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Shaikh Burhanuddin College

62, Nazimuddin Road, Dhaka-1100.

Term paper
“Promotional Activities of Janata Bank PLC”

Supervised By:

Syed Mohammad Nasim

Associate Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Submitted By:

Shimu Akter
MBA (Final)
Class Roll: 260048
NU. Reg. No: 21326129596
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Date of Submission: 18-11-2024

Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
62, Nazimuddin Road, Dhaka-1100

Term Paper Registration Form

Registration No: 21326129596 Admission Year: 2024

Name of the applicant: Shimu Akter

Roll No: 260048 Session: 2021-2022 Program: MBA (Final)

Preferred Supervisor: Syed Mohammad Nasim

Proposed topic- “Promotional Activities of Janata Bank PLC”

Area of Concentration: Management

Student’s Signature Date: 18-11-2024

Approved by:

……………………................ …………………………….
Supervisor’s Signature Chairman’s Signature
Letter of Transmittal

Dated: 18-11-2024

Syed Mohammad Nasim

Associate Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Subject: Submission of the Term paper

Dear Sir
I am pleased to submit the term paper which you asked me to prepare as a partial
requirement for the fulfillment of MBA (Final) degree.

The topic of the term paper is “Promotional Activities of Janata Bank PLC” In this
study I tried to find out how much effective of Janata Bank PLC.

I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to prepare a term paper on this topic.
Which contributed a lot to add high value to my knowledge and experience levels. Any
query regarding the term paper will be appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

Shimu Akter
MBA (Final)
Class Roll: 260048
NU. Reg. No: 21326129596
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
Student's Declaration

I hereby declare that the term paper on “Promotional Activities of Janata Bank
PLC” by me after the completing inspection with Janata Bank PLC and a comprehensive
study of the existing activities of Janata Bank PLC and its implementation.

I also declare that this term paper is my original worked and prepared for academic
purpose which is a part of MBA (Final) and the term paper May not be used in actual
market scenario.

Shimu Akter
MBA (Final)
Class Roll: 260048
NU. Reg. No: 21326129596
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
Supervisor's Declaration

I here declare that the term paper “Promotional Activities of Janata Bank PLC” is
an original work by Shimu Akter, Class Roll: 260048, NU. Reg. No: 21326129596 a
student of MBA (Final). Department of Management, Shaikh Burhanuddin College, 62,
Nazimuddin Road, Dhaka-1100, has completed his term paper under my supervision and
submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of MBA (Final) at
Shaikh Burhanuddin College under National University.

Syed Mohammad Nasim
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

The examination of working strategies and status of brief position report is constantly the
aftereffect of joint undertakings of various individuals and this presentation is no
exception. It is a result of duty of musings, points of view and experience which we have
exchanged clearly.
To the exclusion of everything else I would be certainly floundering in our commitment if
I was likewise our most significant thankfulness to my decent executive, Syed
Mohammad Nasim for his course and backing provided for me. Without his help, I can't
add up to this impermanent position report totally.
In particular, I extend my actual unassuming gratefulness to my people for giving all
possible comfort.
I pass on my appreciation to all of my buddies, well wishers and all who has collaborated
me in my whole Project Report clearly.
In any occasion yet not least, I pass on my deferential welcome to the Almighty for
accomplishing this task.
Executive Summary
Janata Bank Limited operates through 904 branches including 4 overseas branches at
United Arab Emirates. It is linked with 1,242 foreign correspondents all over the world.
The Bank employs more than 14 (fourteen) thousand persons. The corporate head office is
located at Dhaka with 35 (thirty five) Divisions. As a part the conscious development of
existing Human Resources, Janata Bank through its three training institutes during the year
2003 imparted training to 4699 officers and staffs. It computerized All of their 904
branches; ONLINE Banking in 174 important branches under important branches under
implementation; We have installed 15 ATM booths and shared 4102 ATM of other banks
across the country. The Board of Directors is composed of 11 members headed by a
Chairman. The Directors are representatives from both public and private sectors.
Table of Contents
Description Page No
Letter of Transmittal i
Student’s Declaration ii
Supervisor’s Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Executive Summary v
Chapter 1:Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the Study 01-03
1.3 Objectives of the Report
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Rationale of the Study
1.6 Limitations of the Report
Chapter-02: Organizational Overview
2.1 History of Janata Bank Ltd
2.2 Vision of Janata Bank Ltd.
2.3 Mission of Janata Bank Ltd. 04-08
2.4 Janata Bank at a Glance
2.5 JBL Network in Bangladesh Map
2.6 Organizational Structure of Janata Bank Ltd.
2.7 Objectives of the Bank:
Chpater-03: Database
3.1 Methodology of Study
3.1.1 Sources of Data 09-10
3.2 Data Collection Procedure
3.2.1 Sampling plan
3.2.2 Data analysis and reporting
3.1 Methodology of Study
Chapter-04: Findings of the Study
4.1 Role of Promotion and Advertisement in Banking Industry
4.2 Advertising strategies of Janata Bank Ltd.
4.3 Advertisement of Bank’s products
4.4 Promotion Strategy of Janata Bank Ltd 11-18
4.5 Developing Promotion Strategy of Janata Bank Ltd.
4.6 Promotional activities of Janata Bank Ltd.
4.7 SWOT Analysis
Chpater-05: Conclusion & Recommendation
5.1 Findings 20-21
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
References 22

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