Judicial Service Administration Bill, 2024
Judicial Service Administration Bill, 2024
Judicial Service Administration Bill, 2024
This Bill seeks to repeal and replace the Judicature Administration Act (Cap.
3:10), in order to provide a new legal framework aimed at improving the general
administration of the Judicial Service.
Chapter IX of the Constitution establishes the Judicature as a separate branch
of Government. The Chapter also establishes the Judicial Service Commission
with a mandate to regulate judicial officers and perform other functions as may
be conferred on it by an Act of Parliament. In the year 2000, Parliament enacted
the Judicature Administration Act in order to, among other things, provide for the
administration of the Judiciary. However, over the years the Judicature
Administration Act has proved to be inadequate as it has failed to adequately
address the challenges which the Judiciary is facing. It has also not been able to
adequately respond to the complaints which the general public has had, with not
only the Judicial Service Commission but also the Judiciary at large.
This Bill, therefore, is aimed at improving the administration of the Judicial
Service, and discipline and service delivery of officers serving in the Judicial
Service. Among others, the Bill makes provision for—
(a) additional powers of the Judicial Service Commission;
(b) establishment of the positions of Judge-President and Judge-in-Charge;
(c) the responsibilities of the Chief Justice, the Deputy Chief Justice, the
Judge-President, Judge-In-Charge, Chief Registrar and Chief Courts
(d) subject to the Constitution, the appointment, discipline and removal of
persons employed in the Judicial Service;
(e) establishment of the Independent Complaints Commission of the
Judiciary; and
(f) establishment of the Judiciary Fund.
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1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Objects and guiding principles
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18. Appointments to the Judicial Service
19. Remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment
20. Retirement age
21. Application of Public Service Act
22. Fixed term contract of service
23. Engagement of experts
24. Participation in political activities
25. Disciplinary procedure and actions
26. Removal from office
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48. Administration of the Fund
49. Accounts and audit of the Fund
50. Annual report
51. Oath of office and oath of secrecy
52. Protection from liability
53. Common seal
54. Improper influence and false information
55. Unlawful publication or disclosure
56. Rules, etc
57. Repeal and savings
An Act to make provision for additional powers of the Judicial
Service Commission; the administration of the Judicial Service;
the appointment, discipline and removal of persons employed in
the Judicial Service; the terms and conditions of service of
persons employed in the Judicial Service; the establishment of
the Independent Complaints Commission of the Judiciary; the
establishment of the Judicial Administration Fund; and to
provide for matters connected therewith
ENACTED by the Parliament of Malawi as follows—
1. This Act may be cited as the Judicial Service Administration Short title
Act, 2024.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires— Interpretation
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(2) The Secretary shall hold office for a period of five years and
shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further term of five years.
(3) The Secretary shall be the chief executive officer of the
Commission and shall, in the performance of his or her functions and
duties, be responsible and answerable to, and act under the direction,
supervision and control of the Commission.
(4) The Secretary shall be responsible for the day-to-day
management and administration of the Commission.
(5) The Commission shall appoint such other members of staff of
the Commission, subordinate to the Secretary, as it may consider
(6) The Secretary and other staff of the Commission shall be public
officers employed in the Judicial Service.
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(3) The officers and staff of the Judicial Service shall perform such
duties as are assigned to the officers by the Constitution, this Act, any
other written law and as are required for the effective functioning of
the Judicial Service.
19.—(1) Except where the Constitution provides otherwise, a Remuneration
person employed in the Judicial Service shall be paid such salaries, and other
terms and
allowances and other employment benefits, and shall be employed conditions of
on such other terms and conditions of service, as shall, from time to employment
time, be determined by the Commission.
(2) The service of a person in any part of the public service which
is unbroken or otherwise not terminated at the time of the person
being appointed into the Judicial Service shall, for purposes of
reckoning his or her duration of service, be reckoned as continuing
service of the person in the Judicial Service.
(3) A judicial officer who—
(a) resigns from office;
(b) ceases to hold office upon removal from office in accordance
with the Constitution; or
(c) is convicted of an offence and sentenced to a term of
imprisonment without the option of paying a fine,
shall not be entitled to receive any benefit other than his or her
contribution to a pension scheme.
20.—(1) Except where the Constitution or any other written law Retirement
provides otherwise, the mandatory retirement age of a person age, etc
employed in the Judicial Service, other than a judicial officer, shall
be the age of sixty years.
(2) A retired judicial officer who engages in active politics or is
elected to a political office shall cease to be entitled to receive any
retirement benefit other than pension..
21. Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, the Public Application
Service Act shall apply, with necessary modifications, to persons of Public
Service Act
employed in the Judicial Service.
22.—(1) The Commission may, in such circumstances as it may Fixed term
consider appropriate, engage any person under an individual fixed contract of
term contract of service on such terms and conditions, as the
Commission may determine.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to judicial offices.
23. The Commission may engage any person who, in its opinion, Engagement
possesses expert knowledge or is otherwise able to assist the of experts
Commission in the exercise of its functions, to make such inquiry or
conduct such research or to report on such a matter as may be
necessary for the carrying out of any of the functions of the
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29.—(1) For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the Powers of the
Independent Complaints Commission shall have power__ Complaints
(a) upon receipt of a complaint or on its own initiative, to Commission
investigate any misconduct allegedly committed by a person
employed in the Judicial Service;
(b) to investigate any matter referred to it by any person or
authority in Malawi against any person employed in the Judicial
(c) to obtain any information, that the Independent Complaints
Commission may require in the conduct of an investigation under
this Part, from—
(i) the Commission;
(ii) any person employed in the Judicial Service; or
(iii) any other person or authority, as may be necessary;
(d) to obtain the cooperation of any person as may be necessary
for the performance of its functions; and
(e) to commence an investigation on any matter as specified in
this subsection, notwithstanding that an investigation regarding the
same matter has been submitted to any other authority for any
(2) The Independent Complaints Commission shall, on any
findings pursuant to an investigation it has conducted under this Part,
make a recommendation to—
(a) Parliament, in the event of a recommendation for the removal
of a judge;
(b) the Commission, in the event of a recomendation to
discipline a judge;
(c) the Commission, the Chief Registrar or the Secretary, as the
case may be, in the event of a recommendation to discipline any
other employee of the Judicial Service; or
(d) any other appropriate authority.
(3) Where the Independent Complaints Commission finds that a
person employed in the Judicial Service is guilty of a misconduct,
the Independent Complaints Commission may recommend that the
person be—
(a) removed from office;
(b) suspended from office for a specified period; or
(c) subjected to any other punishment prescribed under section
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Annual report 50.—(1) As soon as practicable after the end of each financial year,
but not later than three months after the end of the financial year, the
Chief Registrar shall prepare and submit to the Minister a report of
the operations of the Judicial Service during that financial year.
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(2) As soon as practicable after the end of each financial year, but
not later than three months after the end of the financial year, the
Secretary shall prepare and submit to the Minister a report of the
operations of the Commission during that financial year.
(3) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable but not later than six
months after expiry of the financial year lay before the National
Assembly, the reports received under subsection (1) and (2).
51.—(1) Except where the Constitution provides otherwise, every Oath of office
member of the Commission, a person employed in the Judicial and oath of
Service, or a person employed by the Commission or the Independent
Complaints Commission shall, on appointment, take an oath of office
in Form I, set out in the Schedule.
(2) Every member of the Commission, member of a committee of
the Commission, a person employed in the Judicial Service, a person
employed by the Commission or a person invited to attend a meeting
of the Commission or any of its committee, or employed by the
Independent Complaints Commission, shall upon assumption of that
office or before attending the meeting, take an oath of secrecy in
Form II, set out in the Schedule.
52.—(1) A court action or other proceeding shall not be brought Protection
personally against any member of the Commission, a member of a from
committee of the Commission, a person employed in the Judicial
Service or a person employed by the Commission or the Independent
Complaints Commission in respect of any act or omission done in
good faith in the course of carrying out the provisions of this Act.
(2) Where, in any proceeding, a question arises on whether or not
an act or omission was done in good faith, the burden of proving that
the act or omission was not done in good faith shall be on the person
alleging that it was not so done.
53.—(1) There shall be a common seal of the Commission. Common seal
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I………………………………………do solemnly swear that I will well and
truly perform the functions of the office of …………………, and that I will do
right to all manner of people in accordance with the law and usages of Malawi,
without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.
So help me God
SWORN at…................................. this…... day of….………..………20.....
Commissioner for Oaths
I………………………………………being a member of /having been
employed in the Commission/Judicial Service/invited to attend a meeting of the
Commission or a committee of the Commission, or employed by the Independent
Complaints Commission do hereby swear that I will not, directly or indirectly,
reveal any information obtained in the course of duty or in the perfomance of any
function or duty of the Commission/Independent Complaints Commission to any
unauthorized person or otherwise than in the course of duty.
SWORN at…………………this…...day of…………………20.....
Commissioner for Oaths
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