Editable For Polsci Readings
Editable For Polsci Readings
Editable For Polsci Readings
2. That he kidnaps or detains another, or in any 3. That the act of kidnapping or detention is illegal;
other manner deprives the latter of his liberty;
4. That the crime is committed without the attendance of
3. That the act of detention or kidnapping must be the circumstances enumerated in Art. 267 ARTICLE 271
4. That in the commission of the offense, any of the Liability is mitigated when the following 1. That a minor (less than 18 years old) is living in the
following circumstances is present: circumstances concur: (VOB) home of his parents or guardian or the person entrusted
with his custody;
a. That the kidnapping or detention lasts for more 1. Offender voluntarily releases the person so kidnapped
than 3 days; or or detained within three days from the commencement of 2. That the offender induces said minor to abandon such
b. That it is by committed simulating public the detention. home
authority; or
c. That any serious physical injuries are inflicted 2. Without having attained the purpose intended; and
upon the person kidnapped or detained or threats
to kill him are made; or 3. Before the institution of criminal proceedings against
d. That the person kidnapped or detained him
a. If the purpose is to extort ransom 1. That the offender arrests or detains another person
b. When the victim is killed or dies a consequence 2. That the purpose of the offender is to deliver him to the
of the detention; proper authorities
c. When the victim is raped; or 3. That the arrest or detention is unauthorized by law or
d. When the victim is subjected to torture or there is no reasonable ground therefor.
dehumanizing act.
3. By failing to deliver a child under seven years of age whom the offender has
found abandoned, to the authorities or to his family, or by failing to take him to a
safe place
1. That the offender is a private person; 1. That the offender enters the closed premises or the fenced estate of
2. That he enters the dwelling of another;
2. That the entrance is made while either of them is uninhabited;
3. That such entrance is against the latter’s will.
3. That the prohibition to enter be manifest;
Qualifying Circumstance: If committed by means of violence/intimidation.
4. That the trespasser has not secured the permission of the owner or the
Rule: Whoever enters the dwelling of another at late hour of the night after the inmates have caretaker thereof.
retired and closed their doors does so against their will. Prohibition in this case is presumed.
1. If the entrance to another’s dwelling is made for the purpose of preventing some
serious harm to himself, the occupants of the dwelling or a third person.
3. If the place where entrance is made is a café, tavern, inn and other public
house, while the same are open.
• Dwelling place means any building or structure exclusively devoted for rest and comfort
• To commit trespass, entrance by the accused must be against the presumed/implied or express prohibition of the occupant
• There is an implied prohibition when entry is made through means not intended for ingress
• Prohibition is not necessary when violence or intimidation is employed by the offender
2. That he seizes anything belonging to 1. Forcing or compelling, directly or indirectly, or knowingly permitting the forcing or 3. That the offender employs violence or
his debtor; compelling of the laborer or employee of the offender to purchase merchandise or threats, in such a degree as to compel
commodities of any kind from him or force the laborers or employers in the
3. That the seizure of the thing be free and legal exercise of their industry
accomplished by means of violence or a Elements: or work;
display of material force producing a. That the offender is any person, agent or officer of any association or
intimidation; corporation. 4. That the purpose is to organize,
maintain or prevent coalitions of capital
4. That the purpose of the offender is to b. That he or such firm or corporation has employed laborers or employees or laborers or lockout of employers.
apply the same to the payment of the
debt. c. That he forces or compels, directly or indirectly, or knowingly permits to
be forced or compelled, any of his or its laborers or employees to purchase
Unjust Vexation (2nd par.) merchandise or commodities of any kind from him or from said firm or
Includes any human conduct that,
although not productive of some physical
or material harm, could unjustifiably annoy
or vex an innocent person. 2. Paying the wages due his laborer or employee by means of tokens or objects other
than the legal tender currency of the Philippines, unless expressly requested by such
The paramount question to be considered laborer or employee
is whether the offender’s act caused
annoyance, irritation, torment, distress, or Elements:
disturbance to the mind of the person to
whom it was directed. a.That the offender pays the wages due a laborer or employee employed
by him by means of tokens or objects
b.That those tokens or objects are other than the legal tender currency of
the Philippines.
What are the elements of Robbery in general: In cases of robbery, must the property be personal What is unlawful taking?
(PUGVI) property?
Unlawful taking is an essential element of robbery. The
1. That there be Personal property belonging to Property taken must be personal property, for if real taking must be against the will of the owner or lawful
another; property is occupied or real right is usurped by means possessor of personal property. As an element of
2. That there is Unlawful taking of that property; of violence against or intimidation of persons, the crime robbery, taking must have the character of
3. That the taking is with intent to Gain; and is occupation of real property or usurpation of real permanency. If the dispossession of personal property
4. That there is violence against or Intimidation rights under Art. 312. (Reyes, The Revised Penal is only temporary and there is no intention of the
of any person or force used upon things. Code: Book Two, 2017, p.680) offender to deprive the owner or lawful possessor of a
thing permanently of his possession, robbery is not
committed. (US vs. Atienza, G.R. No. 1043, May 15,
RA No. 3815 | Revised Penal Code
2. When any of the arms used in the commission of robbery is not licensed, the
penalty upon all malefactors shall be the maximum of the corresponding penalty
provided by law without prejudice to the criminal liability for illegal possession of ARTICLE 298
3. Any member by a band who was present at the commission of a robbery by the Elements:
band, shall be punished as principal of any assaults committed by the band, unless
it be shown that he attempted to prevent the same. 1. That the offender has intent to defraud another;
Requisites for liability for the acts of other members of the band: 2. That the offender compels him to sign, execute, or deliver any public instrument
or document;
1. He was a member of the band;
3. That the compulsion is by means of violence or intimidation.
2. He was present at the commission of a robbery by that band;
Penalizing the Unauthorized Installation of Water, Electrical or PENALIZING TIMBER SMUGGLING OR ILLEGAL CUTTING OF
Elements: Telephone Connections, the Use of Tampered Water or Electrical LOGS FROM PUBLIC FORESTS AND FOREST RESERVES AS
Meters, and other Acts QUALIFIED THEFT
1. Crime of robbery or theft has been committed;
Acts punished: Any person, whether natural or juridical who directly or indirectly
2. Accused, who is not a principal or accomplice in the commission of cuts, gathers, removes, or smuggles timber, or other forest
the crime of robbery or theft, buys, receives, possesses, keeps, 1. The use of tampered water or electrical meters to steal water or products, either from any of the public forest, forest reserves and
acquires, conceals, sells, or disposes of, or shall buy and sell, or in electricity; other kinds of public forest, whether under license or lease, or from
any other manner deal any article, item, object or anything of value any privately owned forest land in violation of existing laws, rules
which he knows, or should be known to him, to have been derived 2. The stealing or pilfering of water and/or electrical meters, electric and/or and regulations shall be guilty of the crime of qualified theft.
from the proceeds of said crime; telephone wires;
3. Accused knows or should have known that said article, item, object 3. Knowingly possessing stolen or pilfered water and/or electrical meters
or anything of value has been derived from the proceeds of theft or and stolen or pilfered electric and/ or telephone wires.
Theft of electricity can also be committed by any of the following
4. Accused has intent to gain for himself or another means:
Presumption of Fencing. · Mere possession of any good, article, 1. Turning back the dials of the electric meter;
item, object, or anything of value which has been the subject of
robbery or thievery shall be prima facie evidence of fencing 2. Fixing the electric meter in such a manner that it will not register the
actual electric consumption;
4. Tightening screw or rotary blades to slow down the rotation of the same
Theft of property on National Library and Museum has a fixed penalty regardless of its value. But if the crime is committed with grave abuse of confidence, the penalty for qualified theft shall be imposed, because Art
311 says “unless a higher penalty should be provided under the provisions of this Code.”
The basis of penalty in Theft is: STI There is qualified theft in the Carnapping - taking, with intent to gain, of
1. That there be taking of personal property; following instances: motor vehicle belonging to another without
2. That said property belongs to another; 1. The value of the thing stolen, the latter’s consent, or by means of
3. That the taking be done with intent to gain; and in some cases, 1. If theft is committed by a violence against or intimidation of persons,
4. That the taking be done without the consent of 2. The value and the nature of domestic servant or by using force upon things.
the owner; the property taken, or 2. If committed with grave
5. That the taking be accomplished without the use of 3. The circumstances or causes abuse of confidence If the OWNER, DRIVER OR OCCUPANT of
violence against or intimidation of persons or that impelled the culprit to 3. If the property stolen is a carnapped vehicle is killed or raped in the
force upon things commit the crime a. motor vehicle, course of the commission of the carnapping
b. mail matter or or on the occasion thereof, the penalty of
Theft is likewise committed by: c. large cattle reclusion perpetua to death shall be
4. If the property stolen imposed.
1. Any person who, having found lost property, shall INTENT OF GAIN consists of coconuts taken
fail to deliver the same to the local authorities or from the premises of Qualified Theft only: If material or physical
to its owner By gain is meant not only the acquisition plantation. possession was given to the offender
of a thing useful to the purposes of life 5. If the property stolen is taken
2. Any person who, after having maliciously but also the benefit which in any other from a fishpond or fishery Estafa only: If material plus juridical
damaged the property of another, shall remove or sense may be derived or expected from 6. If property is taken on the possession were given to the offender
make use of the fruits or object of the damage the act which is performed. So, the occasion of fire, earthquake,
caused by him; ( accused who took the car from the typhoon, volcanic eruption,
garage and used it to take their lady or any other calamity,
3. Any person who shall enter an enclosed estate or friends and other for a ride, derived gain vehicular accident or civil
a field where trespass is forbidden or which from the use of this means of disturbance
belongs to another and without the consent of its transportation. (People vs. Fernandesz:
owner; shall hunt or fish upon the same or shall 38 0.G. 985).
gather fruits, cereals, or other forest or farm
1. If the offender has been given Material Possession 2. If the offender has been given Juridical Possession and 3. If the person has been given the Ownership,
of the personal property and he Misappropriates the Material Possession of the personal property and he Juridical Possession, and Material Possession of
same, he is liable for the crime of Misappropriates the same, he is liable for the crime of the personal property and he Misappropriates the
THEFT ESTAFA. same, he is NOT criminally liable and incurs only a
MP + M = Theft JP + MP + M = Estafa
O + JP + MP + M = NO CRIME
Any such non-licensee or nonholder of authority who, for a fee, offers and promises
employment abroad to two or more persons shall be deemed so engaged in illegal
RA No. 3815 | Revised Penal Code
Economic Sabotage:
1. Illegal recruitment by syndicate – committed by a group of three (3) or more
persons conspiring or confederating with one another.
2. Large Scale Illegal Recruitment – committed against three (3) or more person
BOUNCING CHECKS LAW Requisites for Criminal Liability Failing to keep sufficient funds to E. Art. 315, No. 2(E)
(B.P. Blg. 22) under BP 22: cover the full amount of the check.
1. By obtaining food, refreshment or
Offenses Punished under BP 22: 1. A person makes, draws or issues a 1. That a person has sufficient funds accommodation at hotel, inn,
check as payment for account or for with the drawee bank when he makes restaurant, boarding house, lodging
A. Making or Drawing and issuing a check value. or draws and issues a check house or apartment house without
knowing at the time of issue that he does not paying thereof, with intent to defraud
have sufficient funds. 2. That the check was dishonored by 2. That he fails to keep sufficient funds the proprietor or manager thereof
the bank due to a lack of funds, or to maintain a credit to cover the full
Elements: insufficiency of funds or account amount if presented within a period of 2. By obtaining credit at any of the said
already closed. 90 days from the date of appearing establishments by the use of any false
1. That a person makes or draws thereon. pretense
and issues any check to apply on 3. The payee or holder of such check
account or for value. gives a written notice of dishonor and 3. That the check is dishonored by the 3. By abandoning or surreptitiously
demand for payment. drawee bank removing any part of his baggage from
2. That the person knows that at the any of the said establishment after
time of issue he does not have 4. That the maker, drawer or issuer, obtaining credit, food, refreshment or
sufficient funds or credit with the after receiving such notice and accommodation therein, without
drawee bank for the payment of demand, refuses or fails to pay the paying therefor.
such check upon its presentment value of the check within FIVE
3. That the check is subsequently
dishonored by the drawee bank for
insufficiency of funds or credit, or
would have been dishonored for the
same reason had not the drawer,
without any valid reason, ordered
the bank to stop payment.
Part III. Estafa Through the Following Means B. Estafa by resorting to C. Estafa by removing, concealing or destroying documents
some fraudulent practice to (Article 315 No. 3C)
A. Estafa by inducing another to sign any document (Article insure success in gambling
315 No. 3A) (Article 315 No. 3B) 1. That there be court record, office files, documents or any other
1. That the offender induced the offended party to sign a document;
2. That the offender removed, concealed or destroyed any of them;
2. That deceit be employed to make him sign the document;
3. That the offender had intent to defraud another.
2. That the offended party personally signed the document;
RA No. 3815 | Revised Penal Code
3. That prejudice be caused.
ARTICLE 316 2. Any person who, 3. The owner of any 6. Any person who shall sell, ARTICLE 317.
OTHER FORMS OF SWINDLING knowing that real property personal property who mortgage or encumber real SWINDLING A MINOR
is encumbered, shall shall wrongfully take it property with which the
Persons liable: dispose of the same, from its lawful possessor, offender guaranteed the 1. That the offender takes
although such to the prejudice of the fulfillment of his obligation as advantage of the inexperience
1. Any person who, pretending to encumbrance be not latter or any third person. surety. or emotions or feelings of a
be the owner of any real property, recorded. minor;
shall convey, sell, encumber or a. That the offender is a. That the offender is a
mortgage the same. a. That the thing the owner of personal surety in a bond given in a 2. That he induces such minor
disposed of be real property; criminal or civil action; to assume an obligation, or to
a. That the thing be immovable, property. give release, or to execute a
such as a parcel of land or a b. That said personal b. That he guaranteed the transfer of any property right;
building; (property must actually b. That the offender knew property is in the fulfillment of such obligation
exist) that the real property was lawful possession of with his real property or 3. That the consideration is
encumbered, whether another; properties; some loan of money, credit, or
b. That the offender who is not the encumbrance is other personal property; (if real
the owner of said property recorded or not. c. That the offender c. That he sells, mortgages, property, Article 318 applies;
should represent that he is the (principle of constructive wrongfully takes it or, in any manner minor cannot convey real
owner thereof notice does not apply) from its lawful encumbers said real property without judicial
possessor; (if from property; authority) 4. That the
c. That the offender should c. That there must be unlawful possessor, transaction is to the detriment of
have executed an act of express representation Article 429 of the Civil d. That such sale, mortgage such minor
ownership (selling, leasing, by the offender that the Code applies) or encumbrance is (1)
encumbering or mortgaging the real property is free from without express authority
real property); encumbrance. d. That prejudice is from the court, or (2) made
thereby caused to the before the cancellation of his
d. That the act be made to the d. That the act of possessor or third bond, or (3) before being
prejudice of the owner or a third disposing of the real person. relieved from the obligation
person property be made to the contracted by him.
damage of another 4. Any person who, to the
prejudice of another, shall
execute any fictitious
1. That the offender Mischiefs not COMMUNICATION MONUMENTS OR Crimes involved in the exemption:
deliberately caused 1. Causing damage to included in the next PAINTINGS
damage to the obstruct the preceding article Person liable: 1. Theft
property of another; performance of public and are punished Persons liable: 2. Swindling
functions; according to the Any person who shall 3.Malicious mischief
2. That such act does value of damage damage any railway, 1. Any person who
not constitute arson or 2. Using poisonous or caused. telegraph or telephone shall destroy or Persons exempted:
other crimes involving corrosive substances; lines. Qualifying damage statues or
destruction; circumstance: Damage any other useful or 1. Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or
3. Spreading any shall result in the ornamental public relatives by affinity on the same line.
3. That the act of infection or contagion derailment of cars, monuments.
damaging another’s among cattle; collision or other 2. The widowed spouse with respect to the
property be committed accident 2. Any person who property which belonged to the deceased
merely for the sake of 4. Causing damage to shall destroy or spouse before the same shall have passed to
damaging it. the property of the damage any useful the possession of another.
National Museum or or ornamental
National Library, or to painting of a public 3. Brothers and sisters and brothers in law
any archive or registry, nature. and sisters in law, if living together.
waterworks, road,
promenade, or any other 4. Stepfather, adopted father, natural
thing used in common children, concubine, paramour included as
by the public. ascendants by affinity.
ARTICLE 337 The following are the OFFENDERS: ARTICLE 338 ARTICLE 339.
1. Those who abused their authority: PGTE ARSWID CONSENT OF THE OFFENDED PARTY
Two classes: VS LVSWAA-ACRD
a. Persons in public authority
1. Seduction of a virgin over 12 years b. Guardian 1. That the offended party is 1. That the offender commits acts of
and under 18 years of age by c. Teacher over 12 and under 18 years lasciviousness or lewdness;
persons who abuse their authority or d. Person who, in any capacity, is entrusted with of age;
the confidence reposed. the education or custody of the woman 2. That the acts are committed upon
seduced 2. That she must be of good a woman who is a virgin or
Elements: V1218SA 3. Those who abused their relationship: BADLI 4. That it is committed by 3. That the offender accomplishes
1. That the offended party is a virgin; means of deceit. the acts by abuse of authority,
2. She must be over 12 and under 18 a. Brother who seduced his sister confidence, relationship or
years of age; b. Ascendant who seduced his descendant deceit.
3. That the offender had sexual c. A “domestic” is different from a house servant,
intercourse with her; it means any person living under the same
4. 4. That there is abuse of authority, roof as a member of the same household, and
confidence or relationship on the part includes boarders or house-guests but not
of the offender. transients or visitors.