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2024.10.01 - Mca International Club House

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01 st Oct. 2024

Promotor and Owner:

Maharashtra Cricket Association Pune Centre

As Per Guidelines By:

Presented by:
The Indian Institute of Architects,
Pune Centre (Maharashtra Chapter)
• Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium is an international cricket stadium in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It is owned and operated by
the Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA). The stadium is situated on the outskirts of city limit of Pune in Village Gahunje along Mumbai-Pune
Expressway. With the seating capacity of 42,700 - the venue hosted its first international match in December 2012. Arena's shape is like a deep
bowl with Bermuda grass surface. The final phase of development of the Stadium Complex is still to be completed. The stadium and the seating
arrangement were designed in such a way that an unobstructed view is assured from each location.

• MCA intends to expand this stadium facility to accommodate International Club House and provide State of Art Infrastructure as per international
standards to promote Cricket in terms of training, fitness coaching, residential and other support facilities. With this intention, MCA is inviting
entries for the design of this new facility and has entrusted IIA Pune Centre the responsibility to facilitate this competition.
The Maharashtra Cricket Association is thrilled to announce an Architectural competition in collaboration with the Indian Institute of
Architects, Pune Centre, that seeks to blend the passion for cricket with innovative architectural design. This competition is a unique
opportunity for professionals and students alike to contribute to the vision of a world-class facility that will serve as a beacon for the
sport of cricket in our region. The following key objectives outline the purpose and scope of this competition:

1. Promoting Cricket as a Global Sporting Event : The primary goal of the International Club House is to elevate cricket's status as a
premier sporting event on the global stage. By creating a state-of-the-art facility, we aim to attract international competitions,
thereby fostering a deeper connection between the sport and its global fan base. The architecture of the Club House will play a
pivotal role in embodying the spirit of cricket, offering a space that not only hosts events but also celebrates the rich history and
culture of the game.
2. Supporting Facilities for Increased Participation : We recognize the importance of nurturing the next generation of cricket
enthusiasts. To this end, the proposed design will include facilities that encourage greater participation from younger age groups.
These facilities will be integral in developing grassroots programs, offering training and providing a nurturing environment where
young players can hone their skills and develop a lifelong passion for the sport.
3. Integration of Residential Facilities : An essential component of the complex will be the inclusion of residential facilities. These will
not only support the logistics of hosting international competitions by providing convenient accommodations for players and staff
but also ensure that the stadium remains a vibrant, active space year-round. The residential facilities will enable regular training
sessions, fostering a consistent and high level of performance among athletes.
4. A Self-Sustaining Venue : Beyond its primary role as a sports facility, the Club House and Stadium are envisioned as a self sustaining
venue. The integration of residential facilities will allow for the hosting of private events, conferences, and other functions, making
the venue economically viable and ensuring its maintenance and development in the long term. This approach will transform the
stadium into a hub of activity that extends beyond cricket, supporting a variety of events and functions.
5. Fostering Young Talent through Design Ideation : To inspire fresh and innovative ideas, the competition will include a special
category dedicated to students of architecture. This independent category will focus on ideation, encouraging young minds to think
creatively about the role of architecture in promoting active sports and cricket. By engaging with students, we hope to spark a
greater interest in the intersection of sports and design, ultimately contributing to the development of future sports facilities that are
as functional as they are inspiring.
This competition represents a unique convergence of sports and architecture, where creativity meets functionality to create a space that
will inspire generations to come. We invite all participants to bring their vision, passion, and expertise to this challenge, helping us to
realize a facility that truly embodies the spirit of cricket and serves the community for years to come.
• Innovation and Creativity: To convert MCA’s vision into design
statement vide open participation by architects & designers
showcasing creativity and innovation by exploring new ideas, The building complex should possess
materials and technologies that push the design boundaries.
a strong vibrant profile and high
• Diverse Perspectives: They attract submissions from a wide
range of participants, including emerging architects and
established firms, which leads to a diversity of ideas and Views to and from the site from all
solutions. aspects should be enhanced.
• Quality and Excellence: Achieve the highest standards in The general arrangement should be
design, functionality and aesthetics with generation of
Innovative & Sustainable range of concepts. environmentally responsive.

• Safeguard interest of the Promoter and Competitor. Ingress and egress points for
• Involvement of Technical Experts in the field as Assessors and proposed facilities as well as existing
Preparation of Final Report/ Award on the basis of merit. stadium along-with internal
• Assistance by IIA, Pune Centre in preparation of brief of circulation should be logical and
requirements and elaboration of design parameters. legible to optimise access and
• Public Engagement: Exposing people to architectural concepts permeability within the building
and designs as such a project is of public interest. Propose an complex.
exhibition at the end of the competition for public and media.
• Cultural and Historical Impact: Winning design/s can become
iconic, influencing the architectural landscape and contributing
to the cultural and historical identity of a place.

• The promoter MAHARASHTRA CRICKET • Entrants may show ‘Expression • Prelaunch Event :
ASSOCIATION announces the following of Interest’ by filling the 04/09/2024
for participation in design competition registration form and submitting • Expression of Interest & Registration :
for construction of new MCA it with the appropriate payment (Online MCA Website)
INTERNATIONAL CLUB HOUSE to the Maharashtra Cricket 10/09/2024 to 31/10/2024
ADJOINING AT GAHUNJE STADIUM , Association (MCA) of which • Mailing of the Competition Docket :
PUNE ASSOCIATION : bank details are provided in the Uptill 31/10/2024
a) ‘Single Stage Open Design Registration Form.
• Pre-Design Meet including Site Visit &
Competition’ to invite Architects • Entrant must submit the valid Q/A Session :
b) ‘Ideas Competition’ to invite Certificate of Registration with 15/11/2024
Students of Architecture Council of Architecture, New • Last day for Design Submissions:
Delhi. 15/01/2025
• MAHARASHTRA CRICKET ASSOCIATION • Competition is open to • Presentation by Shortlisted Entrants:
has collaborated with THE INDIAN Professionals as a ‘Single Stage 05/02/2025 to 08/02/2025
INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, PUNE Competition’ and Students of
CENTRE to conduct the design • Winners Announcement & Exhibition:
Architecture for ‘Ideas
competition. 15/02/2025

FEES: Note:
On behalf of the Maharashtra cricket
REGISTRATION FROM : Any change in the above schedule shall
association, IIA Pune Centre Committee has
(10/09/2024 - 31/10/2024) be updated on the MCA Website
the right to set out the conditions and
instructions to conduct the competition. REGISTRATION FEES : (Per Entry) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:
The objective of this competition is to Professionals : INR 10,000.00 Competitions’ questions must be sent to
obtain design for new International Club Student : INR 500.00 the following email address to reach the
House adjoining MCA stadium at Gahunje, Note: The registration fees is promoter not later than 15/11/2024
Pune. non refundable. Email : mcaclub@cricketmaharashtra.com
A) The term “Architect” will mean any
person who at the time of his/her • Candidate not registered with The Board of Assessors may
application is registered with The the Council of Architecture at disqualify entries for the
Council of Architecture, New Delhi * the time of application will be following reasons:
B) Where the application is made by a disqualified.
firm, the Principal of the firm shall be
an Architect registered with The • No member of the Board of • If dispatched by post or
Council of Architecture, New Delhi.
Assessors shall take part either through the forwarding
C) Design Cells / Consultancy Cells of
Institutes approved by The Council of directly or indirectly in the agent or delivered in person
Architecture, New Delhi can competition nor be entrusted at the promoter’s address
participate as Professional Entries. either directly or indirectly after the last date & time
D) As Indian Architect or Firm of with work connected with the given in competition docket.
Architects having collaboration with a
prize winning design.
Foreign Architect/ Consultant with • If the competitor disregards
prior permission of the Central
• No member of promoting any of the submission
Government can participate.
body or an associate or an requirements and the
E) Students or Group of Students of
Academic Institution which is employee or any member conditions of competition.
recognized by The Council of concerned with preparation or
Architecture, New Delhi - as Ideas • If the competitor attempts
organizing of the competition
Competition - provided that no to influence any member of
member of the staff of said institute is
shall be eligible to compete or
the Board of Assessors
part of the Board of Assessors. assist a competitor.
and/or discloses his identity.
The organizers reserve the right to
accept or reject entries.
* IIA Membership is recommended.
Professional Fees for the appointed Architect shall be as per
MCA undertakes to accept the decisions and the prevailing norms of Council of Architecture, New Delhi w.r.t
awards of the Board of Assessors and pay the following the Scope of Work identified.
prizes during the award ceremony:
• As described for Comprehensive Architectural Services,
First prize Rs. 2500000/- except liaisoning and sanctioning with local authorities,
the conditions of engagement shall include site
Second prize Rs. 1500000/-
development, structural design, MEP, PMC, landscape
Third prize Rs. 1000000/- architecture, graphic design & signage. However, MCA
05-Merit prizes Rs. 300000/- each would have the right to award partial scope of works
based on the expertise of the winning entry or
• The author of the winning design shall be appointed as alternatively suggest to collaborate, if the winning firm is
the Project Architect to render Architectural & other not considered competent enough to execute fully/ partly.
allied services for successful implementation, subject • The prize money for the winning entry shall be absorbed
to compliance of Terms & Conditions laid by MCA. in the in the overall Professional Fees for Consultancy.
• Participationcertificateswill be awardedto all the entrants. • MCA reserves the right to use or utilize the design
• Selected competition designs by the Board of submitted by the winners in the competition.
Assessors shall be exhibited.
Secretary Office - Maharashtra Cricket Association
Block-D, 1 - Modibaug, Narveer Tanaji Wadi, Shivajinagar
Post Code – 411005, Pune, Maharashtra
Landline No. : 020-29953586
E-Mail: mcaclub@cricketmaharashtra.com Website: www.cricketmaharashtra.com
MCA undertakes to accept the decisions and the • MCA reserves the right to use or utilize the design
awards of the Board of Assessors and pay the following submitted by the winners in the competition.
prizes during the award ceremony:

First prize Rs. 300000/-
Second prize Rs. 200000/-
Third prize Rs. 100000/-

• The competition for students is promoted as an

‘Ideas Competition’ - exercise in design & planning.
• Participation certificates will be awarded to all the
• Selected competition designs by the Board of
Assessors shall be exhibited.

Secretary Office - Maharashtra Cricket Association
Block-D, 1 - Modibaug, Narveer Tanaji Wadi, Shivajinagar
Post Code – 411005, Pune, Maharashtra
Landline No. : 020-29953586
E-Mail: mcaclub@cricketmaharashtra.com Website: www.cricketmaharashtra.com
1. After receiving of Expression of Interest, all registered competitors 1. Drawings of the designs of all prize categories will be retained by
shall be issued with an entry code for all future correspondence. MCA as their property.
2. Based on the Competition Docket mailed to registered competitors, 2. Copyright of all winning designs including the designs winning
submission of design implies acceptance of the competition the first prize will be that of the authors of the design but the
conditions. Competitors are advised to retain copies of the design right to use the whole or part will rest with MCA giving due credit
submitted. to the author.
3. All plans and accompanying documents and envelopes comprising a 3. MCA reserves the right to proceed with the project using the first
competition entry must bear on top right hand a 1cm high entry code prize-winning design if the author declines to execute it.
from series given to you. No other symbol, motto or distinguishing Alternatively, the design may be utilized in a joint venture
mark will be placed on any part of the competition entry. The design between the winner and another firm in the event of the
and the documents of each competitor shall be dispatched in a single winner's ineligibility for successful implementation.
packet and e-file on USB drive. 4. MCA’s right on the designs awarded first prize covers this project
4. Each design must be accompanied by a declaration signed by the execution. Repetition of the said design by MCA at other
competitor or joint competitors or firms and enclosed in the locations will be with the written permission of the author and
envelope. Each competitor must be prepared to satisfy the Board of on confirmation of suitable terms.
Assessors that he/she is the bonafide author of the design he/she has 5. No other competitor’s design, whether premiered or not, shall
submitted. be used wholly or partly by the promoter without giving due
5. Competition designs delivered by hand should reach MCA at his given credit and compensation to the respective competitor.
address not later than: 6. Each competitor shall retain the right of reproduction of his
15-01-2024, working day 6.00pm. designs.
Receipt with date and time of delivery will be issued by MCA to the
6. Competition designs sent by post or through forwarding agent must EXCLUSIONS
reach MCA office not later than: All approvals from relevant government authorities, shall be the
15-01-2024, working day 6.00 pm. responsibility of the Liaisoning Architect appointed by the MCA.
7. All drawings, documents, report, presentation USB and photographs
should be packed together and sealed. This packet will also include
the sealed envelope containing the declaration. If the packet has to
travel a long distance, it may be dispatched in a wooden crate. Both INSURANCE OF COMPETITION DESIGN
the packet and the wooden crate will bear only the name and address Each competitor is responsible for insuring his/her entry against loss,
of the promoter and the entry code. damage or non-delivery up to the time of its receipt by MCA at the
8. The promoter is not responsible for any damages to the entry during given address.

Physical Presentation and Digital Formats

• Drawings : Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details (Typically required in specific Scales)

• Renderings: Perspective Views, Axonometric Views and Optional Walk-Through/s

• Diagrams: Conceptual Sketches, Process Diagrams or any Explanatory Graphics

• Report: Design narrative expressing brief statement in architectural approach and philosophy

Sheet Size - A1: 10 Sheets (Maximum) or Equivalent
Prints on Vinyl Sheet/ Mounted Sheets for easy pin-up display
Report in 500 Words (Maximum) in A4 Format
Complete Presentation in PDF Format on USB Drive (resolution as per projector display)
Anonymity will be strictly observed at all stages of the competition by
The decisions of the Board of Assessors are final and binding the competitors, by the Board of Assessors, by MCA and by all those
on MCA and the competitors. who are concerned with the competition.

The judging of the entries are scheduled to take place during

the month of Jan.’ 2025 - Feb.’ 2025 and any delay agreed by SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES
the Board of Assessors will be publicly announced. In the event of dispute not related to the judging procedure or the
award of the Board of Assessors, the settlement will be by the
Marking Criteria by the Board of Assessors shall be shared in arbitration by IIA/COA only without recourse to the legal authorities.
the Competition Docket under various heads of evaluation. The jurisdiction for any kind of disputes will be Pune only.


The following members shall be appointed on the Board of Assessors to MCA will publish the winning author awarded by the Board of
advise the conduct of the competition, adjudicate on the designs Assessors and inform the authors of the prize winning and premiered
submitted and announce the awards: designs individually.
04 Nos. Architects (Mix of Academicians and Practitioners) Selected designs will be exhibited on the day of Award Ceremony
06 Nos. MCA Representatives together with the copy of the signed report of the Board of Assessors.
01 Specialist Consultant in the Field The date of award ceremony & exhibition will also be conveyed
03 Nos. Convener & Co-Conveners IIA, Pune Centre individually to selected competitors in advance.
01 No. Chairman, IIA Pune Centre
Total of:
11 Nos. Members as Board of Assessors If against all expectations entertained by MCA the result of the
competition is such that none of the participants could be declared by
03 Nos. Jury Coordinators (Convener & Co-Conveners IIA, Pune Centre)
the Assessor as the winner of the competition, competition could be
01 Jury Moderator (Chairman, IIA Pune Centre) regarded as terminated and the promoter will on the advice of the
Each of the Architect Member of Board of Assessors shall be registered Board of Assessors award the second, third and the additional prizes to
with the Council of Architecture. In case any of the above mentioned the selected authors by the Board of Assessors.
assessors is not available, an addition of a new name to the Board of MCA further reserves the right to amend these rules as necessary or
Assessors will be done by MCA and they reserve the right to appoint or revoke the competition in case of Viz Major or things which will go
change the assessors at any moment. beyond the control of the organizers. Participants will be notified of any
significant changes.
Board of Assessors shall be announced in the Competition Docket based
on the confirmations received by MCA.

Gahunje, The : Maval, Dist : Pune, 412 101
18°40'28"N 73°42'24"E
• Located in Village Gahunje, at the entrance of Pune city from Mumbai, the site is easily accessible by road and is
approximately 25 Kms from the Pune City Centre.
• The site is a part of the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium.
• Surrounded by rolling hills and verdant landscapes, the site offers a tranquil environment that contrasts with the bustling
city life of Pune. The location ensures that visitors can enjoy a break from urban congestion while still being conveniently
connected to the City Centre and major transport routes.
• In addition to its scenic beauty, the site is also known for its development as a sports hub, featuring not only the cricket
stadium but also facilities for training, coaching and other sports-related activities. This makes the area a focal point for
sports enthusiasts and professionals alike, contributing to its vibrant and dynamic atmosphere.

• Part of the MCA stadium, the area under design

scope is approximately 68655 SQM or
7,39,000 SQFT (Approx. 17 Acres)
• The main entry to the site is from MCA Road.
• Site is located in non-congested area of
development plan of PMRDA.

Area under Design Scope

Existing Cricket Pitch

(to be retained with minor relocation, if required)

PLOT A = 45,495 SQM OR 4,89,700 SQFT

This plot is recommended for clubhouse.

PLOT B = 14080 SQM OR 1,51,550 SQFT

This plot is recommended for Indoor

and Outdoor sports facilities.

PLOT C = 9080 SQM OR 97,730 SQFT

This plot is recommended for

constructing a dedicated building for
parking facilities.

Note :
The entrance foyer with two 12 M wide Access Roads
and one 9 M wide Access Road should not be
compromised with the option of building above these
Access Roads with a minimum clear height of 7.5 M.


. Approximate REQUIREMENT
01 10,000.00
10000 Two Wheelers
02 ACCOMODATION 15,000.00

03 TOTAL BUILT-UP AREA 25,000.00 As per Design

Reception & Lounge Outdoor and Indoor Cricket Practice Nets Two Residential Wings : 50 Rooms Each
Sports Bar Indoor facilities with Gymnasium, Yoga, Separate Lounge for Two Teams
Steam room, Spa etc.
Multi-Cuisine Theme Restaurants (02 Nos.) Lawn Tennis Courts Separate Dining Facility for Two Teams
with Indoor and Outdoor seating
1 Ball Room to accommodate 1000 pax. Badminton Courts Press Reporting Areas
with separate Entry and Exit.
2 Small Banquet Halls to accommodate Table Tennis Briefing Rooms
300-400 pax each
(Option of combining Ball Room and 02
Small Banquet Halls into 1800 pax.)
Conference/ Meeting Rooms Squash Courts Public Appearance Zones
Pre-Function Area Swimming Pool (Olympic Size) Gallery Storage Areas
Business Centre Billiards Room Adequate Parking Facility
Administrative Wing Futsal and Pickleball Courts
Services & Storage Areas Landscaped & Themed Areas

Ancillary Spaces First Aid Facility

Adequate Toilets, Changing & Locker Areas Parking Facility Independently For: Security Measures, Automated
1. Club Members Surveillance Systems, Control Rooms,
2. 500 Nos. VVIP Parking Access Control Area etc.
Cricket Related Museum with Cafeteria Accessibility Features

• Prelaunch Event : 04/09/2024

• Expression of Interest & Registration : 10/09/2024 to 31/10/2024
(Online MCA Website)
• Mailing of the Competition Docket : Uptill 31/10/2024
• Pre-Design Meet including Site Visit & Q/A Session : 15/11/2024
• Last day for Design Submissions: 15/01/2024
• Presentation of Shortlisted Entrants: 05/02/2025 to 08/02/2025
• Winners Announcement & Exhibition: 15/02/2025

Any change in the above schedule shall be updated on the MCA Website
Pune Centre

As Per Guidelines By:

Organizing Committee Members
IIA Pune Centre

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