Cpe Vocabulary

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Buzz: zumbido
Croak: voz ronca
Drone: make repetitive noises
Growl: gruñir
Purr: continuous, soft sound (cat)
Roar: long, loud, deep sound (lions)
Whine: complain

Creep: (into, out) approach silently

Crouch: threat about to happen (lurk)
Leap: frog
Lurk (in the shadows): acechar
Pounce (on smth): saltar y echarse encima
Scramble: correr dispersandose
Stalk: follow

back to the drawing board / back to square one

a clean slate
throw light
mixed feelings
scruff into bed- arropar/remeter la ropa
goose pimples = goosebumps
newly born: recién nacido
survival of the fittest (strongest)

bank: girar (aircraft)

bowl: ir como un bólido
choke: asfixiar (choked with traffic)
jostle: forcejear (pushed and jostled by the crowd)
linger: permanecer (perfume)
scatter: esparcir
spew= ooze: filtrar (liquid through tiny hole)
trickle: run down slowly through a surface (tears)

be off the beaten track: not known or

against all the odds: contra todo pronóstico
at (my employer's) beck and call: a su disposición (in a bad way)
behind schedule: con retraso
out of par:
on tenterhooks: nervous
below pocket: no money
over the hill: end of one’s life
on my own steam: por mi mismo
up to scratch: al nivel
go against the grain: en contra de la naturaleza
go blank: to space out
go by the board: take a lot of trouble
go downhill: deteriorate (people)
go halves: pay half of the cost
go off the tangent: angry/irse por las ramas (go off topic)
go spare: to be abandoned
go the whole hog: to lose it
go to great lengths: to do it in the best way possible
go to pieces: breakdown (mental)


A wild guess: tratar de adivinar

A lost cause:
A tall order: pedir demasiado
A rude awakening: sorpresa desagradable, duro despertar
A close call: por los pelos
- by the skin of your teeth
- on the eleventh hour
- on the nick of time (for time)
A far cry: to compare (is a far cry of what I had expected)
A foregone conclusion: conclusión inevitable
The going rate: precio actual
A narrow escape: por los pelos
A near miss: por los pelos
A long haul: long term

Expressions with and

bits and pieces:
bright and early:
give and take:
hustle and bustle:
odds and ends:
part and parcel:
peace and quiet:
rack and ruined:
safe and sound:
short and sweet:
touch and go:

To do with/without: to need smth

Phrasals with go

Go about: por dónde empezar

Go off at (someone): dar la “bara”

Go off (things): caducar, aburrir

Go over something: revirsar, repetir

Go down with (illness): caer enfermo

Go after: pursue something

Go along: hacer lo mismo/agree

Go through (with somth): finish/complete (studies)

Go through: pulirse, consumir (dinero)

Go at: ir a por alguien

Expressions and idioms

Out of the question

To be at her beck and call

Start from scratch

At a pinch: si no hay mas remedio/emergencia

Go against the grain

To be in a rut: rutina

Off the cuff: without preparation/improvisation

Down in the dumps: depressed

Impromptu speech:

A peeping tom: fisgón


Given to do (smth): propenso

- Tend to

- Leans towards
- To be prone to (the same as given to)

Take to something: begin to like

- Take to smth like ducks to water

Fall into the habit of: adquirido el habito (negative)

Run to somebody: help

Dash: apresurarme


Gush (out): liquids/flow out quickly and aboundingly (herida, sangre)

Inundate: (with calls) writing

Shortcoming: defecto, carencia personal (flaw)

Dearth: scarcity

At a premium: on high demand

Intances: “sucedimientos” casos (algo que ha pasado)

Yardstick: mesurement (now we say vengemark)

Norm: colloquial (for speaking)

(below) the average

Par for the course: lo esperado, natural

Littered: full but not organised

Scattered: esparcido (things) YOU do it

Sprayed: (with champagne)

Messed up: standard to say it

Luring (into): attract with no good intention, provoke or incite

Eliciting: conseguir (una respuesta)

Spurring (on): espolear (dar un impulso) – on the spur of the moment


Faint: weak, little, not very defined

Secluded: encerrado, preso, recluido

Distant with : ALOOF (in the speaking: aloof with people, distant with people)

Abrupt: cortante, brusco

Prompt: quick (a prompt response, reply)

Quick to (blame): culpa enseguida

The like(s) of which: una igual

People of his type

All its own: por si misma

My old self: my antigua yo

Set against: estar MUY en contra

- Dead set against: muy en contra

Weighed up : poner en la balanza 8spekaing)

Make up for: compensate

Settle up with: hacer cuentas (money)

Indulge: garantizar

Gainful employement/ gainful insight (idea, knowledge)


Utterly: puramente/claramente (=JUST)

Sorely: painfully

Appreciably: claramente major

To that end: para ello (good for writing)

Fight a loosing battle: batlla erdida

Defeating the object: va en su contra

Utmost: vital

To no avail: in vane

So much... as…


So much so

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