance (WCD), and why is it important in speech processing?
2. How does WCD differ from traditional cepstral distance measures, and what advantages
does it offer?
3. Can you describe the steps involved in calculating WCD in MATLAB for real-time speech
4. What are some common applications of WCD in real-time speech processing systems?
5. What challenges might arise when implementing WCD in real-time speech processing, and
how can they be addressed?
14) VIVA QUESTIONS : Application and Extraction of Watermarking in Speech using LSB in
2. Can you explain the Least Significant Bit (LSB) watermarking technique and how it works?
3. What are the typical steps involved in embedding a watermark into a speech signal using
4. How can the watermark embedded in a speech signal be extracted using LSB in MATLAB?
5. What are some challenges and limitations of using LSB watermarking in speech signals,
and how can they be addressed?