Autonomous Particles Groups For Particle Swarm Optimization: Seyedali Mirjalili Andrew Lewis Ali Safa Sadiq
Autonomous Particles Groups For Particle Swarm Optimization: Seyedali Mirjalili Andrew Lewis Ali Safa Sadiq
Autonomous Particles Groups For Particle Swarm Optimization: Seyedali Mirjalili Andrew Lewis Ali Safa Sadiq
DOI 10.1007/s13369-014-1156-x
Received: 6 December 2012 / Accepted: 15 June 2013 / Published online: 4 June 2014
© King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 2014
Abstract In this paper, a modified particle swarm opti- Keywords PSO · Social behavior · Social coefficient ·
mization (PSO) algorithm called autonomous groups par- Cognitive coefficient · Function optimization ·
ticles swarm optimization (AGPSO) is proposed to further Autonomous particles groups
alleviate the two problems of trapping in local minima and
slow convergence rate in solving high-dimensional problems.
The main idea of AGPSO algorithm is inspired by individu-
als’ diversity in bird flocking or insect swarming. In natural
colonies, individuals are not basically quite similar in terms
of intelligence and ability, but they all do their duties as mem-
bers of a colony. Each individual’s ability can be useful in
a particular situation. In this paper, a mathematical model
of diverse particles groups called autonomous groups is pro-
posed. In other words different functions with diverse slopes,
curvatures, and interception points are employed to tune the
social and cognitive parameters of the PSO algorithm to
give particles different behaviors as in natural colonies. The
results show that PSO with autonomous groups of particles
outperforms the conventional and some recent modifications
of PSO in terms of escaping local minima and convergence
speed. The results also indicate that dividing particles in
groups and allowing them to have different individual and
social thinking can improve the performance of PSO signif-
1 Introduction
4684 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
problems [11], which are common for all types of evolution- reason, the authors equipped the algorithm with a mutation
ary algorithms [12–22]. These two problems deteriorate with strategy.
increased problem dimensionality. There are some studies which have used time-varying
There are many methods in the literature to combat these coefficients for both cognitive and social coefficients. In
problems. Some of them focus on the hybridization of PSO 2009, Ziyu and Dingxue [32] introduced an exponentially
with other algorithms such as PSO-Genetic Algorithm (GA) time-varying acceleration function for adjusting both cogni-
[23], PSO-Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) [9,24], tive and social coefficients to control the global search abil-
and PSO-ant colony optimization (ACO) [25]. Some studies ity and convergence to the global best solution. In 2009, Bao
manipulate the interaction neighborhood topology of PSO and Mao suggested an asymmetric time-varying acceleration
to do this [26–28]. Regardless of their promising results, coefficient adjustment strategy [33]. They tried to utilize this
increased computational cost is the main problem of these strategy to balance local search and global search. They used
methods. some linear time-varying acceleration functions to adjust
Using dynamic parameter tuning is a method that increases social and cognitive coefficients. In 2008, Ciu et al. [34]
the performance of PSO without suffering from high com- employed three non-linear time-varying cognitive adjust-
putational cost [29–34]. The main parameters of PSO are the ment strategies as well as a time-varying social coefficient
weighting factor (w), cognitive coefficient (c1 ) and social adjustment strategy. The social factor was a function of the
coefficient (c2 ). The similarity of these approaches is that cognitive factor. The authors tried to find effective non-linear
the parameters are tuned with the same strategy for all par- time-varying strategies for c1 and c2 to solve complex func-
ticles. Therefore, all the particles follow the same pattern in tion optimization. The results showed that the PSO with the
their social and individual behaviors. In other words, the par- proposed time-varying adjustment strategy was superior to
ticles are obliged to search without any self-determination the conventional PSO.
and intelligence. In this paper, we propose a new approach Due to the complex nature of optimization problems, con-
of utilizing autonomous groups to give particles a sort of stant and linear time-varying values for cognitive and social
independence with the purpose of increasing performance. factor may not work well in many cases. Using a non-linear
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 time-varying coefficient for PSO could yield better perfor-
describes the related works. Section 3 discusses the basic mance in some cases. However, one non-linear time-varying
principles of the PSO algorithm. The proposed method is strategy for all particles may not lead to a general opti-
explained in Sect. 4. The experimental results are demon- mizer with good performance. In this paper, we propose
strated in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the work and autonomous groups of particles for PSO which have differ-
suggests some directions for future research. ent social and individual behaviors to improve local minima
avoidance and convergence speed.
2 Related Works
3 Overview of the PSO Algorithm
To improve the PSO algorithm’s performance, recently some
modified algorithms have been proposed. In 2009, Cai [29] PSO is an evolutionary computation technique that was pro-
proposed a new modified PSO based on the black stork forag- posed by Kennedy and Eberhart [1,2]. It was inspired from
ing process. He defined two types of particles inspired from the social behavior of bird flocking which uses a number
the foraging behavior of adult and infant black storks. These of individuals (particles) flying around the search space to
two types of particles have different cognitive coefficients find the best solution. The particles trace the best location
(c1 ) that are a function of best fitness value in the current (best solution) in their paths over the course of iterations.
iteration, worst value in the entire swarm, and current fitness In other words, particles are influenced by their own best
values. The results show that the modified PSO has better locations found as well as the best solution obtained by the
performance than the conventional PSO when dealing with swarm. These concepts have been mathematically modeled
high-dimensional, multimodal optimization problems. [1] using a position vector (x) and velocity vector (v) of
Cai et al. also proposed a new setting for the social factor length D, where D indicates the dimension (number of vari-
(c2 ) to improve the convergence speed [30,31]. The social ables) of the problem. In the course of iterations, a particle
coefficient is a function of the best fitness value in the cur- adjusts its position and velocity as follows:
rent iteration, the worst fitness value in the entire swarm, and
the current fitness value. This method can be considered as a vit+1 = wvit + c1 × rand × ( pbesti − xit ) + c2
PSO algorithm with N different particles in terms of follow- ×rand × (gbest − xit ) (1)
ing social consensus. This algorithm suffers from trapping
in local minima more than the conventional PSO. For this xit+1 = xit + vit+1 (2)
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4685
(a) (b)
L - Inverse log
L- nth
L- nth
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Log nth
Identity power
Inverse log
0 Max iteration
Fig. 1 a Some samples of all possible functions for updating c1 and c2 , b specific functions for updating c1 , and c specific functions for updating
c2 where L is the upper bound of the c1 and c2
where w is the inertial weight which is responsible for con- Table 1 Updating strategies
trolling the PSO algorithm’s stability and usually is in [0.4, Algorithm Updating formula
0.9], c1 is the cognitive coefficient that controls the influence
C1 C2
of the individual memory of good solutions found, conven-
tionally selected in (0, 2], c2 is the social factor also con- AGPSO1
ventionally chosen from the range (0, 2] which controls the Group1 (−2.05/T )t + 2.55 (1/T )t + 1.25
extent to which a particle’s motion is influenced by the best Group2 (−2.05/T )t + 2.55 (2t 3 /T ) + 0.5
solution found by the whole swarm, rand is a random number Group3 (−2t 3 /T 3 ) + 2.5 (1/T )t + 1.25
between 0 and 1 which tries to give PSO more randomized
Group4 (−2t 3 /T 3 ) + 2.5 (2t 3 /T 3 ) + 0.5
search ability, and pbest and gbest are two variables to store
the best solutions obtained so far by each particle and the
Group1 2.5−(2log(t)/log(T )) (2log(t)/log(T )) + 0.5
whole swarm, respectively. As can be observed, there are
Group2 (−2t 3 /T 3 ) + 2.5 (2t 3 /T 3 ) + 0.5
three main coefficients, w, c1 , and c2 . Dynamic tuning of
Group3 0.5 + 2exp[−(4t/T )2 ] 2.2−2exp[4t/T )2 ]
these parameters is a way to give particles different behav-
iors as the algorithm proceeds. In this work, c1 and c2 are Group4 2.5 + 2(t/T )2 −2(2t/T ) 0.5−2(t/T )2 + 2(2t/T )
targeted to increase the performance of PSO. AGPSO3
Group1 1.95−2t 1/3 /T1/3 2t 1/3 /T1/3 + 0.05
Group2 (−2t3 /T 3 ) + 2.5 (2t 3 /T 3 ) + 0.5
Group3 1.95−2t 1/3 /T 1/3 (2t 3 /T 3 ) + 0.5
4 Proposed Method
Group4 (−2t 3 /T 3 ) + 2.5 2t 1/3 /T 1/3 + 0.05
Finding the global minimum is a common, challenging task verge towards the global minimum can be divided into two
among all minimization methods [35]. In population-based basic phases. In the early stages of the optimization, the indi-
optimization methods, generally, the desirable way to con- viduals should be encouraged to scatter throughout the entire
4686 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
Group 1 Group 2
2 3
c1 2 c1
1 c2
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Group 3 Group 4
3 3
2 c1 2 c1
1 c2 1 c2
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Group 1 Group 2
3 c2 3
2 2 c1
1 1 c2
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Group 3 Group 4
3 3
2 2 c1
1 1
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Group 1 Group 2
3 3
2 2 c1
1 c1 1 c2
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
Group 3 Group 4
3 3
2 c1 c2 2
1 1 c1
0 0
0 Max iteration 0 Max iteration
search space. In other words, they should try to explore the Create and initialize a D-dimensional PSO
whole search space instead of clustering around local min- Divide particles randomly into autonomous groups
ima. In the latter stages, the individuals have to exploit infor- Repeat
Calculate particles’ fitness, Gbest, and Pbest
mation gathered to converge on the global minimum. In PSO, For each particle:
with fine-adjusting of the parameters c1 and c2 , we can bal- Extract the particle’s group
ance these two phases to find global minimum with fast con- Use its group strategy to update c1 and c2
vergence speed. Use c1 and c2 to update velocities (1)
Use new velocities to define new positions (2)
Considering these points, we propose the autonomous End for
groups concept as a modification of the conventional PSO. Until stopping condition is satisfied
In this method, each group of particles autonomously tries
to search the problem space with its own strategy, based on Fig. 5 Pseudo-code for the proposed modification of PSO algorithm
tuning c1 and c2 . The groups’ strategies can contain constant, (AGPSO)
linear time-varying, exponential, or logarithmic time-varying
values for c1 and c2 as shown in Fig. 1.
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4687
Table 2 Unimodal benchmark functions 4.2 Autonomous Groups and AGPSO Algorithm
Function Dim Range f min
n The concept of autonomous groups is inspired by the indi-
F1 (x) = xi2 300 [−100,100] 0 viduals’ diversity in animals flocking or insects swarming.
n n
F2 (x) = i=1 |x i | + i=1 |x i | 300 [−10,10] 0 In any gathering, individuals are not quite similar in terms of
n n 2
F3 (x) = i=1 j−1 x j 300 [−100,100] 0 intelligence and ability, but they all do their duties as a mem-
F4 (x) = maxi {|xi | , 1 ≤ i ≤ n} 300 [−100,100] 0 ber of the group. Each individual’s ability can be useful in
n−1 a particular situation. In a termite colony, for instance, there
F5 (x) = i=1 100(xi+1 − xi2 )2 300 [−30,30] 0
are four types of termites such as soldier, worker, babysit-
+(xi − 1)2
n ter, and queen. They all have diverse abilities, but these
F6 (x) = i=1 ([xi + 0.5])2 300 [−100,100] 0
n differences are necessary for survival of their colony. Sol-
F7 (x) = i=1 i xi4 + random[0, 1) 300 [−1.28,1.28] 0
diers have greater bulk with giant jaws to fight with ene-
Table 3 Multimodal
Function Dim Range f min
benchmark functions
n √
F8 (x) = i=1 −xi sin |xi | 300 [−500,500] −418.9829 × 300
n 2
F9 (x) = i=1 xi − 10 cos(2π xi ) + 10 300 [−5.12,5.12] 0
Table 4 Fixed-dimension
multimodal benchmark Function Dim Range f min
functions −1
F14 (x) = 1
+ j=1 j+2
2 [−65,65] 1
i=1 ( x i −ai j )
500 6
11 x 1 (bi2 +bi x 2 )
F15 (x) = i=1 ai − bi2 +bi x 3 +x 4
4 [−5,5] 0.00030
F18 (x) = 1 + (x1 + x2 + 1)2 (19 − 14x1 + 3x12 − 14x2 + 6x1 x2 + 3x22 ) 2 [−2,2] 3
× 30 + (2x1 − 3x2 ) ×
(18 − 32x1 + 12x1 + 48x
2 − 36x1 x2 + 27x2 )
4 3 2
F19 (x) = − i=1 ci exp − j=1 ai j x j − pi j 3 [1,3] −3.86
F20 (x) = − i=1 ci exp − 6j=1 ai j x j − pi j 6 [0,1] −3.32
5 −1
F21 (x) = − i=1 (X − ai )(X − ai )T + ci 4 [0,10] −10.1532
7 −1
F22 (x) = − i=1 (X − ai )(X − ai )T + ci 4 [0,10] −10.4028
10 −1
F23 (x) = − i=1 (X − ai )(X − ai )T + ci 4 [0,10] −10.5363
4688 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
Average best so far 1.35E+04 1.63E+04 4.15E+03 8.69E+05 8.93E+04 3.53E+04 3.93E+04
Median best so far 1.3393E+04 1.5894E+04 4.2138E+03 8.7488E+05 8.6431E+04 3.4401E+04 3.7548E+04
SD best so far 3.3699E+03 3.7457E+03 1.1488E+03 1.9307E+04 1.3441E+04 6.4825E+03 6.3760E+03
Average best so far 5.38E+04 3.47E+02 1.10E+02 7.21E+09 1.58E+06 1.21E+05 8.59E+03
Median best so far 3.9440E+04 3.4272E+02 1.1068E+02 2.7663E+08 3.5944E+05 5.3477E+04 3.5306E+03
SD best so far 4.6654E+04 6.4717E+01 1.2805E+01 3.3309E+10 6.1156E+06 1.4437E+05 1.3154E+04
Average best so far 3.23E+05 2.74E+05 2.56E+05 5.03E+06 4.60E+05 2.40E+05 3.21E+05
Median best so far 2.9637E+05 2.6753E+05 2.4995E+05 5.0515E+06 4.5800E+05 2.3158E+05 3.1431E+05
SD best so far 6.1328E+04 6.4660E+04 4.6873E+04 1.7152E+06 7.4540E+04 5.7444E+04 8.0702E+04
Average best so far 5.93E+01 6.28E+01 6.26E+01 9.78E+01 9.22E+01 5.88E+01 5.93E+01
Median best so far 5.9099E+01 6.2104E+01 6.2783E+01 9.7744E+01 9.6449E+01 5.8866E+01 5.9099E+01
SD best so far 3.4682E+00 3.3038E+00 2.4881E+00 4.5566E-01 8.8241E+00 2.4359E+00 3.4682E+00
Average best so far 2.74E+06 2.80E+06 4.63E+05 3.82E+09 1.19E+08 2.54E+07 2.74E+06
Median best so far 2.5478E+06 2.4039E+06 4.6453E+05 3.8447E+09 1.2626E+08 2.4604E+07 2.5478E+06
SD best so far 9.5801E+05 1.4135E+06 1.4947E+05 1.6960E+08 3.0795E+07 7.6467E+06 9.5801E+05
Average best so far 1.36E+04 1.64E+04 4.26E+03 8.72E+05 9.34E+04 3.54E+04 3.82E+04
Median best so far 1.3293E+04 1.6556E+04 4.0308E+03 8.7876E+05 9.2104E+04 3.5586E+04 3.7781E+04
SD best so far 2.2733E+03 3.4075E+03 1.2613E+03 2.3473E+04 1.8672E+04 5.2585E+03 6.5413E+03
Average best so far 2.3529E+01 3.7165E+01 1.1886E+01 1.8920E+04 4.9963E+02 1.4398E+02 2.1712E+02
Median best so far 2.2634E+01 3.4481E+01 1.0926E+01 1.9000E+04 4.8630E+02 1.3566E+02 2.0407E+02
SD best so far 6.5380E+00 1.4691E+01 3.4267E+00 9.5780E+02 1.3928E+02 5.2471E+01 6.9669E+01
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4689
Average best so far −6.662E+04 −5.90E+04 −6.83E+04 −3.83E+04 −4.81E+04 −6.63E+04 −6.39E+04
Median best so far −6.719E+04 −5.819E+04 −6.896E+04 −3.785E+04 −4.707E+04 −6.674E+04 −6.377E+04
SD best so far 5.0885E+03 4.7799E+03 4.2049E+03 3.7701E+03 4.3025E+03 2.3123E+03 2.9516E+03
Average best so far 1.4010E+03 1.4983E+03 1.3493E+03 3.1436E+03 2.3469E+03 1.3428E+03 1.6243E+03
Median best so far 1.3944E+03 1.4794E+03 1.3457E+03 3.1595E+03 2.3642E+03 1.3181E+03 1.3944E+03
SD best so far 7.8790E+01 1.2466E+02 1.0394E+02 1.6415E+02 9.5798E+01 9.4062E+01 7.8790E+01
Average best so far 1.6990E+01 1.7313E+01 1.7089E+01 1.9966E+01 1.9356E+01 1.5317E+01 1.8093E+01
Median best so far 1.6962E+01 1.7429E+01 1.7103E+01 1.9966E+01 1.9367E+01 1.5267E+01 1.8166E+01
SD best so far 4.2914E−01 5.1447E−01 2.4298E−01 1.9365E−04 9.8243E−02 8.9630E−01 2.9006E−01
Average best so far 1.9974E+02 1.7726E+02 5.5658E+01 2.8277E+03 1.2274E+03 2.5232E+02 2.7665E+02
Median best so far 2.0386E+02 1.6590E+02 4.2906E+01 2.7726E+03 1.2170E+03 2.5856E+02 2.0386E+02
SD best so far 6.7637E+01 5.3999E+01 3.6911E+01 2.9022E+02 1.7422E+02 5.6008E+01 6.7637E+01
Average best so far 2.3642E+03 2.3793E+04 5.6427E+01 1.8896E+09 5.7484E+08 2.2419E+06 6.4022E+06
Median best so far 3.7962E+02 1.6973E+04 4.1806E+01 1.8026E+09 5.4422E+08 1.9938E+06 5.2430E+06
SD best so far 4.6017E+03 2.3723E+04 3.8456E+01 5.1837E+08 2.8703E+08 1.5327E+06 3.9894E+06
Average best so far 3.7934E+05 1.2170E+06 3.4986E+04 3.6421E+09 1.1519E+09 2.2574E+07 5.3217E+07
Median best so far 2.2776E+05 7.8352E+05 2.5203E+04 3.6631E+09 1.0375E+09 2.1180E+07 3.8380E+07
SD best so far 3.9792E+05 1.3654E+06 3.5129E+04 6.7487E+08 5.0529E+08 1.1331E+07 7.9149E+07
coefficients of these algorithms are presented in Table 1 search ability much earlier than group 2. AGPSO3 utilizes
and Figs. 2, 3, 4. In this table, T indicates the maxi- two principal third root, two cubic functions for groups 1 and
mum number of iterations and t is the current iteration. 2 as well as one principal third root and cubic functions for
We try to use a diverse range of functions to investigate groups 3 and 4.
their effects on the performance of PSO. These functions In PSO with autonomous groups (AGPSO), at first all par-
have been chosen with different slopes, curvatures, and ticles are randomly placed in the problem search space. After
interception points to investigate the efficiency of these that, the particles are randomly divided into some predefined
characteristics in improving the performance of PSO. For autonomous groups. At each iteration, gBest, pBest, and the
instance, the particles of AGPSO1 in group 1 tend to fol- fitness of the particles are defined. For each particle, the coef-
low social behavior earlier than other groups, followed by ficients c1 and c2 are updated using its group’s strategy. After
group 2. In contrast, the particles in group 4 prefer to calculating c1 and c2 , the velocities and positions of particles
search individually in the majority of the iterations since will be updated using Eqs. (1) and (2). Figure 5 shows the
the intersection points of c1 and c2 are close to the last pseudo-code of AGPSO.
iterations. To see how autonomous groups are effective in AGPSO,
It may be observed that AGPSO1 uses two linear functions some points may be noted:
for group 1, linear and cubic functions for groups 2 and 3,
and two cubic functions for group 3. AGPSO2 employs two • Autonomous groups have different strategies to update c1 ,
logarithmic, two cubic, two exponential, and two quadratic so particles could explore the search space locally with
functions for groups 1 to 4, respectively. It is worth men- different capability than the convectional PSO.
tioning that these functions have different patterns, changing • Autonomous groups have different strategies to update
during the course of the iterations. For instance, the particles c2 , so particles could follow social behavior more
in group 1 of AGPSO 2 tend to change the global and local autonomously than the conventional PSO.
4690 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
Average best so far 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01
Median best so far 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01 9.98E−01
SD best so far 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16 3.3876E−16
Average best so far 3.3824E−04 3.9905E−04 3.6853E−04 1.0108E−03 4.4773E−04 4.1489E−04 4.1489E−04
Median best so far 3.0749E−04 3.0749E−04 3.0749E−04 7.8266E−04 3.0749E−04 3.0749E−04 3.0749E−04
SD best so far 1.6714E−04 2.7940E−04 2.3232E−04 4.6281E−04 2.7642E−04 2.8739E−04 2.8739E−04
Average best so far −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316
Median best so far −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316 −1.0316
SD best so far 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average best so far 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979
Median best so far 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979 0.3979
SD best so far 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average best so far 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Median best so far 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
SD best so far 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average best so far −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628
Median best so far −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628 −3.8628
SD best so far 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average best so far −3.2625 −3.2586 −3.2824 −3.2361 −3.2704 −3.2665 −3.2665
Median best so far −3.2625 −3.2031 −3.3220 −3.2031 −3.3220 −3.3220 −3.3220
SD best so far 6.0463E−02 6.0328E−02 5.7005E−02 7.5065E−02 6.0063E−02 6.0328E−02 6.0328E−02
Average best so far −8.4675 −9.3111 −9.1412 −8.1262 −7.8784 −8.6360 −8.7238
Median best so far −10.1532 −10.1532 −10.1532 −10.1532 −10.1532 −10.1532 −10.1532
SD best so far 2.4247 1.9151 2.0586 2.5251 2.6820 2.3573 2.4471
Average best so far −9.5225 −10.0513 −10.0513 −9.6984 −9.5212 −9.8755 −9.8742
Median best so far −10.4029 −10.4029 −10.4029 −10.4029 −10.4029 −10.4029 −10.4029
SD best so far 2.0023 1.3381 1.3381 1.8271 2.0054 1.6093 1.6135
Average best so far −10.3577 −9.4643 −10.0003 −9.4627 −10.3561 −10.0003 −10.5364
Median best so far −10.5364 −10.5364 −10.5364 −10.5364 −10.5364 −10.5364 −10.5364
SD best so far 0.9787 2.1810 1.6357 2.1842 0.9873 1.6357 0
• Dynamic and diverse patterns of c1 and c2 cause balanc- ventional PSO in solving complex optimization prob-
ing between local and global search during the course of lems.
iterations. • PSO with autonomous groups has diverse strategies for
• Autonomous groups contain non-linear patterns such updating c1 and c2 , so it perhaps could be more adaptable
as exponential and logarithmic functions for c1 and than the conventional PSO in solving a wider range of
c2 , so they could be more effective than the con- optimization problems.
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4691
F1 50
F2 8
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
10 10 10
5 7
10 10
4 6
10 10
3 0 5
10 10 10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
F4 10
F5 6
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
10 10
1.9 10
5 3
10 10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
Average Best-so-far
1 1000 2000
4692 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
F8 F9 F10
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
4 1.3
-10 10
3.2 1.2
10 10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
F11 10
F12 F13
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
10 10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
5.3 Performance Analysis The results for the multimodal benchmark functions are
provided in Table 7. In contrast to the unimodal func-
To compare the performance of all algorithm, the results are tions, these benchmark functions have many local min-
collected over 30 independent runs. The average, median, and ima that increase exponentially with problem dimension-
standard deviation of the best solution in the last iteration are ality. Therefore, they are suitable for benchmarking the
reported in Tables 6, 7, 8. The best results are indicated in capability of algorithms in avoiding local minima. As the
bold type. results show, AGPSO3 performs better than the other algo-
Table 6 shows the results for unimodal functions. As may rithms in most of the multimodal benchmark functions. The
be seen from this table, AGPSO3 has the best results in only benchmark function on which AGPSO3 is not able to
five out of seven unimodal benchmark functions. In general, outperform TACPSO is F10, but the results of these two
the results of AGPSO1 to AGPSO3 are much better than algorithms are very close. In general, the AGPSO algo-
the other algorithms. These results show that autonomous rithms have the best results. The results of Table 7 show
groups could improve the performance of PSO algorithm that the autonomous groups increased the performance of
for these benchmark functions. Figure 6 illustrates the con- the PSO algorithm in terms of avoiding local minima. As
vergence curves of the algorithms. As can be seen from may be observed in Fig. 7, similar to the results of uni-
these curves, AGPSO3 has the best convergence rates for modal benchmark functions, the convergence rate of the
most of the benchmark functions, followed by AGPSO1 AGPSO algorithms is better than the other algorithms.
and AGPSO2. It is worth noting that unimodal benchmark The AGPSO3 algorithm has the best convergence rates
functions have only one global minimum and there are of the AGPSO algorithms. The reason for the improved
no local minima in the search space. So these kinds of ability in avoiding local minima is that the autonomous
functions are quite suitable for benchmarking the conver- groups give AGPSO more randomized search in compari-
gence ability of algorithms. Consequently, the results of the son with the conventional and recent modifications of the
AGPSO algorithms indicate that autonomous groups could PSO algorithm, so the particles are not easily trapped in local
improve the convergence ability of the PSO algorithm sig- minima.
nificantly. The reason for the superior results is that the In contrast to the multimodal functions, the fixed-dimen-
particles have diversity in the population and are able to sion multimodal benchmark functions have few local min-
exploit knowledge of the location of near optimal solutions ima. As shown in Table 8, the results of all algorithms
effectively. are equal on five of the functions. However, the AGPSO
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4693
F14 -1
F15 F16
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
10 10
10 -0.2
0 -4 0
10 10 -10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
F17 2
F18 F19
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
10 0.56
1 0.57
10 -10
-0.4 0
10 10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
F20 F21 F22
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
Average Best-so-far
0 0
-10 -10
1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000 1 1000 2000
Iteration Iteration Iteration
Average Best-so-far
1 1000 2000
algorithms outperform the other algorithms on F15, F20, effect of autonomous groups is more observable for the high-
F21, and F22. AGPSO3 has the best results in three of dimensional problems.
these functions. Figure 8 illustrates the convergence behav- To summarize, the results show that the proposed method
ior of the algorithms dealing with fixed-dimension func- is useful for the PSO algorithm in terms not only of avoiding
tions. All the algorithms have close convergence curves, local minima but also improved convergence rate. Statisti-
slightly better for the AGPSO algorithms. The similar- cally speaking, the AGPSO3 algorithm has the best results
ity of results and convergence curves is due to the low- for seventeen out of twenty-three benchmark functions, more
dimensional characteristic of these benchmark functions; the than half. The AGPSO1 and AGPSO2 algorithms also show
4694 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697 4695
ai 0.1957 0.1947 0.1735 0.1600 0.0844 0.0627 0.0456 0.0342 0.0342 0.0235 0.0246
i 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
1 3 10 30 1
2 0.1 10 35 1.2
3 3 10 30 3
4 0.1 10 30 3.2
Table 12 pi j in F19
i pi1 pi2 pi3
1 10 3 17 3.5 1.7 8 1
2 0.05 10 17 0.1 8 14 1.2
3 3 3.5 1.7 10 17 8 3
4 17 8 0.05 10 0.1 14 3.2
Table 14 pi j in F20
i pi1 pi2 pi3 pi4 pi5 pi6
1 4 4 4 4 0.1
2 1 1 1 1 0.2
3 8 8 8 8 0.2
4 6 6 6 6 0.4
5 3 7 3 7 0.4
6 2 9 2 9 0.6
7 5 6 3 3 0.3
8 8 1 8 1 0.7
9 6 2 6 2 0.5
10 7 3.6 7 3.6 0.5
4696 Arab J Sci Eng (2014) 39:4683–4697
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