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Master of Engineering: 30 Credits / 10 Courses

Students earning a Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity take four core courses (one must be ENPM691), two cybersecurity
electives and four technical electives. Technical electives must be approved by an academic advisor prior to registering. There is no
research or thesis required for this degree.
Cybersecurity Required Core:
(every fall and
ENPM691 Hacking of C programs and Unix Binaries* (recommended for 1st semester)

Cybersecurity Core (choose three):**

ENPM685 Security Tools for Information Security* (every spring)
ENPM686 Information Assurance* (every spring)
ENPM693 Network Security* (every spring)
ENPM694 Networks and Protocols* (every fall)
ENPM695 Secure Operating Systems* [ENPM691] (every fall)
Note: Any additional courses taken over the 3 required count as other cyber or technical electives
ENPM Cybersecurity Electives (choose two):**
ENPM657 Applied Cryptography* (TBD)
ENPM664 Embedded System Hacking and Security* (every spring)
ENPM687 Digital Forensics and Incidence Response* (every summer and fall)
ENPM697 Secure Software Testing & Construction* [ENPM691] (TBD)
ENPM665 Cloud Security* (every fall and spring)
ENPM703 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Framework* (every fall)
ENPM634 Penetration Testing* (every fall)
ENPM809V Advanced Hacking of Linux and Embedded Systems* [ENPM691] (Spring 2025)
Note: Any additional courses taken over the 2 required count as other technical electives

Cybersecurity Pre-approved Technical Electives (choose four):

ENPM604 Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Cybersecurity* (every spring)
ENPM606 Data Science* (Fall 2024 online only, then Spring 2026)
ENPM611 Software Engineering* (every fall and spring)
ENPM631 TCIP/IP Networking* [ENPM602 or ENPM694] (every fall)
ENPM680 Introduction to Secure Coding for Software Engineering* (Fall 2023, every other fall)
ENPM696 Reverse Software Engineering * [recommended to take
(every fall)
ENPM691 before ENPM696]
ENPM808 Independent Study Project Course*
ENPM808L Analytics for Decision Support* (Spring 2025, every 1.5 years)
ENPM809F Internet of Things* (every fall)
ENPM809G Network Data Science* (Fall 2024, every 1.5 years)
ENPM818O Networks and Protocols for Cloud Engineering* (every spring)
ENPM615 Embedded Systems* (every fall)
ENPM818E Software360: Business of Software Engineering* (Spring 2025)
ENPM818K Embedded System and IoT Security* (Spring 2025)
ENPM818M Introduction to Networking and Distributed Systems
(every fall)
ENPM818N Cloud Computing* (every fall and spring)
ENPM818O Networks and Protocols for Cloud Engineering* (every spring)
ENPM818P Linux System Administration* (Fall 2024)
ENPM818Q Python Programming* (Fall 2025, every fall)
ENPM818R Virtualization and Container Technologies* (Fall 2024)

NOTE: All offerings are tentative and subject to change.

ENPM818T Data Storage and Databases* (Spring 2025)
NOTE: Any courses not listed above must be approved by the Senior Academic Advisor PRIOR to registration.
ENPM808 eligibility and application information can be found at

**Students who entered prior to Fall 2018 can fulfill the requirements of their catalogue year or of the 2018-2019 year shown above, but must
fulfill one or the other in its entirety. Please contact the Senior Academic Advisor with questions or concerns.
Online Option * (offering information)

NOTE: All offerings are tentative and subject to change.

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