Birat Panthi Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Beams
Birat Panthi Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Beams
Birat Panthi Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Beams
and Building
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey
Received 30 December 2002; received in revised form 30 March 2004; accepted 2 April 2004
Available online 19 June 2004
Existing reinforced-concrete (RC) structures may require strengthening to limit earthquake damage. Jacketing by steel plates, by
fibre-reinforced-concrete, and by ordinary RC are common ways of strengthening structural members. In this study, flexural be-
haviours of RC beams and those of the same beams having been jacketed by RC after the former were loaded to full plastic yield
under bending are experimentally determined, both being under-reinforced. It is noted that the mechanical behaviours of the
jacketed RC beams are similar to and slightly better than those ordinary RC beams of the same dimensions, despite the fact that the
core parts of the jacketed RC beams were in a yielded state.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Strengthening reinforced-concrete (RC) beams can be Traditionally, concrete has been used to jacket RC
done by such methods as steel plate jacketing (e.g. [1]), beams in most of the applications (e.g., as in [7]). Con-
jacketing by fibre-reinforced-concrete, (e.g. [2]), and crete is poured in the form containing the newly placed
jacketing by RC (e.g. [3–5]), and recently jacketing by additional reinforcement around the beam after the
wrapping carbon fibre straps embedded in concrete. surface of the beam has been roughened by trimming
Most of these techniques are more expensive than the and chipping. The concrete jacketing improves resis-
conventional RC jacketing. Basunbul et al. [6] used ep- tance against seismic loads and enhances the durability
oxy-type binders and added steel elements in the tension of the element also, and it can be applied to any type of
zone of strengthened RC beams and they compared the RC structures such as residential blocks, industrial
mechanical properties of the repaired and original RC structures, and bridges that may be damaged due to
beams. earthquakes ([8,9]).
Herein, an inexpensive and simple RC jacketing In this study, the objective has been to experimentally
method for rectangular RC beams is experimentally determine and compare the mechanical properties of RC
studied with the hope that it will shed light on the be- beams under simple bending, before and after jacketing
haviour of jacketed RC beams against flexural and shear by RC again, such as load–displacement behaviour, the
stresses under bending which contain the fully yielded ultimate load, ductility, and toughness.
original RC beams in their core zones. The bending All the tested RC beams were rectangular and were
stiffness, ultimate load-carrying capacity, and ductility produced using the average class concrete of C20.
under static loading of such jacketed RC beams are Variables involved were: the thickness of the jacket, the
experimentally investigated for this purpose. aspect ratio of the cross-section, the amount of hori-
zontal reinforcement, and the spacing of the transverse
Tel.: +90-352-437-0080; fax: +90-352-437-5784. reinforcement. The mid-section displacement of any
E-mail address: (F. Altun). beam was carefully measured stepwise at gradually
0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
612 F. Altun / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 611–618
List of symbols
s1 maximum strain of the tensile steel of the Fs1 total internal tensile force resisted by the
initial RC beam in the jacketed RC beam tensile reinforcement of the initial RC beam
s2 maximum strain of the tensile steel of the in the jacketed RC beam (kN)
jacketed RC beam in the jacketed RC beam Fs2 total internal tensile force resisted by the
q actual percentage of tensile steel reinforce- tensile reinforcement of the jacketed RC
ment in the RC beam (%) beam in the jacketed RC beam (kN)
qb percentage of tensile steel reinforcement in fcm mean compressive strength of concrete in the
the RC beam causing equilibrium of tensile RC beams (Mpa)
and compressive failures simultaneously (%) fsm mean tensile strength of tensile reinforcement
/ diameter of the reinforcement steel (mm) steel in the RC beams (Mpa)
d displacement (mm) fcc characteristic compressive strength of con-
dy yielding displacement (mm) crete in the RC beams (Mpa)
du displacement at the instant of final failure fsc characteristic tensile strength of tensile rein-
(mm) forcement steel in the RC beams (Mpa)
As cross-sectional area of the steel (mm) Pc load causing the first flexural crack of the RC
a depth of equivalent rectangular compressive beam during the experiment (kN)
stress distribution (cm, mm) Put theoretical ultimate load of the RC beam (kN)
b1 width of the initial RC beam (cm, mm) Put1 neglecting reinforcement of the initial beam
b2 width of the jacketed RC beam (cm, mm) and with characteristic strengths (kN)
d1 depth of the initial RC beam (cm, mm) Put2 accounting for reinforcement of the initial
d2 depth of the jacketed RC beam (cm, mm) beam and with characteristic strengths (kN)
d10 clearance of the initial RC beam (cm, mm) Put3 accounting for reinforcement of the initial
d20 clearance of the jacketed RC beam (cm, mm) beam and with mean strengths (kN)
Fc total internal compressive force resisted by Pue experimentally measured ultimate load of the
the concrete above the neutral axis (kN) RC beam (kN)
Fs total internal tensile force resisted by the x distance from the outermost fibre in the
tensile reinforcement (kN) compression zone to the neutral axis (cm)
increasing loads with the help of conventional strain compression zone of the original beams were in good
gauges. The ultimate load computed theoretically was condition and the steel bars were still in place, but
compared with that determined experimentally. having experienced some irrecoverable extension natu-
Nine RC beams were used during the experiments. rally. Therefore, the cores of the jacketed beams exerted
Three different types of RC beams in each of the three a non-negligible contribution to the performance of the
size groups of 15 cm 15 cm 200 cm, 20 cm 15 jacketed cross-sections, which was obvious by the re-
cm 200 cm, and 20 cm 20 cm 200 cm dimensions corded load and mid-section displacements and crack
were produced as under-reinforced and subjected to observations. Because the core part was close to the
simple bending until full failure. The original RC neutral axis of the jacketed cross-section, its contribu-
beams were kept moist in room temperature for 28 tion was in proportion to the strains in that region. The
days. And each one was loaded under simple bending surface of the trimmed core was ostensibly rugged and
up to the point of plastic yield of tensile reinforcement. all the dust and fine material which may have remained
Next, the outer clearance part between the stirrups and there were cleaned off by a strong water jet. Conse-
the outer edge of these beams were trimmed off. When quently, a very strong bond between the surface of the
the outer parts of the 15 15, 20 15, 20 20 cm trimmed core and the newly cast concrete was formed,
cross-sections were stripped off, what remained were and both the concrete and the steel reinforcement in the
approximately 13 13, 18 13, 18 18 cm prisms core had a non-negligible contribution to the perfor-
confined by the original stirrups, respectively, which mance of the jacketed beam.
were rigid and sound to some degree in proportion to The amounts of both the longitudinal and the lateral
the geometrical dimensions. Because the loading of the reinforcement of a jacketed beam were designed as un-
original beams were stopped after plastic yield of the der-reinforced again, neglecting those left in the dam-
tensile steel and it was not continued all the way up to aged initial beam. The stirrups and the longitudinal bars
full rupture of the tensile bars, the concrete in the of the jacketing were prepared beforehand, in which the
F. Altun / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 611–618 613
core part of the initially damaged beam was placed, and and the steel bars present in the original beams were
fresh concrete of approximately 10 cm thickness from all neglected.
around was poured in a suitable wooden mould. In real- The applied loading configuration of both the origi-
life applications for strengthening of RC beams dam- nal and the jacketed RC beams are shown in Fig. 1. The
aged by earthquake loads, a common practice is to design of flexural and shear reinforcements was done for
choose a jacketing depth of 10 cm; and, this has been an this loading case. The ultimate single load to be coun-
influencing factor for choosing of 10 cm in our study, tered by such a simply supported beam is
also. Pu ¼ 3Mu =L; ð1Þ
Some lateral and longitudinal reinforcement steel of
the old and new beams were joined together by welding where Mu is the expected ultimate mid-section bending
limbs of Z bars to corresponding bars of the old and new moment to be resisted, Pu is the calculated maximum
beams before concreting with the hope of sustaining load, and L is the span length.
uniformity as advocated in some relevant literature (e.g. The compressive and tensile stress distributions in a
[7]). The welded Z bars were 8 mm in diameter and cross-section of an original RC beam prior to the ulti-
placed 40 cm apart (/8=40). The diameter and spacing mate failure and the equivalent compressive stress block,
of these Z bars were deliberately chosen to be minimum as adopted by the conventional ultimate-load approach,
values in order to have mainly bending-moment-domi- is as shown in Fig. 2. Based on this model, the equilib-
nant experiments. Jacketed RC beams of 35 cm 35 cm, rium of internal resisting forces gives
40 cm 35 cm, and 40 cm 40 cm dimensions were Fc ¼ Fs : ð2Þ
produced by adding approximately 10 cm jackets to all
The resisting moment couple generated by these internal
four sides of the trimmed cores. Naturally, we have
forces is
chosen these dimensions of the tested beams so as to
remain within the loading capacity of the experimental 0:85fcc k1 b ðd 0:5aÞ ¼ As fsc ðd 0:5aÞ: ð3Þ
set-up available. And hence, the ultimate resisting moment is
Similarly, the produced jacketed RC beams were
subjected to simple bending after 28 days of moist cur- Mu ¼ qbd 2 fsc ð1 0:59qfsc =fcc Þ: ð4Þ
ing in room temperature. Then, the jacketed RC beams BS-8110 [10] and TS 500/2000 [11] stipulate that q be the
were tested under simple bending and loaded up to full percentage of steel reinforcement in order to maintain an
failure. The ductility, stiffness, and the ultimate flexural under-reinforced failure, i.e., the flexural steel reinforce-
capacity of the jacketed RC beams under simple bending ment will reach its plastic limit while the concrete stress in
were hence experimentally determined. the compression zone is reasonably lower than its ulti-
mate strength. In order to have balanced compression
3. Theoretical considerations, the loading setup, and the and tension failures simultaneously, q is computed to be
experiments qb ¼ 0:01634 with the C20 type of concrete used in this
study. For assurance of an elastic behaviour, it is sug-
The longitudinal and lateral reinforcements of the gested in TS 500/2000 [11] that q be chosen as 0:85qb .
original nine RC beams are given in Table 1. The Hence 85% of qb ¼ 0:01634 of this study turns out to be
jacketed beams were also designed as under-reinforced, 0.014. In order to provide for a reasonable under-rein-
Table 1
Some peculiarities of the reinforcement steel in the initial RC beams
Sample no. and size Concrete compressive strength Steel tensile strength Amount of tensile steel Stirrups (mm)
2 2 2 2
fcc (N/mm ) fcm (N/mm ) fsc (N/mm ) fsm (N/mm )
Nos. 1–3 (15 15) 20 22 420 430 2/8 /8=10
Nos. 4–6 (20 15) 20 22 420 430 3/8 /8=10
Nos. 7–9 (20 20) 20 22 420 430 3/8 /8=10
forcement behaviour, q was chosen to be about one third given by Eq. (4), a more realistic analysis was performed,
of the equilibrium value, which was 0.005, and appro- which will be summarized in the ensuing sections.
priate amount of flexural reinforcement was placed in Fig. 3 depicts the compressive and tensile stress dis-
both the initial and jacketed beams to satisfy this ratio. tributions in a cross-section of a jacketed RC beam prior
The longitudinal and lateral reinforcements of the to the ultimate failure. Because of the effective trimming
jacketed beams are given in Table 2. Although the flex- and roughening of the initially damaged beam, a strong
ural reinforcement in a jacketed beam was computed bond between the old and new beams was formed. The
neglecting the steel bars in the initial beam, in order to presence of the tensile reinforcement of the initial beam
account for any probable discrepancies between the ex- affects both the position of the neutral axis of and stress
perimentally observed ultimate moment and the one distributions within the jacketed beam. The amount of
Table 2
Some peculiarities of the reinforcement steel in the jacketed RC beams
Sample no. and size Concrete compressive strength Steel tensile strength Amount of tensile steel Stirrups (mm)
2 2 2 2
fcc (N/mm ) fcm (N/mm ) fsc (N/mm ) fsm (N/mm )
Nos. 10–12 (35 35) 20 23.50 420 435 4/2 /8=10
Nos. 13–15 (40 35) 20 23.50 420 435 5/2 /8=10
Nos. 16–18 (40 40) 20 23.50 420 435 5/2 /8=10
the flexural steel. The vertical cracks became inclined measured ultimate compressive strength of concrete; (2)
towards the supports and propagated towards the upper the measured yield tensile strength of the reinforcement
edge of the beam with further load increases. The con- steel; (3) the uniformly distributed dead weight of the
crete directly under the loading head suffered local beam, and additionally for a jacketed RC beam; (4) the
crushing due to compression about the instant of the small contributions of both the tensile and compressive
actual ultimate failure. Large mid-section displacements steel bars in the original beam, which are now in the core
took place when the tensile stress in the tensile rein- part of the jacketed beam; (5) the small compressive
forcement reached its plastic limit. Testing of a jacketed contribution of the two steel bars on top of the jacketed
RC beam is shown in Fig. 6. beam, also. The measured ultimate load causing the
Effects of the shear forces are neglected in the anal- complete failure of a jacketed beam turned out to be
yses of the measured data, which should be of small greater than the ultimate load computed as such, as seen
magnitudes indeed because of the dominantly bending- in Table 3. The ratio of the measured ultimate load to
moment-oriented experimental configuration. Summary the computed one was around 1.5 and 1.4 for the initial
of the experimental data and the results obtained for and jacketed RC beams, respectively.
both the initial and the jacketed RC beams are given in As can be seen in many similar experimental studies
Table 3. The maximum concrete strain occurring in the also, always the experimental load, Pue , turns out to be
outermost fibres in the compression zone was assumed greater than the theoretical load, Put . The reasons for
to be 0.003 in all the calculations. The theoretical ulti- this difference can be summarized as follows particularly
mate load was computed by taking into account: (1) the as concerns our study:
Table 3
Computed and measured ultimate loads in both the initial and the jacketed RC beams and some other peculiarities
Sample size Theoretical Experimental Load causing Mid-section Mid-section displacement Pue =Put ratio Ductility
and no. ultimate load ultimate load the first crack Pc displacement at at ultimate failure du ratio
Put (kN) Pue (kN) (kN) yielding dy (mm) (mm) du =dy
1 (15 15) 13.50 19.85 18.00 8.90 18.50 1.47 2.08
2 (15 15) 23.25 17.10 8.00 13.65 1.72 1.71
3 (15 15) 23.00 13.50 9.90 15.80 1.70 1.60
4 (20 15) 19.88 31.50 16.00 9.30 13.10 1.58 1.41
5 (20 15) 28.05 15.00 12.80 19.00 1.41 1.48
6 (20 15) 28.45 14.20 13.00 23.50 1.43 1.81
7 (20 20) 28.20 39.95 31.00 19.00 28.50 1.42 1.50
8 (20 20) 40.25 30.50 18.00 30.00 1.43 1.67
9 (20 20) 40.80 38.00 15.00 24.50 1.45 1.63
10 (35 35) 171 262 75 7.10 15.00 1.53 2.11
11 (35 35) 247 78 7.65 16.50 1.44 2.16
12 (35 35) 246 86 8.54 17.20 1.44 2.01
13 (40 35) 213 283 104 8.70 21.50 1.33 2.47
14 (40 35) 296 110 7.30 20.75 1.39 2.84
15 (40 35) 295 105 7.80 20.20 1.38 2.59
16 (40 40) 254 337 98 6.70 12.50 1.33 1.86
17 (40 40) 343 108 6.07 12.00 1.35 1.97
18 (40 40) 339 130 6.00 11.80 1.33 1.97
F. Altun / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 611–618 617
No 4 No 5 expand slightly and similarly under the effect of the
No 6
25 loading the beam would have a strip contact with
No 3
No 2 the round supports rather than true point contacts.
The load–displacement curves of all the original
15 No 1 beams are given in Fig. 7(a), and those of the jacketed
beams are given in Fig. 7(b). Comparisons of all the
curves of all the original and jacketed beams reveal that
5 the jacketed beams behave similarly to normal RC
0 beams of the same dimensions. The ratios of (the ex-
05 00 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 perimental load)/(theoretical load) for both cases being
(a) Mid - Section Displacements (0.01 mm.) about 1.5 and 1.4 also seem to support this conclusion.
The toughnesses computed as the integral of area
350 under the load–displacement curve, are given in Table 4
No 17 No 16 No 18 for all the initial and jacketed beams. Ductility for an
300 No 15
RC beam is defined as the ability to make large defor-
No 14 No 13
No 11
mations without an appreciable loss in the load-carrying
capacity close to the ultimate failure. Here, the ratio of
No 10 the mid-section displacement at the instant of ultimate
No 12 collapse when the concrete fails locally by direct crush-
Force (kN)
ing under the loading unit to the mid-section displace-
ment at the instant when the tensile steel yields is taken
as a practical measure of ductility, which is given in the
last column of Table 3.
5. Conclusions
Table 4
Toughnesses of the initial and jacketed RC beams
Sample no. Nos. 1–3 Nos. 4–6 Nos. 7–9 Nos. 10–12 Nos. 13–15 Nos. 16–18
(15 15) (20 15) (20 20) (35 35) (40 15) (40 40)
Toughness (kN mm 102 ) 0.23 105 0.42 105 0.86 105 6.52 105 4.26 105 3.44 105
618 F. Altun / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 611–618
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