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Our Projects

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Our Projects

At the National Institute of Innovation and Advanced Technology (NIIAT), our

projects are strategically designed to empower youth, foster innovation, and

drive community development through technology and education. Here are some

of our key initiatives:

Youth Empowerment Oasis Tech4Wellbeing


The Youth Empowerment Oasis (YEO) Operating in four youth centers, the
is a comprehensive program aimed at Tech4Wellbeing project is focused on
improving the mental health and cultivating a culture of innovation
digital skills of young people. This among young people. The initiative
project is currently in 37 schools, encourages youth to explore the field
benefiting 8,000 young individuals. of programming, thereby laying the
The primary objectives include foundation for future careers in
enhancing youth mental well-being, technology and digital innovation.
strengthening their digital and
creative skills, fostering supportive
and resilient communities, and
empowering young people to become
active and engaged citizens.

ASSO TECH Future Science Laboratories

(Morocco Labs)

ASSO TECH is dedicated to fostering Morocco Labs are socio-educational

technological skills and innovation centers designed to train and
among young Moroccans. This project integrate young people into the
aims to equip participants with the workforce. These labs provide hands-
knowledge and tools needed to thrive on experience in various scientific and
in the digital economy, particularly by technological fields, preparing youth
encouraging their entry into for future careers in emerging
programming and other technology- industries.
related fields.

CodKid #TechLeaders 100

CodKid operates in two primary The #TechLeaders 100 project, active

schools, with the goal of teaching in three youth centers, is dedicated to
coding skills to young students. The training 100 young leaders in the
project not only equips youth with the basics of entrepreneurship and digital
ability to code but also fosters critical skills. The program aims to create a
problem-solving skills, creativity, and network of young entrepreneurs who
teamwork through group projects, can support and mentor their peers,
preparing them for a future in the encourage technological innovation,
digital world. and apply digital solutions in
entrepreneurial projects. Additionally,
it strengthens the leadership
capacities of participants, enabling
them to become role models within
their communities.

ISLAH.CITY M33an Application

ISLAH.CITY is a pioneering platform The M33an application is a

designed to transform Casablanca into comprehensive resource for young
a smart city by bridging the gap people in Morocco, helping them
between citizens and elected officials. discover and access various
This platform promotes community opportunities, including scholarships,
engagement and facilitates the training programs, exchange visits,
resolution of local issues, contributing workshops, competitions, and
to the city's development by fostering conferences. The main objective is to
active participation and cooperation empower youth by enhancing their
among residents. ISLAH.CITY aims to skills and abilities through a wide
revolutionize local governance and range of available offers.
strengthen participatory democracy,
making Casablanca a model for
transparent and democratic urban

GreenTech Innovators Women in Tech Empowerment


Encourage youth to develop Empower young women to pursue

sustainable technology solutions for careers in technology and
environmental challenges. entrepreneurship. This project offer
training, mentorship, and support
This project focus on training young specifically designed for young women
people in green technology, renewable interested in technology and
energy, and environmental entrepreneurship. The program
sustainability. Participants engage in include coding boot camps, workshops
hands-on projects that address local on digital marketing, and sessions on
environmental issues, such as waste starting and scaling tech-based
management, water conservation, and businesses. The project establish a
renewable energy solutions. The network of female tech leaders and
program culminate in a competition entrepreneurs to provide ongoing
where participants pitch their green support and inspiration.
tech solutions to potential investors
and local governments.

Tech Mentorship Network STEM for Girls

Connect youth with tech professionals Encourage girls to pursue education

for mentorship and career guidance. and careers in science, technology,
the project create a network of engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
experienced tech professionals who the project focus on closing the
volunteer to mentor young people gender gap in STEM by providing
interested in technology careers. targeted education and mentorship
Mentorship include one-on-one programs for girls. Activities include
sessions, career advice, technical STEM workshops, coding camps,
skills development, and assistance science fairs, and partnerships with
with job placement. The network be female role models in STEM fields. The
particularly valuable for youth from project work to dispel gender
disadvantaged backgrounds, providing stereotypes and create a supportive
them with the guidance and community for girls interested in these
connections needed to succeed in the areas.
tech industry.

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