Alphabet Test: Speed Developing Practice Test No. 11
Alphabet Test: Speed Developing Practice Test No. 11
Alphabet Test: Speed Developing Practice Test No. 11
In this type of questions, certain words will be given. Eg. 1. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and
pick the one that comes first.
The candidate is required to put them in the order in which (1) Cloud (2) Middle (3) Grunt
they would be arranged in a dictionary and then state the (4) Mob (5) Chain
These words can be properly arranged as Chain,
word which is placed in the desired place. For such ques- Cloud, Grunt, Middle, Mob. Clearly the first word is
tions, the candidate requires a basic knowledge of the Chain. Hence the answer is (5)
‘Dictionary Usage’. In a dictionary, the words are put in Eg. 2. In the word ‘PARADISE’, how many pairs of let-
ters are there which have as many letters between
alphabetical order. The words beginning with a particular them in the word as in the alphabet.
letter are again arranged in alphabetical order with respect (1) One (2) Three (3) Four
(4) Two (5) None
to the second letter of the word and so on. Such pairs are PRAE and AD. So the answer is (2).
Explanatory Answers:
Speed Developing Practice Test No. 11
12. (4) Such letter pairs are RO, ON, RN and HN 17. (2) The new alphabet series is
13. (2) The new letter sequence is CENSSEYRA. So from M L K J I H G F E D C B A
the left 7th letter is Y.
Counting from the right i.e. Z, the nineteenth let-
14. (2) The second, sixth, ninth and twelfth letters in the ter is F.
word contribution are O, I, T, N. The word formed 18. (2) Counting from the right in the given alphabet se-
is INTO. ries i.e. Z, the eleventh letter is P. The sixth letter
15. (3) The fourth letter to the left of I is E. Then the to the right of P is V.
sixteenth letter to the right of E is U. 19. (5) The fifth letter to the ninth letter from the left
means 14th letter from the right, i.e. M.
16. (2) The thirteenth letter from the left is M. The sev- 20. (4) The fifteenth letter from the left is O. The eigh-
enth letter to the right of M is T. teenth letter from the right is I. The letter midway
between I and O is L.