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Vocabulary 1st Term IB English B

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- abducted: take away by force or deception

- accurate: exact, precise
- acquaintance: a person known
- alleviates: reduce (pain)
- answer back: to reply to someone, especially in a rude way
- antsy: nervous, restless
- be rooted in sth: emotionally attached to
- blunt: direct, straightforward.
- bold: to be brave.
- brag about (sth/sb)/ show off/ boast about (sth/sb): speak proudly, presumir
- build up (stress): to gradually become greater
- chuck: throw to the ground
- confide sth to sb: to tell personal and private things to (someone)
- conscientious: perfectionist, hard-working.
- contend with: struggle against
- cope: deal effectively with sth difficult.
- counterparts: peers
- cross: mad or upset
- crutch: walking stick(muleta)
- deemed: considered, viewed as
- detail-oriented: a person who focuses on details.
- doubling over with cramps: you do that when you have a lot of pain in your stomach.
bending because of pain.
- embrace (technology): accept, welcome
- Enterprising: emprendedor.
- entrepreneurs: emprendedores.
- even keeled: someone who is balanced.
- forgot doing sth: not doing sth
- fuss around: to do things, or pay too much attention to things, that are not important
or necessary
- give in to others: ceder a la gente.
- gobbling: engullir, devorar.
- goofy: silly.
- hand-wringing: the excessive display of concern or distress
- have a kip: have a nap
- inadvertently: without intention, accidentally
- juggling: “hacer malabares”
- know sth from sth: know how to differentiate both
- learn sth. the hard way (inf.): learn from difficult experiences.
- lose your temper: fail to retain composure when angry, perder los papeles
- mock: make a joke of
- murky: not clear
- nip out: go out for a short period of time
- nurturing: someone who takes care of others, maternal.
- potty mouth: someone who swears a lot
- prioritize: priorizar

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- promotor: someone who promotes.
- prove: turn out to be
- recklessly: in a careless way
- rescind: revoke
- restlessness: desasosiego.
- row: a fight, a noisy acrimonious quarrel
- share: part, percentage
- shortcut: atajo
- shot through with: full of
- shyness: timidity
- sneer at sth / sbd: make a scornful (con desdén) face at something or somebody
- spike: peak
- stem sth (stemming): stop (cortar de raíz)
- storm off: leave angrily
- stressors: causes of stress.
- strung out: stressed out.
- sympathetic: empático, compasivo.
- take a cue: to do what is done or suggested by someone, follow sb´s idea
- telly: TV
- to be in the loop / be or feel out of the loop: to (don’t) have the special knowledge or
power that belongs to a particular group of people
- to be up to your eyeballs in something: to be filled with something.
- to gobble: to eat something hurriedly and noisily.
- to praise: to congratulate.
- to stand for: to represent.
- to toss and turn at night: to move a lot in your bed because you can’t sleep.
- toll: extent of damage “to take a toll on someone’s health” pasar factura
- toughing it out: to endure it and survive
- uncanny: mysterious, strange
- utter: complete
- well-rounded: having a personality that is fully developed in all aspects
- wreck: destroy or damage something
- wrung out: exhausted


- A drop in the Ocean (British)

- A drop in the bucket ( American)

Definition: it is used to say that something is not important at all.

Example: Our government is sending a thousand tons of food, but just a drop in the ocean
compared to what's needed.

- Catch someone red-handed

Definition: catch someone doing something bad

Translation: “con las manos en la masa”
Example: The teacher caught him red-handed, he was cheating in the exam!

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- In the back of beyond (British)
- In the back of the beyond (American)

Definition: A place far away from any big town ( in the middle of nowhere)
Example: He was born in a little village in the back of beyond.

- As fresh as a daisy

Definition: If you feel as fresh as a daisy, you feel energetic and lively
Example: In the morning, after a cup of coffee, I’m as fresh as a daisy

- See eye to eye

Definition: Agreeing with someone

Example: They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.

- The ball is on your court

Definition: It’s your turn to make a move or make an offer. It’s up to you.
Example: The ball is in Harry's court now, because Daniel made the last offer.

- Sit on the fence

Definition: Do not make a decision or take a side. To be neutral.

Example: He chose to sit on the fence in meetings to avoid conflicts

- Walk the talk

Definition: Showing that you mean what you say by actively doing it
Example: Some leaders aren't prepared to take any risks and walk the talk

- For the time being

Definition: For the moment, for now

Example: The union voted not to strike for the time being

- Feel the pinch

Definition: Find it hard to survive on your income, having economic problems

Example: Inflation has been pretty bad recently, so we’ve all been feeling the pinch.

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