Day 1 - Session 4

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Asst Manager (Sys) - Pre-Examination Training for Eligible Candidates: Test of Reasoning - Set 2

SR Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 Ans Explanation

1 If each vowel of the word V Q G A F 5 Correct option is 5 --->F

WEBPAGE is substituted We have, W E B P A G E
with next letter of the Now, changing vowels with the next alphabet and
English alphabetical series consonants with the preceding alphabet, we get
and each consonant is VFAOBFF
substituted with the letter ∴∴ Letter F appears thrice.
preceding it, then which of
the following letters will
appear thrice in the new
word formed?

2 Among five friends Mahesh Abhishek Mahesh Kunal Yash Hrithik 3 Yash > Mahesh < Kunal... (i)
is taller than Kunal but not Abhishek > Harithik > yash ... (ii)
tall as yash. Hrithik is taller From (i) and (ii), we have
than Yash but smaller than Kunal < Mahesh < Yash < Hrithik < Abhishek
Abhishek. If they stand in Obviously 'Kunal' will be the required answer.
increasing order of their
heights, who will be first in
(3-4): The following questions consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by lettered pair of words.
Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

3 Agenda : Meeting Footnote: Map: Progra Perform None of 3 First contains the details of the second.
Article Scale mme: ance: these
Functio Ticket

4 Biography: Autobiography Mobile: Author: Memoir Testimo None of 4 A biography is a person's life story written by
Automobi Performe s: ny: these someone else, whereas autobiography is one's
le r History Confess story written oneself. Similarly, testimony is a
ion solemn declaration of one's wrongdoing by
someone, while confession is one's claim of
oneself being a wrong doer.

(5-8): Study the following letter / digits series to answer the following questions:

F6 Z 7 1 T 3 U X R 5 2 9 P 4 B A 7 8 D 4 6 F G H 2 P 3 Q R

5 How many letters are there 3 4 2 5 6 4 Applicable combination would be digit-letter-

in the series which are digit. Required combinations would be 6 Z 7,
immediately preceded as 1 T 3, 9 P 4, 8 D 4, 2 P 3- i.e. 5 such
well as immediately followed combinations.
by a number

6 How many digits are there in 5 4 2 7 6 2 Applicable combination would be digit-digit- letter.
the series which are Required combinations would be 7 1 T, 2 9 P ,
immediately preceeded by a 7 8 D , 4 6 F i.e 4 such combinations.
digit and immediately
follwoed by a letter?
7 If all the digits are dropped X F R G T 3 Sixth to the right of the fifth letter from the left
from the series and the means (5+6) =11 th letter from the letter in the
order of the letters is reversed series (among letters) or 11th letter from
reversed, which letter will the right in the original series (among letters) . R
be sixth to the right of fifth is the required letter.
letter from the left?

8 In a shop, there are 4 Only Q Only P Either P Either Q Either R 2 S is not as tall as P => Sis shorter than P i.e S <
different dolls of different or S or S or Q P.
heights P, Q, R and S. S is
neither as tall P nor as short S is not as short as R=> S is taller than R i.e S >
as R. Q is shorter than S but R
taller than R. If Jyoti wants
to purchase the tallest doll, Q is shorter than S but taller than R => R < Q < S,
which one should she thus we have: R < Q < S < P. So, P is the tallest
purchase? doll.

(9-13) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions

In a certain code 'it is rush hour traffic' is written as 'sa’

le do mi ru' 'go to school' is written as 'be no pa', 'one hour to go' is
written as 'mi fi pa be', rush to one' is written as 'fi be sa' and 'traffic is
fine' is written as 'ga ru do'.

9 What is the code for 'fine'? ga ru pa do None of 1


10 'mi fi le' would mean it one to to rush rush it one None of 4

one hour it hour these

11 What does 'sa' stand for? Rush Traffic It Is hour 1

12 'ru be pa' would means: traffic to traffic is way is to traffic fine is 1 Word Code
go to traffic way traffic It le
fine ga
13 What is the code for 'school pa fi no pa no mi ga pa be ga 3 rush sa
hour'? hour mi
traffic/is ru/do
to be
one fi
go pa
school no

14 In a certain code, BEATSLEI BAETSLE BATESL BAETSL None of 4 The middle letter remains unaltered in the code.
GERMINATION is written as HS DIHS DEIHS DEIHS these Let us label the
IMGRENNOAIT. five letters before the middle letter as well as
How is ESTABLISHED written those after it, from
in that code? 1 to 5. Then, the code contains the letters of each
group in the
order, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2. Thus we have:
E S T A B L I S H E D ==> B A E T S L D E I H S
12345 12345 54132 54132
15 Captain is related to Team in Customer Employee Organisa Supervis Union 3
the same way as Director is tion or
related to which of the

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