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Jurnal Pendidikan

e-ISSN: 2443-3586 | p-ISSN: 1411-1942


Open access under CC BY NC SA Vol. 5, No. 2, 2024, 59 – 70

Copyright © 2024, the author(s) DOI: 10.33830/jp.v25i2.8412.2024

Pictorial Riddle Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking

Skills of Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students
in Mathematics Learning

Lia Rosliawati1), Aan Yuliyanto1*), Daminah1) Ari Fujiarti2)

1) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Institut Pangeran Dharma Kusuma, Indramayu,
2) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan,

*Corresponding Author:

Abstract: The research aims to see the improvement of Critical Thinking Skills through pictorial
riddle learning. The research method used was classroom action research on mathematics and
building cubes and blocks for 21 elementary school students in Pangandaran Regency. The
instruments used are observation, tests, interviews, and documentation. This study adopted a
quantitative data analysis method, including test sheets measuring students' critical thinking
skills and teacher and student observation sheets. Based on the research results, it was found that
There was an increase in students' Critical Thinking Skills by using the pictorial riddle learning
model, as evidenced by the increase in students' motivation in the learning process, the courage
to move forward, students' attention when the teacher explained, the courage to answer
questions and student participation in the learning process. This can also be seen from cycle I,
with an average score of 74.2 or as many as 10 students who completed out of 21 students with
a percentage of (57.1%), then experienced an increase in cycle II with an average of 91.4 or as
many as 18 of 21 students completed the percentage (85.7%). The N-Gain criterion value was
0.87>0.7 with high criteria. Thus, the Pictorial Riddle Learning Model can improve students'
critical thinking skills in mathematics in elementary schools very well.

Keywords: Learning Model, Pictorial Riddle, Critical Thinking Skills.


It is acknowledged that education is an intentional, deliberate endeavor to establish

a learning environment that supports students' active development. The primary
purpose of education is to help students develop spiritual potential, self-control,
personality, intelligence, noble morals, and skills required by people, society, and the
country. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Indonesia's national education figure, emphasized that
education is an essential need in the growth of children, guiding the development of their
natural potential toward optimal levels of security and happiness (Pristiwanti et al.,

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024 59

Ki Hajar Dewantara, Indonesia's national education figure, described education as
an essential need for children's growth. In its essence, education directs the development
of all the natural potential possessed by children, so that they can achieve the most
optimal level of security and happiness as individuals and members of society.”
(Pristiwanti et al., 2022). Education is a humanist process known as the humanization of
the human individual. Therefore, it is very important to respect the human rights of every
individual in the educational context. Students. In this way, they can become independent
individuals, able to think critically, and have strong moral character. In the context of the
importance of education for all individuals, teachers always strive to provide the best for
their students so that they understand the material presented. The presence of a
leadership spirit is crucial for a teacher because teacher competence has a significant
impact on the learning process and achievement of students, including mathematics
learning achievement.
Mathematics subjects at the elementary school level have a crucial role. The origins
of the word "mathematics" come from the Greek, "mathemata", emphasizing the concept
of "learned knowledge" (Isrok’atun, 2021). Mathematics learning goals that students
must achieve, including understanding concepts, using reasoning, critical and creative
problem solving, communicating ideas, and appreciating the usefulness of mathematics
in everyday life (Yuliyanto et al., 2023).
In the context of critical thinking skills, critical thinking is a process aimed at
facilitating our ability to make rational decisions so that we can act by the belief in the
best truth according to our understanding (Yuliyanto, 2024). Critical thinking in a
mathematical context entails the ability and attitude to combine past information, employ
mathematical reasoning, and apply cognitive techniques to generalize, prove, or evaluate
complicated mathematical situations in a reflective manner. Even though mathematics is
one of the subjects taught at the elementary school level, the process of learning
mathematics is often considered intimidating because of the perception that mathematics
is a difficult subject (Abdullah, 2016).
To alter students' perceptions of problems in studying mathematics, teachers must
encourage the growth of students' critical thinking by encouraging them to reflect on
their abilities. As a facilitator, teachers are expected to be able to create an interesting
learning environment to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process. However,
unfortunately, many schools today tend to prioritize learning approaches that focus more
on conveying information and material, rather than developing thinking skills and
understanding concepts (Azid et al., 2022). Critical thinking abilities are particularly
crucial for kids in today's global period of difficulties and rapid changes. Therefore, the
development of critical thinking abilities must be an integral part of the curriculum,
bearing in mind that the need for these abilities is reflected in growth that leads to critical
and innovative thinking.
Teachers can utilize learning models that support the development of students'
critical thinking. A learning model is a framework or structure that is used to organize a
curriculum (long-term learning plan), create learning materials, and direct the learning
process in the classroom or other educational setting. The adoption of proper learning
models is critical to the effectiveness of the learning process, particularly in allowing
students to quickly understand certain subjects (Sonjaya & Yuliyanto, 2022).
Mathematics is often a daunting subject for students therefore, it is important to
look for learning approaches that can reduce this anxiety. One strategy that can be
implemented is using the pictorial riddle learning model. This learning model uses
pictures or illustrations to teach mathematical concepts visually and interestingly. With
this approach, students can understand mathematics material more concretely and

60 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024

enjoyably, to the learning preferences of elementary school students who tend to prefer
learning through visuals. To form students who can think critically, teachers must
facilitate the development of this ability. Importance of encouraging students to reflect
on their abilities in learning mathematics (Pristiwanti et al., 2022). One effective
approach is to use the pictorial riddle learning model. Pictorial riddles as images or
illustrations created by teachers to trigger responses from students.(Bybee et al., 2006).
However, observations in the field show that many mathematics learning
environments in elementary schools still rely on monotonous lecture methods without
variations in learning models or supporting media (Pristiwanti et al., 2022). This problem
was also found in the class where the research was conducted, that students' critical
thinking skills were still low because students rarely honed their high-level thinking
skills. The use of the pictorial riddle learning approach in basic mathematics education is
vital for improving students' critical thinking skills (Sari & Kustijono, 2018). This
research was conducted because students' critical thinking skills were still low and to see
whether there was an increase in students' critical thinking skills after implementing the
pictorial riddle learning model. The research questions asked are in line with the main
objectives of this research as follows: How are elementary school students' critical
thinking abilities before and after implementing the pictorial puzzle learning model in
mathematics learning? And how do the critical thinking skills of students who learn using
the pictorial riddle learning model improve?


This research is classroom action research undertaken to describe and monitor the
student learning process using the pictorial riddle learning model to improve students'
critical thinking skills in fifth-grade mathematics courses at State Elementary School in
Langkaplancar Pangandaran, West Java. Classroom research is a cyclical process that
includes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The execution of this
action study uses two cycles: the implementation stages are in the form of a cycle and are
illustrated in a chart below (Saputra et al., 2021):

Action Implementation
Initial planning I of Action I
Reflection of Observation I
action I

Action Implementation of
planning II Action I

Observation II
of action II


Figure 1. Kemmis & Mc Taggart Model Classroom Action Research Chart

The pictorial riddle learning technique is used to assess students' critical thinking
skills. Indicators of student success include concentration, reason, and inference in
strengthening critical thinking abilities, as defined by the Langkaplancar 2 Elementary

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024 61

School's Minimum Completeness Criteria of 71. Students who achieve or exceed the
Minimum Completeness Criteria score are considered successful, while students who
score below the Minimum Completeness Criteria are considered unsuccessful.
To collect data about students' critical thinking abilities, researchers adopted a
quantitative approach. Quantitative data is obtained through tests each cycle, using a
collection of written test questions consisting of 5 questions. Each correct answer is
scored 20 points. The researcher then totaled up the students' scores and divided the
results by the number of pupils in the class to calculate the average score. The formula
used to calculate the average value is:
𝑥̅ × 100
𝑥̅ = Average value
∑x = The total score of all students
∑y = The number of students
Based on the teaching and learning implementation instructions, the researcher
considers that implementation planning using the pictorial riddle learning model in
mathematics lessons about spatial shapes can be said to be successful and increases
students' critical thinking abilities, if students can solve spatial geometric problems to
meet critical thinking skills of at least 80%, the level of success in thinking skills Students'
critical thinking is grouped into categories, which can be seen from Table 1.

Table 1. Classification of Students' Critical Thinking Ability Skills

Level of success (%) Criteria
>80% Very Good
60-80% Good
40-59% Moderate
20-39% Low
<20% Very Low

To calculate the percentage of learning success from students' critical thinking

abilities, the following formula is used:
P=N x 100%
P = Percentage
n = Students who have completed their studies
N = The number of students

Normalize Gain is used with the following formula to measure the increase in
critical thinking skills:
𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 − 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝑁 − 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛
𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
N-gain : Normalize Gain
Posttest : Score after treatment
Pretest : Score before treatment
Ideal Maximum Score: Highest score of the entire group
The N-Gain criteria consists of if the N-Gain score is 0  0,30 it is classified as low, if
N-Gain  0,30 it is classified as moderate, if N-Gain  0,70 it is classified as high.
Meanwhile, if N-Gain < 0 then it is considered a decrease.

62 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024


Students' Critical Thinking Skills After Implementing Pictorial Riddle

Cycle 1
This research was conducted in class V of Langkaplancar 2 State Elementary
School, Pangandaran Regency, West Java, from February 27 to March 6, 2024. Using the
pictorial riddle learning model, this research consists of two cycles, with each cycle
involving a structured planning and action implementation stage.
1. Planning
In the first cycle, planning involves preparing the syllabus, Learning
Implementation Plan, teaching materials, and evaluation instruments, as well as
preparing learning materials and media.
2. Implementation
Implementation of the action includes three learning sessions with a duration of
2x35 minutes each session. Teachers use the pictorial riddle model with various
activities, such as question and answer, Quizizz, and creating spatial figures. This activity
is carried out in an interactive atmosphere and inspires students' enthusiasm for
learning. The first cycle also focuses on using puzzle-shaped images as a tool to explain
mathematical concepts. Students actively participate in a range of games, such as Quizizz
and spatial modeling, all meant to increase their learning and critical thinking skills. All
activities in the first cycle were completed with a combined reflection session to conclude
the content that was examined. The entire learning process is supported by collaboration
between teachers and students and is carried out in an interesting and fun atmosphere.
This research provides an important contribution to understanding the effectiveness of
the pictorial riddle learning model in improving students' critical thinking skills in
mathematics learning
3. Observation
Based on the first cycle's pre-test and post-test data, it is clear that adopting the
pictorial riddle learning paradigm increased student learning outcomes. Despite this,
student learning outcomes remain below the research aim of 80%. From data analysis,
the average post-test score in the first cycle reached 74.2, with a score range between 20
to 80. Even though 57.1% of students succeeded in achieving graduation, there were still
42.8% of students who had not reached the set graduation standards. It can be seen in
Table 2.

Table 2. Recapitulation of Cycle I Pre-Cycle and Post-Test Results

Pre-cycle Post-Test 1 The highest score The Lowest Value Criteria
40,9 74,2 80 20 Not Completed

This study demonstrates that the pictorial riddle learning paradigm can improve
student learning outcomes. However, more efforts are required to meet the established
targets. In this context, future research could focus on adjusting learning methods or
increasing the support provided to students to increase learning effectiveness.
4. Reflection
From the results of the first cycle evaluation, it appears that there are still
deficiencies in learning effectiveness, which may be influenced by students' lack of
enthusiasm for learning. Further analysis needs to be carried out to revise the learning
approach to improve the quality of learning in the next cycle. The first cycle reflection
results advise enhancing learning activities in the second cycle to obtain a deeper

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024 63

knowledge of the content and develop students' critical thinking skills. Even after the
pictorial riddle learning model has been applied, there is still a gap between the aim of at
least 80% in teacher and student activities and the outcomes of the second cycle posttest.
As a result, further changes are required by optimizing the application of the learning
model in the second cycle to obtain more adequate success in meeting learning objectives.

Cycle 2
The results of the cycle I reflection show that the adoption of the pictorial riddle
learning model helps improve students' excitement for learning. However, it was found
that students' focus tended to decrease over time, especially after some time of learning.
To overcome this, teachers implement ice-breaking not only at the beginning of learning
but also in the middle of learning so that students remain focused.
1. Planning
Learning in Cycle II continues to use the Cycle I model with adjustments to the ice-
breaking method and creative learning materials. Procedures in Cycle II include
identifying problems, preparing lesson plans and learning media, as well as preparing
icebreakers and games.
2. Implementation
In cycle II, the learning procedure remains the same as cycle I, but with several
adjustments to increase its effectiveness. Students continue to like the usage of the
pictorial riddle learning paradigm, such as Quizizz, as well as the exercise of forming
spatial shapes. However, to ensure more active student involvement, teachers use the
mystery snakes and ladders game as one of the learning strategies. The results of cycle II
demonstrate that overall learning is still effective. This is shown by the high level of
student involvement, especially in the practical activities of building shapes and playing
mystery snakes and ladders. The lesson ends with a summary of the material by students
and a joint prayer, marking the closing of the learning cycle. Thus, it can be concluded
that studying utilizing the pictorial riddle learning model, which includes numerous
interactive and creative activities, can boost the efficacy of mathematics learning,
particularly in the theme of creating space, at the Langkaplancar 2 Elementary School.
3. Observation
After implementing the pictorial riddle learning paradigm, there was a
considerable increase in student learning outcomes, as seen by the post-test cycle I and
cycle II results. According to the post-test data, the average student score climbed from
74.2 in cycle I to 91.4 in cycle II. This demonstrates that the majority of students met the
required Minimum Completeness Criteria scores, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Recapitulation of Posttest I and Posttest Cycle II Results

Cycle I Cycle 2 The highest The Lowest Mean Criteria
Posttest Posttest score Value
74,2 91,4 100 60 85,7% Completed

With a learning completion percentage of 85.7%, it can be determined that

learning utilizing the pictorial riddle model was successful in meeting the specified goal
of achieving a Minimum Completeness Criteria score of 71 and a minimum completion
percentage of 80. Therefore, no improvements are needed in the next cycle, because
learning has achieved the expected results. According to the results of the
implementation and observation of learning at the Langkaplancar 2 Elementary School,

64 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024

three children have not met the Minimum Completeness Criteria in studying mathematics
on the theme of building space. Nevertheless, this research can be concluded as successful
because it has achieved the research success target, namely achieving a minimum
completion percentage of 80%. It can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. Recapitulation of Pre-Cycle Results, Cycle I and Cycle II

No Cycle Students who have completed their studies Percentage
1. Pre-cycle 3 Students 14,2 %
2. Cycle I Posttest 10 Students 47,6%
3. Cycle 2 Posttest 18 Students 85,7%

The observation results indicated an increase from pre-cycle (pretest) to cycles I

and II. In the pre-cycle, only 3 students (14.2%) obtained very good criteria, but in the
second cycle, this jumped to 18 students (85.7%) who met these criteria. This shows a
considerable improvement in the learning process and students' critical thinking ability
from the start to the end of cycle II while employing the pictorial riddle approach. The
researchers' activities were successful in boosting the learning process and students'
critical thinking skills, as the average student score in cycle II reached 85.7%. Therefore,
researchers do not need to continue to the next cycle, and research actions can be
stopped. This demonstrates that the pictorial riddle learning paradigm is beneficial in
increasing learning outcomes and students' critical thinking abilities in spatial material
in mathematics education.
4. Reflection
According to the results of implementation and observations at Langkaplancar 2
Elementary School, the usage of the pictorial riddle learning approach increased
students' motivation and critical thinking skills when learning mathematics with
geometric figures. Even though three students have still to complete the Minimum
Completion Criteria, this research is judged successful because it met the research
success target of 80%. Based on pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II observations, there was a
considerable rise in the percentage of students who met very good criteria, with an
increase from pre-cycle to cycle I of 33.4% and from cycle I to cycle II of 38.1%. The
average student score in cycle II was 85.7, which exceeded the research success
requirements. Thus, the research action is regarded as successful and does not need to be
extended to the next cycle.
The analysis of the outcomes of this study demonstrates that the adoption of the
pictorial riddle learning model has a good and significant impact on student's critical
thinking skills. This demonstrates that selecting the appropriate learning model can make
learning more fascinating, memorable, and pleasurable for students, as well as boost their
focus, allowing learning content to be given more effectively. These findings are
consistent with Surtriyanti et al., (2017) research, which revealed that the application of
the pictorial riddle learning model in scientific learning about environmental
conservation had a high influence on students' critical thinking skills. Even though the
subjects of this study are different, the application of the pictorial riddle learning
methodology is identical
Research Results by Kusmiati et al., (2021)show that the application of the
pictorial riddle model (the key to success) in social studies learning can improve
students' creative learning outcomes. The rise in learning outcomes is reflected by the
decreasing number of students who acquire scores less than the Minimum Completion

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024 65

Criteria. However, the population of students who get scores above the Minimum
Completion Criteria and above has undergone a large increase. Overall, students are
significantly more driven and passionate about completing apperception exercises, as
well as engaged and innovative in problem-solving for learning projects. Given to the
group during the teaching and learning process by the required criteria, this is obvious
from the scores earned by students on learning outcomes/evaluation scores in pre-cycle
activities, 64, in the first cycle, 68, and 72 in the second cycle activities.
Research conducted by Prathiwi & Utami, (2019)also supports these findings,
showing that the analysis of students' critical thinking skills on colloidal materials using
the picture puzzle investigation model at State Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru achieved
good results with a percentage of 72.36%, which can be developed optimally.
Furthermore, Aditia et al., (2019) demonstrates the usefulness of the pictorial riddle
model in enhancing students' critical thinking skills, with a high percentage of each
question indication. According to Purwanto, (2014) research, the pictorial riddle-type
inquiry learning model with integration-interconnection content is beneficial in boosting
students' critical thinking skills on temperature and heat material.
This research shows that the factor of increasing critical thinking skills from each
cycle increases due to the habituation carried out by the teacher, where the teacher
always encourages students to actively participate in class by asking questions and
discussing the material to be discussed. This finding is consistent with the study by
Firdausi et al., (2021), who claims that students' critical thinking skills can be increased
by providing a learning environment that invites students to discuss, ask each other
questions, and analyze the content.
Interviews with class V also emphasized the importance of the teacher's role in
establishing sensitivity towards students, beginning with minor things like asking
questions, asking each other questions and answers, and selecting a learning model that
is suited to the content being taught. This has a great influence on learning activities and
improves students' critical thinking skills.

“Asalkan mau berusaha pasti bisa, kalo nanti ada yang susah bisa tanya-tanya” ("As
long as you want to try, you can definitely do it, if something is difficult later, you
can just ask.")
(EM student interview, March 07, 2024)
“Gampang bisa kalo belajarnya seru” ("It's easy to learn if it's fun to learn")
(RN student interview, March 07, 2024)
“Kalau ada yang gak ngerti harus langsung bertanya, harus sering diskusi sama
temen tapi kadang males kalo belajarnya membosankan” (If someone doesn't
understand, you have to ask directly, you have to often discuss it with friends, but
sometimes you're lazy when learning is boring.")
(RMA student interview, March 07, 2024)

Improving Students' Critical Thinking Abilities Through Pictorial Riddles

The Critical Thinking Skills Test is administered at the start (Pretest) and end
(Posttest) of learning. The normalized Gain (N-Gain) demonstrates an increase in
students' Critical Thinking Skills. Table 5 shows a recapitulation of pretest and post-test
findings for critical thinking skills and N-Gain depending on learning.

Table 5. Recapitulation of Data on Results of Improving Students' Critical

Thinking Skills
Test Learning 𝑥̅ N-Gain Criteria
N-Gain Pictorial Riddle 0,87 High

66 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024

Table 5, shows that adopting the pictorial riddle learning approach develops
students' critical thinking skills with high criteria because the criterion value is
0.87>0.7. Below is a recapitulation of the increase in N-Gain for each student.

Table 6. Recapitulation of Improvement based on N-Gain for Each Student

Student's Score
No Initial Cycle I Cycle 2 Gain N- Criteria
Name Posttest Posttest Gain
1. AP 20 60 Not Completed 40 0,50 Moderate 0,87 High
2. APS 40 100 Completed 60 1,00 High
3. AM 20 100 Completed 80 1,00 High
4. CM 20 80 Completed 60 0,75 High
5. EM 80 100 Completed 20 1,00 High
6. FM 20 100 Completed 80 1,00 High
7. HH 40 60 Not Completed 20 0,33 Moderate
8. INA 40 100 Completed 60 1,00 High
9. MAA 20 100 Completed 80 1,00 High
10. MAF 60 100 Completed 40 1,00 High
11. NOD 20 100 Completed 80 1,00 High
12. N 80 100 Completed 20 1,00 High
13. PR 20 60 Not Completed 40 0,50 Moderate
14. RN 60 80 Completed 20 0,50 Moderate
15. RSA 40 100 Completed 60 1,00 High
16. RY 80 100 Completed 20 1,00 High
17. RMA 60 100 Completed 40 1,00 High
18. RA 40 100 Completed 60 1,00 High
19. SRM 20 80 Completed 60 0,75 High
20. WNP 60 100 Completed 40 1,00 High
21. WT 20 100 Completed 80 1,00 High
Total 860 1920
Average 40,90% 914%
Completed 3 18
Not 18 3

From the information listed in Table 1 above, it is known that from a sample of 21
students, 18 students achieved the criteria for completing the critical thinking ability test
results, while 3 students did not meet these criteria. In terms of N-Gain criteria, 17
students have high criteria and 4 students have medium criteria. On average, the N-Gain
value is 0.87, which shows a significant increase from the previous value, with a value
much higher than the threshold value of 0.07. The research on improving critical thinking
skills was said to be successful because students' mastery in learning reached 85.7% with
a research percentage target of 80%, so the research in the second cycle was said to be
successful so there was no need to carry out re-research in the next cycle.
Critical thinking skills can be developed using learning models that include games
and relevant interventions. In this classroom activity, students use the Pictorial Riddle
paradigm to strengthen their critical thinking abilities. This learning methodology uses
picture puzzles given in a learning environment, with the teacher asking questions about
the picture

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024 67

In each cycle I and II meeting, an explanation of the spatial building material is
presented using image media in the form of a puzzle. In each meeting, there is an activity
designed to improve students' critical thinking skills. The first meeting involved playing
Quizizz, the second involved playing Snakes and Ladders, and the last was the practice of
making spatial shapes and nets on spatial shapes. The steps in this learning involve
presenting problems that invite students to solve puzzles, where the teacher explains
geometric material using puzzle-shaped images. Students were divided into four groups
and asked to play Quizizz. Each group that wishes to answer a question has to come
forward and touch the answer image on the screen.
Apart from Quizizz, there is also a Snakes and Ladders game where students are
divided into four groups. group. Apart from questions, there are also rewards or prizes
given to groups that successfully move forward in the game.
The last one is the practice of creating spatial structures and nets. Students were
divided into four groups and asked to create spatial shapes using sticks, slim, cardboard
boxes, and cardboard. The teacher gives instructions but does not provide examples, so
students must follow the instructions given by the teacher in the manufacturing process.
From the previous discussion, it was found that the N-Gain value was 0.87>0.07,
indicating high criteria. This indicates that the Pictorial Riddle learning model can
improve students' critical thinking skills. This finding is in line with research by Aditia et
al., (2019), which shows that the experimental class produced an N-Gain value of 0.6,
while the control class only had 0.25. This suggests that pictorial riddles are more
successful than traditional learning.
Masitoh & Prabawanto, (2016) research supports these findings by demonstrating
that the average N-Gain of students' critical thinking abilities in the experimental class is
higher than in the control class. The average N-Gain score for the experimental class was
0.50, while the control class only received 0.15. According to Arantika et al., (2014)
research, there are disparities in the results of critical thinking exams between students
who are taught using the inquiry learning model with visual riddles and students who are
taught using conventional learning models. The inquiry learning technique, aided by
visual riddles, had a 29.10% impact on boosting students' critical thinking scores in
eleventh-grade colloid content at State Senior High School 1 Sambas.
According to Sugiharti et al., (2019) research results, the experimental class has a
higher average N-Gain score for critical thinking skills. The adoption of the 7E learning
cycle model, which encourages students to actively search for and absorb the content
themselves, has been proven to have a positive impact on strengthening students' critical
thinking skills. Pictorial Riddle Learning Activities to Enhance Primary School Students'
Critical Thinking Skills. Purwanto, (2014) study demonstrates that the growth in critical
thinking abilities of experimental class students is higher than that of the control class,
with the experimental class's N-gain (0.316) being in the medium category and the
control class's N-gain (0.087) being in the low category.


The study's findings demonstrate that using the pictorial riddle learning approach
can help fifth-grade students at State Elementary School 2 Langkaplancar improve their
critical thinking skills in mathematics, particularly in spatial construction material. The
learning process is carried out through two cycles with three meetings in each cycle. This
research shows that there are positive changes in the student learning process as well as
an increase in the value of learning outcomes after implementing the pictorial riddle
learning model. Previously, students demonstrated unsatisfactory critical thinking skills

68 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2024

and learning scores below the Minimum Completeness Criteria. However, after
implementing this learning paradigm, there was a considerable boost in students' critical
thinking skills and the value of their learning. From observations of the learning process,
it can be seen that students are increasingly motivated, dare to participate, and are more
focused on the teacher's explanations. This is reflected in the increase in students'
average scores from cycle I to cycle II. Thus, the application of the pictorial riddle learning
model can be considered successful as expected. However, this study has several
limitations, such as obstacles in generalizing the results, collecting representative data,
and the risk of research bias. Nevertheless, the results of this study provide an important
contribution to the understanding of the use of pictorial riddles in education and
cognitive psychology.


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