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Tips for Successfully

Breeding Your Mice

Marcel Perret-Gentil, DVM, MS
University Veterinarian & Director
Laboratory Animal Resources Center
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Breeding Objectives
R  Maximize pup yield
–  Meet PI research goals
R  Maximize quality
–  Produce healthy offspring
–  Desired genotype
R  Minimize costs (personnel, per diems)
–  Avoid excess pups
–  Recognize poor producers
Meeting Objectives

R  Know your goals

R  How many breeders
R  How many offspring
R  How long will it take to produce #’s needed
Reducing Costs
R  Size your colony to meet your needs
R  Use both sexes when possible
R  Use most productive age range for your
strain (e.g., 4-8 weeks of age)
R  Rotate breeders on strict schedule
R  Replace poor breeders ASAP
R  Hire a productive colony manager
R  Cryopreserve unique & low-use strains
Observing the 3 R’s
R  Reduce – Minimize # of animals used
through sound breeding management
R  Refine – Minimize pain/distress through
sound breeding practices
R  Replace – Replacement of animals with
non-animal models when possible
Seasonal Variation
4 Life Stages of the Mouse
R  Neonate
–  Birth to weaning at 21 to 28 da (3 - 4 wk)
R  Sexual maturity
–  40 to 60 days (5.5 - 8.5 weeks) – M a bit later
than F
R  Adult size
–  8 to 10 weeks
R  Geriatric
–  18 Mo+
Reproductive Data
Life span (y) 1–3
male 5–7 wk
Puberty age
female 4–5 wk
male 2–10 mo
Optimum reproductive age span
female 2–10 mo
Sexual cycle type Polyestrous
Sexual (estrous) cycle duration 4–5 d
Estrus duration 12–14 h
Postpartum estrus Fertile
Gestation period 19–21 d
Litter size/# of young 4–12
Age at weaning 21–28 d
Reproductive Data of Mice
Stage Age
R  Sexual maturity R  40–60 days
R  Estrous cycle R  4–5 days
R  Postpartum estrus R  Within 24 hr
R  Gestation R  18–21 days
R  Weaning age R  21–28 days
R  Puberty R  F: 4–5 wk; M: 5–7 wk
R  Reproductive life R  ±8 months
R  Life span R  1–3 years
R  Pups begin eating solids R  12–14 days

Sexual cycle type: Non seasonal polyestrus

Breeding Facts
R  Fecundity (ability to produce offspring
rapidly and in large numbers)
–  Outbred greater
–  Inbred diminished
Estrous Cycles
R  4 to 5 da
R  Receptivity
–  10 hrs
–  Vulvar swelling or redness
Receptivity Concepts
Lee-Boot Effect
R  Pseudo pregnancy in F’s housed together (no
male in cage)
R  Unknown factor(s) related to all-female housing
–  F pheromones influence???
–  Lack of M pheromones???
R  To induce estrus
–  Separate F’s
–  Add bedding from M cage to expose to M
Whitten Effect
R  Isolated F’s (no male in cage)
R  M is introduced to F’s
R  Estrus synchronization - cycling starts in
unison within 72 hrs & conceive together
(due to M pheromones)
R  Used for timed mating
Bruce Effect
R  Pregnant F’s (no male in cage)
R  Strange M introduced within 24 hr of
R  Prevents embryo implantation
R  Estrus occurs in ~4 da
R  Occurs in wild, outbred & some inbred
UTD Recognized Breeding
R  Monogamous Pairs
–  1 Male/1 Female in same cage
R  Harem Mating
–  1 Male/2-3 Females in same cage
Monogamous Pairs
R  1 M/1 F
R  Pair remains together when F pregnant or
R  3-wk old litter needs separated < next litter
R  M may need removed during post-partum
estrus to prevent impregnating lactating F
Monogamous Pairs
R  Advantages
–  Takes advantage of 24-hr post-partum estrus
–  Easy to track/greater control over production
–  Reduces risk of fighting bet aggressive F’s
R  Disadvantages
–  Costs – requires more cages
–  Space – more cages = more space
–  Older litter has to be weaned before next litter
is born. May be problem with weak strains
–  Production decreased (vs. harem)
Harem Mating
R  1 M/2-3 F
R  Detected preg F is removed to new cage
R  Avoiding overcrowding - alternatives
–  Only 1 nursing F with litter in cage
R  May return F to harem > her pups weaned
–  1 or more F’s noticed pregnant, M removed &
housed singly
R  Remaining F’s may deliver in same cage – after
pups weaned, M may be returned to the harem
Harem Mating
R  Advantages
–  Other adults may help raise progeny
–  Maximizes ave # of litters/F & minimizes cost
–  M can’t kill newborns
R  Disadvantages
–  Misses 24-hr post-partum estrus
–  More difficult to track progeny – increased
–  Easier to lead to overcrowding – if pregnancy
missed when another litter in cage
Detecting Mating
R  Plug = Coagulated spermatic fluid
R  Tip protrudes from vagina – Falls w/in 12 hr
R  If not visible, use a probe
R  Most mice breed at night
Plugged or Not Plugged

Why Check Plugs
R  Used for time mating
R  Provides exact date of gestation to
–  collect embryos
–  plan delivery date for experiments
Checking Plugs
R  Take F to M’s cage late afternoon
–  Most mating occur during dark cycle
R  Check plugs early next day
–  Before they melt away
R  Plug detection = 1st day of pregnancy
–  However, plug ≠ pregnant &
–  No plug ≠ not pregnant
Identifying Pregnancy
R  Observable at 10 da
R  Clearly observable at 12 da
R  Palpable at 14 da – ‘string of
R  Small litters later detection
R  Check for pregnancy to
–  provide nesting material
–  separate animals if needed/required
–  Identify any breeding problems
R  Disturbing cage ~2-3 da pre partum, 3-5
da post partum may lead to cannibalism or
pup rejection
R  Enrichment/nesting material paramount
R  Role of male
R  C57BL/6 male often sits on pups to keep pups
warm. Female with companion less likely to
neglect pups
–  129 males don’t help & may distract female
Pup Age Day 1-13 Summary
Postnatal Day 0: Blood red; possible milk spot
1: Lighter color red; milk spot present
2: Ears appear as nubs; pigment may start to appear in some strains
3: Ear flap starting to come away from head (one or both)
4: Ears fully developed; completely off head; ears may start to migrate towards
5: Ears all back; skin appears much thicker with more color density to skin
6: Milk spot disappearing or gone; skin still shows; colored fuzz appears behind
ears or on neck
7: Colored fuzz starts to cover pup; skin does not show
8: Belly starts to show fur; lower incisors show but not erupted
9: Fur now thicker; females start to show inguinal nipples (there are 5 pairs of
10: Lower incisors erupted
11: Upper incisors erupted
12: Eyes still closed
Record Keeping
R  Identify ancestors, siblings & descendants
R  Monitor mating activity and litters born
R  Identify mice for experiments
R  Select next generation of breeders
R  Track DNA
Suggested Records
R  Strain data – nomenclature, genetic
background, history
R  Animal numbers
R  Pedigree records
R  Birth dates
R  Mating pairs (dam x sire) & date mated
–  Litters & pups born
–  Weaned pups – number, gender
R  Genotypes
R  Generation #
Suggested Cage Card Coloring
Breeding Card Sample
Breeding Card Sample
Weaning Card Sample
Pup Identification
R  Ear punching or notching
–  Correspond to a numbering system
R  Metal ear tag
–  Metal clip stamped with a number
R  Toe clipping
R  Tattooing
R  Microchip
–  SC implant read remotely
Method Pros Cons
Ear Simple, inexpensive, Subject to tearing and
punching/ easy to read healing, limited
notching numbers
Metal ear Unique numbering, Loss of tags,
tags relatively inexpensive infections, hard to read
Toe clipping Simple, inexpensive, Controversial, must be
permanent done at early age
Tattooing Relatively More difficult and time-
permanent, easy to consuming, may fade
read, may be done with time if done
on newborns improperly
Microchips Permanent, virtually High cost per mouse,
unlimited numbers, requires costly reader
can provide
physiologic data
Factors Affecting Breeding
Widespread & Isolated Problems
R  Widespread
–  Environmental influence
–  Location of cages
–  Noise/vibration
–  Temp/humidity
–  Diet
R  Isolated – When very few cages affected
Environmental Stressors
R  Limit
–  Vibration
–  Noise
–  Light intensity
–  Traffic
–  Other stressors
R  Falling barometric pressure makes some
strains hyperactive & decrease breeding
R  Environmental enrichment very important!!!
Limit Vibration
R  Construction
–  Same building
–  Adjacent building
R  Moving equipment
R  Cage wash too close to
animal rooms
R  Minimize with vibration
attenuation pads under racks
Limit Noise
R  Speak softly
R  Avoid extraneous sounds
R  Avoid loud equipment
R  Avoid music, bring vol down, use ear buds
R  Close doors quietly
R  Avoid sound fire alarms – replace with strobe
light or low amplitude sound fire alarms
Limit Light
R  Attenuate light &/or move to
darkest location in room
R  Ensure dark cycle is maintained once the
lights are off
R  Consider 14:10 (light:dark) cycle
R  Continuous light halts all breeding in 3 days
Limit Light
Anecdotal story

R  All breeding stopped for 3 mos

R  No one thought of checking light:dark cycle
for 3 mos
R  Lo & behold!… lights continuously on
R  Breeding resumed once light:dark cycle
R  Precious research & publication time lost
Limit Traffic
R  Limit room activity
R  Use same staff consistency
R  Move breeding racks away from entrance
R  Resist the temptation to check on mice too
Temperature & Humidity
R  Too high often the problem
–  Temp above thermal neutral zone (TMZ)
–  High humidity
–  Ask facility management if they’ve been
getting high temp/humidity alarms

R  Increased or decrease caloric needs

R  Fat content in diets ranges from 4% to 11%
R  Diets with a higher (or lower) fat or protein,
compared to standard diet, may improve
productivity of challenging strain
Increased fat helps some weak
strains improve milk production
R  Overweight males may stop
R  Sometimes 50:50
breeder’s:standard diet improves
breeding w/o overweight issues
R  Consider softened diet such as
Clearh2o’s DietBoost Gel or
wetted pellets on cage floor
Limit Other Stressors
R  Extraneous odors – prohibit use of perfume
R  Limit cage change intervals especially
individually ventilated caging
–  Rapid air movement within cage readily removea
NH3, CO2 & dries cage allowing less frequent
R  Consider bedding – Some strains may prefer
a particular bedding
R  The overly worried PI
The Overly Worried PI
Anecdotal story

R  PI reports chronic pup cannibalism

R  While working in room I observe PI
opening cage and handling newborns (by
the way, with bare hands)
R  What’s the problem?
Environmental Enrichment
R  A powerful tool to diminish stress &
improve breeding
R  Nestlets, Enviro-dri, huts, food treats,
R  Chewing toys
Environmental Enrichment
Anecdotal story
R  UTSA implements red huts in all breeder
R  2 months later PI emails LARC
Ever since implementation of the red huts,
my animals have gone into a breeding
frenzy. My rats have doubled their pup
Environmental Enrichment
Anecdotal story
R  Texas Tech HSC, El Paso
R  Hypertensive Zucker rats implanted with
blood pressure telemetry in abdominal
R  Days > recovery, added Enviro-Dri
R  Mean BP drops 10-20 points

Disselhorst D, Long L, Baran S, Johnson E, Terreros D, Perret-

Gentil M. Effects of Environmental Enrichment During the Post-
Surgery Recovery Period of Rodents. Poster. 48th Texas Branch
of AALAS, San Marcos, TX, April 2010
Breeding Problems
Common Complaints
R  Moms not getting pregnant
R  Moms killing pups
R  Moms neglecting pups
R  Mom died. What do I do with pups?
R  Litters too small
R  Pup yield genotype/phenotype not what
was expected
Female Not Getting Pregnant
R  Too young/too old? Time to replace?
R  Mate early. 6-8 wk-old mice breed better than
when started older
R  Environmental issues?
R  Is there a male in cage? (wrong sexing)
R  Sterile male? Have you done a sperm count?
R  Same male? Consider rotating males
R  Inexperienced male? Experienced males often
get the job done
R  Did you observe plugs?
R  Checked if vaginal septum?
Pups Cannibalized or Neglected
R  Are cages being disturbed (too freq observations)
R  Room too hot?
R  1st litter? Many 1st litter moms do well with 2nd litter
R  Is male eating pups?
R  Nesting material in cage?
R  Another female or male in
cage may help raise young
R  Should companion female
be removed?
R  Older litter with new litter?
R  Malpositioned or too large pups?
–  C-section & cross fostering may be needed
Cross Fostering
Why Foster
R  Death of mother
R  Maternal neglect, inability to care for young
or cannibalism
R  Strain known to be poor moms
R  Poor milk production
R  Litter too large & want to
keep every pup
R  Eliminate certain pathogens
(e.g., Helicobacter)
Selecting Foster Mothers
R  Proven mother (2-3 successful litters)
R  Mother should have delivered ±48 hrs
older or younger than pups to be fostered
R  Use different color than fostered pups to
allow identification at weaning
R  Outbred strains (CD-1,
ICR, or Swiss) make
great mothers
Important Conditions
R  Total litter size should remain about the
–  Implies removing some of foster mother’s own
–  Foster mother may have enough milk for 1-2
more extra pups
R  Foster & natural pups within 48 hrs of age
of each other
–  Milk production related to age of the mother’s
own pups
Introducing Foster Pups
1.  Use clean gloves
2.  Place foster mom in different cage
3.  Have mother urinate on gloves
4.  Rub or roll soiled litter on foster pups
5.  Place foster pups in cage among natural pups
6.  Wait 15 minutes
7.  Return foster mom (and dad if he was housed
with the litter) to pups cage
Improving Fostering Success
R  Distract foster mother when introducing to foster
–  A whiff of a drop of wintergreen, alcohol or Betadine
–  Food treats on the floor of the cage
(e.g., Bacon Softies)
R  Do not disturb cage for several
hrs or observe from a distance
R  A good foster mom will begin
nursing & clean pups w/in 1 hr
Unsuccessful Fostering
R  After fostering complete – Do not disturb!
R  Place cage on a surface where animals
can be observed from a distance or at end
of a rack
R  Find another foster mom if no nursing or
cleaning within 6 hrs
When Disaster Strikes
R  Replenishing founders or difficult
transgenic lines?
–  Semen or embryo storage?
–  Are these lines available elsewhere?
–  If not, have you cryopreserved semen or
Benefits of Cryopreservation
R  Saves space - especially when a strain is
used infrequently
R  Saves money - initial cost may seem high,
but follow-up cost of maintenance in a
cryopreserved state low compared to
maintaining live colony for same amount of
R  Insurance against catastrophic loss - fire,
flood, earthquakes, disease…
Benefits of Cryopreservation
R  Provides a method for eliminating pathogens
from a mouse colony
R  Reduces risk of a strain contamination due to
breeding errors
R  Prevents spontaneous loss of phenotype
R  Slows the rate of genetic drift dramatically
R  Diminishes possibility that the transgene copy
number will change
R  Peace of mind: Priceless

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