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Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

(प्रजनन तंत्र)

Asexual Sexual
Reproduction Reproduction
Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction / अलैंगिक प्रजनन

❑ It involves single parent.
❑ Occurs in simple organisms like microorganism
❑ Plants
❑ इसमें एकल माता-पिता शाममल हैं।
❑ सक्ष्
ू मजीव जैसे सरल जीवों में होता है
❑ िौधे
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Sexual Reproduction/ लैंगिक प्रजनन :-

❑ It involves two parents.
❑ You
➢ Mother
➢ Father

❑ Elephant
➢ Mother Elephant
➢ Father Elephant
❑ Humans , Dogs , elephants , birds , fishes , plants
Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction / अलैंगिक प्रजनन

1. Binary Fission 1. बाइनरी पवखंडन
2. Multiple Fission 2. एकागधक पवखंडन
3. Fragmentation 3. पवखंडन
4. Budding 4. नवोदित
5. Spore Formation 5. बीजाणु ननमााण
6. Regeneration 6. उत्थान
7. Vegetative Propagation 7. वनस्िनत प्रचार
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Binary Fission / बाइनरी पवखंडन:-

❑ Binary fission is the process of ❑ द्पवआधारी पवखंडन प्रजनन की

reproduction in which a unicellular वह प्रक्रिया है जजसमें एक
organism divides into two एककोमशकीय जीव िो जीवों में
organisms. पवभाजजत हो जाता है ।
❑ Only for unicellular organisms. ❑ केवल एककोमशकीय जीवों के मलए.

Amoeba Bacteria Leishmania Protozoa Paramecium

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

1. Binary Fission / बाइनरी पवखंडन:-

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

2. Multiple Fission / एकागधक पवखंडन

❑ Unicellular Organism : Malarial Parasite , Plasmodium
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

3. Fragmentation / पवखंडन:-
❑ Use by simple multicellular like spirogyra and sea anemone.

Spirogyra Sea Anemone

Plant found in water Animal found in water

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

4. Budding / मुकुलन :-
❑ Budding is process again use by ❑ बडडंि हाइड्रा और यीस्ट जैसे
simple multicellular organisms सरल बहुकोमशकीय जीवों द्वारा
like Hydra and Yeast. उियोि की जाने वाली प्रक्रिया है ।

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

5. Regeneration / िन
ु जानन:-:-
❑ Simple multicellular like planaria and hydra.

Planaria Hydra
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

6. Vegetative Propagation / वानस्िनतक जनन :-

Plant Bryophyllum
Rose plant Potato
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Artificial Vegetative Propagation / कृत्रत्रम कानयक प्रवधान :-

1. Cutting

2. Layering

3. Grafting
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

Tissue Culture / ऊतक संवधान:-

❖ Scientific Artificial Vegetative Propagation

Ornamental Plants
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

7. Spore Formation / बीजाणु ननमााण :-

❖ Simple multicellular organism like rhizopus.
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir


Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir
Topic – 5 - Reproduction Parmar’s GK Batch By :- Parmar Sir

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