Lecture 6 GR Log
Lecture 6 GR Log
Lecture 6 GR Log
Lecture 6
Acknowledgements: Several of the figures were created by Pete Kane of Reservoir Management Limited (RML), Aberdeen.
Thanks to Peter Griffiths (Director, Geoscience) for permission to use RML’s training and teaching material.
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Figure 6.1
A typical NGR log used to differentiate
Gamma Ray Log sand and shale in a deepwater
Natural Gamma Ray Log turbidite environment.
Gamma ray logs
• Gamma rays are the only radioactive particles that can penetrate a API
rock formation and be measured. 0 200
• Units of measurement are the API units (typically 0-200 API). SAND
Lithology API
Limestone 5-10
Dolomite 10-20
Sandstone 10-30
Siltstone 30-80
Shale 80-140
Borehole GR Tool
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Gamma Ray Log
Natural Gamma Ray Log
• Some common log names
Radiation and Gamma Rays •GR (gamma ray)
•SGR (Spectral Gamma) K, Th, U
• The natural gamma ray log measures •NGT (natural gamma ray tool)
all the radioactive elements together. •NGR (natural gamma ray)
•CGR (compensated gamma ray)
• The three main individual radioactive
elements can be differentiated on the • Note the main uses are:
spectral log. •base reference log
•sand and shales
• The two main types of gamma ray tools •reservoir vs non-reservoir
(NGT, SGR) both passively record the •zonation
radiation of a rock. •geological
•reservoir engineering
• This contrasts with the density log, •geophysics
which induces a response from the
reservoir . •The three main radioactive
elements are Potassium (K40),
Uranium (U238) and Thorium
• The detector...
• scintillation or geiger-muller
• records counts per unit time
• This analysis will only be valid if we can assume that the spectra
of the three radioactive series always have the same energy
• Scintillation detectors have this name because when struck by gamma rays,
they generate flashes of light, which are then converted to electric pulses by the
photomultiplier tube.
• Thallium (Tl) doped sodium iodide (Nal) crystals have been used as detectors
for over 50 years, and despite recent advances in crystal design, they still have
the greatest relative light flash intensity.
•Limestones 15 to 20 GAPI
• ‘average’ shale = 100 API
• calibration normalised •Shales 75 to 150 GAPI
•8” hole •Maximum readings about 300 GAPI
•10 lb/gal mud for very radioactive shales (Dewan,
•eccentered 3 5/8” wireline tool 1983).
10 20 cm
Controlling factors: cm GR
• Hole size, mud density and formation bulk density. 20 cm
Measurement Issues
There are several issues to consider when quality controlling gamma ray measurements /
tool readings.
• These include:
•Statistical Variations
•Dead time
•Borehole condition
•Tool Position
•Mud Type
Measurement Issues
Statistical Variations
• As gamma ray emission is random in nature, the count-rates vary when measured
in a formation over time (tool records a mean value).
• These counts must be accumulated over a period of time and averaged in order to
obtain three reasonable estimates of the mean (the accumulation period is the time
• The estimation of the mean will be more precise the higher the count-rate and the
longer the time-constant.
10 5 0 (Seconds)
• The general rule is that the tool should not move more than 30 cm in the time required to
measure individual emissions, which is often termed the time constant.
• If the tool is moving too rapidly, the data is smeared and the resolution necessary to identify
bed boundaries is lost.
• Because of the way the tool works, and the nature of random radioactive events, the
repeatability of this tool in measuring small scale variations is quite poor.
Measurement Issues
Dead Time
• The dead-time of a detector system is the short period following the detection of a count or
pulse, during which no other counts can be detected.
• It is a recovery period for the crystal or tube, and the measuring circuitry.
• The dead time effect decreases when the count rate decreases.
• Errors can be estimated from a graph as a function of the count-rate, and correction charts
can be used for dead time.
Dead Time
• This figure
permits the
definition of
the probable
error as a
function of the
Dead Time
• The energy of the gamma rays emitted (Absorption is higher when the gamma energy is
• The volume of the bore-hole fluid around the tool (depends on hole and tool diameters).
• Thickness
• Volume and shape of cement between the casing and the formation
• The measured spectrum is thus unfairly weighted towards the high energies.
• These three effects have to be evaluated and corrected before interpreting the data
(which is done at the Field Log Interpretation Centre).
• It is obvious that in such cases the log readings obtained with the NGS will be affected
by an unwanted background of potassium gamma rays.
• However, the influence of KCI in the mud during logging is not merely a shift In the K
curve. The U and Th curves are also affected and it is frequently observed that the U
curve is even negative.
• This is caused by the five window fit technique used to derive the K, U and Th
concentrations from the observed spectrum.
• As the spectrum produced by KCI in the mud differs from that originating from potassium
in the formation, all three readings will be affected and in a complicated manner. The
effects (and thus the subsequent corrections) depend not only on the KCI content in the
mud, but also on the K, U and Th concentrations in the formation.
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Gamma Ray Log
Natural Gamma Ray Log
Measurement Issues-
Influence of Muds- Barite BaSO4
• Drilling-grade barite should have an SG of at least 4.20 g/cm3 for API specifications (pure
BaSO4 = 4.50 g/cm3).
• Heavy mud (barite) interferes with the five-window fit procedure owing to its high
absorption cross-section for low-energy gamma-rays. As a result of the fitting method
used, this reduction depresses the U estimate and increases the Th and K estimates.
• Wellbore diameter also has an effect. Larger holes reduce all count rates because of the
removal of radiating material close to the tool. New correction algorithms claim to
account for KCI content in the mud and the low-energy absorption of the mud from the
NGS measurements.
• Contaminants in barite, such as cement, siderite, gypsum and anhydrite, can cause
problems in certain mud systems and should be evaluated in any quality assurance
program for drilling-mud additives.
• For example, stratigraphic successions are defined and correlated on the basis
of the GR log, and grain size can be estimated from the GR log.
• The discipline that we are most interested in for this course is in petrophysics.
Clay typing
Potassium and thorium are the primary radioactive elements present in clays.
Because the result is sometimes ambiguous, it can help combining these curves or
the ratios of the radioactive elements with the photoelectric effect from the
lithodensity tool.
Carbonates usually display a low gamma ray signature. An increase of potassium
can be related to an algal origin or to the presence of glauconite, while uranium is
often associated with organic matter.
GR log Interpretation
GR log Interpretation
Volume of clay / Volume of shale
• GR values can be used to calculate the shaliness or shale volume Vsh of the
rock, also termed Vclay (volume of clay).
• The volume of clay can be estimated from a NGR log by defining the sand and
shale lines.
• These are assumed to represent the 100% sand and 100% shale lines. These
lines can be defined by 2 basic methods,
•Gut feel method- usually defined by eye, by drawing a line that
approximates the minimum sand line, and then a line that approximates the
shale line.
•Histogram method- done by using a histogram of the GR log for the
formation in question. The sand and shale lines are then picked off as values
on the histogram.
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Figure 6.13
Histogram method for defining 100%
Gamma Ray Log sand and shale lines
Natural Gamma Ray Log
• Define SAND and SHALE
GR log Interpretation lines
Volume of clay / Volume of shale
• Histogram method-
• Either picked by eye from
histogram, or by using
statistics (percentiles).
GR frequency plot
GR log Interpretation
Volume of clay / Volume of shale
• Assuming a linear relationship, the volume of shale can therefore be calculated
for a formation with the following equation.
• This is also known as the GR index equation (IGR). The log value from this
equation is taken from the GR reading on the log. The min and max values are
those values estimated to be the value of the sand and shale lines respectively.
5th percentile 0.3
0.02 0.2
GRsand = 6.9 GRshale = 79.0
100 % 100 %
100 % Sand Line Shale Line
Sand Line 100 %
Shale Line
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Figure 6.14(b)
Calculation of Vclay using the
Gamma Ray Log histogram method for defining cut
Natural Gamma Ray Log offs
GR log Interpretation 0.09
Volume of shale 0.8
• Calculation of Vclay GR 0.7
/ Vshale example. 95th
API 0.05
• The red line is the 10 percentile
estimated GR 0.4
can now be
GRsand = 6.9 GRshale = 79.0
Volume of shale
• Many petrophysicists assume
that Vsh = IGR
Vsh = shale content from GR
Vshc = shale content corrected for
non-linear effects (fractional)
GR log Interpretation
Volume of shale
• Once the shale volume has been calculated, a threshold shale volume may be
defined which will divide the well into a number of reservoir and non-reservoir
• This zonation is combined with the zonation that will also take place on the basis
of porosity, permeability and hydrocarbon saturation.
• Different depositional
environments can
often be recognised by
the shape of the curve,
which is usually
described as box-car,
cylinder, bell, funnel or
serrated in shape, for
the definition of facies.
Depositional Environment
• The subenvironments of a
delta system can be
differentiated on the GR
log based on log shape
and API value.
• In sandstones, high K
values may be caused by
the presence of potassium
feldspars or micas
(Humphreys & Lott 1990,
Hurst 1990).
• Glauconite is found in
marine environments. Hole 1171D
R.Evans, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University
Figure 6.24
Th / K ratios interpreted in terms of
Gamma Ray Log palaeoclimate (From Rider, 1996)
Spectral Gamma Ray Log
• Th/K ratio changes in
shales, associated with
climatic variation.
• High ratios associated
with a humid climate
(Westphalian, UK).
• Low values with an arid
climate (Permian, UK).
Pitfalls of interpretation