Ictsas502 R1

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ICTSAS502 Establish and maintain client

user liaison

Release: 1
ICT SAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison Date this document was generated: 21 June 2022

ICTSAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison

Modification History
Release Comments

Release 1 This version first released with ICT Information and

Communications Technology Training Package Version

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain client user
liaison in an information and communications technology (ICT) environment, post support
implementation. This occurs after the business critical functions have been determined.
It applies to individuals who are responsible for system and business analysis and
administration, and liaising with clients to ensure that their requirements are fully met.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of

Unit Sector
Systems administration and support

Elements and Performance Criteria


Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to

essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Determine support 1.1 Identify and record information communications technology

areas used in the organisational unit
1.2 Identify stakeholders of the system
1.3 Identify organisational structure, culture and politics related to
support requirements
1.4 Determine the level of support required by each organisational

2. Develop support 2.1 Contact organisational units as required to verify support needs
2.2 Establish procedures for providing required support, including

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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2022 PwC’s Skills for Australia
ICT SAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison Date this document was generated: 21 June 2022


method of contact, frequency of meetings and reporting
2.3 Document agreed procedures or service level agreement (SLA)

3. Assign support 3.1 Identify ICT skills required to assist each organisational unit
personnel with support activities
3.2 Assign personnel according to human resource processes
3.3 Verify availability of selected personnel
3.4 Provide support using agreed procedures
3.5 Obtain feedback from appropriate persons on a regular basis

Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in
the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.

Skill Performance Description


Reading 1.1-1.3, 3.1  Comprehends textual information and numerical data

to determine and adhere to required actions
Writing 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.3, 3.5  Records key information in the required format and
layout, and develops material to a specific audience
using clear and detailed language to convey explicit
information, requirements and recommendations
Oral 2.1, 3.3, 3.5  Uses appropriate language, tone and pace to interact
Communication effectively with others, and listening and questioning
techniques to obtain feedback relevant to the task
Navigate the 3.2, 3.4  Takes full responsibility for following policies,
world of work procedures and legislative requirements, and identifies
organisational implications of new legislation or
 Seeks to improve policies and procedures to better
meet organisational goals
Interact with 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5  Implements strategies for a diverse range of colleagues
others and clients to build rapport and foster strong
 Influences and fosters a collaborative culture, and
facilitates a sense of commitment and workplace

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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2022 PwC’s Skills for Australia
ICT SAS502 Establish and maintain client user liaison Date this document was generated: 21 June 2022

Get the work 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.4, 3.5  Plans strategic priorities and outcomes within a
done flexible, efficient and effective context in a diverse
environment exposed to competing demands
 Gathers and analyses data and seeks feedback to
improve plans and processes
 Addresses complex problems involving multiple
variables, using formal analytical, lateral thinking
techniques, experience and knowledge to focus in on
the root cause

Unit Mapping Information

Code and Code and title Comments Equivalence
title status
current version

ICTSAS502 ICASAS502A Updated to Equivalent

Establish and Establish and meet unit
maintain maintain client Standards for
client user user liaison Training
liaison Packages

Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet -

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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2022 PwC’s Skills for Australia

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