Physical Sciences Grade 12
Physical Sciences Grade 12
Physical Sciences Grade 12
With grateful thanks to our associate partners, The National Department of Basic Education, The Independent
Examinations Board, Siyavula Education, Smarticks, Noteshare, Lemonlicious, datacentrix, and most of all, to
the schools and teachers from both the public and private education sectors who as founder contributors,
have lent content to the Teachers without Borders programme, for the benefit of all South Africa's learners.
In Bill Gates words, at the Mandela Day ‘Living Together’ address: “Maintaining the quality of this country’s
higher education system while expanding access to more students will not be easy. But it’s critical to
South Africa’s future” – working together, we can help achieve this."
Term 1 [Hours]
Term 2 [Hours]
Term 3 [Hours]
2. Electrodynamics [8]
b. Electrical machines (generators, motors)
c. Alternating current
Term 4 [Hours]
1. Revision [8]
a. Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves, Sound and Light
b. Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves, Sound and Light
c. Organic chemistry
d. Rate and Equilibrium
e. Acids & Bases and Electrochemistry